What's Your Party Tell You To Think?

When you say "the party" do you mean Dick Luger, who is pro union, or Chris Christie, who is generally considered anti union? Or Jeff Flake who hasn't expressed an opinion that I recall?

That's the problem: libs think every voting block is exactly alike. So all blacks think and vote one way, even though it isn't true. All Hispanics the same, even though Hispanics come from very diverse cultures with different values.

But any person with at least two functioning brain cells can see that teachers' unions do nothing to further education for kids. Even the fortunately late Albert Shanker said "When kids start paying union dues we'll start representing their interests." Teachers unions protect the weak, the stupid, the brain dead, the incompetent. Because good teachers are protected by their job performance.

Am I supposed to feel browbeat while you talk down to people? Tell me something I don't know. Naturally you think I'm a liberal because I teach (paragraph 2). So don't talk about "grouping" to me.

No I think you're a liberal because I read your posts, where you regularly express liberal ideas. I personally think you're lying about being a teacher because you can't put two thoughts together coherently and couldn't think your way out of the Holland Tunnel.

Meh. Them that can, do. Them that can't, teach.
I'm just curious. Since in the past two or three years, right-wing politicians under the influence of the Tea Party has made us wealthy teachers, firemen, cops and so on the "evil" ones because most are in unions, what you all think of teachers.

I've been teaching since 1987 and the level of respect we get has always been up and down, but lately, because of the union we're evil incarnate in today's childish political climate.

I personally don't give a fat rat's ass to the point of obsession. I know I give it my all every day and am too old to be second-guessing myself. But it would be kind of interesting to see what your political parties influence you into thinking about teachers.

The only qualifier I will offer is this - IF you think teachers are mostly liberal, you obviously have not spend any time in a school working with them.

The Democratic Party is a coalition Party. There is no one train of thought.

The Republican Party is 90% white and based in the Deep South. Anyone familiar with US History knows that party in detail.
Your problem, dweeb is that your train of thought has been derailed for years.
The Republican party is 90% white and the Democrat party is 85% white. No big disparity there other than the fact that 55% of whites vote Republican and 95% of blacks vote Democrat.
I'm just curious. Since in the past two or three years, right-wing politicians under the influence of the Tea Party has made us wealthy teachers, firemen, cops and so on the "evil" ones because most are in unions, what you all think of teachers.

I've been teaching since 1987 and the level of respect we get has always been up and down, but lately, because of the union we're evil incarnate in today's childish political climate.

I personally don't give a fat rat's ass to the point of obsession. I know I give it my all every day and am too old to be second-guessing myself. But it would be kind of interesting to see what your political parties influence you into thinking about teachers.

The only qualifier I will offer is this - IF you think teachers are mostly liberal, you obviously have not spend any time in a school working with them.

The Democratic Party is a coalition Party. There is no one train of thought.

The Republican Party is 90% white and based in the Deep South. Anyone familiar with US History knows that party in detail.
Your problem, dweeb is that your train of thought has been derailed for years.
The Republican party is 90% white and the Democrat party is 85% white. No big disparity there other than the fact that 55% of whites vote Republican and 95% of blacks vote Democrat.

Please, don't interrupt RDean when he's on one of his fantasies. He'll likely turn violent.
The Democratic Party is a coalition Party. There is no one train of thought.

The Republican Party is 90% white and based in the Deep South. Anyone familiar with US History knows that party in detail.
Your problem, dweeb is that your train of thought has been derailed for years.
The Republican party is 90% white and the Democrat party is 85% white. No big disparity there other than the fact that 55% of whites vote Republican and 95% of blacks vote Democrat.

Please, don't interrupt RDean when he's on one of his fantasies. He'll likely turn violent.

There's a 94% chance.
No I think you're a liberal because I read your posts, where you regularly express liberal ideas. I personally think you're lying about being a teacher because you can't put two thoughts together coherently and couldn't think your way out of the Holland Tunnel.

Maybe I have more to do than spend the day on a computer. Dickheads like you NEED liberals in your life to justify your fucked up simple approach to life. And if you knew anything about writing in volume and editing, as I've done, your world wouldn't begin and end on a silly forum. Christ, it's just a simple question.

And yet, here you are in the middle of the school day on the computer arguing for faulty progressive ideas and despite protests that you belong to no party, toting the party line that an attack on the teachers union is an attack on teachers despite nothing being further from the truth.

And you wonder why people dont believe you.

Ever heard of spring break? I don't care what anyone thinks other than the answer to my OP, which of course gets bastardized by the minute. Thanks to those couple who answered, however.
No I think you're a liberal because I read your posts, where you regularly express liberal ideas. I personally think you're lying about being a teacher because you can't put two thoughts together coherently and couldn't think your way out of the Holland Tunnel.

Maybe I have more to do than spend the day on a computer. Dickheads like you NEED liberals in your life to justify your fucked up simple approach to life. And if you knew anything about writing in volume and editing, as I've done, your world wouldn't begin and end on a silly forum. Christ, it's just a simple question.

IOW I hit the nail on the head. Tell us what you really do, WalMart greeter? dishwasher? Chief shit shoveler?
Hard to imagine anyone as inarticulate as you could edit anything, much less write anything. What volume do you write, the phone book?

I'm not posting my resume on here for a cocksucker like you to try and pick apart. You couldn't do what I do, and couldn't have taught in the venues I teach. Go on back to your partisan playbook and study hard.
Am I supposed to feel browbeat while you talk down to people? Tell me something I don't know. Naturally you think I'm a liberal because I teach (paragraph 2). So don't talk about "grouping" to me.

No I think you're a liberal because I read your posts, where you regularly express liberal ideas. I personally think you're lying about being a teacher because you can't put two thoughts together coherently and couldn't think your way out of the Holland Tunnel.

Meh. Them that can, do. Them that can't, teach.

Damn, did you stay up all night making that up, or does that sharp wit come naturally?
No I think you're a liberal because I read your posts, where you regularly express liberal ideas. I personally think you're lying about being a teacher because you can't put two thoughts together coherently and couldn't think your way out of the Holland Tunnel.

Meh. Them that can, do. Them that can't, teach.

Damn, did you stay up all night making that up, or does that sharp wit come naturally?

My dad used that phrase when I was growing up. The older I get, the more teachers I find, fit.

I really have nothing against teachers per se. Teachers' unions financially supporting the candidacy of politicians that vote on their salaries.... THAT, I have a problem with.
I'm just curious. Since in the past two or three years, right-wing politicians under the influence of the Tea Party has made us wealthy teachers, firemen, cops and so on the "evil" ones because most are in unions, what you all think of teachers.

I've been teaching since 1987 and the level of respect we get has always been up and down, but lately, because of the union we're evil incarnate in today's childish political climate.

I personally don't give a fat rat's ass to the point of obsession. I know I give it my all every day and am too old to be second-guessing myself. But it would be kind of interesting to see what your political parties influence you into thinking about teachers.

The only qualifier I will offer is this - IF you think teachers are mostly liberal, you obviously have not spend any time in a school working with them.

The Democratic Party is a coalition Party. There is no one train of thought.

The Republican Party is 90% white and based in the Deep South. Anyone familiar with US History knows that party in detail.
oh here we go.....one of the most Die Hard Democrats here,who NEVER questions anything they say or do.....BUT has all kinds of things to say about the other guys.....telling us he does his own thinking.....like i said Dean.....you aint fooling no one....well maybe a handful.....basically Dean....your a joke....
I'm just curious. Since in the past two or three years, right-wing politicians under the influence of the Tea Party has made us wealthy teachers, firemen, cops and so on the "evil" ones because most are in unions, what you all think of teachers.

I've been teaching since 1987 and the level of respect we get has always been up and down, but lately, because of the union we're evil incarnate in today's childish political climate.

I personally don't give a fat rat's ass to the point of obsession. I know I give it my all every day and am too old to be second-guessing myself. But it would be kind of interesting to see what your political parties influence you into thinking about teachers.

The only qualifier I will offer is this - IF you think teachers are mostly liberal, you obviously have not spend any time in a school working with them.

The Democratic Party is a coalition Party. There is no one train of thought.

The Republican Party is 90% white and based in the Deep South. Anyone familiar with US History knows that party in detail.


as Mr. Spock would say....."Fascinating"......
Oh this is about teacher's unions?

Fuck 'em.

You didn't realize that?

It's typical. Instead of acknowledging that it's the union that's being attacked, the left and their sympathizers try to pretend it's the teachers themselves. Many of whom are completely against what the Union does and represents.

There are some teachers that actually care about educating their students. They are usually the ones fighting the teachers union.
thats not the way some of the posts here about teachers come off Avatar.....i experienced the same thing being a Federal Worker who belongs to a ..."gasp"... Union.....it began saying the Unions sucked and then it went to the workers.....
Ever heard of spring break? I don't care what anyone thinks other than the answer to my OP, which of course gets bastardized by the minute. Thanks to those couple who answered, however.

I have heard of Spring break. It was last week.
Maybe I have more to do than spend the day on a computer. Dickheads like you NEED liberals in your life to justify your fucked up simple approach to life. And if you knew anything about writing in volume and editing, as I've done, your world wouldn't begin and end on a silly forum. Christ, it's just a simple question.

IOW I hit the nail on the head. Tell us what you really do, WalMart greeter? dishwasher? Chief shit shoveler?
Hard to imagine anyone as inarticulate as you could edit anything, much less write anything. What volume do you write, the phone book?

I'm not posting my resume on here for a cocksucker like you to try and pick apart. You couldn't do what I do, and couldn't have taught in the venues I teach. Go on back to your partisan playbook and study hard.

I have an education so you are correct: I couldn't do whatever it is you do. I'd die of boredom first.
This thread hasn't quite worked out to be the conservative-bash you figured it would, eh Wobbly?
thats not the way some of the posts here about teachers come off Avatar.....i experienced the same thing being a Federal Worker who belongs to a ..."gasp"... Union.....it began saying the Unions sucked and then it went to the workers.....

Then they are idiots. The Unions are the problems. Not the workers who are forced to be in them.
IOW I hit the nail on the head. Tell us what you really do, WalMart greeter? dishwasher? Chief shit shoveler?
Hard to imagine anyone as inarticulate as you could edit anything, much less write anything. What volume do you write, the phone book?

I'm not posting my resume on here for a cocksucker like you to try and pick apart. You couldn't do what I do, and couldn't have taught in the venues I teach. Go on back to your partisan playbook and study hard.

I have an education so you are correct: I couldn't do whatever it is you do. I'd die of boredom first.
This thread hasn't quite worked out to be the conservative-bash you figured it would, eh Wobbly?

You got that right Redeye. You're nothing more then one more goddamned witch hunter here to highjack threads and ferret anything you might suspect might have an evil liberal flavor. Wasn't my intention, but you need to be right or you might throw a fit.
thats not the way some of the posts here about teachers come off Avatar.....i experienced the same thing being a Federal Worker who belongs to a ..."gasp"... Union.....it began saying the Unions sucked and then it went to the workers.....

Then they are idiots. The Unions are the problems. Not the workers who are forced to be in them.

well speaking for my Union no one is forced to join.....
thats not the way some of the posts here about teachers come off Avatar.....i experienced the same thing being a Federal Worker who belongs to a ..."gasp"... Union.....it began saying the Unions sucked and then it went to the workers.....

Then they are idiots. The Unions are the problems. Not the workers who are forced to be in them.

well speaking for my Union no one is forced to join.....

Same here Harry. In fact, my first and third teaching jobs I didn't join. I did in my current gig for the legal protection (teaching in a prison around 2,500 jailhouse lawyers, you'd be dumb not to).
Then they are idiots. The Unions are the problems. Not the workers who are forced to be in them.

well speaking for my Union no one is forced to join.....

Same here Harry. In fact, my first and third teaching jobs I didn't join. I did in my current gig for the legal protection (teaching in a prison around 2,500 jailhouse lawyers, you'd be dumb not to).

the Main reason i was in mine is because if you have a problem with the PO management they are the only ones who stood up for ya.... all these posters i see here saying that the Federal worker does not need a Union BECAUSE of the workroom protections already in place.....yea they are in place but if the PO violates them,which they do frequently,no one stands up for you but the Union.....the Dept of Labor and OSHA dont do much....they are talking to a sister fed organization.....i am not saying the Union always wins....but they can shake the tree better than the Individual can.....
well speaking for my Union no one is forced to join.....

Same here Harry. In fact, my first and third teaching jobs I didn't join. I did in my current gig for the legal protection (teaching in a prison around 2,500 jailhouse lawyers, you'd be dumb not to).

the Main reason i was in mine is because if you have a problem with the PO management they are the only ones who stood up for ya.... all these posters i see here saying that the Federal worker does not need a Union BECAUSE of the workroom protections already in place.....yea they are in place but if the PO violates them,which they do frequently,no one stands up for you but the Union.....the Dept of Labor and OSHA dont do much....they are talking to a sister fed organization.....i am not saying the Union always wins....but they can shake the tree better than the Individual can.....

Right, and you also know all these posters would think unions were a nifty idea IF they gave to the GOP instead of the Democrats. That's their REAL problem with unions. I split from that whole fucking partisan program long ago and could really care less. I probably wouldn't be in this one were it not for the jail house lawyers and the toxic environment a prison is that makes many workers there mentally ill - co workers AND administration. They're actually more trouble than the inmates when it comes to fucking with people for no good reason.

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