What’s the next Democrat step after Trump?

There is a possibility that, within the next two years, Trump will no longer be an even potential candidate for Re-election.

After over six years of constant Trump bashing, what will Democrats spend their time, money and rhetoric on then?

If the 74 million Little Trumpsters leave the realm of politics, the Libs will have a clear road ahead to implement whatever crazy policies they want and they will.

It will be a great day for the goons of Big Labor, dopeheads, trannies and all of the other Democrat constituencies.
If the 74 million Little Trumpsters leave the realm of politics, the Libs will have a clear road ahead to implement whatever crazy policies they want and they will.

It will be a great day for the goons of Big Labor, dopeheads, trannies and all of the other Democrat constituencies.

Not responsive.
They'll simply shift the Trump hate to comparing whoever the Republican nominee is. The TDS thing turned out to be accurate. These people are demonstrating actual mental illness. They've become obsessive-compulsive about any mention or thought regarding Trump. It's a result of the media-induced tribal hate on the Left.

Just like we never heard a peep about Biden from you guys while Biden was VP....
If the Dems were smart, they'd run ads reminding you guys of what you discovered that you hated about your previous false idols, Bush I and II, McCain, Romney, Dole, etc...

Really, they should start a soft money pac to run ads trashing whomever in the GOP that says that they want to work with the Democrats and fire up the blob supporting base to further split the party.

I was enthralled to see a little political hardball from the dems in the midterms. They need to go full tilt on that though.
Republicans, and especially the MAGAtards, need to rethink about their losing cause. Then the Democrats wouldn't attack it.
You mean the cause of trying to keep America the way it has historically been and not letting modern day Democrats destroy it all to "rise from the ashes" with a new-and-improved Commie Utopia America?
Democrats are now attacking the very foundations of the country that hosts them.
Being against America is not a winning strategy when you're an American political party.
There is a possibility that, within the next two years, Trump will no longer be an even potential candidate for Re-election.

After over six years of constant Trump bashing, what will Democrats spend their time, money and rhetoric on then?
What did you tards do after eight years of non-stop bashing of Hillary and Obama?

No. You're trapped in a two-party clusterfuck and you're too stupid and lazy to do anything about it.

And your evasion is noted.
Im not trapped. I accept a two party system but believe it needs to be dramatically improved.

And I’m not the one evading. That’s still you.
Im not trapped. I accept a two party system but believe it needs to be dramatically improved.

And I’m not the one evading. That’s still you.
Well, whatever you do - don't break away from the status quo. Stay the course!
Well, whatever you do - don't break away from the status quo. Stay the course!
Zzz. Well, whatever you do, please rail against a system you dislike instead of trying anything which might serve to repair it. Stay your course — even if it means entering a quagmire and living there.
LMAO people come on, Democrats just ran all over the country LYING about the GOP, claiming Republicans want to get rid of social security and Medicare. It doesn't matter who runs in 2024, Dems will LIE through their teeth. There's no lie Dems won't tell to win an election.
Zzz. Well, whatever you do, please rail against a system you dislike instead of trying anything which might serve to repair it. Stay your course — even if it means entering a quagmire and living there.
You, and the other partisan assclowns, aren't "repairing" anything. You're dragging us into the shitter.
Most of the people that are completely obsessed with trump, will stay on trump no matter what. I mean, dude fucking broke them.
When he dies, mass suicide will happen. Thank Gawd.
You, and the other partisan assclowns, aren't "repairing" anything. You're dragging us into the shitter.
Your vapid opinion is noted. Your commentary is rejected as overblown hyperventilating hysterical bullshit, however.
If the Dems were smart, they'd run ads reminding you guys of what you discovered that you hated about your previous false idols, Bush I and II, McCain, Romney, Dole, etc...

Really, they should start a soft money pac to run ads trashing whomever in the GOP that says that they want to work with the Democrats and fire up the blob supporting base to further split the party.

I was enthralled to see a little political hardball from the dems in the midterms. They need to go full tilt on that though.

Yeah, the USA should definitely be under democrat one party rule, no where to point fingers, I'd love to see it.
Trump's announcement of his 2024 candidacy will keep prosecutors at bay until after that election. It will also provide cover for other potential candidates as the media concentrates its fire on him. An immunity deal might be forthcoming in exchange for his withdrawal and endorsement of the eventual GOP nominee.
Yeah, the USA should definitely be under democrat one party rule, no where to point fingers, I'd love to see it.
Well no...

We need multiple viable political parties. The Democrats are only marginally less shitty than the republicans.

If they wanted to, however, the Democrats could really fuck with the GOP like how they sponsored the MAGA candidates in the midterms.
Well no...

We need multiple viable political parties. The Democrats are only marginally less shitty than the republicans.

If they wanted to, however, the Democrats could really fuck with the GOP like how they sponsored the MAGA candidates in the midterms.

Sure you think we need 'multiple viable parties', it's represented in every post you make on here. :laughing0301:

I say Dems uber alles, we need one party rule, one one way to point that finger when things go south. I hope they pull it off.

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