What's with the low oil prices?

That is awesome!!!
What policy did Obama change to increase our production?

every policy the RW's are bitching about him changing ..

in 1981 there were over 4000 working rigs, and Reagan still suffered through all the oil BS ... so working rigs have little meaning on Presidents .. but don't tell Roshmarkie Ok?

every policy the RW's are bitching about him changing ..

Which policy did he change that increased our production? Be specific.

the comment was offshore rigs .. I proved that comment was BS, and provided a chart to prove it .. you be specific.

the comment was offshore rigs

What policy about offshore rigs did he change to increase our production?

none you idiot, that's the point, but you don't have the depth it takes to read the thread and understand that ...

now drop out with your broken record bs ...

none you idiot, that's the point,

So when I asked and you said "every policy the RW's are bitching about him changing .."
you were joking, or showing the thread your low IQ?
The only thing we had to do with the lower oil prices is get SAUDI ARABIA scared to death that fracking here would KILL their business, and they are seeing just how low they can push the prices before fracking REALLY becomes economically unfeasible!
In the 80's, which are, let's remember, the conservative go-to decade when they're praising Reagan and his somewhat tangential association with conservatism,

oil prices fell to the point where they caused a depression in the so-called US 'oil patch', Texas, Oklahoma, and thereabouts.
Post some points that have substance, you have none. Just like the tea party crowd.
Big bags of wind and opinion.

That is the lamest statement.
No proof that it was caused by President Obama.
Simple mind , simple statement.

Slowed the recovery, How?
Can you elaborate and do you have some proof?
Or is this pure conjecture on your part?

Don't know if that is really true. Looking at it on the micro level, I do not expect my consumption to change all that much due to the lower price, I will be very happy to spend my money on something else.
Consumption will change and not just oil. Reduced energy costs across the board free up money that is spent throughout the economy. It's the green agenda that has prevented any recovery ever since the hack took office.
Wages are down or stagnant and consumer goods prices are up. That's all you need to know about an economy.
Yet you couldn't respond with any points. Just disparagement. That's just like a lefty.
Post some points that have substance, you have none. Just like the tea party crowd.
Big bags of wind and opinion.

That is the lamest statement.
No proof that it was caused by President Obama.
Simple mind , simple statement.

Slowed the recovery, How?
Can you elaborate and do you have some proof?
Or is this pure conjecture on your part?

Consumption will change and not just oil. Reduced energy costs across the board free up money that is spent throughout the economy. It's the green agenda that has prevented any recovery ever since the hack took office.
Wages are down or stagnant and consumer goods prices are up. That's all you need to know about an economy.
Yet you couldn't respond with any points. Just disparagement. That's just like a lefty.

Is that your opinion?
Post some points that have substance, you have none. Just like the tea party crowd.
Big bags of wind and opinion.

That is the lamest statement.
No proof that it was caused by President Obama.
Simple mind , simple statement.

Slowed the recovery, How?
Can you elaborate and do you have some proof?
Or is this pure conjecture on your part?

Consumption will change and not just oil. Reduced energy costs across the board free up money that is spent throughout the economy. It's the green agenda that has prevented any recovery ever since the hack took office.
Wages are down or stagnant and consumer goods prices are up. That's all you need to know about an economy.
Yet you couldn't respond with any points. Just disparagement. That's just like a lefty.
You're doing the Monty Python Black Knight routine.
What part of stagnant and lower wages against higher prices did you not understand?
Post some points that have substance, you have none. Just like the tea party crowd.
Big bags of wind and opinion.

That is the lamest statement.
No proof that it was caused by President Obama.
Simple mind , simple statement.

Slowed the recovery, How?
Can you elaborate and do you have some proof?
Or is this pure conjecture on your part?
Wages are down or stagnant and consumer goods prices are up. That's all you need to know about an economy.
Yet you couldn't respond with any points. Just disparagement. That's just like a lefty.

Is that your opinion?
No, it was a pointed response to disparagement.

How Low Can Oil Prices Go?

Peak oil? What peak oil?
Ronald Bailey | December 5, 2014

What's going on is that the world is awash in crude oil while the world economy is slowing down. Demand for crude has dropped, yet supplies are increasing; the predictable result is lower prices. A huge part of the glut in global production stems from the fracking boom in the United States that has seen domestic oil production rise from a low of 5 million barrels per day in 2008 to over 9 million barrels per day in November.

Post some points that have substance, you have none. Just like the tea party crowd.
Big bags of wind and opinion.

That is the lamest statement.
No proof that it was caused by President Obama.
Simple mind , simple statement.

Wages are down or stagnant and consumer goods prices are up. That's all you need to know about an economy.
Yet you couldn't respond with any points. Just disparagement. That's just like a lefty.

Is that your opinion?
No, it was a pointed response to disparagement.

Funny I see no facts. I see no links, all I see is your pointed response, Opinion.

How Low Can Oil Prices Go?

Peak oil? What peak oil?
Ronald Bailey | December 5, 2014

What's going on is that the world is awash in crude oil while the world economy is slowing down. Demand for crude has dropped, yet supplies are increasing; the predictable result is lower prices. A huge part of the glut in global production stems from the fracking boom in the United States that has seen domestic oil production rise from a low of 5 million barrels per day in 2008 to over 9 million barrels per day in November.


I am told from someone work in the fracking business that there isn't anywhere to put more gas. So when the Gov. of PA, elect says he is going to tax the gas at 40 percent the companies say, fine, we will just cap the wells and drill elsewhere.

I always heard that the price of gasoline was also effected by the number of refineries. Since I don't think they have built any, recently, how can the supply be increasing?
every policy the RW's are bitching about him changing ..

in 1981 there were over 4000 working rigs, and Reagan still suffered through all the oil BS ... so working rigs have little meaning on Presidents .. but don't tell Roshmarkie Ok?

every policy the RW's are bitching about him changing ..

Which policy did he change that increased our production? Be specific.

the comment was offshore rigs .. I proved that comment was BS, and provided a chart to prove it .. you be specific.

the comment was offshore rigs

What policy about offshore rigs did he change to increase our production?

none you idiot, that's the point, but you don't have the depth it takes to read the thread and understand that ...

now drop out with your broken record bs ...

none you idiot, that's the point,

So when I asked and you said "every policy the RW's are bitching about him changing .."
you were joking, or showing the thread your low IQ?

SARCASTIC remarks escape you don't they?

sure they do.

How Low Can Oil Prices Go?

Peak oil? What peak oil?
Ronald Bailey | December 5, 2014

What's going on is that the world is awash in crude oil while the world economy is slowing down. Demand for crude has dropped, yet supplies are increasing; the predictable result is lower prices. A huge part of the glut in global production stems from the fracking boom in the United States that has seen domestic oil production rise from a low of 5 million barrels per day in 2008 to over 9 million barrels per day in November.


I am told from someone work in the fracking business that there isn't anywhere to put more gas. So when the Gov. of PA, elect says he is going to tax the gas at 40 percent the companies say, fine, we will just cap the wells and drill elsewhere.

I always heard that the price of gasoline was also effected by the number of refineries. Since I don't think they have built any, recently, how can the supply be increasing?

Oil Skids as Saudis Adjust Prices
Kingdom Cuts Selling Price for Oil to U.S.
Nicole Friedman
U.S. oil prices tumbled to a fresh two-year low Monday on news that Saudi Arabia cut its selling price for oil to the U.S., suggesting that the kingdom is trying to compete with U.S. shale oil.

Post some points that have substance, you have none. Just like the tea party crowd.
Big bags of wind and opinion.

That is the lamest statement.
No proof that it was caused by President Obama.
Simple mind , simple statement.
Yet you couldn't respond with any points. Just disparagement. That's just like a lefty.

Is that your opinion?
No, it was a pointed response to disparagement.

Funny I see no facts. I see no links, all I see is your pointed response, Opinion.
Wages are down and costs are up. Facts. I won't repeat it again. You are on your own.
It costs more than $50 to extract from the sea per barrel, oil prices are going to be at that, ie, it's not viable if OPEC decide it isn't. Maybe Obama just save a load of people a load of money.
No. The potential for supply enhancement in and of itself impacts prices immediately.
The potential for supply restriction does the same in the reverse direction. The costs of extraction, getting product to market, etc., is just weeds.

Yes, supply can impact demand, we've seen a massive rise in prices because China has developed massively in the last 14 years, and wants oil. However if you can't make money from extracting oil, why would you do it? Also if your company moves into a position where you think you might lose money, your share prices will go down, the viability of your business is at major risk, and if you actually start losing money, then you will go bankrupt. It's quite simple.

If OPEC push the price below what it costs, then what happens?
They've been run by dictatorial madmen who employed and employ terrorist and other similar tactics aimed at the the US and similar interests. Duh.

I'm lost, what is your point?
The madmen referred to were opposed by the US not because of their leverage in the oil market, as was suggested, but more because they posed and pose a very real threat to national security.

"National security" being oil prices huh?

Saddam threatened the US how? Chavez threatened the US how? Gadaffi threatened the US how? Iran threaten the US how?
It costs more than $50 to extract from the sea per barrel, oil prices are going to be at that, ie, it's not viable if OPEC decide it isn't. Maybe Obama just save a load of people a load of money.

Profits vs costs don't support your $50.00+/bbl cost.

For every penny gasoline costs drop equates $1 BILLION into the US economy!

Russia is getting KILLED economically!

What do you mean it doesn't support my $50 a barrel thing?

A US company extracting oil from the sea needs to pay $50 or more in costs just to get the oil out of the sea. If oil costs $45 a barrel, would you bother to extract oil from the sea?
This oil price is partly a reflection of the junk bond bubble bursting, Lower oil prices are great for consumers and thats where it stops economically. As in debt energy companies see their price shares hit the floor they can not roll over debt. Meaning they may be forced to default.

You see where that will go?

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