What's wrong with atheists?

I had someone ask me recently why, if atheism is so fulfilling, why are atheists so angry? I have been thinking about it and this is what I came up with:
Pathetic. Hypocritical. Illogical. Non factual. Atheists.

Hmmm I am an atheist and I am not angry. Even though once again I am being attacked by a Christian just because I don't believe in your fairy tale.

So- your claim is
a) Non-factual- since I am an atheist and not angry
b) Pathetic- since you felt the need to attack others for not believing in your fairy tales
c) Illogical- since you have not established that any atheists are angry.
d) Hypocritical- since you don't hold yourself to the same standard.

Why do you feel a need to attack atheists?

There are at least two types of atheist. The most common is the apathetic atheist. The second most common is the psychotic atheist. The psychotic atheist are the ones that the OP is referencing. Those are the ones that engage in abnormal sexual behaviors and hate being told by Christians that something is wrong with their particularly favorite sexual behavior. It's weird. I eat beef all the time but I don't care what Hindus say about me eating beef. I'm not sure why psychotic atheist care what Christians say about their particular flavor of sexual behavior. That's why I call them psychotic atheist. They want to destroy the people that disagree with them. I'm pretty sure that is utterly psychotic.

Is there a apathetic non-stamp collector? The one who just doesn't care whether other people are collecting stamps?

I don't believe in the fairy tales that Christians believe- or Muslims believe or Jews believe. Invariably here at USMB though it is only Christians who feel an abnormal need to attack me for not believing in their fairy tales.

Then we have you- attacking atheists who engage in 'abnormal sexual behavior' - what the hell are those- specifically?

All adultery is wrong according to the Bible- and almost all remarriage after divorce is adultery according to the Bible- so according to the Bible- all sex outside of marriage and virtually all sex within a second or third marriage is 'adultery' - is that your 'abnormal sexual behavior'- that you feel a need to attack atheists for?

The OP did not attack me because I happen to enjoy getting a blow job from my wife- but attacked me because I don't believe in his fairy tales. My response to being attacked- to logically respond- is not psychotic- its entirely rational.

Now- why do so many Christians feel a need to attack atheists.
There are atheist that practice celibacy or stay committed sexually to one person for life but those aren't the ones you are referencing. The atheist who have normal sex lives know that God doesn't exist but they don't really care enough about it to discuss it.

So celibacy is normal? Which god is it that says that?

So, in your wacky view of the world, those Good Christian Duggars normal.

There are atheist that practice celibacy or stay committed sexually to one person for life but those aren't the ones you are referencing. The atheist who have normal sex lives know that God doesn't exist but they don't really care enough about it to discuss it.
You do seem to be obsessed with connecting belief in fairy tales and sex.
What's wrong with atheists?

All vocal atheist have sexual behaviors that fit outside the norms of society. They engage in homosexual acts, adultery or premarital sex.

All vocal Christians have sexual behaviors that fit inside the norms of society. They engage in homosexuals acts, adultery or premarital sex-all of which fit inside the norms of society
I had someone ask me recently why, if atheism is so fulfilling, why are atheists so angry? I have been thinking about it and this is what I came up with:

Number one, atheists have to establish some kind of victimhood status so they can make it personal. They'll go back a thousand years to complain about something the Church allegedly did (and they usually make that up) to establish some level of butthurtedness. (I know, that's not a word, stay on point.) The Crusades is one of their favorites because they can make things up about that and nobody bothers to check the facts.

One of their complaints is that they claim Christianity (It's always Christianity, they never bitch about Judaism or Islam) "passes laws" that keep them from doing things they want to do, whatever that is. Well, we don't "pass laws", we have state and federal legislatures to do that. So the real problem is that we vote. The idea that people who don't believe what they believe vote is repugnant to them. So they hate freedom.

Finally, if I ever meet an atheist who has the slightest inkling of a clue about what Christianity really believes I will shake his hand and buy him a cigar. What they usually do is twist the beliefs of a doomsday cult and claim that's what the Bible teaches and what Christianity believes.

BUT, let some cult (you know who you are) speak up and they will defend them with their dying breath because they think the very fact that heretics exist must mean they have a case.

Pathetic. Hypocritical. Illogical. Non factual. Atheists.

My experience with atheists is different. Yes, some are angry, more are non-committal and matter-of-fact. As a whole they are intelligent, caring people. What I have noticed is something different than what you have picked up on.

It has been my experience that people are atheist, or become atheist, because God does not meet their expectations--neither in scripture nor in their individual life. They have their own ideas about what God would do, or would not do. God--even--or maybe especially--the one described by Christians does not live up to those ideas. Their conclusion is that there is no God, or if there is, He is useless, which is pretty much the same as no God.

If we, as Christians, are losing people to atheism, perhaps our approach to teaching about God is lacking.

People become atheists because God won't get with their program..

Most people don't become atheists so much as never believe in your fairy tales from the beginning.

Most Christians become Christians because that is what their family did and they just went along with it.
Good post. Except that its the other way around. People do not choose atheism over Christianity. We are not born believing in God. We are taught to believe in God. Many educate themselves and learn that there is no reason to believe in God and many many reasons not to believe in God.

Keep in mind nor are we born knowing fire is hot. Even after being taught fire is hot, many have to test (or self-educate) this truth. Since fire is physical, this is much easier for a child to test. Educating oneself--and coming to know God--is a lot more complex

BTW, I believe in Jesus but no, I don't believe in God. That means I don't blame or credit God with the events in my life. Instead, I learn from Jesus' words and actions and try to emulate him.

Jesus believed in God. Do you believe Jesus was mistaken when he spoke of Him?
Most people don't become atheists so much as never believe in your fairy tales from the beginning.

Most Christians become Christians because that is what their family did and they just went along with it.

Something to consider: Like you, I do not believe atheists (as a whole) are an angry people. However, prejudicial statements may often be construed as anger. Constant poking may also be construed as anger. Notice the constant use of "fairy tales."

When we are on Native American lands, we may not believe the land they designate is Holy Ground--but whatever our own beliefs, the greatest majority of people are very respectful of another's Holy Ground. Sneeringly addressing scripture as "Fairy Tales" is not being respectful of another's Holy Ground--and it does come across as anger. Just a thought.
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I had someone ask me recently why, if atheism is so fulfilling, why are atheists so angry? I have been thinking about it and this is what I came up with:

Number one, atheists have to establish some kind of victimhood status so they can make it personal. They'll go back a thousand years to complain about something the Church allegedly did (and they usually make that up) to establish some level of butthurtedness. (I know, that's not a word, stay on point.) The Crusades is one of their favorites because they can make things up about that and nobody bothers to check the facts.

One of their complaints is that they claim Christianity (It's always Christianity, they never bitch about Judaism or Islam) "passes laws" that keep them from doing things they want to do, whatever that is. Well, we don't "pass laws", we have state and federal legislatures to do that. So the real problem is that we vote. The idea that people who don't believe what they believe vote is repugnant to them. So they hate freedom.

Finally, if I ever meet an atheist who has the slightest inkling of a clue about what Christianity really believes I will shake his hand and buy him a cigar. What they usually do is twist the beliefs of a doomsday cult and claim that's what the Bible teaches and what Christianity believes.

BUT, let some cult (you know who you are) speak up and they will defend them with their dying breath because they think the very fact that heretics exist must mean they have a case.

Pathetic. Hypocritical. Illogical. Non factual. Atheists.

My experience with atheists is different. Yes, some are angry, more are non-committal and matter-of-fact. As a whole they are intelligent, caring people. What I have noticed is something different than what you have picked up on.

It has been my experience that people are atheist, or become atheist, because God does not meet their expectations--neither in scripture nor in their individual life. They have their own ideas about what God would do, or would not do. God--even--or maybe especially--the one described by Christians does not live up to those ideas. Their conclusion is that there is no God, or if there is, He is useless, which is pretty much the same as no God.

If we, as Christians, are losing people to atheism, perhaps our approach to teaching about God is lacking.

Good post. Except that its the other way around. People do not choose atheism over Christianity. We are not born believing in God. We are taught to believe in God. Many educate themselves and learn that there is no reason to believe in God and many many reasons not to believe in God.

Clement who is really angry and chose the name of a pope! I made fun of you because you took the know-it-all stance that far too many of you think you've earned. Drop your own anger, get off your high horse and quit telling people that you know everything about them. You want respect? Earn it.

BTW, I believe in Jesus but no, I don't believe in God. That means I don't blame or credit God with the events in my life. Instead, I learn from Jesus' words and actions and try to emulate him.

They do choose atheism over any kind of deistic belief, mankind's combined experience is intuitive or revealed knowledge of a god and creator, it's only the angry ones who think that they are God.

And if you are trying to emulate Jesus then I AM the Pope.
I had someone ask me recently why, if atheism is so fulfilling, .

Atheism is as fulfilling as not collecting stamps is 'fulfilling'.

I don't believe in your fairy tales- why would you have any expectation that I would be 'fulfilled' by not believing in your fairy tales- or not collecting your stamps?

Quite all right, I don't believe YOUR fairy tales, either.
I had someone ask me recently why, if atheism is so fulfilling, why are atheists so angry? I have been thinking about it and this is what I came up with:
Pathetic. Hypocritical. Illogical. Non factual. Atheists.

Hmmm I am an atheist and I am not angry. Even though once again I am being attacked by a Christian just because I don't believe in your fairy tale.

So- your claim is
a) Non-factual- since I am an atheist and not angry
b) Pathetic- since you felt the need to attack others for not believing in your fairy tales
c) Illogical- since you have not established that any atheists are angry.
d) Hypocritical- since you don't hold yourself to the same standard.

Why do you feel a need to attack atheists?

There are at least two types of atheist. The most common is the apathetic atheist. The second most common is the psychotic atheist. The psychotic atheist are the ones that the OP is referencing. Those are the ones that engage in abnormal sexual behaviors and hate being told by Christians that something is wrong with their particularly favorite sexual behavior. It's weird. I eat beef all the time but I don't care what Hindus say about me eating beef. I'm not sure why psychotic atheist care what Christians say about their particular flavor of sexual behavior. That's why I call them psychotic atheist. They want to destroy the people that disagree with them. I'm pretty sure that is utterly psychotic.

Is there a apathetic non-stamp collector? The one who just doesn't care whether other people are collecting stamps?

I don't believe in the fairy tales that Christians believe- or Muslims believe or Jews believe. Invariably here at USMB though it is only Christians who feel an abnormal need to attack me for not believing in their fairy tales.

Then we have you- attacking atheists who engage in 'abnormal sexual behavior' - what the hell are those- specifically?

All adultery is wrong according to the Bible- and almost all remarriage after divorce is adultery according to the Bible- so according to the Bible- all sex outside of marriage and virtually all sex within a second or third marriage is 'adultery' - is that your 'abnormal sexual behavior'- that you feel a need to attack atheists for?

The OP did not attack me because I happen to enjoy getting a blow job from my wife- but attacked me because I don't believe in his fairy tales. My response to being attacked- to logically respond- is not psychotic- its entirely rational.

Now- why do so many Christians feel a need to attack atheists.

I attacked atheists for being assholes, what they actually believe is beside the point.
Most people don't become atheists so much as never believe in your fairy tales from the beginning.

Most Christians become Christians because that is what their family did and they just went along with it.

Something to consider: Like you, I do not believe atheists (as a whole) are an angry people. However, prejudicial statements may often be construed as anger. Constant poking may also be construed as anger. Notice the constant use of "fairy tales."

When we are on Native American lands, we may not believe the land they designate is Holy Ground--but whatever our own beliefs, the greatest majority of people are very respectful of another's Holy Ground. Sneeringly addressing scripture as "Fairy Tales" is not being respectful of another's Holy Ground--and it does come across as anger. Just a thought.

This is not to mention the comments from atheists about "Zombie Jesus", a term so vulgar and repulsive just repeating it makes me feel like I need a shower.
This is not to mention the comments from atheists about "Zombie Jesus", a term so vulgar and repulsive just repeating it makes me feel like I need a shower.

Yes, but respect goes both ways. My grandfather, uncle, husband, and his family have been respectful (for the most part) of my beliefs. Any religious discussion can become heated, but it stops well short of being accused of believing in fairy tales and/or zombies. Meanwhile, I am respectful of their observations and reasoning.
This is not to mention the comments from atheists about "Zombie Jesus", a term so vulgar and repulsive just repeating it makes me feel like I need a shower.

Yes, but respect goes both ways. My grandfather, uncle, husband, and his family have been respectful (for the most part) of my beliefs. Any religious discussion can become heated, but it stops well short of being accused of believing in fairy tales and/or zombies. Meanwhile, I am respectful of their observations and reasoning.

Your relatives might not be as nasty as some of the people I have encountered.
I had someone ask me recently why, if atheism is so fulfilling, why are atheists so angry? I have been thinking about it and this is what I came up with:

Number one, atheists have to establish some kind of victimhood status so they can make it personal. They'll go back a thousand years to complain about something the Church allegedly did (and they usually make that up) to establish some level of butthurtedness. (I know, that's not a word, stay on point.) The Crusades is one of their favorites because they can make things up about that and nobody bothers to check the facts.

One of their complaints is that they claim Christianity (It's always Christianity, they never bitch about Judaism or Islam) "passes laws" that keep them from doing things they want to do, whatever that is. Well, we don't "pass laws", we have state and federal legislatures to do that. So the real problem is that we vote. The idea that people who don't believe what they believe vote is repugnant to them. So they hate freedom.

Finally, if I ever meet an atheist who has the slightest inkling of a clue about what Christianity really believes I will shake his hand and buy him a cigar. What they usually do is twist the beliefs of a doomsday cult and claim that's what the Bible teaches and what Christianity believes.

BUT, let some cult (you know who you are) speak up and they will defend them with their dying breath because they think the very fact that heretics exist must mean they have a case.

Pathetic. Hypocritical. Illogical. Non factual. Atheists.

They are in the same category of the mentally ill who obsess over Jews and/or some other group, and they are usually sociopaths. I used to refer to myself as an atheist, but now prefer agnostic, in the sense that Huxley, who invented the word, intended it to be used, just to separate myself from the moonbats and vermin inspired by the likes of Richard Dawkins and his ilk, they're infantile and ridiculous, and agnostic is really the more accurate label anyway.
Most people don't become atheists so much as never believe in your fairy tales from the beginning.

Most Christians become Christians because that is what their family did and they just went along with it.

Something to consider: Like you, I do not believe atheists (as a whole) are an angry people. However, prejudicial statements may often be construed as anger. Constant poking may also be construed as anger. Notice the constant use of "fairy tales."

When we are on Native American lands, we may not believe the land they designate is Holy Ground--but whatever our own beliefs, the greatest majority of people are very respectful of another's Holy Ground. Sneeringly addressing scripture as "Fairy Tales" is not being respectful of another's Holy Ground--and it does come across as anger. Just a thought.

This is not to mention the comments from atheists about "Zombie Jesus", a term so vulgar and repulsive just repeating it makes me feel like I need a shower.

Those types are closer to Jeffrey Daumer's atheism than any genuine intellectual opinion. They just can't stand anything that stands in the way of their compulsive addictions and mindless self-indulgence, and as narcissists just can't tolerate any belief that contradicts their need that they should be considered the Center Of The Universe; they resemble defective personality types like Hitler or Charles Manson than normal humans. It's progressive mental illness; many of them have the characteristics of chronic cocaine and meth addicts.
I had someone ask me recently why, if atheism is so fulfilling, why are atheists so angry? I have been thinking about it and this is what I came up with:

Number one, atheists have to establish some kind of victimhood status so they can make it personal. They'll go back a thousand years to complain about something the Church allegedly did (and they usually make that up) to establish some level of butthurtedness. (I know, that's not a word, stay on point.) The Crusades is one of their favorites because they can make things up about that and nobody bothers to check the facts.

One of their complaints is that they claim Christianity (It's always Christianity, they never bitch about Judaism or Islam) "passes laws" that keep them from doing things they want to do, whatever that is. Well, we don't "pass laws", we have state and federal legislatures to do that. So the real problem is that we vote. The idea that people who don't believe what they believe vote is repugnant to them. So they hate freedom.

Finally, if I ever meet an atheist who has the slightest inkling of a clue about what Christianity really believes I will shake his hand and buy him a cigar. What they usually do is twist the beliefs of a doomsday cult and claim that's what the Bible teaches and what Christianity believes.

BUT, let some cult (you know who you are) speak up and they will defend them with their dying breath because they think the very fact that heretics exist must mean they have a case.

Pathetic. Hypocritical. Illogical. Non factual. Atheists.

They are in the same category of the mentally ill who obsess over Jews and/or some other group, and they are usually sociopaths. I used to refer to myself as an atheist, but now prefer agnostic, in the sense that Huxley, who invented the word, intended it to be used, just to separate myself from the moonbats and vermin inspired by the likes of Richard Dawkins and his ilk, they're infantile and ridiculous, and agnostic is really the more accurate label anyway.

That's an astute observation, and from a logical standpoint, "agnostic" is the more accurate term. "Atheist", the way the so-called "new atheists" use it, is closer to a religion itself.
I attacked atheists for being assholes, what they actually believe is beside the point.
you attack Atheists because you are jealous!

Not one man in a thousand has either strength of mind or goodness of heart to be an Atheist. I repeat, not one man in a thousand has either strength of mind or goodness of heart to be an Atheist.

-- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
"Atheist", the way the so-called "new atheists" use it, is closer to a religion itself.
I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”

– Stephen F Roberts

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