What's With Black Athletes And Domestic Violence?

Yes, Rikurzhen, I know that table. Black culture is degenerate because black men rape white women. So, what does it mean that white men rape white women?

That was my only point.
I find it interesting the NFL has a LOWER rate of domestic violence than the general population. Bet it has something to do with income. I would love to see an income comparison but I suspect that would also entail a new vs old money chart as well.

Domestic violence almost always is a response to some trigger. It's not like it just randomly occurs for no reason. The triggers are usually money problems, family problems, wife not respecting her husband or cheating on him.

While in the NFL, money problems is a trigger that likely doesn't arise. Similarly the husband has a lot of status due to his NFL job and public recognition and this is an aphrodisiac to wives, thus removing another trigger common to ordinary folks.

I'd wager that this NFL lower rate of domestic violence evaporates for FORMER NFL players, especially those who bankrupted themselves. Lose the cushion of money and status and domestic pressures within a marriage will increase, thus causing more trigger events, and resulting in higher levels of domestic abuse.
A "single parent" is a singular parent living in the household. That building may contain 1000 other people who are not the parent. Murdered by your own stupidity.

Not in your link. In the link you provided, the definition included those children who lived with cohabiting couples. Interestingly, it did not include married step-parent families.

Go read. I've quoted it directly. What do you think is a cohabiting couple? Not someone who calls the same apartment building home.

Uhhhhh. A cohabiting couple can mean two unmarried persons. A single parent still means ONE parent. Carry on.

Right. The parents may not be married, hence "single." But that doesn't mean that Dad isn't in the home, just that he's not married to Mom.

It's sad that you simply won't acknowledge your error.

A 72% rate of unwed motherhood is bad by itself. There are measurable consequences to children which arise even if the parents are cohabitating.
A "single parent" is a singular parent living in the household. That building may contain 1000 other people who are not the parent. Murdered by your own stupidity.

Not in your link. In the link you provided, the definition included those children who lived with cohabiting couples. Interestingly, it did not include married step-parent families.

Go read. I've quoted it directly. What do you think is a cohabiting couple? Not someone who calls the same apartment building home.

Uhhhhh. A cohabiting couple can mean two unmarried persons. A single parent still means ONE parent. Carry on.

Right. The parents may not be married, hence "single." But that doesn't mean that Dad isn't in the home, just that he's not married to Mom.

It's sad that you simply won't acknowledge your error.

A 72% rate of unwed motherhood is bad by itself. There are measurable consequences to children which arise even if the parents are cohabitating.

I'm not saying unwed parenthood is a positive thing. But frankly, I don't see much difference between parents who are married and ones who are just living together.

Here is the specific statistic that you're focusing on:

The problem is particularly acute in the black community: Nearly 5 million black children, or 54 per cent, live in a one-parent, matriarchal family.

A report from the Institute for American Values Center for Marriage and Families notes that over the past 50 years, “the percentage of black families headed by married couples declined from 78 percent to 34 percent.”

In the 30 years from 1950 to 1980, households headed by black women who never married jumped from 3.8 per thousand to 69.7 per thousand.​
A "single parent" is a singular parent living in the household. That building may contain 1000 other people who are not the parent. Murdered by your own stupidity.

Not in your link. In the link you provided, the definition included those children who lived with cohabiting couples. Interestingly, it did not include married step-parent families.

Go read. I've quoted it directly. What do you think is a cohabiting couple? Not someone who calls the same apartment building home.

Uhhhhh. A cohabiting couple can mean two unmarried persons. A single parent still means ONE parent. Carry on.

Right. The parents may not be married, hence "single." But that doesn't mean that Dad isn't in the home, just that he's not married to Mom.

It's sad that you simply won't acknowledge your error.

That's what I said, "SINGLE PARENT". Why won't you admit it?

Because your original assertion was that 71% of black households had no Daddy there. Then you linked to a site that said 67% was the actual statistic, and it included cohabiting couples, even if not married. So, the conclusion is that Daddy is there in some of those situations.
Not the BIOLOGICAL Daddy though.
Not in your link. In the link you provided, the definition included those children who lived with cohabiting couples. Interestingly, it did not include married step-parent families.

Go read. I've quoted it directly. What do you think is a cohabiting couple? Not someone who calls the same apartment building home.

Uhhhhh. A cohabiting couple can mean two unmarried persons. A single parent still means ONE parent. Carry on.

Right. The parents may not be married, hence "single." But that doesn't mean that Dad isn't in the home, just that he's not married to Mom.

It's sad that you simply won't acknowledge your error.

That's what I said, "SINGLE PARENT". Why won't you admit it?

Because your original assertion was that 71% of black households had no Daddy there. Then you linked to a site that said 67% was the actual statistic, and it included cohabiting couples, even if not married. So, the conclusion is that Daddy is there in some of those situations.
Not the BIOLOGICAL Daddy though.

How do you know?
I'm not saying unwed parenthood is a positive thing. But frankly, I don't see much difference between parents who are married and ones who are just living together.

I looked through the data I have and skipped all the charts which don't account for cohabiting parents and these are the metrics which remain:





Were it not for the whites, the Blacks would eventually murder their own selves out of existence. Many would also starve to death as well since Church's Fried Chicken will never be able to provide enough jobs for them all.

Here's a couple of more links for your general digestion:

Blacks struggle with 72 percent unwed mothers rate - Health - Women s health NBC News

Commissioner Kelly says almost 75 of violent crime committed by African-Americans - NY Daily News

Are African Americans As Racist as Other Ethnic Groups

FrontPage Magazine - The Truth of Interracial Rape in the United States

Heart of Darkness 8211 Black on White Crime in America Veterans Today

Yes indeed I am a racist I don't have my head in the sand nor am I in complete denial.

Have you, by any chance, noticed any difference in the way you perceive, regard or feel about Blacks from England, Brazil, France or Australian versus your view of African Americans?

We really don't have that many here where I live, but no. A Black is a Black to me just as a White is a White to you.

That's not really so.

Not all Whites are the same.

And I find Blacks from America quite different than non-Muslim Blacks from Europe or other parts of the World.

This is true. Blacks in other parts of the world want NOTHING to do with American blacks.
Why does it appear to be limited to Black athletes?

It's not.

Ever bother to actually read anything? I said in the last few weeks. In the last few weeks there have been five instances - all Black.
The only thing you care about is that they are black.
Why is that an illegitimate concern? It seems that the women who organize "Take back the night" marches are only concerned with male perpetrators of sexual assault when women match men attack for attack.
It is not illegitimate when the question is posed by someone who is not a racist.
Hope Solo isn't black
Hope Solo did her beating within the past few weeks?

It pays to comprehend the words you read.

What has gotten into these Black NFL athletes and their outburst in domestic violence? We have in the past few weeks been exposed to these guys violently attacking their wives and girlfriends and even brutally beating their children. Is it steroids, overuse of a particular enhancement drug or drinking? What gives? Why does it appear to be limited to Black athletes?
I can admit to some cultural problems in black America. But they are similar problems to those which cause the rise of the Klan and the racist Hitler NAZIs.

Yes. But it's also worth noting that peoples that are oppressed, for whatever reason, rarely suddenly become noble and enlightened because of that once liberated. They will most likely suck just as bad as their oppressors if for some reason they gain power themselves.

An example from Civil War history.

“ Fun Reconstruction Facts”

Another weak seam in the Republican fabric joined predominately mulatto antebellum free Negroes and the largely black ex-slaves.

In Louisiana and N. Carolina, the early monopolization of black leadership by the mulatto class aroused the color and class tensions never far from the surface in the black community.

A mulatto candidate for the 1868 constitutional convention in South Carolina said: “ If ever there is a ****** government – an unmixed ****** government – established in South Carolina, I shall move.”

On the other side, a black leader said of the mulattoes: “To what race do they belong? … I know that my ancestors trod the burning sands of Africa, but why should men in whose veins run a great preponderance of white blood seek to specially ally themselves with the black man, prate of 'our race', when they are simply mongrels.”

p.560, Ordeal By Fire – The Civil War and Reconstruction - James McPherson, Knopf, 1982.

I don't put people on pedestals just because it's fashionable for some to pander to some demographics who suffered some injustice or other; there aren't many cases where it changed anything. A violent criminal is still a violent criminal, whatever the circumstances.
Blacks were waging tribal wars against each other thousands of years before any White person was ever seen. Any place on the planet that has a majority of Blacks whether it's the inner cities or rural Africa has endemic Black on Black violence. That's a fact.
Now it's the Black thug culture that glorifies the worst forms of misogyny and violence and crime and drug use.
Blaming a genetic scientific reality on 'Whitey' is very stupid.
Listen to some prominent blacks who've commented about it. According to Charles Barkley, gowing up in the black south the type of child beating Peterson gave his son was common family descipline practice. Some people beaten as children grow up to be child beaters themselves.
Yes, the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, so to speak. Also these guys are power and money rich and have not been penalized for their brutality. Maybe the new stats for football viewership will make them change their ways.

TV Ratings Thursday Night Football Drops With Snoozer Game - Hollywood Reporter

Preliminary ratings are down 40 percent from last week, with CBS and the NFL Net averaging a 3.3 rating among adults 18-49 in fast national returns. Last week's game, which averaged an early 5.5 rating, went up to a 7.5 in the key demo once time zone adjustments were made.

Interest in the matchup was clearly already low, as pre-game coverage was also down 34 percent from comparable preliminary numbers last week. That coverage did take on the ongoing public debate over domestic abuse among NFL players and the league's handling of it.
I can admit to some cultural problems in black America. But they are similar problems to those which cause the rise of the Klan and the racist Hitler NAZIs.

Yes. But it's also worth noting that peoples that are oppressed, for whatever reason, rarely suddenly become noble and enlightened because of that once liberated. They will most likely suck just as bad as their oppressors if for some reason they gain power themselves.

An example from Civil War history.

“ Fun Reconstruction Facts”

Another weak seam in the Republican fabric joined predominately mulatto antebellum free Negroes and the largely black ex-slaves.

In Louisiana and N. Carolina, the early monopolization of black leadership by the mulatto class aroused the color and class tensions never far from the surface in the black community.

A mulatto candidate for the 1868 constitutional convention in South Carolina said: “ If ever there is a ****** government – an unmixed ****** government – established in South Carolina, I shall move.”

On the other side, a black leader said of the mulattoes: “To what race do they belong? … I know that my ancestors trod the burning sands of Africa, but why should men in whose veins run a great preponderance of white blood seek to specially ally themselves with the black man, prate of 'our race', when they are simply mongrels.”

p.560, Ordeal By Fire – The Civil War and Reconstruction - James McPherson, Knopf, 1982.

I don't put people on pedestals just because it's fashionable for some to pander to some demographics who suffered some injustice or other; there aren't many cases where it changed anything. A violent criminal is still a violent criminal, whatever the circumstances.
Blacks were waging tribal wars against each other thousands of years before any White person was ever seen. Any place on the planet that has a majority of Blacks whether it's the inner cities or rural Africa has endemic Black on Black violence. That's a fact.
Now it's the Black thug culture that glorifies the worst forms of misogyny and violence and crime and drug use.
Blaming a genetic scientific reality on 'Whitey' is very stupid.
ghetto culture......what do you expect?
That's true. If they have been brought up in the projects on the backs of the taxpayers, and have not had work experience combined with a higher education, what are we to expect. :( More of the same. If they had to spend time in prison for brutality against women and children, things would turn around.
If they had to spend time in prison for brutality against women and children, things would turn around.

Unlikely. ("they" meaning scumbags who engage in domestic violence, without the idiotic racist focus of the troll OP)
If they had to spend time in prison for brutality against women and children, things would turn around.

Unlikely. ("they" meaning scumbags who engage in domestic violence, without the idiotic racist focus of the troll OP)

Poor little troll. Can't get anyone to talk to him so he goes from one thread to another spouting one-line attacks. Mentally challenged is an appropriate term for Ukotare.

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