What’s up with The Four? AOC, Talib, Omar

From now until eternity we will never believe that election was legit.
But not votes casted… to be fraudulent dead registered voters would have to be casted …there has been several republicans who took their dead wife’s ballot and voted for trump … none that mattered to the count… you’re beating a dead horse trying to make something out of nothing…
I guess you believe that enough time has passed that you can pretend that the info has never been presented debunking your nonsense. Sorry, but it hasn't. The Election happened and it wasn't stolen. Rump lost and he's probably on his way to prison. The system can only tolerate this for only so long before it finally says enough and has to strike back. Like our local Tina Peters who just got indicted on 13 counts by a Grand Jury with 5 counts of Felony charges over her actions which you won't find a thing wrong with either. Jan 6 indictments are forthcoming along with the Georgian Phone call indictment that is coming.
Where is your data? Data defined as validated by something more than what lies between your ears.
Where is your data? Data defined as validated by something more than what lies between your ears.
Many posts in the past, many cites in the past, many news breaks in the passt. Tell you what, try using google for a change. That's where most of us found them in the first place. I don't have the time to do your work for you. Be careful, losing anymore braincells, you are down to 3.
Many posts in the past, many cites in the past, many news breaks in the passt. Tell you what, try using google for a change. That's where most of us found them in the first place. I don't have the time to do your work for you. Be careful, losing anymore braincells, you are down to 3.
Nothing is backing up what you say. The onus is on you to use Google or another source to back up what you say. Why should myself or anyone else need to validate you?
Nothing is backing up what you say. The onus is on you to use Google or another source to back up what you say. Why should myself or anyone else need to validate you?

Sorry, won't play that game. Already did. Us the search function. I think I've heard enough from you. Have a nice life, Gracie.
you are so ignorant ... the absentee and the mail basically do the same allow people to vote safely ...... in 2020 there were no problems made by the mail-in ballot ... it can only be run through the voting machine once they can't be made by some crooked people to stack the vote ... all, not some, but all mail-in ballots and absentee ballots have a SKU number on them ... each and every ballot is recorded by the state with that SKU number... so you can't cheat ... that's the purpose of the SKU number to keep the voters vote legit ... pull your head out ... not going to debate this issue with you anymore... it appears you can't comprehend ...
If you want to vote, do it on election day unless you are in the hospital, a nursing home, or away serving your country. And bring your ID. Everyone knows when election day is, everyone has plenty of time to secure a photo ID for voting. And that's one government freebie I support, give every legal voter a proper picture ID. If I have to show my medical papers to buy a fracking hamburger, you can show an ID to vote.
Where is your data? Data defined as validated by something more than what lies between your ears.
hell if you want data get it yourself... we aren't here to prove us wrong it's you who are here to prove us wrong with your data ... that's your job ... prove its wrong ...
its easy to explain they people hate republican issues they don't like the phony rants by the republicans ... they know when they are lying too ... what these 4 women do is point out how bad republicans are by pointing out their greed their cowardness and their constant betrail to the American voter...

what's your point they accomplish the same thing ...they allow the voter to vote by mail or drop off ... you seem to be stuck on the same issue ... mail-in ballots and absentee ballots make it easier for the voter to vote ... the absentee does what it says for a personal reason you can't be to the voting poll ... mail-in does basically the same ... you don't want to watch these republican nazi's marching around shouting communist rants at the poll worker with their ak47's in hand acting like ass holes ... what you don't like is it allows all the voters to vote easily without standing in lines for 5 to 12 hours just to vote... thats why you don't like it ... that's why trump lost ...more voters for once in their life voted and these nazi republicans are trying in every way they can to stop mail-in ballots ... stop the mail-in ballot and republicans win ... that's why you are trying you're damndest to make it an important issue when its not ... its the best way we liberal/democrats can get rid of these nazi republicans...
The absently ballot doesn’t exist any more the mail in ballot took its place many years ago… I sat there and what h you try to defend a issue that doesn’t exist … like I said you have no clue…

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