What's the temperature, Kenneth

Looking at the thermometer, what's the temperature?

  • 84+ or -

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 83.52520987

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • .5C less than it is today, DENIER!!! AGW AKBAR!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy

    Votes: 7 87.5%

  • Total voters
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Ah, I love climate change deniers who think they are smarter than 95% of the scientists in this field.

Ah. I adore you climate change proponents who think your lies and false propaganda ought to dissuade people from noting your bullshit.

I do deny that you have truth on your side when you resort to false data and data manipulation to "make" your claims on behalf of pure socialism.

You nutbars think you are smarter than you are, by far.

Let's see some evidence supporting ANY of that bullshit.

It has been shown to you repeatedly.

Nobody can force you to "see" what your eyes will not allow you weak brain to accept.

but you can stop repeating the stale old propaganda lie that nobody has shown you any such thing. They have. You simply deny reality.

You AGW Faithers are like that.
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Ah, I love climate change deniers who think they are smarter than 95% of the scientists in this field.

Ah. I adore you climate change proponents who think your lies and false propaganda ought to dissuade people from noting your bullshit.

I do deny that you have truth on your side when you resort to false data and data manipulation to "make" your claims on behalf of pure socialism.

You nutbars think you are smarter than you are, by far.

Let's see some evidence supporting ANY of that bullshit.

Ithas been shown to you repeatedly.

Nobody can force you to "see" what your eyes will not allow you weak brain to accept.

but you can stop repeating the stale old propaganda lie that nobody has shown you any such thing. They have. You simply deny reality.

You AGW Faithers are like that.

If a weather pattern emerges which impacts a large scale climate for an extended period of time, the AGW Faithers proclaim, "SEE??? WE TOLD you man made global warming was real!!!"

If that pattern results in a regional drought, for instance, and that drought can be traced back to increased ocean temperatures that affect evaporation and wind patterns, you AGW Faithers say, "See??? We TOLD you. Man made carbon increases in the atmosphere has an impact on temperature which affects evapo-transpiration and wind flows and has consequences in large land masses."

All climatic heat increases are MAN made because of CO2 and industry.

But if a weather pattern emerges that results in more snow and colder temperatures over some large area of land for an extended period of time, you AGW Faithers proclaim the FAITH, baby. "See," you ask as though in triumph! "We are witnessing the paradoxical effect of man made global warming!"

So, bottom line: if it gets hotter and drier, that's not just evidence of AGW, but PROOF! Ah HA!

But if it gets colder and wetter, that's not just evidence of AGW, but PROOF! Ah HA!

None of you so-called AGW "climate" "scientists [sic]" are willing to deal with the matter of non-falsifiability.
If a weather pattern emerges which impacts a large scale climate for an extended period of time, the AGW Faithers proclaim, "SEE??? WE TOLD you man made global warming was real!!!"

If that pattern results in a regional drought, for instance, and that drought can be traced back to increased ocean temperatures that affect evaporation and wind patterns, you AGW Faithers say, "See??? We TOLD you. Man made carbon increases in the atmosphere has an impact on temperature which affects evapo-transpiration and wind flows and has consequences in large land masses."

All climatic heat increases are MAN made because of CO2 and industry.

But if a weather pattern emerges that results in more snow and colder temperatures over some large area of land for an extended period of time, you AGW Faithers proclaim the FAITH, baby. "See," you ask as though in triumph! "We are witnessing the paradoxical effect of man made global warming!"

So, bottom line: if it gets hotter and drier, that's not just evidence of AGW, but PROOF! Ah HA!

But if it gets colder and wetter, that's not just evidence of AGW, but PROOF! Ah HA!

None of you so-called AGW "climate" "scientists [sic]" are willing to deal with the matter of non-falsifiability.

They thought no one was watching when they changed the meme from Manmade Global Warming to Manmade Climate Change. Their "Science" Consist of: Turn on the Weather Channel, see the top story? Manmade Global Climate Warming Change you Fucking DENIER!!!!!!"
What will happen is that the general public will wake up to the fact that they have been fed lies for the benefit of a few ultra wealthy individuals, and their voting will reflect that awakening. Since the spineless in the GOP has knuckled under to them, that will be the party that suffers. 2015 is going to be a deciding year because of the strong El Nino that is developing. And the extent of the storms and heat around the world will change the views of many of the voters, enough to assure a damaging year for the GOP in 2016.
What will happen is that the general public will wake up to the fact that they have been fed lies for the benefit of a few ultra wealthy individuals, and their voting will reflect that awakening. Since the spineless in the GOP has knuckled under to them, that will be the party that suffers. 2015 is going to be a deciding year because of the strong El Nino that is developing. And the extent of the storms and heat around the world will change the views of many of the voters, enough to assure a damaging year for the GOP in 2016.

"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy" --IPCC

Old Rocks won't be happy until the IPCC turns the USA into Greece
What will happen is that the general public will wake up to the fact that they have been fed lies for the benefit of a few ultra wealthy individuals, and their voting will reflect that awakening. Since the spineless in the GOP has knuckled under to them, that will be the party that suffers. 2015 is going to be a deciding year because of the strong El Nino that is developing. And the extent of the storms and heat around the world will change the views of many of the voters, enough to assure a damaging year for the GOP in 2016.
Just like 2014, right?
What will happen is that the general public will wake up to the fact that they have been fed lies for the benefit of a few ultra wealthy individuals, and their voting will reflect that awakening. Since the spineless in the GOP has knuckled under to them, that will be the party that suffers. 2015 is going to be a deciding year because of the strong El Nino that is developing. And the extent of the storms and heat around the world will change the views of many of the voters, enough to assure a damaging year for the GOP in 2016.

Show of hands -- all the "ultra wealthy individuals" --- Yeah, thought so.. My checks stopped coming the day told them that CO2 was a GreenHouse gas..

El Nino is a NATURAL cycle.. How stupid do you think folks are? You sound a little like a biblical prophet there kinda.. ..... And CAGW will send mighty storms lo this year to SMITE the deniers, and ruin their seed for generations upon generations.. And their hearts shall be turned to the truth of the righteous United Nations.

Storms around the world... :disbelief: :disbelief: :disbelief:
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What will happen is that the general public will wake up to the fact that they have been fed lies for the benefit of a few ultra wealthy individuals, and their voting will reflect that awakening. Since the spineless in the GOP has knuckled under to them, that will be the party that suffers. 2015 is going to be a deciding year because of the strong El Nino that is developing. And the extent of the storms and heat around the world will change the views of many of the voters, enough to assure a damaging year for the GOP in 2016.

What will happen is that the general public will wake up to the fact that they have been fed lies for the benefit of a few ultra wealthy individuals, and their voting will reflect that awakening.

They already woke up, that's why they aren't buying the AGW BS any longer.
What will happen is that the general public will wake up to the fact that they have been fed lies for the benefit of a few ultra wealthy individuals, and their voting will reflect that awakening. Since the spineless in the GOP has knuckled under to them, that will be the party that suffers. 2015 is going to be a deciding year because of the strong El Nino that is developing. And the extent of the storms and heat around the world will change the views of many of the voters, enough to assure a damaging year for the GOP in 2016.

The General Public HAVE awakened. They have figured out that you're full of shit and spew nothing but propaganda. Before CLIMATEGATE the comments sections ran about 60/40 in favor of sceptics. Now it is 90/10. The idiots and the fools are the only people supporting the propaganda. You've lost buckwheat. Get used to it.

WASHINGTON — An overwhelming majority of the American public, including half of Republicans, support government action to curb global warming, according to a poll conducted by The New York Times, Stanford University and the nonpartisan environmental research group Resources for the Future.

In a finding that could have implications for the 2016 presidential campaign, the poll also found that two-thirds of Americans said they were more likely to vote for political candidates who campaign on fighting climate change. They were less likely to vote for candidates who questioned or denied the science that determined that humans caused global warming.

Continue reading the main story
Among Republicans, 48 percent say they are more likely to vote for a candidate who supports fighting climate change, a result that Jon A. Krosnick, a professor of political science at Stanford University and an author of the survey, called “the most powerful finding” in the poll. Many Republican candidates question the science of climate change or do not publicly address the issue.

Really, Mr. Westwall?
What will happen is that the general public will wake up to the fact that they have been fed lies for the benefit of a few ultra wealthy individuals, and their voting will reflect that awakening. Since the spineless in the GOP has knuckled under to them, that will be the party that suffers. 2015 is going to be a deciding year because of the strong El Nino that is developing. And the extent of the storms and heat around the world will change the views of many of the voters, enough to assure a damaging year for the GOP in 2016.

The General Public HAVE awakened. They have figured out that you're full of shit and spew nothing but propaganda. Before CLIMATEGATE the comments sections ran about 60/40 in favor of sceptics. Now it is 90/10. The idiots and the fools are the only people supporting the propaganda. You've lost buckwheat. Get used to it.
Mr. Westwall, you claim to be a Phd Geologist. Then you post an obvious lie like that. Every site I have went to states that nearly half the adult Americans believe that humans are responsible for the warming we are experianceing. Many other things related to the subject on all three sites I have posted.

Interactive map reveals spread of climate change opinion in US Daily Mail Online
Very interesting, every poll here states that you are lying again, Mr. Westwall;


What was that mr. pathological liar? I'll let the polls speak for themselves you ignorant twat......

"As the UN-sponsored climate change conference in Lima, Peru drew to a close in mid-December, a poll by the United Nations and associated organizations showed millions of respondents around the world had little interest in action to address climate change.

Of the 16 priorities from which respondents could choose, “Action Taken on Climate Change” finished dead last."

MYWorld2015 Analytics

Climate Change Not a Top Worry in U.S.

Climate Change Not a Top Worry in U.S.

Americans Show Low Levels of Concern on Global Warming

Americans Show Low Levels of Concern on Global Warming

Despite Administration’s Efforts, Voters Give Climate Change Low Priority in New Poll

Despite Administration s Efforts Voters Give Climate Change Low Priority in New Poll

Looks like it is you who is lying. How unsurprising.
What will happen is that the general public will wake up to the fact that they have been fed lies for the benefit of a few ultra wealthy individuals, and their voting will reflect that awakening. Since the spineless in the GOP has knuckled under to them, that will be the party that suffers. 2015 is going to be a deciding year because of the strong El Nino that is developing. And the extent of the storms and heat around the world will change the views of many of the voters, enough to assure a damaging year for the GOP in 2016.

The General Public HAVE awakened. They have figured out that you're full of shit and spew nothing but propaganda. Before CLIMATEGATE the comments sections ran about 60/40 in favor of sceptics. Now it is 90/10. The idiots and the fools are the only people supporting the propaganda. You've lost buckwheat. Get used to it.
Mr. Westwall, you claim to be a Phd Geologist. Then you post an obvious lie like that. Every site I have went to states that nearly half the adult Americans believe that humans are responsible for the warming we are experianceing. Many other things related to the subject on all three sites I have posted.

Interactive map reveals spread of climate change opinion in US Daily Mail Online

You only look at your extreme left wing progressive sites so you clearly have no clue what the rest of the world thinks our head is so are up your ass you can' see anything but shit.
What will happen is that the general public will wake up to the fact that they have been fed lies for the benefit of a few ultra wealthy individuals, and their voting will reflect that awakening. Since the spineless in the GOP has knuckled under to them, that will be the party that suffers. 2015 is going to be a deciding year because of the strong El Nino that is developing. And the extent of the storms and heat around the world will change the views of many of the voters, enough to assure a damaging year for the GOP in 2016.

The General Public HAVE awakened. They have figured out that you're full of shit and spew nothing but propaganda. Before CLIMATEGATE the comments sections ran about 60/40 in favor of sceptics. Now it is 90/10. The idiots and the fools are the only people supporting the propaganda. You've lost buckwheat. Get used to it.
Mr. Westwall, you claim to be a Phd Geologist. Then you post an obvious lie like that. Every site I have went to states that nearly half the adult Americans believe that humans are responsible for the warming we are experianceing. Many other things related to the subject on all three sites I have posted.

Interactive map reveals spread of climate change opinion in US Daily Mail Online

You only look at your extreme left wing progressive sites so you clearly have no clue what the rest of the world thinks our head is so are up your ass you can' see anything but shit.

I have a real puzzler for you...how can someone have his head as far up is ass as rocks and still not be able to find his ass with both hands and a mirror on a stick?
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