What's wrong with smart guns?

Smart guns, which will only shoot with the owner's fingerprint, would prevent children from shooting themselves and others, and thieves and criminals couldn't use them. Gun rights advocates will say they are a form of gun control and a violation of the second amendment rights. I say abide by the second amendment by owning a musket. When rapid fire guns were invented no gun rights person refused to use them because they weren't muskets. Time changes everything. As for hacking a smart gun, you're more likely to have your phone or computer hacked and that doesn't stop people from using them. And they worry that the government will "track" them. So? We've been tracked for years and it hasn't made an iota of difference in our lives.
so your sitting home alone while your husband is working late. someone breaks into your house with the intent to rob you, sees a woman home alone and figures he will rape you too. you grab your husbands smart gun to repel the invaders. Enjoy the ride honey. your gun may be shooting blanks but the rapist won't be.

btw, read the federalist papers. the founders intended the citizens to be as well armed as the regular army. so if the army wants to continue to use muskets too, you may have a point. Oh and BTW, 10 years before the 2nd amendment was written these very same founders place an order with a Philadelphia gun maker for a rapid fire gun that used a high capacity magazine.
Smart guns, which will only shoot with the owner's fingerprint, would prevent children from shooting themselves and others, and thieves and criminals couldn't use them. Gun rights advocates will say they are a form of gun control and a violation of the second amendment rights. I say abide by the second amendment by owning a musket. When rapid fire guns were invented no gun rights person refused to use them because they weren't muskets. Time changes everything. As for hacking a smart gun, you're more likely to have your phone or computer hacked and that doesn't stop people from using them. And they worry that the government will "track" them. So? We've been tracked for years and it hasn't made an iota of difference in our lives.
so your sitting home alone while your husband is working late. someone breaks into your house with the intent to rob you, sees a woman home alone and figures he will rape you too. you grab your husbands smart gun to repel the invaders. Enjoy the ride honey. your gun may be shooting blanks but the rapist won't be.

btw, read the federalist papers. the founders intended the citizens to be as well armed as the regular army. so if the army wants to continue to use muskets too, you may have a point. Oh and BTW, 10 years before the 2nd amendment was written these very same founders place an order with a Philadelphia gun maker for a rapid fire gun that used a high capacity magazine.

Do you have links to the gun making info. I get tired of the lefty gun grabbers talking about muskets and that would be a nice thing to throw at them. Thanks.
so your sitting home alone while your husband is working late. someone breaks into your house with the intent to rob you, sees a woman home alone...
If I thought I needed a gun, I'd have my own smart gun....
Smart guns, which will only shoot with the owner's fingerprint, would prevent children from shooting themselves and others, and thieves and criminals couldn't use them. Gun rights advocates will say they are a form of gun control and a violation of the second amendment rights. I say abide by the second amendment by owning a musket. When rapid fire guns were invented no gun rights person refused to use them because they weren't muskets. Time changes everything. As for hacking a smart gun, you're more likely to have your phone or computer hacked and that doesn't stop people from using them. And they worry that the government will "track" them. So? We've been tracked for years and it hasn't made an iota of difference in our lives.
so your sitting home alone while your husband is working late. someone breaks into your house with the intent to rob you, sees a woman home alone and figures he will rape you too. you grab your husbands smart gun to repel the invaders. Enjoy the ride honey. your gun may be shooting blanks but the rapist won't be.

btw, read the federalist papers. the founders intended the citizens to be as well armed as the regular army. so if the army wants to continue to use muskets too, you may have a point. Oh and BTW, 10 years before the 2nd amendment was written these very same founders place an order with a Philadelphia gun maker for a rapid fire gun that used a high capacity magazine.

Do you have links to the gun making info. I get tired of the lefty gun grabbers talking about muskets and that would be a nice thing to throw at them. Thanks.

Considering the Minié Ball wasn't even invented until the 19th century, I highly doubt there is one.
Smart guns, which will only shoot with the owner's fingerprint, would prevent children from shooting themselves and others, and thieves and criminals couldn't use them. Gun rights advocates will say they are a form of gun control and a violation of the second amendment rights. I say abide by the second amendment by owning a musket. When rapid fire guns were invented no gun rights person refused to use them because they weren't muskets. Time changes everything. As for hacking a smart gun, you're more likely to have your phone or computer hacked and that doesn't stop people from using them. And they worry that the government will "track" them. So? We've been tracked for years and it hasn't made an iota of difference in our lives.
so your sitting home alone while your husband is working late. someone breaks into your house with the intent to rob you, sees a woman home alone and figures he will rape you too. you grab your husbands smart gun to repel the invaders. Enjoy the ride honey. your gun may be shooting blanks but the rapist won't be.

btw, read the federalist papers. the founders intended the citizens to be as well armed as the regular army. so if the army wants to continue to use muskets too, you may have a point. Oh and BTW, 10 years before the 2nd amendment was written these very same founders place an order with a Philadelphia gun maker for a rapid fire gun that used a high capacity magazine.

Do you have links to the gun making info. I get tired of the lefty gun grabbers talking about muskets and that would be a nice thing to throw at them. Thanks.

Considering the Minié Ball wasn't even invented until the 19th century, I highly doubt there is one.
Hey retard? The purpose of the 2nd was to give "the People" the right to keep and bear MILITARY firearms.
Smart guns, which will only shoot with the owner's fingerprint, would prevent children from shooting themselves and others, and thieves and criminals couldn't use them. Gun rights advocates will say they are a form of gun control and a violation of the second amendment rights. I say abide by the second amendment by owning a musket. When rapid fire guns were invented no gun rights person refused to use them because they weren't muskets. Time changes everything. As for hacking a smart gun, you're more likely to have your phone or computer hacked and that doesn't stop people from using them. And they worry that the government will "track" them. So? We've been tracked for years and it hasn't made an iota of difference in our lives.
so your sitting home alone while your husband is working late. someone breaks into your house with the intent to rob you, sees a woman home alone and figures he will rape you too. you grab your husbands smart gun to repel the invaders. Enjoy the ride honey. your gun may be shooting blanks but the rapist won't be.

btw, read the federalist papers. the founders intended the citizens to be as well armed as the regular army. so if the army wants to continue to use muskets too, you may have a point. Oh and BTW, 10 years before the 2nd amendment was written these very same founders place an order with a Philadelphia gun maker for a rapid fire gun that used a high capacity magazine.

Do you have links to the gun making info. I get tired of the lefty gun grabbers talking about muskets and that would be a nice thing to throw at them. Thanks.

Considering the Minié Ball wasn't even invented until the 19th century, I highly doubt there is one.
Hey retard? The purpose of the 2nd was to give "the People" the right to keep and bear MILITARY firearms.

And this has what in the blue fuck to do with dates of technology development?
Smart guns, which will only shoot with the owner's fingerprint, would prevent children from shooting themselves and others, and thieves and criminals couldn't use them. Gun rights advocates will say they are a form of gun control and a violation of the second amendment rights. I say abide by the second amendment by owning a musket. When rapid fire guns were invented no gun rights person refused to use them because they weren't muskets. Time changes everything. As for hacking a smart gun, you're more likely to have your phone or computer hacked and that doesn't stop people from using them. And they worry that the government will "track" them. So? We've been tracked for years and it hasn't made an iota of difference in our lives.
so your sitting home alone while your husband is working late. someone breaks into your house with the intent to rob you, sees a woman home alone and figures he will rape you too. you grab your husbands smart gun to repel the invaders. Enjoy the ride honey. your gun may be shooting blanks but the rapist won't be.

btw, read the federalist papers. the founders intended the citizens to be as well armed as the regular army. so if the army wants to continue to use muskets too, you may have a point. Oh and BTW, 10 years before the 2nd amendment was written these very same founders place an order with a Philadelphia gun maker for a rapid fire gun that used a high capacity magazine.

Do you have links to the gun making info. I get tired of the lefty gun grabbers talking about muskets and that would be a nice thing to throw at them. Thanks.

Considering the Minié Ball wasn't even invented until the 19th century, I highly doubt there is one.
Hey retard? The purpose of the 2nd was to give "the People" the right to keep and bear MILITARY firearms.

And this has what in the blue fuck to do with dates of technology development?
You keep trying to argue the 2nd only applies to muskets and that the framers only understood that. When in FACT the framers MEANT for the citizenry to OWN, Possess and carry MILITARY grade firearms. Including today.
so your sitting home alone while your husband is working late. someone breaks into your house with the intent to rob you, sees a woman home alone...
If I thought I needed a gun, I'd have my own smart gun....

Please..if you want a smart gun get one...more power to you....

but of course...that isn't enough for you...you have to force everyone else to only have that one choice in firearm, and in truth.....you only want that one choice so that you only have one gun to ban when you get the power to actually do it.
Smart guns, which will only shoot with the owner's fingerprint, would prevent children from shooting themselves and others, and thieves and criminals couldn't use them. Gun rights advocates will say they are a form of gun control and a violation of the second amendment rights. I say abide by the second amendment by owning a musket. When rapid fire guns were invented no gun rights person refused to use them because they weren't muskets. Time changes everything. As for hacking a smart gun, you're more likely to have your phone or computer hacked and that doesn't stop people from using them. And they worry that the government will "track" them. So? We've been tracked for years and it hasn't made an iota of difference in our lives.
so your sitting home alone while your husband is working late. someone breaks into your house with the intent to rob you, sees a woman home alone and figures he will rape you too. you grab your husbands smart gun to repel the invaders. Enjoy the ride honey. your gun may be shooting blanks but the rapist won't be.

btw, read the federalist papers. the founders intended the citizens to be as well armed as the regular army. so if the army wants to continue to use muskets too, you may have a point. Oh and BTW, 10 years before the 2nd amendment was written these very same founders place an order with a Philadelphia gun maker for a rapid fire gun that used a high capacity magazine.

Do you have links to the gun making info. I get tired of the lefty gun grabbers talking about muskets and that would be a nice thing to throw at them. Thanks.

Considering the Minié Ball wasn't even invented until the 19th century, I highly doubt there is one.
Hey retard? The purpose of the 2nd was to give "the People" the right to keep and bear MILITARY firearms.

And this has what in the blue fuck to do with dates of technology development?

You tell us since you keep posting about it....
so your sitting home alone while your husband is working late. someone breaks into your house with the intent to rob you, sees a woman home alone...
If I thought I needed a gun, I'd have my own smart gun....

Please..if you want a smart gun get one...more power to you....

but of course...that isn't enough for you...you have to force everyone else to only have that one choice in firearm, and in truth.....you only want that one choice so that you only have one gun to ban when you get the power to actually do it.
I would NOT wish to ban smart guns, if gun owners would wake up and think beyond their noses. And as for your conspiracy theory that I'd want only one gun to ban, well, that's your overactive fantastical imagination at work. I find so many gun fanatics leap to the conclusion that someone wants to ban all guns when they run out of arguments. 'Murica, that's why.
so your sitting home alone while your husband is working late. someone breaks into your house with the intent to rob you, sees a woman home alone...
If I thought I needed a gun, I'd have my own smart gun....
Why not just put a 'We Are Armed With A Smart Gun' sign on your front lawn? Please.
If someone was attacking you sweetheart you'd wish you had a gun that didn't need a fucking finger print to work.
What if someone was brutally attacking your neighbor's ten year old girl? You better hope for her sake the fucking battery is working in your STUPID! Smart gun. Oh and by the way as I type this post someone is brutally attacking a ten year old girl somewhere in the country. Hope someone has a gun handy.
God you're fucking stupid!
so your sitting home alone while your husband is working late. someone breaks into your house with the intent to rob you, sees a woman home alone...
If I thought I needed a gun, I'd have my own smart gun....
Why not just put a 'We Are Armed With A Smart Gun' sign on your front lawn? Please.
If someone was attacking you sweetheart you'd wish you had a gun that didn't need a fucking finger print to work.
What if someone was brutally attacking your neighbor's ten year old girl? You better hope for her sake the fucking battery is working in your STUPID! Smart gun. Oh and by the way as I type this post someone is brutally attacking a ten year old girl somewhere in the country. Hope someone has a gun handy.
God you're fucking stupid!
The use of the word fucking doesn't make your so-called argument valid. And in fact, you seem to suggest that guns should always be loaded and at hand so the 10 year old can be saved. Are your guns loaded and on the night stand? What a hero you are.
so your sitting home alone while your husband is working late. someone breaks into your house with the intent to rob you, sees a woman home alone...
If I thought I needed a gun, I'd have my own smart gun....
Why not just put a 'We Are Armed With A Smart Gun' sign on your front lawn? Please.
If someone was attacking you sweetheart you'd wish you had a gun that didn't need a fucking finger print to work.
What if someone was brutally attacking your neighbor's ten year old girl? You better hope for her sake the fucking battery is working in your STUPID! Smart gun. Oh and by the way as I type this post someone is brutally attacking a ten year old girl somewhere in the country. Hope someone has a gun handy.
God you're fucking stupid!
The use of the word fucking doesn't make your so-called argument valid. And in fact, you seem to suggest that guns should always be loaded and at hand so the 10 year old can be saved. Are your guns loaded and on the night stand? What a hero you are.
You have established yourself on this forum as a fucking idiot. That is clear by the number of members who have basically called you the same thing bitch.
Yes I have loaded guns in my home. The sign on my front lawn says: 'Proud NRA Member. Come and get some'.
Take a photo of the sign on your front lawn: 'We Are Armed With A Safe Gun'. Where do you want your belongings sent bitch?
so your sitting home alone while your husband is working late. someone breaks into your house with the intent to rob you, sees a woman home alone...
If I thought I needed a gun, I'd have my own smart gun....

Please..if you want a smart gun get one...more power to you....

but of course...that isn't enough for you...you have to force everyone else to only have that one choice in firearm, and in truth.....you only want that one choice so that you only have one gun to ban when you get the power to actually do it.
I would NOT wish to ban smart guns, if gun owners would wake up and think beyond their noses. And as for your conspiracy theory that I'd want only one gun to ban, well, that's your overactive fantastical imagination at work. I find so many gun fanatics leap to the conclusion that someone wants to ban all guns when they run out of arguments. 'Murica, that's why.

No…..there are laws in New Jersey that state that once the first smart gun goes on the market, all guns in New Jersey will have to be smart guns…so you are wrong. This is the reason they are opposed by pro 2nd Amendment people….you guys just can't leave the 2nd Amendment alone.
so your sitting home alone while your husband is working late. someone breaks into your house with the intent to rob you, sees a woman home alone and figures he will rape you too. you grab your husbands smart gun to repel the invaders. Enjoy the ride honey. your gun may be shooting blanks but the rapist won't be.

btw, read the federalist papers. the founders intended the citizens to be as well armed as the regular army. so if the army wants to continue to use muskets too, you may have a point. Oh and BTW, 10 years before the 2nd amendment was written these very same founders place an order with a Philadelphia gun maker for a rapid fire gun that used a high capacity magazine.

Do you have links to the gun making info. I get tired of the lefty gun grabbers talking about muskets and that would be a nice thing to throw at them. Thanks.

Considering the Minié Ball wasn't even invented until the 19th century, I highly doubt there is one.
Hey retard? The purpose of the 2nd was to give "the People" the right to keep and bear MILITARY firearms.

And this has what in the blue fuck to do with dates of technology development?
You keep trying to argue the 2nd only applies to muskets and that the framers only understood that. When in FACT the framers MEANT for the citizenry to OWN, Possess and carry MILITARY grade firearms. Including today.

Actually no, I argued the opposite -- that 2A means I can have a nuke. A point I know you read, since you already challenged it by bringing in the "navy" red herring. And here you're reversing course on your own red herring.

The memory is the second thing to go.

But this tangent has nothing to do with any of that anyway --- it was about challenging the historical accuracy of the claim about technology:

10 years before the 2nd amendment was written these very same founders place an order with a Philadelphia gun maker for a rapid fire gun that used a high capacity magazine

That's a simple claim on a technological development date. Got zero to do with 2A, or any laws at all.
The use of the word fucking doesn't make your so-called argument valid. And in fact, you seem to suggest that guns should always be loaded and at hand...
An unloaded gun is useless, however.
The stupid LIB coward bitch wants guns to be unloaded and you'll need a fingerprint to make them work.
What a fucking moron!
We have LEO who put their lives on the line to protect these assholes from getting raped and murdered!
Let's reconsider this.
Then when the human scum are saved they whine about 'men with guns'.
Men with guns, from the American Revolution to today, are the reason this stupid bitch is safe to be home alone.

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