What's with the low oil prices?

Oh yes, by all means let's artificially prop up the price of oil for U.S. oil companies who have been raping the American people for almost a decade while continually whining for MORE and MORE government subsidies.

I spent years in the energy sector at GE Nuclear and GE Energy, and I'm not aware of these "government subsidies." I keep asking liberals what they mean by this and none of them know. You seem knowledgeable and enlightened, maybe you can help me. What subsidies do they get?
Overhead is compensated for by increased product. Potential supply is contingent upon conditions, just like crabs and lobster. This is all a supply and demand issue and the only reason things have cost way more than they need to is because this president thing's energy policy has allowed OPEC leverage it didn't and doesn't have to have.

You have just shown an incredible lack of understanding on this issue.
And everything you've posted reflects supply and demand dynamics.
Do you work for the obama admin? The DNC?

Yes, it reflects supply and demand when 80% of the supply is held by one group who can raise and lower prices at will. They're trying to put US oil production out of business by making it unprofitable.
That's a bullshit excuse. When something drops in price demand increases and so the profit remains. Especially a commodity as essential as oil.

Don't know if that is really true. Looking at it on the micro level, I do not expect my consumption to change all that much due to the lower price, I will be very happy to spend my money on something else.
Consumption will change and not just oil. Reduced energy costs across the board free up money that is spent throughout the economy. It's the green agenda that has prevented any recovery ever since the hack took office.
More bullshit. Do you work for this administration? You are flinging bullshit.
The price is dropping because supply is increasing against demand. Just like the potential for supply against demand when the offshore moratoriums were lifted in 2008. The price went up immediately upon obama pronouncements and actions to reimplement restrictions. OPEC did nothing different as far as supply is concerned when the price dropped and did nothing different when obama reimplemented restrictions when the price rose. Their impact was negligible in those instances.
Their impact is significant in this case because obama restrictions have not been lifted and the US government this time around has down nothing to that effect.
Then -- OPEC nothing, US something. This time -- OPEC something, US (obama) nothing.
You're putting up smoke screens.

Sometimes I can be quite harsh with people because there's a lot of nonsense on this board. When you basically wondered why I was doing this it was because I felt you were doing the same thing. Now I see I wasn't wrong.

You don't understand the situation, I've tried to explain it to you, you still don't get it. That's not my problem.

But here's the thing, I'm making an argument, I'm backing it up. You're coming back with nothing more than some words.

Look at the situation in 2001:

4 OPEC countries who hated the US.

Venezuela, Iran, Iraq and Libya.

There are 201 countries in the world, something like that. The US has, in that time managed zero declarations of war, two military engagements authorised by Congress, two authorised by the UN.

Of the former, one was Afghanistan, the other Iraq. Of the latter one was Libya and the other Haiti which was peacekeeping anyway, not proper military engagement.

So, two out of three have been against the 4 nations I mentioned before.

Then there's sanctions. The US has sanctions against various countries, not many, Venezuela is next, Iran has had sanctions since 1979 but there has been a massive increase.

Then there's coup d'etats. The one in 2002 against Chavez was helped through their, ironically named, program supposedly designed to promote democracy, and they got rid of a democratically elected leader, to, er... promote democracy. Couldn't make it up.

So here's the question. Why has the US targeted these countries so much?
Why was Libya so essential to bomb the hell out of to get rid of Gadaffi in the eyes of John McCain, and yet Syria was only mildly annoying, not enough for US military action?

Why sanctions against (supposedly) Iran's nuclear program, while at the same time supporting Pakistan's (yes, PAKISTAN) nuclear program?

Why try and get rid of Saddam, Chavez, Gadaffi and the Iranian regime? What do they all have in common?
They've been run by dictatorial madmen who employed and employ terrorist and other similar tactics aimed at the the US and similar interests. Duh.
last time I checked OPEC is the empirical data .. but whatever you say. Maybe a magic wand will appear and grant the rest of the world enough oil capable of being harvested to catch OPEC...
You need to do some research. We have more potential reserves than OPEC.
Then consider Bush's post-drilling-moratorium plans from late 2008/early2009, plans immediately scrapped by the current fascist-in-chief as the moratorium was reimposed.

Simply not true. In fact they were going to open more federal waters for leasing in the Atlantic. The new plans were reviewed sometime after April of 2010. Need a reminder why?
All plans for offshore extraction expansion were scrapped by obama immediately upon taking office.
last time I checked OPEC is the empirical data .. but whatever you say. Maybe a magic wand will appear and grant the rest of the world enough oil capable of being harvested to catch OPEC...
You need to do some research. We have more potential reserves than OPEC.
Then consider Bush's post-drilling-moratorium plans from late 2008/early2009, plans immediately scrapped by the current fascist-in-chief as the moratorium was reimposed.

Simply not true. In fact they were going to open more federal waters for leasing in the Atlantic. The new plans were reviewed sometime after April of 2010. Need a reminder why?

All plans for offshore extraction expansion were scrapped by obama immediately upon taking office.

According to data from Rigdata.com and Baker Hughes, there are around 2,000 active drilling rigs in the United States right now. The number of rig, which counts oil and natural gas rigs, is more than 250 over the same time last year, but it well off the pace of December 1981, according to Baker Hughes
Slowed the recovery, How?
Can you elaborate and do you have some proof?
Or is this pure conjecture on your part?

You have just shown an incredible lack of understanding on this issue.
And everything you've posted reflects supply and demand dynamics.
Do you work for the obama admin? The DNC?

Yes, it reflects supply and demand when 80% of the supply is held by one group who can raise and lower prices at will. They're trying to put US oil production out of business by making it unprofitable.
That's a bullshit excuse. When something drops in price demand increases and so the profit remains. Especially a commodity as essential as oil.

Don't know if that is really true. Looking at it on the micro level, I do not expect my consumption to change all that much due to the lower price, I will be very happy to spend my money on something else.
Consumption will change and not just oil. Reduced energy costs across the board free up money that is spent throughout the economy. It's the green agenda that has prevented any recovery ever since the hack took office.
last time I checked OPEC is the empirical data .. but whatever you say. Maybe a magic wand will appear and grant the rest of the world enough oil capable of being harvested to catch OPEC...
You need to do some research. We have more potential reserves than OPEC.
Then consider Bush's post-drilling-moratorium plans from late 2008/early2009, plans immediately scrapped by the current fascist-in-chief as the moratorium was reimposed.

Simply not true. In fact they were going to open more federal waters for leasing in the Atlantic. The new plans were reviewed sometime after April of 2010. Need a reminder why?

All plans for offshore extraction expansion were scrapped by obama immediately upon taking office.

According to data from Rigdata.com and Baker Hughes, there are around 2,000 active drilling rigs in the United States right now. The number of rig, which counts oil and natural gas rigs, is more than 250 over the same time last year, but it well off the pace of December 1981, according to Baker Hughes
Which has nothing to do with barring extraction off the pacific and atlantic coasts or any forbidden federal land.
Slowed the recovery, How?
Can you elaborate and do you have some proof?
Or is this pure conjecture on your part?

And everything you've posted reflects supply and demand dynamics.
Do you work for the obama admin? The DNC?

Yes, it reflects supply and demand when 80% of the supply is held by one group who can raise and lower prices at will. They're trying to put US oil production out of business by making it unprofitable.
That's a bullshit excuse. When something drops in price demand increases and so the profit remains. Especially a commodity as essential as oil.

Don't know if that is really true. Looking at it on the micro level, I do not expect my consumption to change all that much due to the lower price, I will be very happy to spend my money on something else.
Consumption will change and not just oil. Reduced energy costs across the board free up money that is spent throughout the economy. It's the green agenda that has prevented any recovery ever since the hack took office.
Wages are down or stagnant and consumer goods prices are up. That's all you need to know about an economy.
Oh yes, by all means let's artificially prop up the price of oil for U.S. oil companies who have been raping the American people for almost a decade while continually whining for MORE and MORE government subsidies.

I spent years in the energy sector at GE Nuclear and GE Energy, and I'm not aware of these "government subsidies." I keep asking liberals what they mean by this and none of them know. You seem knowledgeable and enlightened, maybe you can help me. What subsidies do they get?

Fossil Fuel Subsidies Overview - Oil Change InternationalOil Change International

That is awesome!!!
What policy did Obama change to increase our production?

every policy the RW's are bitching about him changing ..

in 1981 there were over 4000 working rigs, and Reagan still suffered through all the oil BS ... so working rigs have little meaning on Presidents .. but don't tell Roshmarkie Ok?

every policy the RW's are bitching about him changing ..

Which policy did he change that increased our production? Be specific.

That is awesome!!!
What policy did Obama change to increase our production?

every policy the RW's are bitching about him changing ..

in 1981 there were over 4000 working rigs, and Reagan still suffered through all the oil BS ... so working rigs have little meaning on Presidents .. but don't tell Roshmarkie Ok?

every policy the RW's are bitching about him changing ..

Which policy did he change that increased our production? Be specific.

the comment was offshore rigs .. I proved that comment was BS, and provided a chart to prove it .. you be specific.
last time I checked OPEC is the empirical data .. but whatever you say. Maybe a magic wand will appear and grant the rest of the world enough oil capable of being harvested to catch OPEC...
You need to do some research. We have more potential reserves than OPEC.
Then consider Bush's post-drilling-moratorium plans from late 2008/early2009, plans immediately scrapped by the current fascist-in-chief as the moratorium was reimposed.

Simply not true. In fact they were going to open more federal waters for leasing in the Atlantic. The new plans were reviewed sometime after April of 2010. Need a reminder why?
All plans for offshore extraction expansion were scrapped by obama immediately upon taking office.

that's twice ... keep up Todd or drop out.
If oil prices stay low our economy will surge and Russia's will falter and that maybe the aim all along.

What happens if US drilling has to stop because it's not financially viable?
If we stop, drilling because it's not financially viable, we'll have less bitching and moaning about drilling here in the states. Our import/export trade imbalance will get worse. There will be people looking for work.

Yep. So you see why all of a sudden lower oil prices doesn't suit US foreign policy.

Hence why they're going after Venezuela and are still going after Iran, they can't touch their "allies" like Saudi Arabia though.

That is awesome!!!
What policy did Obama change to increase our production?

every policy the RW's are bitching about him changing ..

in 1981 there were over 4000 working rigs, and Reagan still suffered through all the oil BS ... so working rigs have little meaning on Presidents .. but don't tell Roshmarkie Ok?
What are you talking about?

what do YOU care - it doesn't have anything to do with wages on consumer prices so you don't give a shit, right?

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