What's wrong with this guy? Biden Officially Attempts to Remove God from Thanksgiving with 2023 Proclamation

We all have freedom of religion. The State cannot pick one to endorse.
That's correct: the separation of church and state (is by default [italics]) the freedom from religion. Therefore, freedom to choose has to include this process, which the Founders were already clued up about after having studied the religious delirium that had gone on in Europe and the UK for so many centuries.
Indeed there is freedom in bondage, though an atheist's freedom-in-bondage may originate from a responsible self rather than an external source. This is your conundrum: being afraid not to believe in the external source of the religious drug. Like most other drugs, it always has to do with the hit, the dose, and the dealer.
Doing the right thing becomes a way of life, no fear, and it gets better over time. I wouldn't go back to my old life. :bowdown:

Christ's 'yoke' is easy, but may seem harsh at first, kinda like seatbelts. ;)

What's wrong with this guy?​

Macho, that letter on the WH page is WAY too well written and congruent for Biden to have written it. The guy has never been that literate in his entire life. That was obviously written by one of his athiest communists on his administrative staff FOR him, and they took out all references to God. Joe just signs his name to stuff. Probably with his hoof.
Christmas is heavily weighted towards the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Except for the rowdy drinking little paganism remains.

Many Christmas and Easter traditions have nothing to do with Jesus. I don't mind the commercialization of Christmas because it does celebrate the birth of Christ, but I have a real problem with "Easter eggs" and "Easter bunnies" which were coopted from a pagan spring fertility festival. This is a solemn time, when we contemplate the horror of the Crucifiction, and the joy of our salvation. Rabbits and eggs????

Christmas trees and the celebration of Christ's birth was changed to coincide with the Winter Solstice to placate the pagans who refused to give up their traditions or their festivals, when they converted to Christianity. The actual date of His birth seems to have been plucked from thin air, based on the assumption that that the date of the Annunciation was the same date as his death - determined to be March 25th, and he was born 9 months from the date of the Annunication - being December 25th.
The only proper place for a wall in America, is between the Church, and the State.

There is no way to separate them.

Every person has a belief and that belief steers their decisions.

Look at this person practicing what they believe while working for the gov't.

If someone was to invent a fictional character to portray the dumbest America President ever for a comedy movie Joe Biden would be the model.

No, that would be W. Definitely W. Reagan had Alzheimers and he was smarter than W.
If there is nothing to be thankful to, there is no reason to be thankful at all. You exist and things just happen to you. No reason to even bother saying thank you to an empty room. That's what's shitty. Stop wasting your time.

Actually I say "thanks" when things happen even if I am the only one in the area. One does not need someone to hear you to make it meaningful.

You might try being at peace with yourself just once and seeing how it feels.
There is no way to separate them.

Every person has a belief and that belief steers their decisions.

Look at this person practicing what they believe while working for the gov't.

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Trans is a religion? I did not know that.
Beliefs do steer decisions, but when in government, you're not supposed to mention that.
We all have freedom of religion. The State cannot pick one to endorse.

Unfortunately the state can do anything it fucking wants to do. That has been proven over and over again. Just look how several States infringe upon the right to keep and bear arms, despite rulings from the Supreme Court that it is illegal, as an example.

What the Bill of Rights says is that in the US we have freedom to enjoy religion and the fucking government can't interfere with it.

The Bill of Rights tells what the government can't interfere or infringe upon.
Unfortunately the state can do anything it fucking wants to do. That has been proven over and over again. Just look how several States infringe upon the right to keep and bear arms, despite rulings from the Supreme Court that it is illegal, as an example.

What the Bill of Rights says is that in the US we have freedom to enjoy religion and the fucking government can't interfere with it.

The Bill of Rights tells what the government can't interfere or infringe upon.
You seem quite bent, considering that you didn't have anything to say.
Actually I say "thanks" when things happen even if I am the only one in the area. One does not need someone to hear you to make it meaningful.

You might try being at peace with yourself just once and seeing how it feels.

Until I read this, I have never really thought about the number of times when I have said a quick "Thank you, Lord" for things that have happened.

My black cat didn't come home three weeks ago and has been missing ever since. I posted ads with pictures, asked the neighbours, nothing. I was ready to give up the search. This morning she was sitting in the kitchen window, asking to come in. I let her in, checked her all over, and said "Thank you, Lord".
Doing the right thing becomes a way of life, no fear, and it gets better over time. I wouldn't go back to my old life. :bowdown:

Christ's 'yoke' is easy, but may seem harsh at first, kinda like seatbelts. ;)

The way you speak about your faith makes it sound like a burden you you’re forced to carry to keep yourself sane.

How is treating other people the way you would like to be treated a “yoke” which is “harsh”?
You seem quite bent, considering that you didn't have anything to say.
Just trying to educate you stupid Moon Bats on the Constitution. It is not my fault you are too much of a dumbass to understand it.

You Moon Bats don't know anymore about the Constitution than you know about Economics, Biology, History, Climate Science or Ethics.
Actually I say "thanks" when things happen even if I am the only one in the area. One does not need someone to hear you to make it meaningful.

You might try being at peace with yourself just once and seeing how it feels.
You are delusional wandering about talking to empty space. I am very much at peace with myself. I am not so alone that I must say thanks to emptiness.

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