What's Your Party Tell You To Think?

I'm just curious. Since in the past two or three years, right-wing politicians under the influence of the Tea Party has made us wealthy teachers, firemen, cops and so on the "evil" ones because most are in unions, what you all think of teachers.

I've been teaching since 1987 and the level of respect we get has always been up and down, but lately, because of the union we're evil incarnate in today's childish political climate.

I personally don't give a fat rat's ass to the point of obsession. I know I give it my all every day and am too old to be second-guessing myself. But it would be kind of interesting to see what your political parties influence you into thinking about teachers.

The only qualifier I will offer is this - IF you think teachers are mostly liberal, you obviously have not spend any time in a school working with them.

The only problem I have with unions is their support makes it dam near impossible to get rid of the lazy,and inept people that fall into the profession . On a side note we have heard in the same time frame from the left wing how terrible and evil rich non union people are. When did being successful make a person a object of hate and scorn instead of something to aspire to?
I'm just curious. Since in the past two or three years, right-wing politicians under the influence of the Tea Party has made us wealthy teachers, firemen, cops and so on the "evil" ones because most are in unions, what you all think of teachers.

I've been teaching since 1987 and the level of respect we get has always been up and down, but lately, because of the union we're evil incarnate in today's childish political climate.

I personally don't give a fat rat's ass to the point of obsession. I know I give it my all every day and am too old to be second-guessing myself. But it would be kind of interesting to see what your political parties influence you into thinking about teachers.

The only qualifier I will offer is this - IF you think teachers are mostly liberal, you obviously have not spend any time in a school working with them.

The only problem I have with unions is their support makes it dam near impossible to get rid of the lazy,and inept people that fall into the profession . On a side note we have heard in the same time frame from the left wing how terrible and evil rich non union people are. When did being successful make a person a object of hate and scorn instead of something to aspire to?

In some cases and that's becoming more rare due to massive public employee cuts. All of us in my situation have had their workload doubled or tripled. I'm good with that - makes the day go faster.
We don't mimic morons.

Right wingers are the morons. They let Bin Laden go, stopped looking for him and invaded the wrong country. Just the fact they don't believe in science and say education is for snobs puts them in a special class of morons. It's called "moron at the tard level". The entire world know it for a fact. It's why they hate the rest of the world. Except for Israel. Because they think the "rapture" will happen and since God loves Jews the most, it's good to be friends with them.

You call us morons and yet after 12 years you still havent figured out that the War on Terror was about more than Bin Laden. And you think getting a piece of paper is education and consensus is science.

Your hate for jewish people makes no sense btw.

Only tards don't understand that to take down a terrorist organization, you start with the leaders. Otherwise, they keep coming back again and again.

Now, you were saying?

Your hate for jewish people makes no sense btw Of course it doesn't. Because it doesn't exist. See? Stupid.
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I have no issue with anyone belonging to a union. I do oppose, as did FDR, collective bargaining for public employee unions. It can hold the taxpayer at ransom.

Thanks for your reply. At one time I would agree with that. Today, many states are closing schools and laying off public employees by the thousands, so the unions are not helping all that much. In fact, they're assisting the politicians in making those cuts.

LEt me get this straight, you think that school districts closing down schools that do not have enough students, which is the main reason school closings occur in California, is wrong, and that the state should step in and force them to pay the teachers despite the fact that there is not enough work, yet you also want me to believe you are not a progressive idiot.

Good luck with that.
I have no issue with anyone belonging to a union. I do oppose, as did FDR, collective bargaining for public employee unions. It can hold the taxpayer at ransom.

Thanks for your reply. At one time I would agree with that. Today, many states are closing schools and laying off public employees by the thousands, so the unions are not helping all that much. In fact, they're assisting the politicians in making those cuts.

LEt me get this straight, you think that school districts closing down schools that do not have enough students, which is the main reason school closings occur in California, is wrong, and that the state should step in and force them to pay the teachers despite the fact that there is not enough work, yet you also want me to believe you are not a progressive idiot.

Good luck with that.

I'm an Ohioan, a Midwesterner, so I have no idea what that monkeyfuck in Californication is all about and don't even try and follow it. I do know in Ohio Czar "Privatize Everything Including Your Grandmother" Kasich yanked a lot of school funding in his wide first term budget cuts, slashed thousands of government jobs, so someone who puts a lot of people out of work oughta be YOUR kind of guy. I also know many local teacher's unions are assisting the school boards in many districts in the all too common "what positions to cut where" and consolidating school districts is being talked of in many districts. Classroom populations are exploding and some schools are being faced with shutdown and sending their students to neighboring districts.

You believe what you want to believe. As I said many times before, if a person shows up to a forum - something I always encounter - if you don't spout a party line as religion, the conservatives insist that person is a "liberal." Truth is, I don't know WHAT the fuck I am politically since I don't subscribe to either party. I'm cool with it. If you're not, if you NEED a liberal to bash, go right ahead. I am unconcerned.
Thanks for your reply. At one time I would agree with that. Today, many states are closing schools and laying off public employees by the thousands, so the unions are not helping all that much. In fact, they're assisting the politicians in making those cuts.

LEt me get this straight, you think that school districts closing down schools that do not have enough students, which is the main reason school closings occur in California, is wrong, and that the state should step in and force them to pay the teachers despite the fact that there is not enough work, yet you also want me to believe you are not a progressive idiot.

Good luck with that.

I'm an Ohioan, a Midwesterner, so I have no idea what that monkeyfuck in Californication is all about and don't even try and follow it. I do know in Ohio Czar "Privatize Everything Including Your Grandmother" Kasich yanked a lot of school funding in his wide first term budget cuts, slashed thousands of government jobs, so someone who puts a lot of people out of work oughta be YOUR kind of guy. I also know many local teacher's unions are assisting the school boards in many districts in the all too common "what positions to cut where" and consolidating school districts is being talked of in many districts. Classroom populations are exploding and some schools are being faced with shutdown and sending their students to neighboring districts.

You believe what you want to believe. As I said many times before, if a person shows up to a forum - something I always encounter - if you don't spout a party line as religion, the conservatives insist that person is a "liberal." Truth is, I don't know WHAT the fuck I am politically since I don't subscribe to either party. I'm cool with it. If you're not, if you NEED a liberal to bash, go right ahead. I am unconcerned.

You said states. A teacher would never allow a student to say something, and then pretend that the student not having all the facts excuses what was said. I am just applying that, quite reasonable, standard to your statements since you have argued that you are a teacher, and that I hate teachers because I don't support the unions.
I do believe that the majority of teachers are liberals, but there are some that aren't. I know the colleges have had bad and good teachers. I know of a professor that is very much a communist and was teaching it in his classes. He has since been fired and I don't know what he is doing now.
The MIND is everything, and it controls everything about us. There are millions of people that have weak MINDS and they are very much controlled people by others. The power of words, is what the communist use, and I see Obama is very up to date on that and must have learned it somewhere. He fools alot of people and has their Minds believing things totally false, but what he wants them to believe. Sad but true
LEt me get this straight, you think that school districts closing down schools that do not have enough students, which is the main reason school closings occur in California, is wrong, and that the state should step in and force them to pay the teachers despite the fact that there is not enough work, yet you also want me to believe you are not a progressive idiot.

Good luck with that.

I'm an Ohioan, a Midwesterner, so I have no idea what that monkeyfuck in Californication is all about and don't even try and follow it. I do know in Ohio Czar "Privatize Everything Including Your Grandmother" Kasich yanked a lot of school funding in his wide first term budget cuts, slashed thousands of government jobs, so someone who puts a lot of people out of work oughta be YOUR kind of guy. I also know many local teacher's unions are assisting the school boards in many districts in the all too common "what positions to cut where" and consolidating school districts is being talked of in many districts. Classroom populations are exploding and some schools are being faced with shutdown and sending their students to neighboring districts.

You believe what you want to believe. As I said many times before, if a person shows up to a forum - something I always encounter - if you don't spout a party line as religion, the conservatives insist that person is a "liberal." Truth is, I don't know WHAT the fuck I am politically since I don't subscribe to either party. I'm cool with it. If you're not, if you NEED a liberal to bash, go right ahead. I am unconcerned.

You said states. A teacher would never allow a student to say something, and then pretend that the student not having all the facts excuses what was said. I am just applying that, quite reasonable, standard to your statements since you have argued that you are a teacher, and that I hate teachers because I don't support the unions.

OK then, I don't have neither the time or the concern to study every state's educational condition but only in a very cursory way but am well aware of some, mostly my own. If I generalized it was not intended. I don't know how anyone in California could understand what's going on in California, given the magnitude of that circle-jerk.
I do believe that the majority of teachers are liberals, but there are some that aren't. I know the colleges have had bad and good teachers. I know of a professor that is very much a communist and was teaching it in his classes. He has since been fired and I don't know what he is doing now.
The MIND is everything, and it controls everything about us. There are millions of people that have weak MINDS and they are very much controlled people by others. The power of words, is what the communist use, and I see Obama is very up to date on that and must have learned it somewhere. He fools alot of people and has their Minds believing things totally false, but what he wants them to believe. Sad but true

My experience is that there's a greater majority of liberal college professors than there are public school teachers.
I do believe that the majority of teachers are liberals, but there are some that aren't. I know the colleges have had bad and good teachers. I know of a professor that is very much a communist and was teaching it in his classes. He has since been fired and I don't know what he is doing now.
The MIND is everything, and it controls everything about us. There are millions of people that have weak MINDS and they are very much controlled people by others. The power of words, is what the communist use, and I see Obama is very up to date on that and must have learned it somewhere. He fools alot of people and has their Minds believing things totally false, but what he wants them to believe. Sad but true

My experience is that there's a greater majority of liberal college professors than there are public school teachers.

They just seem liberal because of all the education.
I do believe that the majority of teachers are liberals, but there are some that aren't. I know the colleges have had bad and good teachers. I know of a professor that is very much a communist and was teaching it in his classes. He has since been fired and I don't know what he is doing now.
The MIND is everything, and it controls everything about us. There are millions of people that have weak MINDS and they are very much controlled people by others. The power of words, is what the communist use, and I see Obama is very up to date on that and must have learned it somewhere. He fools alot of people and has their Minds believing things totally false, but what he wants them to believe. Sad but true

My experience is that there's a greater majority of liberal college professors than there are public school teachers.

They just seem liberal because of all the education.

Or, just maybe, they seem liberal because they are.

» Video: Students on Spring Break talk about liberal campus bias - Col·lege In·sur·rec·tion
I do believe that the majority of teachers are liberals, but there are some that aren't. I know the colleges have had bad and good teachers. I know of a professor that is very much a communist and was teaching it in his classes. He has since been fired and I don't know what he is doing now.
The MIND is everything, and it controls everything about us. There are millions of people that have weak MINDS and they are very much controlled people by others. The power of words, is what the communist use, and I see Obama is very up to date on that and must have learned it somewhere. He fools alot of people and has their Minds believing things totally false, but what he wants them to believe. Sad but true

My experience is that there's a greater majority of liberal college professors than there are public school teachers.

They just seem liberal because of all the education.

That's the common myth, the common stereotype amongst right-wingers. "The more education one has, the more STUPID they are and oh by the way, they're liberal to the point of probably being a Communist!" Ignorance and prejudice and fear walk hand in hand, as someone once wrote. It's sad that this country no longer believes in education, sad on many levels.
My experience is that there's a greater majority of liberal college professors than there are public school teachers.

They just seem liberal because of all the education.

Or, just maybe, they seem liberal because they are.

» Video: Students on Spring Break talk about liberal campus bias - Col·lege In·sur·rec·tion

A case study doesn't represent the whole. I could say that the majority of university professors are conservative right-wingers based on our local university that has hosted Ronald Reagan, HW, Jim Baker, and continues to host prominent Republicans as speakers. Plus, I graduated from there and am hard-pressed to think of two professors I knew or had who were liberal. That doesn't represent anything.
They just seem liberal because of all the education.

Or, just maybe, they seem liberal because they are.

» Video: Students on Spring Break talk about liberal campus bias - Col·lege In·sur·rec·tion

A case study doesn't represent the whole. I could say that the majority of university professors are conservative right-wingers based on our local university that has hosted Ronald Reagan, HW, Jim Baker, and continues to host prominent Republicans as speakers. Plus, I graduated from there and am hard-pressed to think of two professors I knew or had who were liberal. That doesn't represent anything.

Let me get this straight, the opinions of students at the various universities, most of whom are probably liberal themselves, is irrelevant because you don't want to admit that you might be wrong.

I think this is a classic example of confirmation bias.
My experience is that there's a greater majority of liberal college professors than there are public school teachers.

They just seem liberal because of all the education.

Or, just maybe, they seem liberal because they are.

» Video: Students on Spring Break talk about liberal campus bias - Col·lege In·sur·rec·tion

One person that wouldn't know is you. Not having much experience with educated people.

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