What's wrong with atheists?

"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion."

Richard Dawkins (The God Delusion)

That quote is originally by Robert Pirsig. The declaration is actually quite weak as the case cannot be made that religion equates to insanity--or, that insanity is caused by religion.

The better question may be, Are believers under a delusion, or are non-believers suffering from delusion? Most believers have faith based on reason. Most non-believers come from the premise of, "God doesn't behave how I imagine He should, therefore there is no God."
Something to consider- I only refer to the fairy tales as fairy tales when faux Christians feel a need to attack me for not believing in their fairy tales.

I have a lot of respect for much of the content of the Bible- I have read it multiple times- I admire much of the wisdom attributed to Jesus. When I am with my Christian friends I can have great discussions about what content from the Bible means. I never refer to the Bible as fairy tales then.

But when assholes attack me for not believing as they believe- then I feel fine as pointing out that their beliefs are no more sacred than believing in leprechauns or in Thor.

I stand with you to the point I believe different beliefs should be received with thoughtful consideration, not disrespect. I find people on all sides generally have very good reasons for their belief or non-belief. Because they are not me, I don't expect people to agree with me; I don't expect to agree with others because their perspective is very different from mine. But I sure enjoy and learn a lot from seeing another point of view from another set of eyes. Our own eyes can only take in so much.
[ Most non-believers come from the premise of, "God doesn't behave how I imagine He should, therefore there is no God."

And you know this- how?

Certainly not true in my case. I am not even sure what God I would be supposed to be thinking was not behaving correctly? The god that may or not be the god of the Jews, Christians and Muslims? The gods of the Hindus? Coyote?
Something to consider- I only refer to the fairy tales as fairy tales when faux Christians feel a need to attack me for not believing in their fairy tales.

I have a lot of respect for much of the content of the Bible- I have read it multiple times- I admire much of the wisdom attributed to Jesus. When I am with my Christian friends I can have great discussions about what content from the Bible means. I never refer to the Bible as fairy tales then.

But when assholes attack me for not believing as they believe- then I feel fine as pointing out that their beliefs are no more sacred than believing in leprechauns or in Thor.

I stand with you to the point I believe different beliefs should be received with thoughtful consideration, not disrespect. I find people on all sides generally have very good reasons for their belief or non-belief. Because they are not me, I don't expect people to agree with me; I don't expect to agree with others because their perspective is very different from mine. But I sure enjoy and learn a lot from seeing another point of view from another set of eyes. Our own eyes can only take in so much.

Now this I do agree with.
If someone weren't an atheist the ignorance and anger exhibited by the 'defenders of faith' in this thread would drive many in that direction. "Judge not lest ye be judged". According to many kristians these types of sayings from 'god' are just suggestions. Everyone is free to ignore or use what is in the bible as each sees fit, which defeats whatever Jesus said.

Most people that claim to be Christians are not.
If someone weren't an atheist the ignorance and anger exhibited by the 'defenders of faith' in this thread would drive many in that direction. "Judge not lest ye be judged". According to many kristians these types of sayings from 'god' are just suggestions. Everyone is free to ignore or use what is in the bible as each sees fit, which defeats whatever Jesus said.

Most people that claim to be Christians are not.

Like many who make this claim, you do not appear to know what a Christian is. We don't have to agree with everything you say, approve of your behavior, etc.
I had someone ask me recently why, if atheism is so fulfilling, why are atheists so angry? I have been thinking about it and this is what I came up with:
Pathetic. Hypocritical. Illogical. Non factual. Atheists.

Hmmm I am an atheist and I am not angry. Even though once again I am being attacked by a Christian just because I don't believe in your fairy tale.

So- your claim is
a) Non-factual- since I am an atheist and not angry
b) Pathetic- since you felt the need to attack others for not believing in your fairy tales
c) Illogical- since you have not established that any atheists are angry.
d) Hypocritical- since you don't hold yourself to the same standard.

Why do you feel a need to attack atheists?

There are at least two types of atheist. The most common is the apathetic atheist. The second most common is the psychotic atheist. The psychotic atheist are the ones that the OP is referencing. Those are the ones that engage in abnormal sexual behaviors and hate being told by Christians that something is wrong with their particularly favorite sexual behavior. It's weird. I eat beef all the time but I don't care what Hindus say about me eating beef. I'm not sure why psychotic atheist care what Christians say about their particular flavor of sexual behavior. That's why I call them psychotic atheist. They want to destroy the people that disagree with them. I'm pretty sure that is utterly psychotic.

Is there a apathetic non-stamp collector? The one who just doesn't care whether other people are collecting stamps?

I don't believe in the fairy tales that Christians believe- or Muslims believe or Jews believe. Invariably here at USMB though it is only Christians who feel an abnormal need to attack me for not believing in their fairy tales.

Then we have you- attacking atheists who engage in 'abnormal sexual behavior' - what the hell are those- specifically?

All adultery is wrong according to the Bible- and almost all remarriage after divorce is adultery according to the Bible- so according to the Bible- all sex outside of marriage and virtually all sex within a second or third marriage is 'adultery' - is that your 'abnormal sexual behavior'- that you feel a need to attack atheists for?

The OP did not attack me because I happen to enjoy getting a blow job from my wife- but attacked me because I don't believe in his fairy tales. My response to being attacked- to logically respond- is not psychotic- its entirely rational.

Now- why do so many Christians feel a need to attack atheists.

I attacked atheists for being assholes, what they actually believe is beside the point.

So if I attack Christians for being assholes who attack atheists- I am not attacking what they believe?

And fyi- by asshole Christians I mean self described faux Christians like you.

Most Christians have no issue with atheists- but there are some asshole faux Christians like yourself who go out of your way to attack those who don't believe in your fairy tales.

Another thing about atheists, they make everything personal. They are incapable of discussing ideas.
And you know this- how?

Certainly not true in my case. I am not even sure what God I would be supposed to be thinking was not behaving correctly? The god that may or not be the god of the Jews, Christians and Muslims? The gods of the Hindus? Coyote?

Why don't you believe in God?
If someone weren't an atheist the ignorance and anger exhibited by the 'defenders of faith' in this thread would drive many in that direction. "Judge not lest ye be judged". According to many kristians these types of sayings from 'god' are just suggestions. Everyone is free to ignore or use what is in the bible as each sees fit, which defeats whatever Jesus said.

Most people that claim to be Christians are not.

Like many who make this claim, you do not appear to know what a Christian is. We don't have to agree with everything you say, approve of your behavior, etc.

It's you that doesn't know what a Christian is. That you would judge with anger your neighbors as if you set yourself as god betrays your nefarious intentions and it points out you have not read or do not follow what the bible says.

But continue on judge of the universe. How you judge is how you will be judged. Well that's what the bible says anyway.
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I had someone ask me recently why, if atheism is so fulfilling, .

Atheism is as fulfilling as not collecting stamps is 'fulfilling'.

I don't believe in your fairy tales- why would you have any expectation that I would be 'fulfilled' by not believing in your fairy tales- or not collecting your stamps?

Quite all right, I don't believe YOUR fairy tales, either.

Yet you attack me for not believing in your fairy tales- but I do not go around attacking you for believing in your fairy tales.

Why are you such an asshole for Christ?

I didn't attack you at all, and I didn't attack anyone for their beliefs, I attacked their behavior. You either have a reading comprehension problem or you are a leftwit with a persecution complex.
Some of them subscribe to their own religion, scientism, which is a known phenomenon, I didn't make it up.
"Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings."

Richard Dawkins

Planes fly you into buildings. Dawkins must really be an idiot.
"Many of us saw religion as harmless nonsense. Beliefs might lack all supporting evidence but, we thought, if people needed a crutch for consolation, where's the harm? September 11th changed all that."

Richard Dawkins
If someone weren't an atheist the ignorance and anger exhibited by the 'defenders of faith' in this thread would drive many in that direction. "Judge not lest ye be judged". According to many kristians these types of sayings from 'god' are just suggestions. Everyone is free to ignore or use what is in the bible as each sees fit, which defeats whatever Jesus said.

Most people that claim to be Christians are not.

Like many who make this claim, you do not appear to know what a Christian is. We don't have to agree with everything you say, approve of your behavior, etc.

It's you that doesn't know what a Christian is. That you would judge with anger your neighbors as if you set yourself as god betrays your nefarious intentions and it points out you have not read or do not follow what the bible said.

But you continue on judge of the universe. How you judge is how you will be judged. Well that's what the bible says anyway.

What a judgmental thing to say. You appear to be one of those "good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell" types, and I am sure you think you are a good person. But you still don't know what a Christian is.
I had someone ask me recently why, if atheism is so fulfilling, .

Atheism is as fulfilling as not collecting stamps is 'fulfilling'.

I don't believe in your fairy tales- why would you have any expectation that I would be 'fulfilled' by not believing in your fairy tales- or not collecting your stamps?

Quite all right, I don't believe YOUR fairy tales, either.

Yet you attack me for not believing in your fairy tales- but I do not go around attacking you for believing in your fairy tales.

Why are you such an asshole for Christ?

I didn't attack you at all, and I didn't attack anyone for their beliefs, I attacked their behavior. You either have a reading comprehension problem or you are a leftwit with a persecution complex.

You are angry and you don't follow Christ.
If someone weren't an atheist the ignorance and anger exhibited by the 'defenders of faith' in this thread would drive many in that direction. "Judge not lest ye be judged". According to many kristians these types of sayings from 'god' are just suggestions. Everyone is free to ignore or use what is in the bible as each sees fit, which defeats whatever Jesus said.

Most people that claim to be Christians are not.

Like many who make this claim, you do not appear to know what a Christian is. We don't have to agree with everything you say, approve of your behavior, etc.

It's you that doesn't know what a Christian is. That you would judge with anger your neighbors as if you set yourself as god betrays your nefarious intentions and it points out you have not read or do not follow what the bible said.

But you continue on judge of the universe. How you judge is how you will be judged. Well that's what the bible says anyway.

What a judgmental thing to say. You appear to be one of those "good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell" types, and I am sure you think you are a good person. But you still don't know what a Christian is.

"You funny Peter-saun".
I had someone ask me recently why, if atheism is so fulfilling, .

Atheism is as fulfilling as not collecting stamps is 'fulfilling'.

I don't believe in your fairy tales- why would you have any expectation that I would be 'fulfilled' by not believing in your fairy tales- or not collecting your stamps?

Quite all right, I don't believe YOUR fairy tales, either.

Yet you attack me for not believing in your fairy tales- but I do not go around attacking you for believing in your fairy tales.

Why are you such an asshole for Christ?

I didn't attack you at all, and I didn't attack anyone for their beliefs, I attacked their behavior. You either have a reading comprehension problem or you are a leftwit with a persecution complex.

You are angry and you don't follow Christ.
If someone weren't an atheist the ignorance and anger exhibited by the 'defenders of faith' in this thread would drive many in that direction. "Judge not lest ye be judged". According to many kristians these types of sayings from 'god' are just suggestions. Everyone is free to ignore or use what is in the bible as each sees fit, which defeats whatever Jesus said.

Most people that claim to be Christians are not.

Like many who make this claim, you do not appear to know what a Christian is. We don't have to agree with everything you say, approve of your behavior, etc.

It's you that doesn't know what a Christian is. That you would judge with anger your neighbors as if you set yourself as god betrays your nefarious intentions and it points out you have not read or do not follow what the bible said.

But you continue on judge of the universe. How you judge is how you will be judged. Well that's what the bible says anyway.

What a judgmental thing to say. You appear to be one of those "good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell" types, and I am sure you think you are a good person. But you still don't know what a Christian is.

"You funny Peter-saun".

And you're a waste of my time. Goodbye.
I had someone ask me recently why, if atheism is so fulfilling, why are atheists so angry? I have been thinking about it and this is what I came up with:

Number one, atheists have to establish some kind of victimhood status so they can make it personal. They'll go back a thousand years to complain about something the Church allegedly did (and they usually make that up) to establish some level of butthurtedness. (I know, that's not a word, stay on point.) The Crusades is one of their favorites because they can make things up about that and nobody bothers to check the facts.

One of their complaints is that they claim Christianity (It's always Christianity, they never bitch about Judaism or Islam) "passes laws" that keep them from doing things they want to do, whatever that is. Well, we don't "pass laws", we have state and federal legislatures to do that. So the real problem is that we vote. The idea that people who don't believe what they believe vote is repugnant to them. So they hate freedom.

Finally, if I ever meet an atheist who has the slightest inkling of a clue about what Christianity really believes I will shake his hand and buy him a cigar. What they usually do is twist the beliefs of a doomsday cult and claim that's what the Bible teaches and what Christianity believes.

BUT, let some cult (you know who you are) speak up and they will defend them with their dying breath because they think the very fact that heretics exist must mean they have a case.

Pathetic. Hypocritical. Illogical. Non factual. Atheists.
This fails as a straw man fallacy.

Bullshit. I have heard this a million times. This is exactly what they do, and all of your "I know you are but what am I?' won't change that.

Broad brushes paint poorly

Actually, they work great. Try to be more or less specific.

Try to learn what a metaphor is
I had someone ask me recently why, if atheism is so fulfilling, why are atheists so angry? I have been thinking about it and this is what I came up with:

Number one, atheists have to establish some kind of victimhood status so they can make it personal. They'll go back a thousand years to complain about something the Church allegedly did (and they usually make that up) to establish some level of butthurtedness. (I know, that's not a word, stay on point.) The Crusades is one of their favorites because they can make things up about that and nobody bothers to check the facts.

One of their complaints is that they claim Christianity (It's always Christianity, they never bitch about Judaism or Islam) "passes laws" that keep them from doing things they want to do, whatever that is. Well, we don't "pass laws", we have state and federal legislatures to do that. So the real problem is that we vote. The idea that people who don't believe what they believe vote is repugnant to them. So they hate freedom.

Finally, if I ever meet an atheist who has the slightest inkling of a clue about what Christianity really believes I will shake his hand and buy him a cigar. What they usually do is twist the beliefs of a doomsday cult and claim that's what the Bible teaches and what Christianity believes.

BUT, let some cult (you know who you are) speak up and they will defend them with their dying breath because they think the very fact that heretics exist must mean they have a case.

Pathetic. Hypocritical. Illogical. Non factual. Atheists.
This fails as a straw man fallacy.

Bullshit. I have heard this a million times. This is exactly what they do, and all of your "I know you are but what am I?' won't change that.

Broad brushes paint poorly

Actually, they work great. Try to be more or less specific.

Try to learn what a metaphor is

Learn when to use one. Sloganeering is meaningless.
This fails as a straw man fallacy.

Bullshit. I have heard this a million times. This is exactly what they do, and all of your "I know you are but what am I?' won't change that.

Broad brushes paint poorly

Actually, they work great. Try to be more or less specific.

Try to learn what a metaphor is

Learn when to use one. Sloganeering is meaningless.

No, attributing the characteristics of some to all results in a meaningless statement

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