What's With Black Athletes And Domestic Violence?

Its a cultural problem. Black people frequently hurt their children and their wives/girlfriends.

Speaking specifically to the NFL population, I don't believe that this phenomenon is strictly a cultural problem, I suspect it's a genetic problem, in fact, I suspect that it is primarily a genetic problem.

As for the genetics issue, here's what we know:

A line of research has revealed that a polymorphism in the promoter region of the MAOA gene is related to antisocial phenotypes. Most of these studies examine the effects of low MAOA activity alleles (2-repeat and 3-repeat alleles) against the effects of high MAOA activity alleles (3.5-repeat, 4-repeat, and some-times 5-repeat alleles), with research indicating that the low MAOA activity alleles confer an increased risk to antisocial phenotypes. The current study examined whether the 2-repeat allele, which has been shown to be functionally different from the 3-repeat allele, was associated with a range of antisocial phenotypes in a sample of males drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Analyses revealed that African-American males who carried the 2-repeat allele were, in comparison with other African-American male genotypes, significantly more likely to be arrested and incarcerated. Additional analyses revealed that African-American male carriers of the 2-repeat allele scored significantly higher on an antisocial phenotype index and on measures assessing involvement in violent behaviors over the life course. There was not any association between the 2-repeat allele and a continuously measured psychopathic personality traits scale. The effects of the 2-repeat allele could not be examined in Caucasian males because only 0.1% carried it.
Blacks are 52 times more likely than whites to be 2-repeat allele carriers. My hypothesis is this - to be successful at football one needs to be comfortable with violence. We're not going to see Miles Crane from Frazier gearing up to go on the field. So it's likely that there is a correlation between football players and 2-repeat allele carriers. I don't have any clue as to the strength of this hypothesized association but I suspect we'll find it if we are interested enough to look for it.

The culture component actually saves these guys - their talent has been steered towards athletics rather than crime but their thoughts and inclinations are what lead them into trouble with the law.

There were a couple posts above with links and stats about the predominately black NFL having LESS likely to be arrested people than the general population.

My take is social status and surroundings are more to blame than genetics.

I have been to the country also. Instead of collapsing brick buildings those lazy folks have collapsing wooden barns and cars with trees growing out of them.
The 'African elephant in the room' is Blacks are more genetically predisposed to violence than other races.
It's a scientific fact no one wants to publically acknowledge but it's a fact none the less.
Another scientific fact is Blacks have, generally, lower IQs than other races.
When anyone states these facts they are labeled 'racist'. Who the fuck cares what a bunch of fool deniers of fact say? Not I.
The only way for the Black race to stop it's steady slide into irrelevance is for people to first admit to the facts and only then can the Black race begin to change in ways which account for their reality.
What has gotten into these Black NFL athletes and their outburst in domestic violence? We have in the past few weeks been exposed to these guys violently attacking their wives and girlfriends and even brutally beating their children. Is it steroids, overuse of a particular enhancement drug or drinking? What gives? Why does it appear to be limited to Black athletes?

It's not just athletes.

MOST Black people believe in whippins but too many Black parents administer it haphazardly and the kids learn the wrong lesson.

I guess it's the Black Mom's fault since 72% of Black homes have no Dad's present in the home. Has to be all the Moms' fault.

I'd like to see a link to that statistic.

Here's you one since you must be incapable of doing a search for yourself. This one has it at 67%

Children in single-parent families by race KIDS COUNT Data Center
I didn't know that Blacks had IQ's that high. Blacks also commit a very large percentage of rapes on white women too. White men commit almost zero rapes of Black women. Sad almost an entire race is so degenerate.

Black men are degenerate because they rape white women. But white men don't rape black women. They rape white women, too.

I guess white men are pretty damned degenerate as well.

Why can't Black men just rape Black women? Are they all just too ugly?

Maybe they fight back too much. OR maybe they don't report it.

Either way, you seem to define degeneration as raping across racial lines.

Narrow minded aren't you. No indeed. It is violent crime in particular.

Race and crime - Metapedia
Too bad trolls get to roam free on their abusive courses.

Yes. You Liberals have just simply got to rewrite our Constitution to fit your own propaganda.

USMB doesn't have a constitution idiot. Please inform the liberals I have joined them, that will be amusing.

I never mentioned USMB idiot!
The 'African elephant in the room' is Blacks are more genetically predisposed to violence than other races.
It's a scientific fact no one wants to publically acknowledge but it's a fact none the less.
Another scientific fact is Blacks have, generally, lower IQs than other races.
When anyone states these facts they are labeled 'racist'. Who the fuck cares what a bunch of fool deniers of fact say? Not I.
The only way for the Black race to stop it's steady slide into irrelevance is for people to first admit to the facts and only then can the Black race begin to change in ways which account for their reality.

Exactly!! Heads in the sand.

Race and crime - Metapedia
Were it not for the whites, the Blacks would eventually murder their own selves out of existence. Many would also starve to death as well since Church's Fried Chicken will never be able to provide enough jobs for them all.

Here's a couple of more links for your general digestion:

Blacks struggle with 72 percent unwed mothers rate - Health - Women s health NBC News

Commissioner Kelly says almost 75 of violent crime committed by African-Americans - NY Daily News

Are African Americans As Racist as Other Ethnic Groups

FrontPage Magazine - The Truth of Interracial Rape in the United States

Heart of Darkness 8211 Black on White Crime in America Veterans Today

Yes indeed I am a racist I don't have my head in the sand nor am I in complete denial.
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The 'African elephant in the room' is Blacks are more genetically predisposed to violence than other races.
It's a scientific fact no one wants to publically acknowledge but it's a fact none the less.
Another scientific fact is Blacks have, generally, lower IQs than other races.
When anyone states these facts they are labeled 'racist'. Who the fuck cares what a bunch of fool deniers of fact say? Not I.
The only way for the Black race to stop it's steady slide into irrelevance is for people to first admit to the facts and only then can the Black race begin to change in ways which account for their reality.

Its a cultural problem. Black people frequently hurt their children and their wives/girlfriends.

Speaking specifically to the NFL population, I don't believe that this phenomenon is strictly a cultural problem, I suspect it's a genetic problem, in fact, I suspect that it is primarily a genetic problem.

As for the genetics issue, here's what we know:

A line of research has revealed that a polymorphism in the promoter region of the MAOA gene is related to antisocial phenotypes. Most of these studies examine the effects of low MAOA activity alleles (2-repeat and 3-repeat alleles) against the effects of high MAOA activity alleles (3.5-repeat, 4-repeat, and some-times 5-repeat alleles), with research indicating that the low MAOA activity alleles confer an increased risk to antisocial phenotypes. The current study examined whether the 2-repeat allele, which has been shown to be functionally different from the 3-repeat allele, was associated with a range of antisocial phenotypes in a sample of males drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Analyses revealed that African-American males who carried the 2-repeat allele were, in comparison with other African-American male genotypes, significantly more likely to be arrested and incarcerated. Additional analyses revealed that African-American male carriers of the 2-repeat allele scored significantly higher on an antisocial phenotype index and on measures assessing involvement in violent behaviors over the life course. There was not any association between the 2-repeat allele and a continuously measured psychopathic personality traits scale. The effects of the 2-repeat allele could not be examined in Caucasian males because only 0.1% carried it.
Blacks are 52 times more likely than whites to be 2-repeat allele carriers. My hypothesis is this - to be successful at football one needs to be comfortable with violence. We're not going to see Miles Crane from Frazier gearing up to go on the field. So it's likely that there is a correlation between football players and 2-repeat allele carriers. I don't have any clue as to the strength of this hypothesized association but I suspect we'll find it if we are interested enough to look for it.

The culture component actually saves these guys - their talent has been steered towards athletics rather than crime but their thoughts and inclinations are what lead them into trouble with the law.

There were a couple posts above with links and stats about the predominately black NFL having LESS likely to be arrested people than the general population.

My take is social status and surroundings are more to blame than genetics.

I have been to the country also. Instead of collapsing brick buildings those lazy folks have collapsing wooden barns and cars with trees growing out of them.

Weird. Yet the mostly black NFL has lower rates that the mostly non black United States.

I can admit to some cultural problems in black America. But they are similar problems to those which cause the rise of the Klan and the racist Hitler NAZIs.
I can admit to some cultural problems in black America. But they are similar problems to those which cause the rise of the Klan and the racist Hitler NAZIs.

Yes. But it's also worth noting that peoples that are oppressed, for whatever reason, rarely suddenly become noble and enlightened because of that once liberated. They will most likely suck just as bad as their oppressors if for some reason they gain power themselves.

An example from Civil War history.

“ Fun Reconstruction Facts”

Another weak seam in the Republican fabric joined predominately mulatto antebellum free Negroes and the largely black ex-slaves.

In Louisiana and N. Carolina, the early monopolization of black leadership by the mulatto class aroused the color and class tensions never far from the surface in the black community.

A mulatto candidate for the 1868 constitutional convention in South Carolina said: “ If ever there is a ****** government – an unmixed ****** government – established in South Carolina, I shall move.”

On the other side, a black leader said of the mulattoes: “To what race do they belong? … I know that my ancestors trod the burning sands of Africa, but why should men in whose veins run a great preponderance of white blood seek to specially ally themselves with the black man, prate of 'our race', when they are simply mongrels.”

p.560, Ordeal By Fire – The Civil War and Reconstruction - James McPherson, Knopf, 1982.

I don't put people on pedestals just because it's fashionable for some to pander to some demographics who suffered some injustice or other; there aren't many cases where it changed anything. A violent criminal is still a violent criminal, whatever the circumstances.
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This is the result of the democrat experiment called welfare. Paying blacks to have children out of wedlock. Another liberal success story.
The 'African elephant in the room' is Blacks are more genetically predisposed to violence than other races.
It's a scientific fact no one wants to publically acknowledge but it's a fact none the less.
Another scientific fact is Blacks have, generally, lower IQs than other races.
When anyone states these facts they are labeled 'racist'. Who the fuck cares what a bunch of fool deniers of fact say? Not I.
The only way for the Black race to stop it's steady slide into irrelevance is for people to first admit to the facts and only then can the Black race begin to change in ways which account for their reality.

Its a cultural problem. Black people frequently hurt their children and their wives/girlfriends.

Speaking specifically to the NFL population, I don't believe that this phenomenon is strictly a cultural problem, I suspect it's a genetic problem, in fact, I suspect that it is primarily a genetic problem.

As for the genetics issue, here's what we know:

A line of research has revealed that a polymorphism in the promoter region of the MAOA gene is related to antisocial phenotypes. Most of these studies examine the effects of low MAOA activity alleles (2-repeat and 3-repeat alleles) against the effects of high MAOA activity alleles (3.5-repeat, 4-repeat, and some-times 5-repeat alleles), with research indicating that the low MAOA activity alleles confer an increased risk to antisocial phenotypes. The current study examined whether the 2-repeat allele, which has been shown to be functionally different from the 3-repeat allele, was associated with a range of antisocial phenotypes in a sample of males drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Analyses revealed that African-American males who carried the 2-repeat allele were, in comparison with other African-American male genotypes, significantly more likely to be arrested and incarcerated. Additional analyses revealed that African-American male carriers of the 2-repeat allele scored significantly higher on an antisocial phenotype index and on measures assessing involvement in violent behaviors over the life course. There was not any association between the 2-repeat allele and a continuously measured psychopathic personality traits scale. The effects of the 2-repeat allele could not be examined in Caucasian males because only 0.1% carried it.
Blacks are 52 times more likely than whites to be 2-repeat allele carriers. My hypothesis is this - to be successful at football one needs to be comfortable with violence. We're not going to see Miles Crane from Frazier gearing up to go on the field. So it's likely that there is a correlation between football players and 2-repeat allele carriers. I don't have any clue as to the strength of this hypothesized association but I suspect we'll find it if we are interested enough to look for it.

The culture component actually saves these guys - their talent has been steered towards athletics rather than crime but their thoughts and inclinations are what lead them into trouble with the law.

There were a couple posts above with links and stats about the predominately black NFL having LESS likely to be arrested people than the general population.

My take is social status and surroundings are more to blame than genetics.

I have been to the country also. Instead of collapsing brick buildings those lazy folks have collapsing wooden barns and cars with trees growing out of them.

Weird. Yet the mostly black NFL has lower rates that the mostly non black United States.

I can admit to some cultural problems in black America. But they are similar problems to those which cause the rise of the Klan and the racist Hitler NAZIs.

And this would attribute absolutely nothing to it?

Report Only 52 percent of black males graduate from high school in 4 years theGrio
What has gotten into these Black NFL athletes and their outburst in domestic violence? We have in the past few weeks been exposed to these guys violently attacking their wives and girlfriends and even brutally beating their children. Is it steroids, overuse of a particular enhancement drug or drinking? What gives? Why does it appear to be limited to Black athletes?

It's not just athletes.

MOST Black people believe in whippins but too many Black parents administer it haphazardly and the kids learn the wrong lesson.

I guess it's the Black Mom's fault since 72% of Black homes have no Dad's present in the home. Has to be all the Moms' fault.

I'd like to see a link to that statistic.

Here's you one since you must be incapable of doing a search for yourself. This one has it at 67%

Children in single-parent families by race KIDS COUNT Data Center

Thank you. The reason why I asked for your support is because I was interested in the definitions used.

In your link, I found this under definition of single-parent households: "In this definition, single-parent families may include cohabiting couples"

Therefore, it is not a certain fact that the high percentage "have no Dad's (sic) present in the home" (to quote you).

I'm sure you'll quickly admit your error and move on.
Sad almost an entire race is so degenerate.

Sad that YOU are an irrational racist.

You call everyone racist!

Whether they are or not!

Don't you?


"Sad almost an entire race is so degenerate." That statement isn't racist? Even you can't be that stupid.

Didn't say it wasn't. I've even admitted that I am racist. Now what are you going to do about it?

Give you all the disdain you deserve, low-life.

I didn't know that Blacks had IQ's that high. Blacks also commit a very large percentage of rapes on white women too. White men commit almost zero rapes of Black women. Sad almost an entire race is so degenerate.

Black men are degenerate because they rape white women. But white men don't rape black women. They rape white women, too.

I guess white men are pretty damned degenerate as well.

Why can't Black men just rape Black women? Are they all just too ugly?

Maybe they fight back too much. OR maybe they don't report it.

Either way, you seem to define degeneration as raping across racial lines.

Narrow minded aren't you. No indeed. It is violent crime in particular.

Race and crime - Metapedia

I'm not being narrow-minded. I'm addressing the question that was specifically put forward in a post. That black men commit a certain percentage of rapes on white women, and white men don't particularly rape black women. That seems to define, in your mind, degeneration.
What has gotten into these Black NFL athletes and their outburst in domestic violence? We have in the past few weeks been exposed to these guys violently attacking their wives and girlfriends and even brutally beating their children. Is it steroids, overuse of a particular enhancement drug or drinking? What gives? Why does it appear to be limited to Black athletes?

It's not just athletes.

MOST Black people believe in whippins but too many Black parents administer it haphazardly and the kids learn the wrong lesson.

I guess it's the Black Mom's fault since 72% of Black homes have no Dad's present in the home. Has to be all the Moms' fault.

I'd like to see a link to that statistic.

Here's you one since you must be incapable of doing a search for yourself. This one has it at 67%

Children in single-parent families by race KIDS COUNT Data Center

Thank you. The reason why I asked for your support is because I was interested in the definitions used.

In your link, I found this under definition of single-parent households: "In this definition, single-parent families may include cohabiting couples"

Therefore, it is not a certain fact that the high percentage "have no Dad's (sic) present in the home" (to quote you).

I'm sure you'll quickly admit your error and move on.

A "single parent" is a singular parent living in the household. That building may contain 1000 other people who are not the parent. Murdered by your own stupidity.
I didn't know that Blacks had IQ's that high. Blacks also commit a very large percentage of rapes on white women too. White men commit almost zero rapes of Black women. Sad almost an entire race is so degenerate.

Black men are degenerate because they rape white women. But white men don't rape black women. They rape white women, too.

I guess white men are pretty damned degenerate as well.

Why can't Black men just rape Black women? Are they all just too ugly?

Maybe they fight back too much. OR maybe they don't report it.

Either way, you seem to define degeneration as raping across racial lines.

Narrow minded aren't you. No indeed. It is violent crime in particular.

Race and crime - Metapedia

I'm not being narrow-minded. I'm addressing the question that was specifically put forward in a post. That black men commit a certain percentage of rapes on white women, and white men don't particularly rape black women. That seems to define, in your mind, degeneration.

That's because you can't comprehend the English language. But in Hillary's own words, "What difference does it make?"
A "single parent" is a singular parent living in the household. That building may contain 1000 other people who are not the parent. Murdered by your own stupidity.

Not in your link. In the link you provided, the definition included those children who lived with cohabiting couples. Interestingly, it did not include married step-parent families.

Go read. I've quoted it directly. What do you think is a cohabiting couple? Not someone who calls the same apartment building home.
Sad almost an entire race is so degenerate.

Sad that YOU are an irrational racist.

You call everyone racist!

Whether they are or not!

Don't you?


"Sad almost an entire race is so degenerate." That statement isn't racist? Even you can't be that stupid.

Didn't say it wasn't. I've even admitted that I am racist. Now what are you going to do about it?

Give you all the disdain you deserve, low-life.


You really have no knowledge of anything at all do you? You contribute nothing at all in defense of any position. You just ramble on and on.
A "single parent" is a singular parent living in the household. That building may contain 1000 other people who are not the parent. Murdered by your own stupidity.

Not in your link. In the link you provided, the definition included those children who lived with cohabiting couples. Interestingly, it did not include married step-parent families.

Go read. I've quoted it directly. What do you think is a cohabiting couple? Not someone who calls the same apartment building home.

Uhhhhh. A cohabiting couple can mean two unmarried persons. A single parent still means ONE parent. Carry on.
Sad almost an entire race is so degenerate.

Sad that YOU are an irrational racist.

You call everyone racist!

Whether they are or not!

Don't you?


"Sad almost an entire race is so degenerate." That statement isn't racist? Even you can't be that stupid.

Didn't say it wasn't. I've even admitted that I am racist. Now what are you going to do about it?

Give you all the disdain you deserve, low-life.


Where did you come up with that Old Hag photo you are using? You celebrating Halloween?

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