What's wrong with atheists?

I had someone ask me recently why, if atheism is so fulfilling, why are atheists so angry? I have been thinking about it and this is what I came up with:

Number one, atheists have to establish some kind of victimhood status so they can make it personal. They'll go back a thousand years to complain about something the Church allegedly did (and they usually make that up) to establish some level of butthurtedness. (I know, that's not a word, stay on point.) The Crusades is one of their favorites because they can make things up about that and nobody bothers to check the facts.

One of their complaints is that they claim Christianity (It's always Christianity, they never bitch about Judaism or Islam) "passes laws" that keep them from doing things they want to do, whatever that is. Well, we don't "pass laws", we have state and federal legislatures to do that. So the real problem is that we vote. The idea that people who don't believe what they believe vote is repugnant to them. So they hate freedom.

Finally, if I ever meet an atheist who has the slightest inkling of a clue about what Christianity really believes I will shake his hand and buy him a cigar. What they usually do is twist the beliefs of a doomsday cult and claim that's what the Bible teaches and what Christianity believes.

BUT, let some cult (you know who you are) speak up and they will defend them with their dying breath because they think the very fact that heretics exist must mean they have a case.

Pathetic. Hypocritical. Illogical. Non factual. Atheists.

I don't know any atheists who are "angry". I do know atheists who can't be bothered listening to others try to tell them they have to believe in something they find silly.

personally, white I believe, I have little patience for idiots who try to tell me I'm going to hell if I don't believe in their brand of religion.

i'll also point out that there are other religions besides Christianity and that some of us find Christianity silly and false. I personally don't care what you believe in, but there are choices other than Christian or atheist

As an atheist, I can't go to Hell

Because I don't believe in Hell

If Heaven doesn't exist , neither does hell

As an Atheist, I can't go to a hell I don't believe in

That's the rub about "Satanism" as well. Before you can believe in the devil, you first have to believe in the Christian god.
Why would the Devil let me into hell if I am a nonbeliever?
[ Most non-believers come from the premise of, "God doesn't behave how I imagine He should, therefore there is no God."

And you know this- how?

Certainly not true in my case. I am not even sure what God I would be supposed to be thinking was not behaving correctly? The god that may or not be the god of the Jews, Christians and Muslims? The gods of the Hindus? Coyote?

Meriweather "God doesn't behave how I imagine He should, therefore there is no God."

Syriusly I completely agree with your point.

There are so many gods to choose from and yet, its always the Christians who are so constantly pissed and constantly nagging and haranguing others to agree with them. Note to Pope Clement Even before I read your posts, the raised fist in your avi is a tip off. Why can't you just leave people alone? Live and let live? Why must everyone agree with what you believe?
Because conservatives are for the most part authoritarian, seeking to compel conformity, and to disadvantage whose who refuse to conform.

The ridiculous lies contrived about persons who are free from faith is evidence of that.
[ Most non-believers come from the premise of, "God doesn't behave how I imagine He should, therefore there is no God."

And you know this- how?

Certainly not true in my case. I am not even sure what God I would be supposed to be thinking was not behaving correctly? The god that may or not be the god of the Jews, Christians and Muslims? The gods of the Hindus? Coyote?

Meriweather "God doesn't behave how I imagine He should, therefore there is no God."

Syriusly I completely agree with your point.

There are so many gods to choose from and yet, its always the Christians who are so constantly pissed and constantly nagging and haranguing others to agree with them. Note to Pope Clement Even before I read your posts, the raised fist in your avi is a tip off. Why can't you just leave people alone? Live and let live? Why must everyone agree with what you believe?
Because conservatives are for the most part authoritarian, seeking to compel conformity, and to disadvantage whose who refuse to conform.

The ridiculous lies contrived about persons who are free from faith is evidence of that.

Look at how clueless these people are...I didn't mention one thing about what these asshole atheists believe, only the things they do, and now they are saying that I want them to believe what I believe, and "conservatives this" and "Trump that". This is not to mention the fact that I have explained my avatar twice (except it's "introverts", not "procrastinator", I have both memes) and they think it's some kind of threat.

I'm telling you, these guys are really unhinged.
Why would I?

Why would i believe in leprechauns or unicorns? Why don't I believe in Coyote? Why don't I believe in Thor? Or Ganesh? Or the Flying Spaghetti monster? Or the Vampire Lestat?

Do people have experiences with leprechauns or unicorns...or, like Hobbits, does everyone recognize a story character?

On the other hand, down through time--even through today--we have stories from real people who have had actual encounters with God. Yes, at different times different cultures may have referred to God by different names, but a rose by any other name (and all the rest).

With people of all cultures and all ages having experiences of God, and telling of them--with actual people of today continuing to have actual experiences of God and the after life and telling of them--why don't you believe? Why not pursue your own investigation? Why, instead, conclude there is no God?
As an atheist, I can't go to Hell

Because I don't believe in Hell

Remember, only some denominations believe in the Dante's Inferno version of hell. Most others define hell as an eternal separation from God.

Now, we come to an interesting dilemma. You don't believe in hell (i.e., eternal separation from God), so does it follow you must believe in eternal existence with God? :D
only Christians believe in hell....and their vision of hell comes from dante's inferno.

No, most Christian denominations understand Dante's Inferno is allegory. While some denominations teach eternal fire, more common is the teaching of an individual choosing eternal separation from God and His ways. Many Christians will tell you that they learned God sends no one to hell...individuals arrive there by choice.
I wasn't there so can't say what Jesus believed it but its likely he believed in all the same gods that his peers believed in.

Jesus was not a Christian.

Christians are those who believe what Jesus taught. Do you believe Jesus believed what he taught?
Why would I?

Why would i believe in leprechauns or unicorns? Why don't I believe in Coyote? Why don't I believe in Thor? Or Ganesh? Or the Flying Spaghetti monster? Or the Vampire Lestat?

Do people have experiences with leprechauns or unicorns...or, like Hobbits, does everyone recognize a story character?

People do claim that they have had experience with leprechauns.

Crichton leprechaun revisited: Meet the man who discovered the legend

And at the end of LeCren Street Shun Thomas said he's the one who discovered the leprechaun.

"Halfway through one beer, I'm looking through this tree here and I could see this image," Thomas said.

"I'm seeing this image, so I do several double takes and he's still there. So I finally mentioned it."

Thomas said he told his brother, cousin and friend who were with him to look at the tree. One by one they saw the image as well.

Thomas described the appearance as a "metamorphosis," with the mouth or nose appearing first, followed by the rest of the face.

"It just looked like a leprechaun to me. It was only an image from the chin to the top hat but that's what I thought about," Thomas said.
With people of all cultures and all ages having experiences of God, and telling of them--with actual people of today continuing to have actual experiences of God and the after life and telling of them--why don't you believe? Why not pursue your own investigation? Why, instead, conclude there is no God?

We have people of all cultures and all ages claiming experiences of gods or gods- and fairies- and UFO's

I have no reason to believe in gods, leprechauns or UFO's.

But I don't begrudge you your belief in them. If you have faith in a god, then good for you- I am sure it is great comfort for you.

As long as you don't attack me for not believing what you believe in, I don't really care at all.
There are atheist that practice celibacy or stay committed sexually to one person for life but those aren't the ones you are referencing. The atheist who have normal sex lives know that God doesn't exist but they don't really care enough about it to discuss it.
You do seem to be obsessed with connecting belief in fairy tales and sex.

Militant atheism is connected to sex..

According to you. Because of your obsession with sex.

I'll give you a dollar if you can find an outspoken atheist that has sex with less than one person per year.
Ah yes, now they come along and cite Dawkins, who says 'A little pedophilia is okay.'.
Not quite what he said, but that is no surprise. What he said is you can't use today's standards to judge behavior that was tolerated in the past, and as an example he said he was not damaged by what happened to him while he was a young student.

In an interview in The Times magazine, Dawkins, 72, said he was unable to condemn what he called “the mild pedophilia” he experienced at an English school when he was a child in the 1950s. Referring to his early days at a boarding school in Salisbury, he recalled how one of the (unnamed) masters “pulled me on his knee and put his hand inside my shorts.”

Here is the actual quote:
“I am very conscious that you can’t condemn people of an earlier era by the standards of ours. Just as we don’t look back at the 18th and 19th centuries and condemn people for racism in the same way as we would condemn a modern person for racism, I look back a few decades to my childhood and see things like caning, like mild pedophilia, and can’t find it in me to condemn it by the same standards as I or anyone would today,”
There are atheist that practice celibacy or stay committed sexually to one person for life but those aren't the ones you are referencing. The atheist who have normal sex lives know that God doesn't exist but they don't really care enough about it to discuss it.
You do seem to be obsessed with connecting belief in fairy tales and sex.

Atheism isn't connected to sex. Militant atheism is connected to sex.

They are totally connected. If you are in an environment that most people believe in the silly fairy tale then what reason do you have to question it out loud? There is no incentive to question it out loud. There is none whatsoever. Apathetic atheist couldn't care less about the silly fairy tale that most people believe. Psychotic atheist are those who have unusual sexual behaviors. When I say unusual I don't mean illegal under Biblical standards. I mean they behave sexually in a way that less than 13% of the population behave sexually.
plenty of religious nuts have weird hangs up about sex.

and there is no normal since all human behavior exists on a continuum

I'm just saying there are no incentives in the world whatsoever to make a person militant towards a non-existing god.
Exactly. Dawkins was raped by a homosexual teacher as a child, and it has affected him emotionally and mentally much deeper than he wants to admit, so his self-loathing takes the form of insanely bashing Christians as an outlet. As we have seen, this isn't working for him; he is clearly going insane by degrees. You see the same pattern in many of the 'new atheist' nutjobs who spam Religion forums all over the Web, and almost all of it directed at Christianity.
You are projecting!
I wasn't there so can't say what Jesus believed it but its likely he believed in all the same gods that his peers believed in.

Jesus was not a Christian.

Christians are those who believe what Jesus taught. Do you believe Jesus believed what he taught?

I disagree. You must be baptized and be able to agree to the ancient baptismal vow, also known as the Apostle's creed. Need scriptural references?
Atheists go through their lives, raising a family, not bothering anyone

Until Christians....not Muslims, not Jews
Come around and start forcing their religion on the community and our schools

When Atheists speak up, Christians accuse them of being miserable and trying to force their beliefs on others

The average atheist doesn't care.
There are atheist that practice celibacy or stay committed sexually to one person for life but those aren't the ones you are referencing. The atheist who have normal sex lives know that God doesn't exist but they don't really care enough about it to discuss it.
You do seem to be obsessed with connecting belief in fairy tales and sex.

Militant atheism is connected to sex..

According to you. Because of your obsession with sex.

I'll give you a dollar if you can find an outspoken atheist that has sex with less than one person per year.

'less than one person a year'?

I leave it to the sex obsessed Christian to decide that 'normal' is having sex with less than one person a year.
Atheists go through their lives, raising a family, not bothering anyone

Until Christians....not Muslims, not Jews
Come around and start forcing their religion on the community and our schools

When Atheists speak up, Christians accuse them of being miserable and trying to force their beliefs on others

The average atheist doesn't care.

You wouldn't know what the 'average atheist' thought if Jesus himself told you.

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