What’s up with The Four? AOC, Talib, Omar

YOU really need to think this through.

You don't "update" the voting rolls by going through and indiscriminately delete names from the list, 6 weeks before the election. There's a process of identifying names for deletion; notifying the people about to be deleted and giving them a waiting period for a response; sending a final notice of the deletion, with a similar waiting period; and finally deleting the name.

The "indiscriminate" deletion of names just prior to the election was generally done for poor and minority neighbourhoods, and almost never in dependably Republican strongholds. This, combined with the reduction in the number of polling stations in dependably Democratic stronghold, is the very definition of "voter suppression".

YOU really need to think all of this through without your hatred of Democrats clouding your analytical thinking.

The USA has been using mail in balloting since the Civil War without ANY problems with cheating. The Republican Party has been PROMOTING the use of mail in ballots in red states as a means to get their mostly older voters to vote in elections, and up until 2020, Republicans were the overwhelmingly majority of mail-in voters.

In the meantime, Republicans in red states have been closing polling stations in poor and/or minority neighbourhoods since the Republicans refused to re-authorize portions of the Voting Rights Act. More than 1.200 polling stations have been closed or moved to areas not serviced by public transit, in mostly Southern Red States. Making it harder and harder for the working poor to vote

But in 2020, the Democrats discovered mail-in voting, and suddenly, Republicans are claiming that something they've been promoting for 150 years is "unsafe" and rife with fraud. And you fell for it.

Stop believing the people who are lying to you.
You need to read what I’m saying. Nothing wrong with mail in Balloting provided the voter requests the ballot. This is nothing to do with Democrats.
I am not "You Republicans". I am "You Independents". I have told you this 100x and you keep throwing mud. You're the epitome of stupid and evil in America. Black Lives Matter has zero to do with Black Lives. Why are leftists, like you, triggered by "All Lives Matter" since that includes every life? You play the race card like the assholes that you are.
not going to get into it with an ignorant person like you ... we all know independent voters are ashamed republican voters ... I'll say my piece and move on ...black lives matters are people protesting are about police officers murdering black people nothing else, time and time again ... every time they protested it was after a cop murdered a black person ... if you and you evil nazi republicans can't deal with that then I suggest you join the Russian army they like murdering innocent people to ... oh yes, go F your self ...
It is not a matter of liking it or not, it is a matter of risk and vulnerability management. Your SKU system doesn’t mean shit if the person is dead, moved, or does not exist.
you keep up with this o inaccurate statements that is totally republican banter ... if a person in my state dies it's reported to the state ... part of the states jobs are to remove these dead people off the voters rolls period ... in my state, if you don't vote for any election you are taken off the voters roll ... in my time with debating this issue I have checked other states regulations because my state has been the accepted norm, what they did was pass the same legislation my state has been doing the past 15 plus years ... so this matter of risk and vulnerability management. is what it is republicans talking out their ass not know what they are talking about ... you see 95% of the people in my state who are registered voters have been voting by mail-in ballots without any issues at hand ... we have a 95 % return in voting for our state and you republicans don't like that ... that's one main reason we are a blue state ... all the people are voting ... even republicans ... the problem these republicans have more voters like what the democrats are doing where the republicasns to date nobody knows what they are for ...
you keep up with this o inaccurate statements that is totally republican banter ... if a person in my state dies it's reported to the state ... part of the states jobs are to remove these dead people off the voters rolls period ... in my state, if you don't vote for any election you are taken off the voters roll ... in my time with debating this issue I have checked other states regulations because my state has been the accepted norm, what they did was pass the same legislation my state has been doing the past 15 plus years ... so this matter of risk and vulnerability management. is what it is republicans talking out their ass not know what they are talking about ... you see 95% of the people in my state who are registered voters have been voting by mail-in ballots without any issues at hand ... we have a 95 % return in voting for our state and you republicans don't like that ... that's one main reason we are a blue state ... all the people are voting ... even republicans ... the problem these republicans have more voters like what the democrats are doing where the republicasns to date nobody knows what they are for ...
“In my state” “in our state” …… What about the other 49 states? You say you “checked”. You make generalizations and assumptions. For example, you say part of states jobs is to remove dead voters off the voter rolls. What are the results? What is reality? How often does this process occurr? Did you check all 50 states?
not going to get into it with an ignorant person like you ... we all know independent voters are ashamed republican voters ... I'll say my piece and move on ...black lives matters are people protesting are about police officers murdering black people nothing else, time and time again ... every time they protested it was after a cop murdered a black person ... if you and you evil nazi republicans can't deal with that then I suggest you join the Russian army they like murdering innocent people to ... oh yes, go F your self ...
Independent voters are voters who don’t belong to a political party and vote for the best candidate. BLM extorted millions and don’t care about black persons shooting other black persons so I guess those lives don’t matter. You went full retard. I suggest you join Hamas and kill Jews like your hero Ilhan Omar commands you waste of space leftist whose pronouns are bitch, pussy and coward.
“In my state” “in our state” …… What about the other 49 states? You say you “checked”. You make generalizations and assumptions. For example, you say part of states jobs is to remove dead voters off the voter rolls. What are the results? What is reality? How often does this process occurr? Did you check all 50 states?
what about the other 49 states they are all set up the same prove me wrong if you can ... I know you can't ...... if a registered voter doesn't vote they are taken off the roll ... that happens every year of and election ...if a person dies they are reported to the election board and if they are on the rolls they are removed from the rolls ...does it always work 100% hell no... there have been a few not removed no more the 5 people not taken off ...but still they showed they didn't vote ... this goes for mail-in ballots ... stop your nonsense ...
what about the other 49 states they are all set up the same prove me wrong if you can ... I know you can't ...... if a registered voter doesn't vote they are taken off the roll ... that happens every year of and election ...if a person dies they are reported to the election board and if they are on the rolls they are removed from the rolls ...does it always work 100% hell no... there have been a few not removed no more the 5 people not taken off ...but still they showed they didn't vote ... this goes for mail-in ballots ... stop your nonsense ...
What is set up and what the reality and results are two different things. Not sure where you are getting “no more than 5” dead voters not taken off. And what about people who move yet are still on the voter registration list?

A cleaner way of doing it is require voter registration AND have the voter request a ballot to mail in. Why is that so hard for you to understand and why are you against that? Who would be hurt or inconvenienced under tgat process?

What is set up and what the reality and results are two different things. Not sure where you are getting “no more than 5” dead voters not taken off. And what about people who move yet are still on the voter registration list?

A cleaner way of doing it is require voter registration AND have the voter request a ballot to mail in. Why is that so hard for you to understand and why are you against that? Who would be hurt or inconvenienced under tgat process?

Somewhere in between, there is a solution. We already operate that way. When you get your ID, you have the option of register. When you register in a school, you have the option to register. And a few other things. Once you are a registered voter, you get your ballot mailed to you. If you change your address, you must get a new license which means that your also changed your registration. If you die your name is removed from the voter roles. This registration is good for the next 5 years. We had 3 fraudulent ballots per cycle on the average. And all of them are Republicans. You wonder why the Dems aren't up in arms about it? Easy answer. 3 votes out of almost 3 million isn't enough to affect a damned thing.
Somewhere in between, there is a solution. We already operate that way. When you get your ID, you have the option of register. When you register in a school, you have the option to register. And a few other things. Once you are a registered voter, you get your ballot mailed to you. If you change your address, you must get a new license which means that your also changed your registration. If you die your name is removed from the voter roles. This registration is good for the next 5 years. We had 3 fraudulent ballots per cycle on the average. And all of them are Republicans. You wonder why the Dems aren't up in arms about it? Easy answer. 3 votes out of almost 3 million isn't enough to affect a damned thing.
Where are you getting your numbers from? I hate voter fraud no matter who commits it. This is about identifying vulnerabilities and risks and eliminating them. Being required to register for each election regardless if you’ve lived in the same house your whole life or move every year plus initiating and requesting a ballot either in person or via mail in, reduces those risks. I get that states have a process for removing a dead voter but there are considerable numbers not being removed.
Where are you getting your numbers from? I hate voter fraud no matter who commits it. This is about identifying vulnerabilities and risks and eliminating them. Being required to register for each election regardless if you’ve lived in the same house your whole life or move every year plus initiating and requesting a ballot either in person or via mail in, reduces those risks. I get that states have a process for removing a dead voter but there are considerable numbers not being removed.
There’s no voters fraud that amounts to anything No dead people that’s more the 5 voted per state that voted being a registered dead voter and voting is two different… just because they haven’t come off the roll doesn’t’ mean they voted
Where are you getting your numbers from? I hate voter fraud no matter who commits it. This is about identifying vulnerabilities and risks and eliminating them. Being required to register for each election regardless if you’ve lived in the same house your whole life or move every year plus initiating and requesting a ballot either in person or via mail in, reduces those risks. I get that states have a process for removing a dead voter but there are considerable numbers not being removed.

It's been cited over and over again. Either accept it or not.
There’s no voters fraud that amounts to anything No dead people that’s more the 5 voted per state that voted being a registered dead voter and voting is two different… just because they haven’t come off the roll doesn’t’ mean they voted
Where is your data coming from besides what lies between your ears?
I think you got it wrong ... the only time we say anything about color is you right wing nut cases keep trying to take their rights away bypassing voters' regulation ... that's the only time we liberal/democrats say anything ... if you feel we are always saying something ... then ask your self what are we trying to accomplish ... oh things like killing black and brown folks at the blink of an eye ... might be a reason ... or maybe passing regulations that these voters drivers license can't be used as a voters id that they have to get a voters id and if they use a mail-in ballot they will need to get it notarized ... now, that can't be the reason can it ...... next time you hear the speaking think to yourself, why are they talking about race again ... see if their rights are being violated before you make a most uninformed statement as you did here ...
What is this babble intended to signify? The claim that progs aren't constantly agitating about voting regulations doesn't pass the laugh test.
Where is your data coming from besides what lies between your ears?

I guess you believe that enough time has passed that you can pretend that the info has never been presented debunking your nonsense. Sorry, but it hasn't. The Election happened and it wasn't stolen. Rump lost and he's probably on his way to prison. The system can only tolerate this for only so long before it finally says enough and has to strike back. Like our local Tina Peters who just got indicted on 13 counts by a Grand Jury with 5 counts of Felony charges over her actions which you won't find a thing wrong with either. Jan 6 indictments are forthcoming along with the Georgian Phone call indictment that is coming.

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