What's wrong with the " N" word?

USAF 2023

Gold Member
Feb 22, 2012
It's not wrong when a democrat does it

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From the OP

One clip that has been circulating on social media features Biden saying “We already have a n****r mayor and we don’t need another n*****r bigshot,” in what is a fairly obvious omission of the context that he was quoting someone else.
From the OP

One clip that has been circulating on social media features Biden saying “We already have a n****r mayor and we don’t need another n*****r bigshot,” in what is a fairly obvious omission of the context that he was quoting someone else.
We know it’s a quote dummy.

It’s just funny he would still say it. And oh how it rolls off his tongue, like he’s used the word his whole life.
From the OP

One clip that has been circulating on social media features Biden saying “We already have a n****r mayor and we don’t need another n*****r bigshot,” in what is a fairly obvious omission of the context that he was quoting someone else.
Sorry, but he said it. Do you also make excuses for the other posts?
From the OP

One clip that has been circulating on social media features Biden saying “We already have a n****r mayor and we don’t need another n*****r bigshot,” in what is a fairly obvious omission of the context that he was quoting someone else.
We know it’s a quote dummy.

It’s just funny he would still say it. And oh how it rolls off his tongue, like he’s used the word his whole life.

You do?
Then why the fuck do you care?
From the OP

One clip that has been circulating on social media features Biden saying “We already have a n****r mayor and we don’t need another n*****r bigshot,” in what is a fairly obvious omission of the context that he was quoting someone else.
We know it’s a quote dummy.

It’s just funny he would still say it. And oh how it rolls off his tongue, like he’s used the word his whole life.

You do?
Then why the fuck do you care?

If it were Trump, then you would fuckin care
No matter how much you might fear any group, you should NEVER use unkind epithets for them.

That is why there is no excuse for people to ever use "that word."

Not even in private, for it might then slip out one day with rather unpleasant consequences.


Some years back, I walking down the sidewalk when I saw a car with a careless driver almost hit a man.

The man yelled, "Are you crazy?"

The careless driver ignored him and continued on.

As the man passed me on the sidewalk, he turned around to look at the scene of the missed accident and hissed "that word."

I live in Los Angeles, a very liberal city. I am guessing that the man was also a liberal. I am guessing that after he had cooled down, he felt contrite for saying "that word."

It depends on who is using it!!!
Black people are ashamed of their race so any name calling triggers them into their natural state--savage rage. They are fucking children.
All words should be available to every American. How they are used is up to the writer or speaker - their taste, what they are trying to express, etc. Some words can be hurtful and one should be careful and thoughtful in their use.

But, imo, NO person.or group should be allowed to dictate how we use this most precious of all languages.

The same is true of our history, monuments, documents, and so on. Sometimes they are not pretty, but our.history is a matter of fact. And to grow and improve, we should try to learn from our history, not try to destroy it, or run from it like a.bunch of cowards.

By making such huge stink about the 'N' word, blacks have given the word a phenomenal power. It would never have had such power if they had simply left the word alone. In any case, the word will never go away. The huge amount of attention it has been given will see to that.

Finally, we've entered an awful place when, in this, the most freedom loving country in the world, any group thinks it should be able to dictate to the rest of our population how we use our words and language, or, what parts of our history we should keep or value.
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All words should be available to every American. How they are used is up to the writer or speaker - their taste, what they are trying to express, etc. Some words can be hurtful and one should be careful and thoughtful in their use.

But, imo, NO person.or group should be allowed to dictate how we use this most precious of all languages.

The same is true of our history, monuments, documents, and so on. Sometimes they are not pretty, but our.history is a matter of fact. And to grow and improve, we should try to learn from our history, not try to destroy it, or run from it like a.bunch of cowards.

By making such huge stink about the 'N' word, blacks have given the word a phenomenal power. It would never have had such power if they had simply left the word alone. In any case, the word will never go away. The huge amount of attention it has been given will see to that.

Finally, we've entered an awful place when, in this, the most freedom loving country in the world, any group thinks it should be able to dictate to the rest of our population how we use our words and language, or, what parts of our history we should keep or value.
Blacks are keeping the term alive, not whites.

It depends on who is using it!!!
Biden was quoting some one else. What is your understanding of Lashon Hara? The word **** is every bit as offensive.
Biden was quoting some one else. What is your understanding of Lashon Hara? The word **** is every bit as offensive.
Please tell us where the “ obvious admission “ is. Make a excuse now for his being for segregation calling integration of schools “ a racial jungle “
Blacks are keeping the term alive, not whites.
Absolutely true.

And by trying to ban other people from using the word, and screaming "racist" at every opportunity, they have given the "N" word more power and life than it otherwise would ever have had.

If they had simply had the brains to exercise some control over themselves, the word may have gone away on its own. But now, they have assured that the word will never, ever, die, and that it will be more powerful than ever, going forward.
The day magic naughty words no longer stir individuals to violence is the day we will all truly be equal.

I want equality. It appears others go out of their way to stifle it.

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