What's Your Party Tell You To Think?

"I belong to no organized party. I am a Democrat." -- Will Rogers.

Things have changed. The Khmer Rouge democrats of today are very organized and very dangerous.

I find it funny how the Republicans here, so used to taking their marching orders, can't even imagine that others don't think and act like they do.

Is that what DailyKOS told you to post today?

The Obamunist of today is but a drone. None of you have a single thought that wasn't dictated to you by the hate sites or party apparatchiks like Jon Stewart or Rachel Maddow.

You Khmer Rouge morons march is lockstep, never questioning the party, ever obedient. The party is mother, the party is father, all loyalty to the party.

(And do you know who else hated unions! Hitler! Ha! SO THERE! NEENERNEENERNEENER!)

I don't hate unions, I hate corruption and criminals. Public Employee "unions" are nothing more than racketeering. There is no "management," just corrupt democrats elected by corrupt unions who pour millions into the pockets of these democrats who in turn raid the public treasury on behalf of these same unions. It's a criminal enterprise.
Simplistic thinking again. You really think most teachers and school administrators are liberal?

I know, you want to say "all," but there are no absolutes. Sure, 99.99999999999999999% of public employees vote democrat in order to raid the public treasury, stuffing their pockets with greedy little piggy hooves.

Maybe in liberal hotbeds like San Fran and Seattle and other pockets of liberalism. Some of the most hardcore right wingers I know are in education.

Sure, some of your best friends are black....
You call us morons and yet after 12 years you still havent figured out that the War on Terror was about more than Bin Laden. And you think getting a piece of paper is education and consensus is science.

Your hate for jewish people makes no sense btw.

The left embraces Antisemitism due to the alliance they have made with radical Islam. The left sees Islam as vital in the war against American culture and Christianity. Their Al Qaeda buddies hate Jews, so now they hate Jews.
I'm just curious. Since in the past two or three years, right-wing politicians under the influence of the Tea Party has made us wealthy teachers, firemen, cops and so on the "evil" ones because most are in unions, what you all think of teachers.

I've been teaching since 1987 and the level of respect we get has always been up and down, but lately, because of the union we're evil incarnate in today's childish political climate.

I personally don't give a fat rat's ass to the point of obsession. I know I give it my all every day and am too old to be second-guessing myself. But it would be kind of interesting to see what your political parties influence you into thinking about teachers.

The only qualifier I will offer is this - IF you think teachers are mostly liberal, you obviously have not spend any time in a school working with them.

The Democratic Party is a coalition Party. There is no one train of thought.

The Republican Party is 90% white and based in the Deep South. Anyone familiar with US History knows that party in detail.
Straight from the talking points memo each Democrat has.

This lie is repeated so often that I think there are only four people in all the DNC and the rest are just parrots.
Simplistic thinking again. You really think most teachers and school administrators are liberal?

I know, you want to say "all," but there are no absolutes. Sure, 99.99999999999999999% of public employees vote democrat in order to raid the public treasury, stuffing their pockets with greedy little piggy hooves.

Maybe in liberal hotbeds like San Fran and Seattle and other pockets of liberalism. Some of the most hardcore right wingers I know are in education.

Sure, some of your best friends are black....

I thought you were crazy, but you're not - you're a bully, a coward internet bully.
I thought you were crazy, but you're not - you're a bully, a coward internet bully.

What I am is a capitalist.

Someone here bitched that we all "hate unions." In fact, I have no issue at all with unions. In a free market, unions are vital, the natural counterbalance to corporate power structure.

However, government is not a corporation, there is no management, no shareholders, no need to cut costs. Unions in government cannot be anything OTHER than criminal, a quid pro quo scheme of bribes and larceny.

Public employee unions are blatant corruption.
I thought you were crazy, but you're not - you're a bully, a coward internet bully.

What I am is a capitalist.

Someone here bitched that we all "hate unions." In fact, I have no issue at all with unions. In a free market, unions are vital, the natural counterbalance to corporate power structure.

However, government is not a corporation, there is no management, no shareholders, no need to cut costs. Unions in government cannot be anything OTHER than criminal, a quid pro quo scheme of bribes and larceny.

Public employee unions are blatant corruption.

Then NEVER call a cop, fireman, have your kids in public school, never travel a paved road, dump your own trash, purify your own water, get refunds back on your taxes, collect socialist security, ad nausium.......................................................
Then NEVER call a cop, fireman, have your kids in public school, never travel a paved road, dump your own trash, purify your own water, get refunds back on your taxes, collect socialist security, ad nausium.......................................................

Because they steal from me, not only should I have my pocket picked, but I should be denied the legitimate services they should provide.

The logic of greedy little piggies gorging at the public trough...
Then NEVER call a cop, fireman, have your kids in public school, never travel a paved road, dump your own trash, purify your own water, get refunds back on your taxes, collect socialist security, ad nausium.......................................................

Because they steal from me, not only should I have my pocket picked, but I should be denied the legitimate services they should provide.

The logic of greedy little piggies gorging at the public trough...

Pussyass brainwashed partisan who wouldn't even know unions existed until your "leaders" told you to hate them. I hope you need an ambulance and they drive by and laugh.
Pussyass brainwashed partisan who wouldn't even know unions existed until your "leaders" told you to hate them. I hope you need an ambulance and they drive by and laugh.

Oh, we know public employee unions exist - when unskilled labor is paid 6 figures with benefits that transnational CEO's envy, and retirement packages that NO ONE in the private sector can even dream of, all brought on by open bribes to the corrupt democrats.

I know your union exists because your fucking greedy piggy hoof is in my pocket.
Pussyass brainwashed partisan who wouldn't even know unions existed until your "leaders" told you to hate them. I hope you need an ambulance and they drive by and laugh.

Oh, we know public employee unions exist - when unskilled labor is paid 6 figures with benefits that transnational CEO's envy, and retirement packages that NO ONE in the private sector can even dream of, all brought on by open bribes to the corrupt democrats.

I know your union exists because your fucking greedy piggy hoof is in my pocket.

Unskilled labor? Wrong

6 figures? Wrong

Benefits a transnational CEW would envy? Wrong.

Retirement the public sector can never dream of? Wrong.

So it shoots the bribery theory in the ass. Anything else you in your blind hatred want to look like a foolish ass over?
Hopefully this imbecile "teaches" elementary school age children, because he writes like one........
Unskilled labor? Wrong

Right, that CalTrans clerk filing her nails is a Nuclear Physicist...

6 figures? Wrong

Of course, I believe you...

$822,000 Worker Shows California Leads U.S. Pay Giveaway - Bloomberg

Benefits a transnational CEW would envy? Wrong.

Oh, we believe you...

{ A respected California government watchdog commission issued a scathing report today on the state's pension system, calling for cuts in benefits for current and future employees, caps on pensions, an end to "pension spiking" and other reforms.

The Commission on California State Government Organization and Economy, known as the Little Hoover Commission, calls the current system "unsustainable" and says it has morphed from a program that provided retirement security into one that seeks "wealth accumulation" for public employees. }

Right Turn - California: How to fix what public employee unions have wrought?

I mean, you would never lie to keep your little piggy hooves from getting smacked.

Retirement the public sector can never dream of? Wrong.

Quick, name the top three sectors that offer pensions greater than 80% of salary.

Ready? GO

2. uh, ummm, uhhh

So it shoots the bribery theory in the ass. Anything else you in your blind hatred want to look like a foolish ass over?


Democrats give public unions outrageous pay and retirement, unions spend millions to elect democrats.

What bribes?

Hey, a little racketeering never hurt anyone, except the victims - and fuck the tax payer - we run this place to benefit public workers, am I right?
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Unskilled labor? Wrong

Right, that CalTrans clerk filing her nails is a Nuclear Physicist...

6 figures? Wrong

Of course, I believe you...

$822,000 Worker Shows California Leads U.S. Pay Giveaway - Bloomberg

Oh, we believe you...

{ A respected California government watchdog commission issued a scathing report today on the state's pension system, calling for cuts in benefits for current and future employees, caps on pensions, an end to "pension spiking" and other reforms.

The Commission on California State Government Organization and Economy, known as the Little Hoover Commission, calls the current system "unsustainable" and says it has morphed from a program that provided retirement security into one that seeks "wealth accumulation" for public employees. }

Right Turn - California: How to fix what public employee unions have wrought?

I mean, you would never lie to keep your little piggy hooves from getting smacked.

Retirement the public sector can never dream of? Wrong.

Quick, name the top three sectors that offer pensions greater than 80% of salary.

Ready? GO

2. uh, ummm, uhhh

So it shoots the bribery theory in the ass. Anything else you in your blind hatred want to look like a foolish ass over?


Democrats give public unions outrageous pay and retirement, unions spend millions to elect democrats.

What bribes?

Hey, a little racketeering never hurt anyone, except the victims - and fuck the tax payer - we run this place to benefit public workers, am I right?

I would expect examples that are exceptions to the rule from an extremists. Here's a dose of reality, Uncircumsized:

"OH public employee salaries by full-time or part-time employees, wage, ... OH public employees earn and average annual salary of $51,129."

Public Employee Salaries in OH
Hopefully this imbecile "teaches" elementary school age children, because he writes like one........

He teaches in prison.

Honestly, I see nothing wrong with his writing. His logic, OTOH..... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Uncircumsized is right. Do some looking. We are certified by our state's rules as mandated by law and follow the state and national standards when we teach (many which are fucked up but that's the law). My logic is fine because I know the reality - you're operating on what extremists tell you to think.

Correctional Education Association
I would expect examples that are exceptions to the rule from an extremists. Here's a dose of reality, Uncircumsized:

"OH public employee salaries by full-time or part-time employees, wage, ... OH public employees earn and average annual salary of $51,129."

Public Employee Salaries in OH

Sorry, I have my firewall set to block social media - and it's blocking your link due to Twitter and Facebook content. I'll try to look at it later, when I'm offsite.
I would expect examples that are exceptions to the rule from an extremists. Here's a dose of reality, Uncircumsized:

"OH public employee salaries by full-time or part-time employees, wage, ... OH public employees earn and average annual salary of $51,129."

Public Employee Salaries in OH

Sorry, I have my firewall set to block social media - and it's blocking your link due to Twitter and Facebook content. I'll try to look at it later, when I'm offsite.

Twitter and Facebook content? Well, I got it off of Google (which I don't trust( so I don't know what the problem is, but we can bust some myths in the meantime.

https://www.opers.org/pdf/news/101210_Buckeye_Institute_report_talking_points (final).pdf

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