What's wrong with Michelle Obama ....

Do you understand the difference between "encouraging" and "forcing"? If the First Lady would like to start an ad campaign discussing the value of healthy eating - something she apparently doesn't do much herself, by the way - similar to Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" ad campaign against drug use, then that's fine. THAT would be "encouraging". Strongarming and coercing restaurants to change their menus is something else entirely.

We are currently locking up 2 million people in this collective STUPIDITY called the war on drugs. More than any nation in the world, even Communist China which has four times as many people. Please. Nancy did more harm to us as a country than Michelle could hope to do on her best day.

Because throwing a pot-smoker into a prison cell with a rapist does not make him a better citizen.
Might be nice if she led by example...

Nobody is perfect. However she seems fit to me. Why do you suggest she doesn't lead by example? A couple of hamburgers or large meals eaten in public? Or something more chronic? Or ... ?

Michelle Obama works out more than any previous First Lady and is the most physically fit

Michelle Obama's Workout Routine - Oprah's Interview - Oprah.com

Oprah: Okay, so that's settled. Back to exercise. You do treadmill?

Michelle Obama: I do treadmill, I do weights—

Oprah: I think anyone who saw you on the cover of Vogue knows you do weights. Those arms!

Michelle Obama: I also do some jump rope, some kickboxing—and I'd like to take up Pilates, if I could figure out whether there's time. After I had Malia, I began to prioritize exercise because I realized that my happiness is tied to how I feel about myself. I want my girls to see a mother who takes care of herself, even if that means I have to get up at 4:30 so I can do a workout.

Oprah: When you first told me that a few years ago, I was like, "You get up at 4:30 to work out?"

Michelle Obama: Well, I just started thinking, if I had to get up to go to work, I'd get up and go to work. If I had to get up to take care of my kids, I'd get up to do that. But when it comes to yourself, then it's suddenly, "Oh, I can't get up at 4:30." So I had to change that. If I don't exercise, I won't feel good. I'll get depressed. Of course, it's easier to do it here, because I have much more support now. But I always think about women who don't have support. That's why work-family balance isn't just a policy conversation; it's about changing the expectations of who we have to be as women and parents.

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If you need a liver transplant because you are a drunk you should have to pay for it.

If you need chemo because you got lung cancer from cigarets you should have to pay for it.

If you have diabetes because you sit on your ass all day eating doughnuts and playing X-box you should have to pay for it. That does not sound like universal health care to me, more like being responsible for your bad decisions, because in any of the cases above it would be that persons own damn fault.

It strikes me that you want to put all the consequences on one side.

Take your smoker. Doesnt' the tobacco company that lied to him about how dangerous they were, spiked the nicotine level to make it more addictive, and marketted the product to him when he was 13 hold just as much responsibility?

Now, I don't smoke. But every smoker I've ever talked to, I've asked them when they started smoking, and every last one of them told me when they were about 13. Why do you think that is?

Never met anyone who started smoking at 21 when they were capable of making an informed choice.

No one put a gun in there ear and made them smoke. The fact that you turn green and cough is evidence enough that smoking is not good for you. I could be wrong, But I have childhood memories of health warning on packs of cigaret packs back in 82 ? Any way, to bad. medical issues related to smoking thees days are 100% the fault of smokers. That was hashed out in the 90's. Health issues related to fatness is 100% the fault of the fatsos. Oh, I was 20 when I started, quit on my last birthday.
What is wrong with a First Lady ... or any other person of prominence ... encouraging healthy habits in children?

I've been having trouble with my fellow conservatives having trouble with this. Can someone set me straight on why I should be concerned?

Oppossition to Obama is based on 90% of hate and 10% of valid complaints of his mismanagement.

Once you understand that, it becomes pretty clear.

It's the same mentality that says, "Let's nominate a guy who is just as liberal as Obama because polls say he runs just a little better than the other guys. Screw principles."

Just so it's clear to you.

Oppossition to Obama is based on 90% of hate and 10% of valid complaints of his mismanagement.

And why again do people "hate" the Obama...Can you 'Splain it to us? :lol:

Because he's a shitty President. It's not hard to see, unless you're an ignorant backwoods Klansman who can't see past his skin color to consider that black people have other characteristics besides race.

Thanks for sharing your racism with us, dirtbag. Now shut the fuck up.
If you need a liver transplant because you are a drunk you should have to pay for it.

If you need chemo because you got lung cancer from cigarets you should have to pay for it.

If you have diabetes because you sit on your ass all day eating doughnuts and playing X-box you should have to pay for it. That does not sound like universal health care to me, more like being responsible for your bad decisions, because in any of the cases above it would be that persons own damn fault.

It strikes me that you want to put all the consequences on one side.

Take your smoker. Doesnt' the tobacco company that lied to him about how dangerous they were, spiked the nicotine level to make it more addictive, and marketted the product to him when he was 13 hold just as much responsibility?

Now, I don't smoke. But every smoker I've ever talked to, I've asked them when they started smoking, and every last one of them told me when they were about 13. Why do you think that is?

Never met anyone who started smoking at 21 when they were capable of making an informed choice.

I started smoking when I was around 19 or 20 cause it was cool and a lot of my friends did. I only smoked for a couple of years; luckily it didn't "stick".
No one put a gun in there ear and made them smoke. The fact that you turn green and cough is evidence enough that smoking is not good for you. I could be wrong, But I have childhood memories of health warning on packs of cigaret packs back in 82 ? Any way, to bad. medical issues related to smoking thees days are 100% the fault of smokers. That was hashed out in the 90's. Health issues related to fatness is 100% the fault of the fatsos. Oh, I was 20 when I started, quit on my last birthday.

So you want to absolve a company that sells addictive poison to children from all responsibility, eh?

As for obesity, it has just as much to do with genetics as lifestyle. There are people who can gorge themselves and never gain weight, and people who diet and still have weight issues. It probably doesn't help matters much that most of the food we eat is full of growth hormones and chemicals to make those animals slaughter worthy in half the time.
If you need a liver transplant because you are a drunk you should have to pay for it.

If you need chemo because you got lung cancer from cigarets you should have to pay for it.

If you have diabetes because you sit on your ass all day eating doughnuts and playing X-box you should have to pay for it. That does not sound like universal health care to me, more like being responsible for your bad decisions, because in any of the cases above it would be that persons own damn fault.

It strikes me that you want to put all the consequences on one side.

Take your smoker. Doesnt' the tobacco company that lied to him about how dangerous they were, spiked the nicotine level to make it more addictive, and marketted the product to him when he was 13 hold just as much responsibility?

Now, I don't smoke. But every smoker I've ever talked to, I've asked them when they started smoking, and every last one of them told me when they were about 13. Why do you think that is?

Never met anyone who started smoking at 21 when they were capable of making an informed choice.

I started smoking when I was around 19 or 20 cause it was cool and a lot of my friends did. I only smoked for a couple of years; luckily it didn't "stick".

Well, most of the people I talked to gave earlier ages.


Younger smokers (ages 20 to 44) are more likely than older smokers to try to quit smoking. Smoking among teenagers, however, has not declined since 1980. Approximately 90 percent of all smokers start before age 18; the average age for a new smoker is 13.

Now why do you think this is?


Numerous internal tobacco industry documents, revealed in the various tobacco lawsuits, show that the
tobacco companies have perceived kids as young as 13 years of age as a key market, studied the smoking habits of kids, and developed products and marketing campaigns aimed at them.4 As an RJR Tobacco document put it, “Many manufacturers have ‘studied’ the 14-20 market in hopes of uncovering the ‘secret’ of the instant popularity some brands enjoy to the almost exclusion of others. . . . Creating a ‘fad’ in this market can be a great bonanza.”5 The following are just a few of the many more internal company quotes about marketing to kids:

Now, I don't absolve either party. Democrats look at smokers as a cash cow that is easy to tax. As Frederick the Great said of Maria Theresa during the partitions of Poland, "The More she Wept, the more she took." They see tax increases on smokers as easy because non-smokers will say, "Better them than me" and smokers have just enough self-loathing to put up with it.
No one put a gun in there ear and made them smoke. The fact that you turn green and cough is evidence enough that smoking is not good for you. I could be wrong, But I have childhood memories of health warning on packs of cigaret packs back in 82 ? Any way, to bad. medical issues related to smoking thees days are 100% the fault of smokers. That was hashed out in the 90's. Health issues related to fatness is 100% the fault of the fatsos. Oh, I was 20 when I started, quit on my last birthday.

So you want to absolve a company that sells addictive poison to children from all responsibility, eh?

As for obesity, it has just as much to do with genetics as lifestyle. There are people who can gorge themselves and never gain weight, and people who diet and still have weight issues. It probably doesn't help matters much that most of the food we eat is full of growth hormones and chemicals to make those animals slaughter worthy in half the time.

Tobacco was settled in the 90's. And the genetics thing is BS. You can be fat and healthy. Notice the 300 lbs linemen on foot ball. The hormones and antibiotics is a good point, but the thing it people are eating shit like hot pockets and Doritos, and nothing green. They also dont move. If they eat that crap, its there fault. Educate the kids, and put recess back in school and fatness among kids will go down. Get them to eat some greens, and we stop a health epidemic in the future.

I have a problem with it when her "whims" effect MY diet.... Let ME decide what is good for and MY family!

Oh, and then there is this.....

Darden Restaurants — the company that owns the Olive Garden, Red Lobster, LongHorn Steakhouse and others announced recently that it will cut the “calorie footprint” and sodium levels in its meals and create new kids’ menus to comply with the first lady’s public health objectives.

Whats not mentioned is in return, that allows them to avoid some of the insurance mandates of ObamaCare.

Yep... its all about the "children" :eusa_liar:


Hmmm, no one even bothered responding to this. Interesting.

Why do folks object to her pet project? Because government gains more control over our choices.

Speaking at Monday's signing ceremony for the “Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act”-- a law that will subsidize and regulate what children eat before school, at lunch, after school, and during summer vacations in federally funded school-based feeding programs -- First Lady Michelle Obama said of deciding what American children should eat: “We can’t just leave it up to the parents."

The law for the first time gives the federal government the authority to regulate the food sold at local schools, including in vending machines.

But when our kids spend so much of their time each day in school, and when many children get up to half their daily calories from school meals, it’s clear that we as a nation have a responsibility to meet as well,” Mrs. Obama said. “We can’t just leave it up to the parents. I think that parents have a right to expect that their efforts at home won’t be undone each day in the school cafeteria or in the vending machine in the hallway. I think that our parents have a right to expect that their kids will be served fresh,
healthy food that meets high nutritional standards.”

Michelle Obama on Deciding What Kids Eat

So the government decides that parents can't be the sole deciders in what their kids eat . . and they use taxpayer money - to the tune of $4.5 billion over 10 years (and we all know that uncle always comes in on budget :rolleyes:) - to fund their decision. And you guys want to know why people object to her 'pet project'. :eusa_hand:

You'd rather reserve the Government's right to serve kids SHIT with our tax dollars and call it lunch!?

You forgot to highlight the rest of that statement:

I think that parents have a right to expect that their efforts at home won’t be undone each day in the school cafeteria or in the vending machine in the hallway. I think that our parents have a right to expect that their kids will be served fresh, healthy food that meets high nutritional standards

I'd rather have the parents provide for their kid themselves rather than be tied to hand-outs from the government. Wouldn't you? Why isn't money being spent on educating parents on nutrition, rather than on even more subsidizing thus making even more people dependent upon uncle? That's the point. A helping hand is fine; a lifetime of dependency on government? Not so much. I'd rather have more people be self-dependent rather than more people be government-dependent.

"Parents have a right to expect that their efforts at home won't be undone".. . . the rest of the that thought is: "so we, the government, will take that into our hands rather than leave it up to the parents to say, pack their kids lunch rather than depending upon the schools to feed their kids".

Vending machines? So the poor parents have enough money to give to their poor kids to spend on crap from vending machines? :rolleyes: God forbid a parent say no.
Tobacco was settled in the 90's. And the genetics thing is BS. You can be fat and healthy. Notice the 300 lbs linemen on foot ball. The hormones and antibiotics is a good point, but the thing it people are eating shit like hot pockets and Doritos, and nothing green. They also dont move. If they eat that crap, its there fault. Educate the kids, and put recess back in school and fatness among kids will go down. Get them to eat some greens, and we stop a health epidemic in the future.

When you say Tobacco was settled, you mean they stopped marketting to kids and stopped spiking their products? Or they just agreed to pay a big bribe to government that their customers ended up paying for?

Those 300 lb linemen are not healthy, they're just young. Back when I was younger (sigh), a 300 lb lineman like "Refrigerator" Perry was a freakish thing to see. Now they all are like that. What are they going to be when they are 40 and 50?

The rest, you seem to be agreeing with the first lady, so I'm not sure what your complaint is, exactly...
Its not Michelle Obama's business to tell us how we should eat. Michelle Obama wants to waste federal dollars promoting something that won't accomplish anything, and expands the role of government.

Other first ladies have had ambitious and worthwhile signature goals like Hillary- HC (even though I disagreed with her completely), Nancy Regan - say no to drugs, and Lara Bush- fighting to promote literacy.

If this is her goal, than she sucks at setting an example, not only by eating like a pig in public, but all the fating things on the menu in those white house dinners.
Its not Michelle Obama's business to tell us how we should eat. Michelle Obama wants to waste federal dollars promoting something that won't accomplish anything, and expands the role of government.

Other first ladies have had ambitious and worthwhile signature goals like Hillary- HC (even though I disagreed with her completely), Nancy Regan - say no to drugs, and Lara Bush- fighting to promote literacy.

If this is her goal, than she sucks at setting an example, not only by eating like a pig in public, but all the fating things on the menu in those white house dinners.

Who is Laura Bush to tell you what to do? What does Nancy Reagan have to do with drugs?

They are American citizens and can support any issue they want
Its not Michelle Obama's business to tell us how we should eat. Michelle Obama wants to waste federal dollars promoting something that won't accomplish anything, and expands the role of government.

Other first ladies have had ambitious and worthwhile signature goals like Hillary- HC (even though I disagreed with her completely), Nancy Regan - say no to drugs, and Lara Bush- fighting to promote literacy.

If this is her goal, than she sucks at setting an example, not only by eating like a pig in public, but all the fating things on the menu in those white house dinners.

Who is Laura Bush to tell you what to do? What does Nancy Reagan have to do with drugs?

They are American citizens and can support any issue they want

Betty Ford was a drug addict and she got a face lift. Wonder what her message was?

Oh, yeah. Breast cancer awareness. :confused:
Tobacco was settled in the 90's. And the genetics thing is BS. You can be fat and healthy. Notice the 300 lbs linemen on foot ball. The hormones and antibiotics is a good point, but the thing it people are eating shit like hot pockets and Doritos, and nothing green. They also dont move. If they eat that crap, its there fault. Educate the kids, and put recess back in school and fatness among kids will go down. Get them to eat some greens, and we stop a health epidemic in the future.

When you say Tobacco was settled, you mean they stopped marketting to kids and stopped spiking their products? Or they just agreed to pay a big bribe to government that their customers ended up paying for?

Those 300 lb linemen are not healthy, they're just young. Back when I was younger (sigh), a 300 lb lineman like "Refrigerator" Perry was a freakish thing to see. Now they all are like that. What are they going to be when they are 40 and 50?

The rest, you seem to be agreeing with the first lady, so I'm not sure what your complaint is, exactly...

Tobacco was never marketed to kids. Kids just found Marlboro bucks and camel dollars cool. I dont see an issue with the first lady's thing. I do agree that this country's kids are stupid and fat. I do think that where federal dollars are spent feeding people that the government should control what if being fed to those people. I dont think tax payers or insurance companies should have to cover any condition that stems from peoples vices, like excessive eating, smoking, or heavy drinking and other such stupidity.
Tobacco was settled in the 90's. And the genetics thing is BS. You can be fat and healthy. Notice the 300 lbs linemen on foot ball. The hormones and antibiotics is a good point, but the thing it people are eating shit like hot pockets and Doritos, and nothing green. They also dont move. If they eat that crap, its there fault. Educate the kids, and put recess back in school and fatness among kids will go down. Get them to eat some greens, and we stop a health epidemic in the future.

When you say Tobacco was settled, you mean they stopped marketting to kids and stopped spiking their products? Or they just agreed to pay a big bribe to government that their customers ended up paying for?

Those 300 lb linemen are not healthy, they're just young. Back when I was younger (sigh), a 300 lb lineman like "Refrigerator" Perry was a freakish thing to see. Now they all are like that. What are they going to be when they are 40 and 50?

The rest, you seem to be agreeing with the first lady, so I'm not sure what your complaint is, exactly...

Tobacco was never marketed to kids. Kids just found Marlboro bucks and camel dollars cool. I dont see an issue with the first lady's thing. I do agree that this country's kids are stupid and fat. I do think that where federal dollars are spent feeding people that the government should control what if being fed to those people. I dont think tax payers or insurance companies should have to cover any condition that stems from peoples vices, like excessive eating, smoking, or heavy drinking and other such stupidity.

Tobacco was subliminally marketed to kids:




In my youth all the heroes and heroines of the movies smoked. I don't recall the exact year, but that practice was curtailed in movies intended to appeal to children and teens.
When you say Tobacco was settled, you mean they stopped marketting to kids and stopped spiking their products? Or they just agreed to pay a big bribe to government that their customers ended up paying for?

Those 300 lb linemen are not healthy, they're just young. Back when I was younger (sigh), a 300 lb lineman like "Refrigerator" Perry was a freakish thing to see. Now they all are like that. What are they going to be when they are 40 and 50?

The rest, you seem to be agreeing with the first lady, so I'm not sure what your complaint is, exactly...

Tobacco was never marketed to kids. Kids just found Marlboro bucks and camel dollars cool. I dont see an issue with the first lady's thing. I do agree that this country's kids are stupid and fat. I do think that where federal dollars are spent feeding people that the government should control what if being fed to those people. I dont think tax payers or insurance companies should have to cover any condition that stems from peoples vices, like excessive eating, smoking, or heavy drinking and other such stupidity.

Tobacco was subliminally marketed to kids:




In my youth all the heroes and heroines of the movies smoked. I don't recall the exact year, but that practice was curtailed in movies intended to appeal to children and teens.
How about when cigarette ads were pulled from radio and television?:eusa_whistle:
When you say Tobacco was settled, you mean they stopped marketting to kids and stopped spiking their products? Or they just agreed to pay a big bribe to government that their customers ended up paying for?

Those 300 lb linemen are not healthy, they're just young. Back when I was younger (sigh), a 300 lb lineman like "Refrigerator" Perry was a freakish thing to see. Now they all are like that. What are they going to be when they are 40 and 50?

The rest, you seem to be agreeing with the first lady, so I'm not sure what your complaint is, exactly...

Tobacco was never marketed to kids. Kids just found Marlboro bucks and camel dollars cool. I dont see an issue with the first lady's thing. I do agree that this country's kids are stupid and fat. I do think that where federal dollars are spent feeding people that the government should control what if being fed to those people. I dont think tax payers or insurance companies should have to cover any condition that stems from peoples vices, like excessive eating, smoking, or heavy drinking and other such stupidity.

Tobacco was subliminally marketed to kids:




In my youth all the heroes and heroines of the movies smoked. I don't recall the exact year, but that practice was curtailed in movies intended to appeal to children and teens.

Yeah, that's the stuff they squashed in the 90's. Now I think they even have to rate movies pg-13 or r if there is cigaret smoking in it.

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