What's the temperature, Kenneth

Looking at the thermometer, what's the temperature?

  • 84+ or -

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 83.52520987

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • .5C less than it is today, DENIER!!! AGW AKBAR!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy

    Votes: 7 87.5%

  • Total voters
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According to my models, you should stop being a trolling crybaby. If you can't add anything to the discussion, and you never can, you shouldn't post.

Seriously, grow the fuck up. And while you're at it, grow a pair, so you can address issues honestly.
So you have no answer For frank
kiss my ass Joe about the Koch brothers. I was born at northwestern and lived in Chicago and then in the Northwest burbs till 2004, I have the pictures of me at my mom's house.

Chicago had a good snow fall that pissed me off and stuck on the Kennedy around 1997 for three hours and another one around 2001.

Oh, noes, you were stuck in traffic once?

I guess that proves that the Coral Reefs aren't dying and we aren't having killer droughts out west.

You just keep buying the Koch Brothers propaganda. Who cares if the next generation has famines, two rich assholes got to have their mansions.
God damn it Joe, it was an over zealous man made climate change cult member reviewing the papers....

Do you get that?

Can you comprehend it? He didn't ask those scientist to get that 97% number.

Right. All those scientists are lying. It was just that one guy who came up with that number.

Meanwhile, what does NASA say?

Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Consensus

Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. The following is a partial list of these organizations, along with links to their published statements and a selection of related resources.

But, no, no, it's a "Global Warming Cult" who just want to cheat your heroes the Koch Brothers out of their well deserved mansions and Dressage Horses.
kiss my ass Joe about the Koch brothers. I was born at northwestern and lived in Chicago and then in the Northwest burbs till 2004, I have the pictures of me at my mom's house.

Chicago had a good snow fall that pissed me off and stuck on the Kennedy around 1997 for three hours and another one around 2001.

Oh, noes, you were stuck in traffic once?

I guess that proves that the Coral Reefs aren't dying and we aren't having killer droughts out west.

You just keep buying the Koch Brothers propaganda. Who cares if the next generation has famines, two rich assholes got to have their mansions.

Unlike the AGWCult, we're not getting paid to demolish your stupid "theory". We do it for fun
Unlike the AGWCult, we're not getting paid to demolish your stupid "theory". We do it for fun

If you think voting against your own economic interests is fun, I guess.

You are one of these dumb Cleetuses who watches his job go to China and then drools, 'But that gay marriage, that done makes me mad, Cooter!!!"

Unlike the AGWCult, we're not getting paid to demolish your stupid "theory". We do it for fun

Untrue. Fighting mainstream science on AGW is worth a very large pile of money - the entire income of the fossil fuel industry.
According to my models, you should stop being a trolling crybaby. If you can't add anything to the discussion, and you never can, you shouldn't post.

Seriously, grow the fuck up. And while you're at it, grow a pair, so you can address issues honestly.
So you have no answer For frank
got that suburb yet you live in? Let's hear which one and let's add when.
Unlike the AGWCult, we're not getting paid to demolish your stupid "theory". We do it for fun

If you think voting against your own economic interests is fun, I guess.

You are one of these dumb Cleetuses who watches his job go to China and then drools, 'But that gay marriage, that done makes me mad, Cooter!!!"


If you think voting against your own economic interests is fun, I guess.

How is voting against more expensive, less reliable "green energy", against my economic interests?
Unlike the AGWCult, we're not getting paid to demolish your stupid "theory". We do it for fun

Untrue. Fighting mainstream science on AGW is worth a very large pile of money - the entire income of the fossil fuel industry.

A useful industry providing a vital product while paying billions in taxes is the type of industry we need more of, unlike the "green energy" industry which provides a product no one needs while costing billions in taxes.
Unlike the AGWCult, we're not getting paid to demolish your stupid "theory". We do it for fun

If you think voting against your own economic interests is fun, I guess.

You are one of these dumb Cleetuses who watches his job go to China and then drools, 'But that gay marriage, that done makes me mad, Cooter!!!"


AGWCult: no science, only have people paid to shriek, "CONSENSUS!!! DENIER!!"

I know a few of you get paid to post here.
Are you going to post it in the morning or wait till 3pm?

Ahh I know what you are going to do, put the thermocouple under an illegal fire work in Illinois and claim it is the hottest day in recorded history!!!

weather isn't climate, dipshit.

Melting icecaps, melting permafrost, droughts, dying coral reefs. We REALLY DO HAVE A PROBLEM.

Yeah whatever. Weather isn't climate unless the weather is hot and supports the AGW scam then you bet your ass it's climate.
Unlike the AGWCult, we're not getting paid to demolish your stupid "theory". We do it for fun

Untrue. Fighting mainstream science on AGW is worth a very large pile of money - the entire income of the fossil fuel industry.

We know you and Old Rocks get paid to post here, we don't
No, Old Rocks does not get paid to post here, or anywhere for that matter. So, once again, Mr. CrusaderFrank, you have revealed yourself to be a liar.
again Joe local weather is not climate and you lie , again only two major blizzards in Chicago between the late 60s and late 70s.

Uh, guy, we had two years of sever winters in the late 70's and most of them weren't real treats, either.

But the Koch Brothers are telling you everything is fine... Ignore those droughts and dying coral reefs and melting icecaps.
kiss my ass Joe about the Koch brothers. I was born at northwestern and lived in Chicago and then in the Northwest burbs till 2004, I have the pictures of me at my mom's house.

Chicago had a good snow fall that pissed me off and stuck on the Kennedy around 1997 for three hours and another one around 2001.

Can't imagine folks from Chicago feeling cheated about a couple winters with little snow. If the lake ices up til May, you won't need air conditioning until August...

Weather doesn't work off uniform changes in temperature. If air aloft warms a degree and air at the surface warms a degree -- dont make no nevermind to a thunderstorm. Weather works off DIFFERENTIALS in pressure, humidity, temperature and wind direction. That's why Mobile Ala. is not a killing zone of lethal weather. But it's HOT as HELL. And weather there works the same way as it does in Manitoba.
Well that dude isn't from here it's obvious since he doesn't know that we set snow and cold records. So anyone can come on here and say anything. Folks who really experience the actual weather like me can call em liars and for him he is from somewhere else and not Chicago.
Unlike the AGWCult, we're not getting paid to demolish your stupid "theory". We do it for fun

Untrue. Fighting mainstream science on AGW is worth a very large pile of money - the entire income of the fossil fuel industry.

We know you and Old Rocks get paid to post here, we don't
No, Old Rocks does not get paid to post here, or anywhere for that matter. So, once again, Mr. CrusaderFrank, you have revealed yourself to be a liar.
Crick admitted it.
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