What's Your Party Tell You To Think?

Blow me, Uncircumcised - I teach year round and don't make a third of what you say. 20 years? Try 35-40 they uped it to. You need to clean up your playbook with some research.

You may teach at a year round school, but I'd bet you still only work 9 months. And while some states may vary, I doubt your claim on retirement. Generally retirement is based on either age or on years. ONLY government uses years, and ONLY government pays more than about 20% of annual salary in pension benefits.

Why do people resent government leaches? Because we pay for you to live lifestyles that are denied to us peasants. democrats give public employees outrageous pay and benefit packages, public employees elect democrats - and we peasants pay for the whole fucking thing.
Oh yea? Every one on our staff as a masters or more. Teachers in the pubic schools couldn't do what we do. Want to take a tour? I'll set it up - you provide the Depends when you shit your pants.

I'll tell you what sparky, I have an MBA and I teach economics at the nations largest private university.

That isn't my day job.
Then why do your respond to them?

Good point - hard to believe people are this ignorant of reality.

The more you try to put yourself above others the lower you sink.

I'm not trying to put myself above anyone. I simply asked a question in the OP and as always, the thread gets derailed and you end up defending yourself. Why? I don't know. But you're right. Let them rave on that people may know them ignorant.
Blow me, Uncircumcised - I teach year round and don't make a third of what you say. 20 years? Try 35-40 they uped it to. You need to clean up your playbook with some research.

You may teach at a year round school, but I'd bet you still only work 9 months. And while some states may vary, I doubt your claim on retirement. Generally retirement is based on either age or on years. ONLY government uses years, and ONLY government pays more than about 20% of annual salary in pension benefits.

Why do people resent government leaches? Because we pay for you to live lifestyles that are denied to us peasants. democrats give public employees outrageous pay and benefit packages, public employees elect democrats - and we peasants pay for the whole fucking thing.

Goddamned victim mentality of the poor downtrodden right. You don't know shit. I sure wish it was as soft and lucrative as you say. Get circumcised, Uncircumcised. Then study your playbook harder. I can practically hear the "bahhhhh" of the sheep you are.
I'm just curious. Since in the past two or three years, right-wing politicians under the influence of the Tea Party has made us wealthy teachers, firemen, cops and so on the "evil" ones because most are in unions, what you all think of teachers.

I've been teaching since 1987 and the level of respect we get has always been up and down, but lately, because of the union we're evil incarnate in today's childish political climate.

I personally don't give a fat rat's ass to the point of obsession. I know I give it my all every day and am too old to be second-guessing myself. But it would be kind of interesting to see what your political parties influence you into thinking about teachers.

The only qualifier I will offer is this - IF you think teachers are mostly liberal, you obviously have not spend any time in a school working with them.

The Democratic Party is a coalition Party. There is no one train of thought.

The Republican Party is 90% white and based in the Deep South. Anyone familiar with US History knows that party in detail.

You got the no train of thought part right.

Are you proud of your bigotry??
Oh yea? Every one on our staff as a masters or more. Teachers in the pubic schools couldn't do what we do. Want to take a tour? I'll set it up - you provide the Depends when you shit your pants.

I'll tell you what sparky, I have an MBA and I teach economics at the nations largest private university.

That isn't my day job.

That figures.
Goddamned victim mentality of the poor downtrodden right. You don't know shit. I sure wish it was as soft and lucrative as you say. Get circumcised, Uncircumcised. Then study your playbook harder. I can practically hear the "bahhhhh" of the sheep you are.

Ah, so you're a prison guard. Part of the "prison industrial complex."
I'm just curious. Since in the past two or three years, right-wing politicians under the influence of the Tea Party has made us wealthy teachers, firemen, cops and so on the "evil" ones because most are in unions, what you all think of teachers.

I've been teaching since 1987 and the level of respect we get has always been up and down, but lately, because of the union we're evil incarnate in today's childish political climate.

I personally don't give a fat rat's ass to the point of obsession. I know I give it my all every day and am too old to be second-guessing myself. But it would be kind of interesting to see what your political parties influence you into thinking about teachers.

The only qualifier I will offer is this - IF you think teachers are mostly liberal, you obviously have not spend any time in a school working with them.

The Democratic Party is a coalition Party. There is no one train of thought.

The Republican Party is 90% white and based in the Deep South. Anyone familiar with US History knows that party in detail.

So you actually believe that none of us have ever strayed over to the DU to laugh at the Liberal sheeple getting their marching orders? :cuckoo:
Maybe I have more to do than spend the day on a computer. Dickheads like you NEED liberals in your life to justify your fucked up simple approach to life. And if you knew anything about writing in volume and editing, as I've done, your world wouldn't begin and end on a silly forum. Christ, it's just a simple question.

IOW I hit the nail on the head. Tell us what you really do, WalMart greeter? dishwasher? Chief shit shoveler?
Hard to imagine anyone as inarticulate as you could edit anything, much less write anything. What volume do you write, the phone book?

I'm not posting my resume on here for a cocksucker like you to try and pick apart. You couldn't do what I do, and couldn't have taught in the venues I teach. Go on back to your partisan playbook and study hard.

You just did thanks
I'm just curious. Since in the past two or three years, right-wing politicians under the influence of the Tea Party has made us wealthy teachers, firemen, cops and so on the "evil" ones because most are in unions, what you all think of teachers.

I've been teaching since 1987 and the level of respect we get has always been up and down, but lately, because of the union we're evil incarnate in today's childish political climate.

I personally don't give a fat rat's ass to the point of obsession. I know I give it my all every day and am too old to be second-guessing myself. But it would be kind of interesting to see what your political parties influence you into thinking about teachers.

The only qualifier I will offer is this - IF you think teachers are mostly liberal, you obviously have not spend any time in a school working with them.

Liberals have been indoctrinated NOT TO THINK so you are only asking half of us here. - J.
"I belong to no organized party. I am a Democrat." -- Will Rogers.

I find it funny how the Republicans here, so used to taking their marching orders, can't even imagine that others don't think and act like they do.

(And do you know who else hated unions! Hitler! Ha! SO THERE! NEENERNEENERNEENER!)
"I belong to no organized party. I am a Democrat." -- Will Rogers.

I find it funny how the Republicans here, so used to taking their marching orders, can't even imagine that others don't think and act like they do.

(And do you know who else hated unions! Hitler! Ha! SO THERE! NEENERNEENERNEENER!)

We don't mimic morons.
I'm just curious. Since in the past two or three years, right-wing politicians under the influence of the Tea Party has made us wealthy teachers, firemen, cops and so on the "evil" ones because most are in unions, what you all think of teachers.

I've been teaching since 1987 and the level of respect we get has always been up and down, but lately, because of the union we're evil incarnate in today's childish political climate.

I personally don't give a fat rat's ass to the point of obsession. I know I give it my all every day and am too old to be second-guessing myself. But it would be kind of interesting to see what your political parties influence you into thinking about teachers.

The only qualifier I will offer is this - IF you think teachers are mostly liberal, you obviously have not spend any time in a school working with them.

Liberals have been indoctrinated NOT TO THINK so you are only asking half of us here. - J.

Simplistic thinking again. You really think most teachers and school administrators are liberal? Maybe in liberal hotbeds like San Fran and Seattle and other pockets of liberalism. Some of the most hardcore right wingers I know are in education.
"I belong to no organized party. I am a Democrat." -- Will Rogers.

I find it funny how the Republicans here, so used to taking their marching orders, can't even imagine that others don't think and act like they do.

(And do you know who else hated unions! Hitler! Ha! SO THERE! NEENERNEENERNEENER!)

We don't mimic morons.

Right wingers are the morons. They let Bin Laden go, stopped looking for him and invaded the wrong country. Just the fact they don't believe in science and say education is for snobs puts them in a special class of morons. It's called "moron at the tard level". The entire world know it for a fact. It's why they hate the rest of the world. Except for Israel. Because they think the "rapture" will happen and since God loves Jews the most, it's good to be friends with them.
"I belong to no organized party. I am a Democrat." -- Will Rogers.

I find it funny how the Republicans here, so used to taking their marching orders, can't even imagine that others don't think and act like they do.

(And do you know who else hated unions! Hitler! Ha! SO THERE! NEENERNEENERNEENER!)

We don't mimic morons.

Right wingers are the morons. They let Bin Laden go, stopped looking for him and invaded the wrong country. Just the fact they don't believe in science and say education is for snobs puts them in a special class of morons. It's called "moron at the tard level". The entire world know it for a fact. It's why they hate the rest of the world. Except for Israel. Because they think the "rapture" will happen and since God loves Jews the most, it's good to be friends with them.

You call us morons and yet after 12 years you still havent figured out that the War on Terror was about more than Bin Laden. And you think getting a piece of paper is education and consensus is science.

Your hate for jewish people makes no sense btw.
I have no issue with anyone belonging to a union. I do oppose, as did FDR, collective bargaining for public employee unions. It can hold the taxpayer at ransom.
I have no issue with anyone belonging to a union. I do oppose, as did FDR, collective bargaining for public employee unions. It can hold the taxpayer at ransom.

Thanks for your reply. At one time I would agree with that. Today, many states are closing schools and laying off public employees by the thousands, so the unions are not helping all that much. In fact, they're assisting the politicians in making those cuts.
I have no issue with anyone belonging to a union. I do oppose, as did FDR, collective bargaining for public employee unions. It can hold the taxpayer at ransom.

Thanks for your reply. At one time I would agree with that. Today, many states are closing schools and laying off public employees by the thousands, so the unions are not helping all that much. In fact, they're assisting the politicians in making those cuts.

Without the income, the states are in the same boat as I have been. I have made budget cuts at my house since the recession.

I think most states layoff the wrong people, they go after those that the public sees and interacts with the most, to put the hurt on. Management is where the most effective cuts should be.
I have no issue with anyone belonging to a union. I do oppose, as did FDR, collective bargaining for public employee unions. It can hold the taxpayer at ransom.

Thanks for your reply. At one time I would agree with that. Today, many states are closing schools and laying off public employees by the thousands, so the unions are not helping all that much. In fact, they're assisting the politicians in making those cuts.

Without the income, the states are in the same boat as I have been. I have made budget cuts at my house since the recession.

I think most states layoff the wrong people, they go after those that the public sees and interacts with the most, to put the hurt on. Management is where the most effective cuts should be.

I agree there. Amazingly, Ohio did cut some of the middle management. Nice jobs, but mostly worthless repetitive jobs. The days of working one hour out of eight are coming to a hault. Private industry too.

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