What's your tea party name? Take the quiz ...

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Equali-ty Party
Uni-ty Party
Humani-ty Party

image implying that anyone who identifies with tea party is "automatically" a dumb ass -- as an example of humor, bigoted prejudice and unfair generalization based on fear and ignorance of different belief systems, so there cannot be "true human equality" when people demonize others this way on face value due to class separation and political opposition instead of equal respect and inclusion
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Equali-ty Party
Uni-ty Party
Humani-ty Party

image implying that anyone who identifies with tea party is "automatically" a dumb ass -- as an example of humor, bigoted prejudice and unfair generalization based on fear and ignorance of different belief systems, so there cannot be "true human equality" when people demonize others this way on face value due to class separation and political opposition instead of equal respect and inclusion

[MENTION=22295]emilynghiem[/MENTION] -

Post the link to where I wrote that.

Next time you decide to fake a quote, you might want to get the user name correct.
Apparently emilynghiem felt the same way.

Or something. :dunno:

I mean, its pretty low and not real smart to make up a quote and not even get the name right. Did she really think she'd get away with it?


In any event. Its a joke and we'll all live. Except the tee potty. They were never alive to begin with.

I was referring to your OP image that I interpreted as meaning

"All Tea Party people =

So this is a blanket generalization based on people by affiliation or association.
Thus it is bigoted, and it not respecting people equally, simply based on association with a group.

If that was not the meaning of your image,
I apologize! I certainly don't associate TP with Dumb Ass?

Anyone can be a Dumb Ass on one instance or another, from any party and that is not the reason.
Sorry if I was a Dumb Ass here, but I am not Tea Party so this still doesn't explain it.

The head of the Kingwood Tea Party insists on including and welcoming people of
ALL political parties, which is more inclusive than what the Democrat Party practices.

Just because people disagree religiously and politically over state rights, federal govt,
and Constitutional principles doesn't mean people are "DUMB ASS" 's.

Sorry Luddly if this is not what you meant by your post.

I thought it meant that whatever initials you type in as a name
it is going to come out as a DUMB ASS.

Equali-ty Party
Uni-ty Party
Humani-ty Party

image implying that anyone who identifies with tea party is "automatically" a dumb ass -- as an example of humor, bigoted prejudice and unfair generalization based on fear and ignorance of different belief systems, so there cannot be "true human equality" when people demonize others this way on face value due to class separation and political opposition instead of equal respect and inclusion

[MENTION=22295]emilynghiem[/MENTION] -

Post the link to where I wrote that.

Next time you decide to fake a quote, you might want to get the user name correct.
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... Sorry Luddly if this is not what you meant by your post.

I thought it meant that whatever initials you type in as a name
it is going to come out as a DUMB ASS.

By using the quote function you were saying that you were quoting words that I had written.

As to the meaning - it was a joke.
My Tea Party name is Dudley Needledick.

My Tea Party name is a number.---2010, but I am called by my nickname, which is Shellac, but you, sweet Luddly, can just call me Shelly....:smiliehug:

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... Sorry Luddly if this is not what you meant by your post.

I thought it meant that whatever initials you type in as a name
it is going to come out as a DUMB ASS.

By using the quote function you were saying that you were quoting words that I had written.

As to the meaning - it was a joke.

Yes, and I poked back at you, too, so there!!

I thought it would be obvious that interpretation was my words not yours,
given the average ratio of 10,000:1 between us in comparison. Sorry that wasn't clear.

BTW with another image you posted, which I thanked you for, where you point out Hobby Lobby's hypocrisy
I find it most poignant how it's bad and wrong when Christians are hypocrites,

but when the Democrats violate their own prochoice principles
when it comes to ACA mandates that penalize any other choices we used to have before,

then THAT's excused and no one will even answer to that.

So I think that shows it is pretty "equal."

So there are your "equal rights" Luddly

Equal Rights to be hypocrites and only blame the other side. Both sides do that
equally to each other. Pots and Kettles both calling each other black, and both making equal noise clamoring away. Two wrongs don't make a right but they balance the scales of justice of having equal fault on both sides.

Right now, equal rights means the hypocrisy on both sides cancel each other out.

If we could just forgive each other as we forgive or overlook our own faults,
that is the kind of equal respect that I believe will get us somewhere in society.

Maybe that's the next stage, Luddly, after this mutual fingerpointing festival
and rock throwing are over.

At some point aren't we as a society supposed to graduate and move toward
turning our swords into plowshares?

When is THAT stage scheduled in the script of life?
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My Tea Party name is Dudley Needledick.

ha ha funny

when my bf had to help produce a very dry radio show on investing in stocks and portfolios that otherwise got old and boring quickly, he would kid around with the host, where people listened and called in just to hear what jokes they would make with their intro's or inbetween all the serious financial talk.

One day they came up with "funny nicknames" for them and the guests.
Callers responded so well to "Chris X" he adopted that as his "rap name."
Then the show host, who is so straight laced and traditional, came up with his "rap name"
as "Nilla Wafa" (and one of the women producers went by "Suga Rush").

They were goofing around on the air, with another speaker dubbed "Biggie Fries"
(because he is actually a bigger guy) when Chris called out all their names and joked "Hey Whaddup my Nilla!"

That's when the Boss had to step in and cut the joking before anyone got in trouble on air.

So the big joke that no one could share in public was
"Nilla Please"
which I think is FU hilarious. I know that's wrong but can't help laughing!

It is not only a pun on Vanilla but Crackers, etc.
and just not considered safe to joke about.

Maybe if the Tea Party adopted Rap Names
then they'd become "cool" with the establishment liberals.

But it would have to be so funny
people would be laughing too hard to get offended.

Maybe that is what they are missing, some self-deprecating humor.
Same with liberal feminists who get mocked for taking themselves too seriously!
My Tea party nickname is
"Crazy liberal"

That is because I didn't join the Tea Party........maybe you have the same nickname?
"The Armey of Dick's"

(...although I think he got kicked out of the Tea Party for being one)
I'm sure glad I'm not a tea bagger.

If I was I would attempt to be a Liberal in sheep's clothing and shut down your thread. Nothing says Liberal like shutting down our Government.

Wha???? It wasn't the left that shut down the government. And the wingnuts, the ones that actually did do it, bragged so much that they'll never be able to backpedal away from that stupid, anti-American move.

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