What's the temperature, Kenneth

Looking at the thermometer, what's the temperature?

  • 84+ or -

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 83.52520987

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • .5C less than it is today, DENIER!!! AGW AKBAR!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy

    Votes: 7 87.5%

  • Total voters
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Don't even go there, granted have not lived in the area since 2004, but from 1965 till 2004 we only had two major snow storms 69? And 1978. I laughed my ass off people started to buy all these snowmobile and stuff, the winter was mild after 1978 (snow wise) only a few inches a year.

Did you miss the winter of 1979? The one where it snowed so bad we tossed poor Mayor Bilandic out on his ass?
I was off a year, made a killing shoveling snow and pushing cars out for a 14 year old, we we're out of school for 3 damn weeks.
Now Mr. Westwall, you know that is a lie. Wind is below 4 cents per kw and has been for a while. Solar just broke below 4 cents, while coal remains, dirty coal at that, 6.6 cents per kw, and gas at 6.1 cents per kw. Not only that, but the grid scale batteries make them 24/7.

Both wind and solar continue to decline in price, and there are no external cost with them as there is with coal, and even gas.
Now Mr. Westwall, you know that is a lie. Wind is below 4 cents per kw and has been for a while. Solar just broke below 4 cents, while coal remains, dirty coal at that, 6.6 cents per kw, and gas at 6.1 cents per kw. Not only that, but the grid scale batteries make them 24/7.

Both wind and solar continue to decline in price, and there are no external cost with them as there is with coal, and even gas.

Nothing that is being proposed reduces pollution. You ignore the pollution that is created to MAKE the wind mills. Further you ignore the times that the mills are immobile which factors into the cost benefit analysis used to figure the pollution savings. Windmills spend most of their time not doing anything.

Grid scale batteries are incredibly polluting to manufacture. The fact that it is done in the third world so it is brown people who are dying doesn't negate the fact that they pollute. You just turn a blind eye to it because you can't see it.

Shoving your head down a hole, like the ostrich you are, doesn't negate reality.
Mr. Westwall, so easy to point out your continued lies.

Alevo Comes Out of Stealth Mode Opens Huge Battery Factory in North Carolina

After keeping its technology a secret for 10 years, Alevo Energy is suddenly in the news, opening an enormous factory in North Carolina to provide grid-scale energy storage products.

Earlier this year, they bought a factory previously owned by Philip Morris. At 3.5 million square feet, they expect to employ 2500 people within three years.

Alevo builds and sells "GridBanks" - shipping containers filled with thousands of lithium batteries - that are more durable and safe than anything on the market, they say, and come with a 20-year guaranty. They draw excess energy from power plants, store it and release it as needed to provide grid-scale energy storage that replaces fossil fuel plants

The long and quiet history of Tesla s grid batteries - Fortune

It’s an effort that’s five years in the making.

By now it’s not really a secret that on Thursday,Tesla Motors will likely show off battery packs that can be paired with solar panels, and plugged into the power grid. But what seems to be lesser known is the long history behind this announcement: That Tesla TSLA -0.11% has been working on grid batteries for many years now and already has hundreds of systems in operation.
So you would never know whether or not your app was off by a fraction of a degree...which is precisely what this whole farce is about...a fraction of a degree. most of which are artifacts resulting from unexplained, unjustified adjustment to the data record.

Can you give me a scientifically valid reason for altering the temperature record from 20 years ago? 30 years ago? 40 years ago? 50 years ago? More than 50 years ago?

Again, weather isn't climate.

I can tell you that winters here in Chicago are a lot more mild then when I was a teenager back in the 1970's, when we used to have snowstorms so bad the streets were impassable for weeks. It would start snowing in November and just wouldn't let up.

Now we are lucky if we see snow in January.
oh, wow. Dude, I live in Chicago. You must live in the alternate Chicago because temperature and snowfall for the last two years has been well above an average year. They met up with history just this past year in both temperature and snowfall. So you enjoy your alternate city, the real city in the USA had very severe winter weather. the reason in 1970 the streets were not plowed was mostly due to preparedness and availability of plows and salt that are now in abundance. Dude, seriously, go back and continue with your program 'Fringe'.

Hey son, what is the temperature today in Chicago and what is average for today?
Can you explain to us how it is ".5C 'warmer'" when no one was keeping records accurate to half a degree in the past

First, people were keeping records that accurate.

Second, you don't need to have individual records that accurate in order for the average to be that accurate. Statistics. If the error of one measurement is +/- 1, the error of the average of a hundred such measurements will be +/- 0.1. Error goes down proportionally to the square root of the number of measurements.

How were the records accurate to .5 degrees when the instruments weren't capable of producing results with that accuracy?

So now were hoping in our time machine and going back to take hundreds of measurements accurate to the nearest 2 degrees?
So you would never know whether or not your app was off by a fraction of a degree...which is precisely what this whole farce is about...a fraction of a degree. most of which are artifacts resulting from unexplained, unjustified adjustment to the data record.

Can you give me a scientifically valid reason for altering the temperature record from 20 years ago? 30 years ago? 40 years ago? 50 years ago? More than 50 years ago?

Again, weather isn't climate.

I can tell you that winters here in Chicago are a lot more mild then when I was a teenager back in the 1970's, when we used to have snowstorms so bad the streets were impassable for weeks. It would start snowing in November and just wouldn't let up.

Now we are lucky if we see snow in January.
oh, wow. Dude, I live in Chicago. You must live in the alternate Chicago because temperature and snowfall for the last two years has been well above an average year. They met up with history just this past year in both temperature and snowfall. So you enjoy your alternate city, the real city in the USA had very severe winter weather. the reason in 1970 the streets were not plowed was mostly due to preparedness and availability of plows and salt that are now in abundance. Dude, seriously, go back and continue with your program 'Fringe'.

Hey son, what is the temperature today in Chicago and what is average for today?
So your little neck of the woods is cool. In the meantime, the whole of the West Coast and Alaska have set records all through the first half of this year for heat. Wish we had some of your snow in our mountains. Another month with temperatures as far above normal as last months, and we will see a blowup of fires in our forests.
So you would never know whether or not your app was off by a fraction of a degree...which is precisely what this whole farce is about...a fraction of a degree. most of which are artifacts resulting from unexplained, unjustified adjustment to the data record.

Can you give me a scientifically valid reason for altering the temperature record from 20 years ago? 30 years ago? 40 years ago? 50 years ago? More than 50 years ago?

Again, weather isn't climate.

I can tell you that winters here in Chicago are a lot more mild then when I was a teenager back in the 1970's, when we used to have snowstorms so bad the streets were impassable for weeks. It would start snowing in November and just wouldn't let up.

Now we are lucky if we see snow in January.
oh, wow. Dude, I live in Chicago. You must live in the alternate Chicago because temperature and snowfall for the last two years has been well above an average year. They met up with history just this past year in both temperature and snowfall. So you enjoy your alternate city, the real city in the USA had very severe winter weather. the reason in 1970 the streets were not plowed was mostly due to preparedness and availability of plows and salt that are now in abundance. Dude, seriously, go back and continue with your program 'Fringe'.

Hey son, what is the temperature today in Chicago and what is average for today?
So your little neck of the woods is cool. In the meantime, the whole of the West Coast and Alaska have set records all through the first half of this year for heat. Wish we had some of your snow in our mountains. Another month with temperatures as far above normal as last months, and we will see a blowup of fires in our forests.

It's california,who cares?
So you would never know whether or not your app was off by a fraction of a degree...which is precisely what this whole farce is about...a fraction of a degree. most of which are artifacts resulting from unexplained, unjustified adjustment to the data record.

Can you give me a scientifically valid reason for altering the temperature record from 20 years ago? 30 years ago? 40 years ago? 50 years ago? More than 50 years ago?

Again, weather isn't climate.

I can tell you that winters here in Chicago are a lot more mild then when I was a teenager back in the 1970's, when we used to have snowstorms so bad the streets were impassable for weeks. It would start snowing in November and just wouldn't let up.

Now we are lucky if we see snow in January.
oh, wow. Dude, I live in Chicago. You must live in the alternate Chicago because temperature and snowfall for the last two years has been well above an average year. They met up with history just this past year in both temperature and snowfall. So you enjoy your alternate city, the real city in the USA had very severe winter weather. the reason in 1970 the streets were not plowed was mostly due to preparedness and availability of plows and salt that are now in abundance. Dude, seriously, go back and continue with your program 'Fringe'.

Hey son, what is the temperature today in Chicago and what is average for today?
So your little neck of the woods is cool. In the meantime, the whole of the West Coast and Alaska have set records all through the first half of this year for heat. Wish we had some of your snow in our mountains. Another month with temperatures as far above normal as last months, and we will see a blowup of fires in our forests.
Really? My neck of the woods which happens to be what three quarters of the United States, California and Alaska make up what?
So you would never know whether or not your app was off by a fraction of a degree...which is precisely what this whole farce is about...a fraction of a degree. most of which are artifacts resulting from unexplained, unjustified adjustment to the data record.

Can you give me a scientifically valid reason for altering the temperature record from 20 years ago? 30 years ago? 40 years ago? 50 years ago? More than 50 years ago?

Again, weather isn't climate.

I can tell you that winters here in Chicago are a lot more mild then when I was a teenager back in the 1970's, when we used to have snowstorms so bad the streets were impassable for weeks. It would start snowing in November and just wouldn't let up.

Now we are lucky if we see snow in January.
oh, wow. Dude, I live in Chicago. You must live in the alternate Chicago because temperature and snowfall for the last two years has been well above an average year. They met up with history just this past year in both temperature and snowfall. So you enjoy your alternate city, the real city in the USA had very severe winter weather. the reason in 1970 the streets were not plowed was mostly due to preparedness and availability of plows and salt that are now in abundance. Dude, seriously, go back and continue with your program 'Fringe'.

Hey son, what is the temperature today in Chicago and what is average for today?
So your little neck of the woods is cool. In the meantime, the whole of the West Coast and Alaska have set records all through the first half of this year for heat. Wish we had some of your snow in our mountains. Another month with temperatures as far above normal as last months, and we will see a blowup of fires in our forests.

I think the trend here is clear. One could say we have a majority opinion or consensus. ;)

Just so happens that we also have a vast majority of scientists on our sides as well. Everyone knows that scientists choose their field primarily to make a profit as well. :rolleyes-41: Aint that right deniers?
So you would never know whether or not your app was off by a fraction of a degree...which is precisely what this whole farce is about...a fraction of a degree. most of which are artifacts resulting from unexplained, unjustified adjustment to the data record.

Can you give me a scientifically valid reason for altering the temperature record from 20 years ago? 30 years ago? 40 years ago? 50 years ago? More than 50 years ago?

Again, weather isn't climate.

I can tell you that winters here in Chicago are a lot more mild then when I was a teenager back in the 1970's, when we used to have snowstorms so bad the streets were impassable for weeks. It would start snowing in November and just wouldn't let up.

Now we are lucky if we see snow in January.
oh, wow. Dude, I live in Chicago. You must live in the alternate Chicago because temperature and snowfall for the last two years has been well above an average year. They met up with history just this past year in both temperature and snowfall. So you enjoy your alternate city, the real city in the USA had very severe winter weather. the reason in 1970 the streets were not plowed was mostly due to preparedness and availability of plows and salt that are now in abundance. Dude, seriously, go back and continue with your program 'Fringe'.

Hey son, what is the temperature today in Chicago and what is average for today?
So your little neck of the woods is cool. In the meantime, the whole of the West Coast and Alaska have set records all through the first half of this year for heat. Wish we had some of your snow in our mountains. Another month with temperatures as far above normal as last months, and we will see a blowup of fires in our forests.
Really? My neck of the woods which happens to be what three quarters of the United States, California and Alaska make up what?

U.S. Drought Monitor

U.S. Drought Monitor U.S. Drought Portal

Alaska's size compared with the 48 contiguous states. (Albers equal-area conic projection)
Alaska is the largest state in the United States in land area at 663,268 square miles (1,717,856 km2), over
Alaska - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So the northeast and midwest are bigger than Alaska and the rest of the US combined? My, you failed geography in the third grade, obviously. Just Alaska is far bigger than those two areas. And the area in drought and extreme heat in the west is also bigger than those two areas.
So you would never know whether or not your app was off by a fraction of a degree...which is precisely what this whole farce is about...a fraction of a degree. most of which are artifacts resulting from unexplained, unjustified adjustment to the data record.

Can you give me a scientifically valid reason for altering the temperature record from 20 years ago? 30 years ago? 40 years ago? 50 years ago? More than 50 years ago?

Again, weather isn't climate.

I can tell you that winters here in Chicago are a lot more mild then when I was a teenager back in the 1970's, when we used to have snowstorms so bad the streets were impassable for weeks. It would start snowing in November and just wouldn't let up.

Now we are lucky if we see snow in January.
oh, wow. Dude, I live in Chicago. You must live in the alternate Chicago because temperature and snowfall for the last two years has been well above an average year. They met up with history just this past year in both temperature and snowfall. So you enjoy your alternate city, the real city in the USA had very severe winter weather. the reason in 1970 the streets were not plowed was mostly due to preparedness and availability of plows and salt that are now in abundance. Dude, seriously, go back and continue with your program 'Fringe'.

Hey son, what is the temperature today in Chicago and what is average for today?
So your little neck of the woods is cool. In the meantime, the whole of the West Coast and Alaska have set records all through the first half of this year for heat. Wish we had some of your snow in our mountains. Another month with temperatures as far above normal as last months, and we will see a blowup of fires in our forests.
Really? My neck of the woods which happens to be what three quarters of the United States, California and Alaska make up what?

U.S. Drought Monitor

U.S. Drought Monitor U.S. Drought Portal

Alaska's size compared with the 48 contiguous states. (Albers equal-area conic projection)
Alaska is the largest state in the United States in land area at 663,268 square miles (1,717,856 km2), over
Alaska - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So the northeast and midwest are bigger than Alaska and the rest of the US combined? My, you failed geography in the third grade, obviously. Just Alaska is far bigger than those two areas. And the area in drought and extreme heat in the west is also bigger than those two areas.
Hmmm, yes the mid west and northeast are bigger and have tons more people who vote and experience different weather? Not sure your point, except to admit defeat.
So you would never know whether or not your app was off by a fraction of a degree...which is precisely what this whole farce is about...a fraction of a degree. most of which are artifacts resulting from unexplained, unjustified adjustment to the data record.

Can you give me a scientifically valid reason for altering the temperature record from 20 years ago? 30 years ago? 40 years ago? 50 years ago? More than 50 years ago?

Again, weather isn't climate.

I can tell you that winters here in Chicago are a lot more mild then when I was a teenager back in the 1970's, when we used to have snowstorms so bad the streets were impassable for weeks. It would start snowing in November and just wouldn't let up.

Now we are lucky if we see snow in January.
oh, wow. Dude, I live in Chicago. You must live in the alternate Chicago because temperature and snowfall for the last two years has been well above an average year. They met up with history just this past year in both temperature and snowfall. So you enjoy your alternate city, the real city in the USA had very severe winter weather. the reason in 1970 the streets were not plowed was mostly due to preparedness and availability of plows and salt that are now in abundance. Dude, seriously, go back and continue with your program 'Fringe'.

Hey son, what is the temperature today in Chicago and what is average for today?
So your little neck of the woods is cool. In the meantime, the whole of the West Coast and Alaska have set records all through the first half of this year for heat. Wish we had some of your snow in our mountains. Another month with temperatures as far above normal as last months, and we will see a blowup of fires in our forests.
Really? My neck of the woods which happens to be what three quarters of the United States, California and Alaska make up what?

U.S. Drought Monitor

U.S. Drought Monitor U.S. Drought Portal

Alaska's size compared with the 48 contiguous states. (Albers equal-area conic projection)
Alaska is the largest state in the United States in land area at 663,268 square miles (1,717,856 km2), over
Alaska - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So the northeast and midwest are bigger than Alaska and the rest of the US combined? My, you failed geography in the third grade, obviously. Just Alaska is far bigger than those two areas. And the area in drought and extreme heat in the west is also bigger than those two areas.

Check with Crick, the USA does not count toward global -- only when its cooling
Again, weather isn't climate.

I can tell you that winters here in Chicago are a lot more mild then when I was a teenager back in the 1970's, when we used to have snowstorms so bad the streets were impassable for weeks. It would start snowing in November and just wouldn't let up.

Now we are lucky if we see snow in January.
oh, wow. Dude, I live in Chicago. You must live in the alternate Chicago because temperature and snowfall for the last two years has been well above an average year. They met up with history just this past year in both temperature and snowfall. So you enjoy your alternate city, the real city in the USA had very severe winter weather. the reason in 1970 the streets were not plowed was mostly due to preparedness and availability of plows and salt that are now in abundance. Dude, seriously, go back and continue with your program 'Fringe'.

Hey son, what is the temperature today in Chicago and what is average for today?
So your little neck of the woods is cool. In the meantime, the whole of the West Coast and Alaska have set records all through the first half of this year for heat. Wish we had some of your snow in our mountains. Another month with temperatures as far above normal as last months, and we will see a blowup of fires in our forests.
Really? My neck of the woods which happens to be what three quarters of the United States, California and Alaska make up what?

U.S. Drought Monitor

U.S. Drought Monitor U.S. Drought Portal

Alaska's size compared with the 48 contiguous states. (Albers equal-area conic projection)
Alaska is the largest state in the United States in land area at 663,268 square miles (1,717,856 km2), over
Alaska - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So the northeast and midwest are bigger than Alaska and the rest of the US combined? My, you failed geography in the third grade, obviously. Just Alaska is far bigger than those two areas. And the area in drought and extreme heat in the west is also bigger than those two areas.
Hmmm, yes the mid west and northeast are bigger and have tons more people who vote and experience different weather? Not sure your point, except to admit defeat.
So, jc, with the maps right in front of you, you continue to lie. LOL
I can tell you that winters here in Chicago are a lot more mild then when I was a teenager back in the 1970's, when we used to have snowstorms so bad the streets were impassable for weeks. It would start snowing in November and just wouldn't let up.

The 70's were a cold period...they were the reason that climate science was predicting a long cold period..remember the ice age scare....precisely because everyone was experiencing cold winters during that period.. Go back to the 40's and winters in Chicago were warmer than today.[/QUOTE]
oh, wow. Dude, I live in Chicago. You must live in the alternate Chicago because temperature and snowfall for the last two years has been well above an average year. They met up with history just this past year in both temperature and snowfall. So you enjoy your alternate city, the real city in the USA had very severe winter weather. the reason in 1970 the streets were not plowed was mostly due to preparedness and availability of plows and salt that are now in abundance. Dude, seriously, go back and continue with your program 'Fringe'.

Hey son, what is the temperature today in Chicago and what is average for today?
So your little neck of the woods is cool. In the meantime, the whole of the West Coast and Alaska have set records all through the first half of this year for heat. Wish we had some of your snow in our mountains. Another month with temperatures as far above normal as last months, and we will see a blowup of fires in our forests.
Really? My neck of the woods which happens to be what three quarters of the United States, California and Alaska make up what?

U.S. Drought Monitor

U.S. Drought Monitor U.S. Drought Portal

Alaska's size compared with the 48 contiguous states. (Albers equal-area conic projection)
Alaska is the largest state in the United States in land area at 663,268 square miles (1,717,856 km2), over
Alaska - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So the northeast and midwest are bigger than Alaska and the rest of the US combined? My, you failed geography in the third grade, obviously. Just Alaska is far bigger than those two areas. And the area in drought and extreme heat in the west is also bigger than those two areas.
Hmmm, yes the mid west and northeast are bigger and have tons more people who vote and experience different weather? Not sure your point, except to admit defeat.
So, jc, with the maps right in front of you, you continue to lie. LOL
about what? you think there are more people in Alaska then the midwest and northeast? really? and you should learn how to read an overlaid picture.
I can tell you that winters here in Chicago are a lot more mild then when I was a teenager back in the 1970's, when we used to have snowstorms so bad the streets were impassable for weeks. It would start snowing in November and just wouldn't let up.

The 70's were a cold period...they were the reason that climate science was predicting a long cold period..remember the ice age scare....precisely because everyone was experiencing cold winters during that period.. Go back to the 40's and winters in Chicago were warmer than today.
I doubt he's from Chicago, because his post was 180 degrees off of what actually happened the past two winters. There are records.
I can tell you that winters here in Chicago are a lot more mild then when I was a teenager back in the 1970's, when we used to have snowstorms so bad the streets were impassable for weeks. It would start snowing in November and just wouldn't let up.

The 70's were a cold period...they were the reason that climate science was predicting a long cold period..remember the ice age scare....precisely because everyone was experiencing cold winters during that period.. Go back to the 40's and winters in Chicago were warmer than today.
I doubt he's from Chicago, because his post was 180 degrees off of what actually happened the past two winters. There are records.
Wrong. None of those actually prevent pollution. You merely have to pay more to do it. Try again.

In your original post, you said "reduce" pollution. Now you are moving the goalposts to "prevent" pollution.

clearly, if we reduced the number of cars on the road, and reduced the amount of fuel the produce, and replaced coal burning plants with nuclear plants or hydro-electric or wind farms, that would reduce the amount of carbon dioxide being put into the air. enough to allow the natural methods of the carbon cycle to cope with it.

That said, and the reason why it's questionable to continue this conversation is, that you are kind of impervious to reason or compromise. No amount of evidence that this would be a good thing would convince you that we need more government to implement it. I could show you charts all day, scientific studies, etc. and you'd be all like "I don't want no more gummit in my life!!!"

So what would be the point, really?

That's because none of these proposals reduce pollution. Not in the slightest. Because the renewables are not reliable the fossil fuel powered power plants must be kept spooled up to meet demand so there is no reduction there. The pollution that is created to produce the renewables is thus not offset by the closing of the fossil fuel plants. You choose to look at only the most basic facts and ignore all the others which negate anything that is being proposed or is already in effect.
Westwall, any claim that wind or solar power systems create more pollution that fossil fuel technology is nothing but a bald-faced lie.

That's not the claim which makes you a bald face idiot.
So you would never know whether or not your app was off by a fraction of a degree...which is precisely what this whole farce is about...a fraction of a degree. most of which are artifacts resulting from unexplained, unjustified adjustment to the data record.

Can you give me a scientifically valid reason for altering the temperature record from 20 years ago? 30 years ago? 40 years ago? 50 years ago? More than 50 years ago?

Again, weather isn't climate.

I can tell you that winters here in Chicago are a lot more mild then when I was a teenager back in the 1970's, when we used to have snowstorms so bad the streets were impassable for weeks. It would start snowing in November and just wouldn't let up.

Now we are lucky if we see snow in January.

Sure it is. Whenever it is hot you claim it is global warming. Whenever it is cold you claim otherwise. Make up your mind.
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