What's the matter with the libs- its only $5Billion


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
They spend more on toilet tissue each year.

They know they don't have the votes to override President Trump's veto.

They should really help their own constituency- do nothing, non-essential Federal bureaucrats- and ok the wall.

In a few years, they can order it torn down when they win an election.

Right now, people are going to figure they don't need these non essential people, and they might never be called back if a compromise isn't made.
Its not the money. Its about giving him any victory. It'll never matter what he asks for. He has a short window. He needs to do whatever he does without the Dems
The first victim of the Liberal intransigence is a Fijian police officer in Newman, CA.

Shot and killed by an illegal, who could have easily been stopped by the Wall. Unfortunately, due to the leftist senators in CA, the wall isn't up and the cop is dead.

How many more will Chuck and Nancy have to kill, before they are satisfied and agree to the Wall?
Trump needs to come out and say the nonessential workers, after two weeks of not working. Shows we don't need them, fire them if there isn't a compromise now. Use their pay to help pay for the wall.
Another thing the President can and should do is to shut down the border crossings tight. No one passes by land until we have the Wall.

This would encourage the Mexicans to put pressure on Chuck and Nancy. Mexico needs people to be able to move through the border.
They spend more on toilet tissue each year.

They know they don't have the votes to override President Trump's veto.

They should really help their own constituency- do nothing, non-essential Federal bureaucrats- and ok the wall.

In a few years, they can order it torn down when they win an election.

Right now, people are going to figure they don't need these non essential people, and they might never be called back if a compromise isn't made.

How about the fact that a large majority of Americans do not want to have tax payer's money paying for a Trump campaign promise of a wall, that excluded tax payer money.
Obviously, Trump and his Little Trumpsters didn't learn a thing by the vote in the midterms or all the polls that show rejection of Trump's wall.
69% of Americans Don’t Think Trump's Border Wall Is a Priority, Poll Says
For Voters, Trump’s Border Wall Is at the Bottom of Proposed Priorities - Morning Consult
Most Americans don't support building the wall
QU Poll Release Detail
And it just isn't Democrats.

You do know Trump/GOP lost the Independent vote by 18% in the midterm after heavy use of anti-immigrant and Trump's wall political ads.. And you do know there are more Independent voters than there are either GOP or Dem voters, don't you?
They spend more on toilet tissue each year.

They know they don't have the votes to override President Trump's veto.

They should really help their own constituency- do nothing, non-essential Federal bureaucrats- and ok the wall.

In a few years, they can order it torn down when they win an election.

Right now, people are going to figure they don't need these non essential people, and they might never be called back if a compromise isn't made.

How about the fact that a large majority of Americans do not want to have tax payer's money paying for a Trump campaign promise of a wall, that excluded tax payer money.
Obviously, Trump and his Little Trumpsters didn't learn a thing by the vote in the midterms or all the polls that show rejection of Trump's wall.
69% of Americans Don’t Think Trump's Border Wall Is a Priority, Poll Says
For Voters, Trump’s Border Wall Is at the Bottom of Proposed Priorities - Morning Consult
Most Americans don't support building the wall
QU Poll Release Detail
And it just isn't Democrats.
View attachment 237143
You do know Trump/GOP lost the Independent vote by 18% in the midterm after heavy use of anti-immigrant and Trump's wall political ads.. And you do know there are more Independent voters than there are either GOP or Dem voters, don't you?

Not a problem. The Democrats can promise to rip the wall down in 2020. Ripping the wall down will be a good campaign slogan for them.

But right now, the Dems don't have the votes to override the President's veto.
They spend more on toilet tissue each year.

They know they don't have the votes to override President Trump's veto.

They should really help their own constituency- do nothing, non-essential Federal bureaucrats- and ok the wall.

In a few years, they can order it torn down when they win an election.

Right now, people are going to figure they don't need these non essential people, and they might never be called back if a compromise isn't made.
Trump is the leader .... he can end this shutdown any time he wants.
They spend more on toilet tissue each year.

They know they don't have the votes to override President Trump's veto.

They should really help their own constituency- do nothing, non-essential Federal bureaucrats- and ok the wall.

In a few years, they can order it torn down when they win an election.

Right now, people are going to figure they don't need these non essential people, and they might never be called back if a compromise isn't made.

Please do try and keep up with what is actually on the border

Trump Wants a
Border Wall. See
What’s in Place Already.


"The government has built nearly 700 miles of wall and fencing since 2006, mostly on federal land and where the terrain does not provide a natural barrier."

Scroll to start

Trump Wants a Border Wall. See What’s in Place Already.


factual quotes:
The 2,000-mile United States border with Mexico is defined by rugged terrain and the Rio Grande, which act as natural barriers.

Most U.S. border land east of El Paso, Tex., is privately owned. To the west, most of the land is owned by the federal government.

The government has built nearly 700 miles of wall and fencing since 2006, mostly on federal land and where the terrain does not provide a natural barrier.

President Trump wants to build a new wall that could cost $25 billion. Eight prototypes, ranging from 18 to 30 feet high, have been tested near the San Diego border.

But the administration so far has focused on replacing existing barriers with taller structures along several sections of the border.

Some of the pre-existing fencing already is tall — higher than 10 feet — and concentrated near populated areas.

These sections are intended to keep people from trying to cross the border on foot.

Still, people find ways to cut through the fencing or climb over it.

The rest of the fencing lies in areas where the terrain makes it difficult to safely cross the border on foot.

These sections are shorter and built to block vehicles from driving across.

The blimp shown here — like drones, cameras and other surveillance tools — reinforces the physical fencing. Such tools are often repurposed military gear that was used in Afghanistan or Iraq.

And more than 16,000 Border Patrol agents work across nine sectors.

People usually pass through one of 25 official crossings that dot the border.

Most of the hard drugs that are smuggled into the United States come through these crossings — or under them. Hundreds of smuggling tunnels snake under border towns like Nogales, in Arizona.

In part because of increased border security, the number of people caught crossing the border illegally has dropped 82 percent from its peak in 2000.

In part because of increased border security, the number of people caught crossing the border illegally has dropped 82 percent from its peak in 2000.

Sources: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (apprehensions, agents and ports of entry), Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting and OpenStreetMap contributors (fencing), U.S. Geological Survey (federal land).
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The truth is that:

1. In 2006 Congress passed the Secure Fence Act, which mandated the construction of multilayer pedestrian fencing along about 600 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border. It passed with big, bipartisan majorities: 283 votes in the House and 80 in the Senate. Some top Democrats who are still in the Senate today supported the fence: Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Ron Wyden, Debbie Stabenow, and Sherrod Brown. But now CNSNews quoted Schumer as saying, “So, President Trump, if you want to open the government, you must abandon the wall, plain and simple. The Senate is not interested in swindling American taxpayers for an unnecessary, ineffective, and wasteful policy.” Odd, it wasn't unnecessary, ineffective, or wasteful in 2006. And since when did a Democrat give a damn about wasteful spending?

2. A new Quinnipiac poll of 1,147 voters, conducted Dec. 12-17, 2018, found that 43% now support a border wall and 54% oppose it. In August, support was at 38%, thereby reflecting a five-point jump in a relatively short period of time. More importantly for the president, 86% of Republicans and 47% of Independents support building the wall, while 51% oppose, with 90% of Democrats oppose it. True, more Independents do not support the wall, but 47% is pretty damn close to half.
Quinnipiac Poll: Voter Support for Border Wall Hits Record High

3. BTW, according to a recent Gallup poll taken about 2 weeks ago, the number one issue among the voters is “Government.” And that ain't a vote of confidence in Washington and, particularly, Congress. Number two on the list of concerns is “Immigration.” Again, hard to believe that this reflects a yearning for more “open borders.” Interestingly, these are the only items on the Gallup checklist that draw interest in the double digits.

4. Nowadays, nearly 50 million foreign-born immigrants living in the United States, perhaps nearly 15 million of them illegally, so sheer numbers have radically changed electoral politics. Take California. One out of every four residents in California is foreign-born. Not since 2006 has any California Republican been elected to statewide office.

The once solidly blue states of the American Southwest, including Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico, voted red as recently as 2004 for George W. Bush. Progressives understandably conclude that de facto open borders are good long-term politics, because large numbers of unassimilated immigrants added up to politically advantageous demography for Democrats in the long run. In contrast, a wall would likely reduce illegal immigration dramatically and with it future Democratic constituents. Legal, meritocratic, measured and diverse immigration in its place would likely end up being politically neutral. And without fresh waves of undocumented immigrants from south of the border, identity politics would wane. Democrats are not worried that it won't work, they're worried that it will.

5. Besides, the truth is that Trump wants it and so the Left fights it. Simple as that, it's pure politics. TDS runs rampant and very deep in the Lib/Dem political base.
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They spend more on toilet tissue each year.

They know they don't have the votes to override President Trump's veto.

They should really help their own constituency- do nothing, non-essential Federal bureaucrats- and ok the wall.

In a few years, they can order it torn down when they win an election.

Right now, people are going to figure they don't need these non essential people, and they might never be called back if a compromise isn't made.
5 billion dollars could build 50,000 of the best schools in the world.

It’s only 5 billion.

5 billion dollars could build 25,000 hospitals in communities sorely needing a hospital.

It’s only 5 billion.

5 billion dollars could shelter, clothing and feed every indignant child in America for three generations.

It’s only 5 billion.
The truth is that:

1. In 2006 Congress passed the Secure Fence Act, which mandated the construction of multilayer pedestrian fencing along about 600 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border. It passed with big, bipartisan majorities: 283 votes in the House and 80 in the Senate. Some top Democrats who are still in the Senate today supported the fence: Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Ron Wyden, Debbie Stabenow, and Sherrod Brown. But now CNSNews quoted Schumer as saying, “So, President Trump, if you want to open the government, you must abandon the wall, plain and simple. The Senate is not interested in swindling American taxpayers for an unnecessary, ineffective, and wasteful policy.” Odd, it wasn't unnecessary, ineffective, or wasteful in 2006. And since when did a Democrat give a damn about wasteful spending?

2. A new Quinnipiac poll of 1,147 voters, conducted Dec. 12-17, 2018, found that 43% now support a border wall and 54% oppose it. In August, support was at 38%, thereby reflecting a five-point jump in a relatively short period of time. More importantly for the president, 86% of Republicans and 47% of Independents support building the wall, while 51% oppose, with 90% of Democrats oppose it. True, more Independents do not support the wall, but 47% is pretty damn close to half.

3. BTW, according to a recent Gallup poll taken about 2 weeks ago, the number one issue among the voters is “Government.” And that ain't a vote of confidence in Washington and, particularly, Congress. Number two on the list of concerns is “Immigration.” Again, hard to believe that this reflects a yearning for more “open borders.”
Interestingly, these are the only items on the Gallup checklist that draw interest in the double digits.

4. Nowadas, nearly 50 million foreign-born immigrants living in the United States, perhaps nearly 15 million of them illegally, so sheer numbers have radically changed electoral politics. Take California. One out of every four residents in California is foreign-born. Not since 2006 has any California Republican been elected to statewide office.

The once solidly blue states of the American Southwest, including Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico, voted red as recently as 2004 for George W. Bush. Progressives understandably conclude that de facto open borders are good long-term politics, because large numbers of unassimilated immigrants added up to politically advantageous demography for Democrats in the long run. In contrast, a wall would likely reduce illegal immigration dramatically and with it future Democratic constituents. Legal, meritocratic, measured and diverse immigration in its place would likely end up being politically neutral. And without fresh waves of undocumented immigrants from south of the border, identity politics would wane. Democrats are not worried that it won't work, they're worried that it will.

5. Besides, the truth is that Trump wants it and so the Left fights it. Simple as that, it's pure politics. TDS runs rampant and very deep in the Lib/Dem political base.


TDS runs rampant? LOL

Donald Trump has tried to wipe away anything Obama had anything to do with, no matter if it was the best thing for the nation. Now THAT is a true derangement syndrome

Border Security -- Democrats have been for it. Why even Trump himself D'OH! states others were for some sort of wall or fence. What he eaves out is what I posted showing what is already there. listening to him you'd never know how much is on the border and how much of it is practically inaccessible
They spend more on toilet tissue each year.

They know they don't have the votes to override President Trump's veto.

They should really help their own constituency- do nothing, non-essential Federal bureaucrats- and ok the wall.

In a few years, they can order it torn down when they win an election.

Right now, people are going to figure they don't need these non essential people, and they might never be called back if a compromise isn't made.
Its not 5 billion spent on entitlements and it cuts off potential voters. I'm surprised the loons haven't called the wall voter suppression I bet money some of them are thinking it.
They spend more on toilet tissue each year.

They know they don't have the votes to override President Trump's veto.

They should really help their own constituency- do nothing, non-essential Federal bureaucrats- and ok the wall.

In a few years, they can order it torn down when they win an election.

Right now, people are going to figure they don't need these non essential people, and they might never be called back if a compromise isn't made.

How about the fact that a large majority of Americans do not want to have tax payer's money paying for a Trump campaign promise of a wall, that excluded tax payer money.
Obviously, Trump and his Little Trumpsters didn't learn a thing by the vote in the midterms or all the polls that show rejection of Trump's wall.
69% of Americans Don’t Think Trump's Border Wall Is a Priority, Poll Says
For Voters, Trump’s Border Wall Is at the Bottom of Proposed Priorities - Morning Consult
Most Americans don't support building the wall
QU Poll Release Detail
And it just isn't Democrats.
View attachment 237143
You do know Trump/GOP lost the Independent vote by 18% in the midterm after heavy use of anti-immigrant and Trump's wall political ads.. And you do know there are more Independent voters than there are either GOP or Dem voters, don't you?
I seem to remember that a MAJORITY didn't want Obama care. We got it anyway. If course most Democrats are unwilling to help Trump get the wall. Tough shit
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They spend more on toilet tissue each year.

They know they don't have the votes to override President Trump's veto.

They should really help their own constituency- do nothing, non-essential Federal bureaucrats- and ok the wall.

In a few years, they can order it torn down when they win an election.

Right now, people are going to figure they don't need these non essential people, and they might never be called back if a compromise isn't made.
Trump is the leader .... he can end this shutdown any time he wants.

Unfortunately, President Trump really can't force Chuck and Nancy to capitulate. That's really up to them to decide when their do nothing non-essential constituents have suffered enough.
C'mon now...we all know the DUMS are frauds....but Republicans suck. Fuck them....bunch of cowards.

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