WHEE!! Judge orders release of documents in Ghislaine Maxwell civil case possible 100 names

The threat of naming names is the best defense Maxwell has

The only defense she has to stay alive is to release every name she has. That way she no longer has anything worth killing her for.

Maybe so
Trump would kill her to protect himself

ZERO evidence TRUMP had any trips to Epstein's house or ranch or flew on his plane,

Being at a public party is still not a crime. Get ready, the offenders will be almost all dems.

Not quite. Stone said he was at Epstein's house.

From the Washington Post article.

"Trump also appears to have been HELPFUL to Epsteinā€™s accusers."

"Brad Edwards, an attorney for some of the Alleged Victims, said in an interview last year that when he was seeking information from Epsteinā€™s acquaintances in 2009, Trump was ā€œthe only person who picked up the phone and said: ā€˜Letā€™s just talk. Iā€™ll give you as much time as you want. Iā€™ll tell you what you need to know.ā€™ā€‰ā€

You telling me he couldn't have done something well before 2009? This was in 2002:

ā€œIā€™ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,ā€ Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined ā€œJeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.ā€ ā€œHeā€™s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it ā€” Jeffrey enjoys his social life.ā€

Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew and many other rich and powerful people were connected to Epstein, usually the rich and famous hang out with the rich and famous.

Who had went with Epstein is an unknown and political scum are the ones dragging in names, mainly because lowlifes have no life and get great pleasure in otherā€™s misery. I hope very few participated in this debauchery and if they did, they need to be executed, I donā€™t give a fuck what party they were with.

Epstein seemed singularly obsessed with getting access to rich people and some people were closer to him than others.

I donā€™t know who did what, but Trumpā€™s statements make me very concerned that he was aware of his crimes.

BS, if Clinton had said the same you wouldnā€™t give a damn. The only reason that gives you concern is the R or the D at the end of the name. You fool no one

Clinton didnā€™t say the same so your point is worthless.

It just show what a preferred partisan bitch you are. As soon as Trump found out what Epstein was charged with he completely cut ties with Epstein. My hope is no President is connected to Epstein in the list of names. America doesnā€™t need this.
And you think he didnā€™t know before hand? He was at his house. Went to parties with him. Traveled with him. Hung out together at his resort.

Trump had no idea?

And Clinton supposedly hung out and went to Epstein's Island. Clinton is on a flight manifest on Epsteinā€™s plane. Do you believe Clinton knew and Clinton had sex with underaged girls? I donā€™t, I will wait for evidence to come in, unlike you a partisan bitch that cares more about a party than a country.
The threat of naming names is the best defense Maxwell has

The only defense she has to stay alive is to release every name she has. That way she no longer has anything worth killing her for.

Maybe so
Trump would kill her to protect himself

ZERO evidence TRUMP had any trips to Epstein's house or ranch or flew on his plane,

Being at a public party is still not a crime. Get ready, the offenders will be almost all dems.

Not quite. Stone said he was at Epstein's house.

From the Washington Post article.

"Trump also appears to have been HELPFUL to Epsteinā€™s accusers."

"Brad Edwards, an attorney for some of the Alleged Victims, said in an interview last year that when he was seeking information from Epsteinā€™s acquaintances in 2009, Trump was ā€œthe only person who picked up the phone and said: ā€˜Letā€™s just talk. Iā€™ll give you as much time as you want. Iā€™ll tell you what you need to know.ā€™ā€‰ā€

You telling me he couldn't have done something well before 2009? This was in 2002:

ā€œIā€™ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,ā€ Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined ā€œJeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.ā€ ā€œHeā€™s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it ā€” Jeffrey enjoys his social life.ā€

Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew and many other rich and powerful people were connected to Epstein, usually the rich and famous hang out with the rich and famous.

Who had went with Epstein is an unknown and political scum are the ones dragging in names, mainly because lowlifes have no life and get great pleasure in otherā€™s misery. I hope very few participated in this debauchery and if they did, they need to be executed, I donā€™t give a fuck what party they were with.

Epstein seemed singularly obsessed with getting access to rich people and some people were closer to him than others.

I donā€™t know who did what, but Trumpā€™s statements make me very concerned that he was aware of his crimes.

BS, if Clinton had said the same you wouldnā€™t give a damn. The only reason that gives you concern is the R or the D at the end of the name. You fool no one

Clinton didnā€™t say the same so your point is worthless.

It just show what a preferred partisan bitch you are. As soon as Trump found out what Epstein was charged with he completely cut ties with Epstein. My hope is no President is connected to Epstein in the list of names. America doesnā€™t need this.
Who says trump cut ties with Epstein "as soon as he found out"?
The threat of naming names is the best defense Maxwell has

The only defense she has to stay alive is to release every name she has. That way she no longer has anything worth killing her for.

Maybe so
Trump would kill her to protect himself

ZERO evidence TRUMP had any trips to Epstein's house or ranch or flew on his plane,

Being at a public party is still not a crime. Get ready, the offenders will be almost all dems.

Not quite. Stone said he was at Epstein's house.

From the Washington Post article.

"Trump also appears to have been HELPFUL to Epsteinā€™s accusers."

"Brad Edwards, an attorney for some of the Alleged Victims, said in an interview last year that when he was seeking information from Epsteinā€™s acquaintances in 2009, Trump was ā€œthe only person who picked up the phone and said: ā€˜Letā€™s just talk. Iā€™ll give you as much time as you want. Iā€™ll tell you what you need to know.ā€™ā€‰ā€

You telling me he couldn't have done something well before 2009? This was in 2002:

ā€œIā€™ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,ā€ Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined ā€œJeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.ā€ ā€œHeā€™s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it ā€” Jeffrey enjoys his social life.ā€

Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew and many other rich and powerful people were connected to Epstein, usually the rich and famous hang out with the rich and famous.

Who had went with Epstein is an unknown and political scum are the ones dragging in names, mainly because lowlifes have no life and get great pleasure in otherā€™s misery. I hope very few participated in this debauchery and if they did, they need to be executed, I donā€™t give a fuck what party they were with.

Epstein seemed singularly obsessed with getting access to rich people and some people were closer to him than others.

I donā€™t know who did what, but Trumpā€™s statements make me very concerned that he was aware of his crimes.

BS, if Clinton had said the same you wouldnā€™t give a damn. The only reason that gives you concern is the R or the D at the end of the name. You fool no one

Clinton didnā€™t say the same so your point is worthless.

It just show what a preferred partisan bitch you are. As soon as Trump found out what Epstein was charged with he completely cut ties with Epstein. My hope is no President is connected to Epstein in the list of names. America doesnā€™t need this.
And you think he didnā€™t know before hand? He was at his house. Went to parties with him. Traveled with him. Hung out together at his resort.

Trump had no idea?

And Clinton supposedly hung out and went to Epstein's Island. Clinton is on a flight manifest on Epsteinā€™s plane. Do you believe Clinton knew and Clinton had sex with underaged girls? I donā€™t, I will wait for evidence to come in, unlike you a partisan bitch that cares more about a party than a country.
And if Clinton is named, he needs to go down hard. Can trump cultists say the same about bunker boy?
Nope, I am saying YOUR heroes did know, and did nothing about it but continue to partake.
You just said that Trump kicked him out of Mar a Lago because he was preying on a girl.
And what was that girl doing at Mar a Lago anyways? Did trump get pissed because Epstein was poaching on his territory?
Ummmm, she was playing tennis there. You know, that's what they do at country clubs.

Or are you sad Trump protected her from your hero Epstein?

He could have turned Epstein into the police and protected a lot more.

But he didnā€™t.

Friends of bill are safe from prosecution. Look how many have lied to Congress without consequence.

Once Trump became president though, they lost their immunity.

I find it interesting how you go after Trump for actually doing something, but ignore YOUR heroes, who not only did nothing, but actively participated.

You are one fucked up individual.
Hereā€™s what Trump did. He let Epstein get away with rape of children.

Here's what YOUR heroes did. Actively participated....and you don't care.

Youā€™re going to vote for Trump knowing he allowed children to be rape?

You're going to keep supporting YOUR heroes KNOWING they rape children?

You are fucked up.

Iā€™m not voting for anyone like that. Are you?

Sure you are. You're voting for biden.
Proudly. Are you voting for trump? :71:
Nope, I am saying YOUR heroes did know, and did nothing about it but continue to partake.
You just said that Trump kicked him out of Mar a Lago because he was preying on a girl.
And what was that girl doing at Mar a Lago anyways? Did trump get pissed because Epstein was poaching on his territory?
Ummmm, she was playing tennis there. You know, that's what they do at country clubs.

Or are you sad Trump protected her from your hero Epstein?

He could have turned Epstein into the police and protected a lot more.

But he didnā€™t.

Friends of bill are safe from prosecution. Look how many have lied to Congress without consequence.

Once Trump became president though, they lost their immunity.

I find it interesting how you go after Trump for actually doing something, but ignore YOUR heroes, who not only did nothing, but actively participated.

You are one fucked up individual.
Hereā€™s what Trump did. He let Epstein get away with rape of children.

Here's what YOUR heroes did. Actively participated....and you don't care.

Youā€™re going to vote for Trump knowing he allowed children to be rape?

You're going to keep supporting YOUR heroes KNOWING they rape children?

You are fucked up.

Iā€™m not voting for anyone like that. Are you?

Sure you are. You're voting for biden.

Biden didnā€™t hang out with Epstein.

Oh, yeah, he did. His son hunter too.
Nope. Check out his little black book. Lots of phone numbers for Trump. No Biden.

You must be desperate if youā€™re telling such obvious lies.

You are the liar here silly little pootin putz. It is well known Trump actively worked against YOUR hero Epstein.

Funny how you a picture of something that hasn't been released. More agitprop from your master pootin. His little gnomes are hard at work creating propaganda for his minions, like you.
So when did Trump tell the police that Epstein was preying girls?

Probably when he 86d him. When did YOUR heroes stop associating with YOUR perv?

Oh right. Never.

Better than YOUR heroes definitely doing nothing but perving out with perv.

You don't get it do ya, little pootey putz. YOUR heroes partook, Trump didn't.
The threat of naming names is the best defense Maxwell has

The only defense she has to stay alive is to release every name she has. That way she no longer has anything worth killing her for.

Maybe so
Trump would kill her to protect himself

ZERO evidence TRUMP had any trips to Epstein's house or ranch or flew on his plane,

Being at a public party is still not a crime. Get ready, the offenders will be almost all dems.

Not quite. Stone said he was at Epstein's house.

From the Washington Post article.

"Trump also appears to have been HELPFUL to Epsteinā€™s accusers."

"Brad Edwards, an attorney for some of the Alleged Victims, said in an interview last year that when he was seeking information from Epsteinā€™s acquaintances in 2009, Trump was ā€œthe only person who picked up the phone and said: ā€˜Letā€™s just talk. Iā€™ll give you as much time as you want. Iā€™ll tell you what you need to know.ā€™ā€‰ā€

You telling me he couldn't have done something well before 2009? This was in 2002:

ā€œIā€™ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,ā€ Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined ā€œJeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.ā€ ā€œHeā€™s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it ā€” Jeffrey enjoys his social life.ā€

Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew and many other rich and powerful people were connected to Epstein, usually the rich and famous hang out with the rich and famous.

Who had went with Epstein is an unknown and political scum are the ones dragging in names, mainly because lowlifes have no life and get great pleasure in otherā€™s misery. I hope very few participated in this debauchery and if they did, they need to be executed, I donā€™t give a fuck what party they were with.

Epstein seemed singularly obsessed with getting access to rich people and some people were closer to him than others.

I donā€™t know who did what, but Trumpā€™s statements make me very concerned that he was aware of his crimes.

BS, if Clinton had said the same you wouldnā€™t give a damn. The only reason that gives you concern is the R or the D at the end of the name. You fool no one

Clinton didnā€™t say the same so your point is worthless.

It just show what a preferred partisan bitch you are. As soon as Trump found out what Epstein was charged with he completely cut ties with Epstein. My hope is no President is connected to Epstein in the list of names. America doesnā€™t need this.
And you think he didnā€™t know before hand? He was at his house. Went to parties with him. Traveled with him. Hung out together at his resort.

Trump had no idea?

And Clinton supposedly hung out and went to Epstein's Island. Clinton is on a flight manifest on Epsteinā€™s plane. Do you believe Clinton knew and Clinton had sex with underaged girls? I donā€™t, I will wait for evidence to come in, unlike you a partisan bitch that cares more about a party than a country.
And if Clinton is named, he needs to go down hard. Can trump cultists say the same about bunker boy?

Sure. We KNOW he's innocent. YOUR heroes, aren't.
Nope, I am saying YOUR heroes did know, and did nothing about it but continue to partake.
You just said that Trump kicked him out of Mar a Lago because he was preying on a girl.
And what was that girl doing at Mar a Lago anyways? Did trump get pissed because Epstein was poaching on his territory?
Ummmm, she was playing tennis there. You know, that's what they do at country clubs.

Or are you sad Trump protected her from your hero Epstein?

He could have turned Epstein into the police and protected a lot more.

But he didnā€™t.

Friends of bill are safe from prosecution. Look how many have lied to Congress without consequence.

Once Trump became president though, they lost their immunity.

I find it interesting how you go after Trump for actually doing something, but ignore YOUR heroes, who not only did nothing, but actively participated.

You are one fucked up individual.
Hereā€™s what Trump did. He let Epstein get away with rape of children.

Here's what YOUR heroes did. Actively participated....and you don't care.

Youā€™re going to vote for Trump knowing he allowed children to be rape?

You're going to keep supporting YOUR heroes KNOWING they rape children?

You are fucked up.

Iā€™m not voting for anyone like that. Are you?

Sure you are. You're voting for biden.
Proudly. Are you voting for trump? :71:

You betcha. Warts and all. He's a buffoon, of that there is no doubt. However, unlike YOUR heroes, he's not a child rapist, or a corrupt politician.

YOUR heroes, are.

I want all names.
The Clintons are done anyway.

They should be in prison.
The threat of naming names is the best defense Maxwell has

The only defense she has to stay alive is to release every name she has. That way she no longer has anything worth killing her for.

Maybe so
Trump would kill her to protect himself

ZERO evidence TRUMP had any trips to Epstein's house or ranch or flew on his plane,

Being at a public party is still not a crime. Get ready, the offenders will be almost all dems.

Not quite. Stone said he was at Epstein's house.

From the Washington Post article.

"Trump also appears to have been HELPFUL to Epsteinā€™s accusers."

"Brad Edwards, an attorney for some of the Alleged Victims, said in an interview last year that when he was seeking information from Epsteinā€™s acquaintances in 2009, Trump was ā€œthe only person who picked up the phone and said: ā€˜Letā€™s just talk. Iā€™ll give you as much time as you want. Iā€™ll tell you what you need to know.ā€™ā€‰ā€

You telling me he couldn't have done something well before 2009? This was in 2002:

ā€œIā€™ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,ā€ Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined ā€œJeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.ā€ ā€œHeā€™s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it ā€” Jeffrey enjoys his social life.ā€

Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew and many other rich and powerful people were connected to Epstein, usually the rich and famous hang out with the rich and famous.

Who had went with Epstein is an unknown and political scum are the ones dragging in names, mainly because lowlifes have no life and get great pleasure in otherā€™s misery. I hope very few participated in this debauchery and if they did, they need to be executed, I donā€™t give a fuck what party they were with.

Epstein seemed singularly obsessed with getting access to rich people and some people were closer to him than others.

I donā€™t know who did what, but Trumpā€™s statements make me very concerned that he was aware of his crimes.

BS, if Clinton had said the same you wouldnā€™t give a damn. The only reason that gives you concern is the R or the D at the end of the name. You fool no one

Clinton didnā€™t say the same so your point is worthless.

It just show what a preferred partisan bitch you are. As soon as Trump found out what Epstein was charged with he completely cut ties with Epstein. My hope is no President is connected to Epstein in the list of names. America doesnā€™t need this.
And you think he didnā€™t know before hand? He was at his house. Went to parties with him. Traveled with him. Hung out together at his resort.

Trump had no idea?

And Clinton supposedly hung out and went to Epstein's Island. Clinton is on a flight manifest on Epsteinā€™s plane. Do you believe Clinton knew and Clinton had sex with underaged girls? I donā€™t, I will wait for evidence to come in, unlike you a partisan bitch that cares more about a party than a country.
I have no idea if Clinton did or not.
There is no flight manifest showing Clinton went to his island. Half the flights in reference are to attend conferences for management of HIV/AIDS.
Nope, I am saying YOUR heroes did know, and did nothing about it but continue to partake.
You just said that Trump kicked him out of Mar a Lago because he was preying on a girl.
And what was that girl doing at Mar a Lago anyways? Did trump get pissed because Epstein was poaching on his territory?
Ummmm, she was playing tennis there. You know, that's what they do at country clubs.

Or are you sad Trump protected her from your hero Epstein?

He could have turned Epstein into the police and protected a lot more.

But he didnā€™t.

Friends of bill are safe from prosecution. Look how many have lied to Congress without consequence.

Once Trump became president though, they lost their immunity.

I find it interesting how you go after Trump for actually doing something, but ignore YOUR heroes, who not only did nothing, but actively participated.

You are one fucked up individual.
Hereā€™s what Trump did. He let Epstein get away with rape of children.

Here's what YOUR heroes did. Actively participated....and you don't care.

Youā€™re going to vote for Trump knowing he allowed children to be rape?

You're going to keep supporting YOUR heroes KNOWING they rape children?

You are fucked up.

Iā€™m not voting for anyone like that. Are you?

Sure you are. You're voting for biden.
Proudly. Are you voting for trump? :71:

You betcha. Warts and all. He's a buffoon, of that there is no doubt. However, unlike YOUR heroes, he's not a child rapist, or a corrupt politician.

YOUR heroes, are.

If heā€™s not a child rapist, he certainly doesnā€™t seem to think those people need to be reported to the police.
The threat of naming names is the best defense Maxwell has

The only defense she has to stay alive is to release every name she has. That way she no longer has anything worth killing her for.

Maybe so
Trump would kill her to protect himself

ZERO evidence TRUMP had any trips to Epstein's house or ranch or flew on his plane,

Being at a public party is still not a crime. Get ready, the offenders will be almost all dems.

Not quite. Stone said he was at Epstein's house.

From the Washington Post article.

"Trump also appears to have been HELPFUL to Epsteinā€™s accusers."

"Brad Edwards, an attorney for some of the Alleged Victims, said in an interview last year that when he was seeking information from Epsteinā€™s acquaintances in 2009, Trump was ā€œthe only person who picked up the phone and said: ā€˜Letā€™s just talk. Iā€™ll give you as much time as you want. Iā€™ll tell you what you need to know.ā€™ā€‰ā€

You telling me he couldn't have done something well before 2009? This was in 2002:

ā€œIā€™ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,ā€ Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined ā€œJeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.ā€ ā€œHeā€™s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it ā€” Jeffrey enjoys his social life.ā€

Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew and many other rich and powerful people were connected to Epstein, usually the rich and famous hang out with the rich and famous.

Who had went with Epstein is an unknown and political scum are the ones dragging in names, mainly because lowlifes have no life and get great pleasure in otherā€™s misery. I hope very few participated in this debauchery and if they did, they need to be executed, I donā€™t give a fuck what party they were with.

Epstein seemed singularly obsessed with getting access to rich people and some people were closer to him than others.

I donā€™t know who did what, but Trumpā€™s statements make me very concerned that he was aware of his crimes.

BS, if Clinton had said the same you wouldnā€™t give a damn. The only reason that gives you concern is the R or the D at the end of the name. You fool no one

Clinton didnā€™t say the same so your point is worthless.

It just show what a preferred partisan bitch you are. As soon as Trump found out what Epstein was charged with he completely cut ties with Epstein. My hope is no President is connected to Epstein in the list of names. America doesnā€™t need this.
And you think he didnā€™t know before hand? He was at his house. Went to parties with him. Traveled with him. Hung out together at his resort.

Trump had no idea?

And Clinton supposedly hung out and went to Epstein's Island. Clinton is on a flight manifest on Epsteinā€™s plane. Do you believe Clinton knew and Clinton had sex with underaged girls? I donā€™t, I will wait for evidence to come in, unlike you a partisan bitch that cares more about a party than a country.
I have no idea if Clinton did or not.
There is no flight manifest showing Clinton went to his island. Half the flights in reference are to attend conferences for management of HIV/AIDS.

He was spreading that disease around more than most so makes sense. But yeah, there are witnesses that place BOTH Clinton's on lolita island. But not Trump.

It does appear though that bill had a thing for Maxwell and not the young girls.

Doesn't explain why the shrilary was there though. Maybe she does like the young girls. She does strike me as vampire like.
Nope, I am saying YOUR heroes did know, and did nothing about it but continue to partake.
You just said that Trump kicked him out of Mar a Lago because he was preying on a girl.
And what was that girl doing at Mar a Lago anyways? Did trump get pissed because Epstein was poaching on his territory?
Ummmm, she was playing tennis there. You know, that's what they do at country clubs.

Or are you sad Trump protected her from your hero Epstein?

He could have turned Epstein into the police and protected a lot more.

But he didnā€™t.

Friends of bill are safe from prosecution. Look how many have lied to Congress without consequence.

Once Trump became president though, they lost their immunity.

I find it interesting how you go after Trump for actually doing something, but ignore YOUR heroes, who not only did nothing, but actively participated.

You are one fucked up individual.
Hereā€™s what Trump did. He let Epstein get away with rape of children.

Here's what YOUR heroes did. Actively participated....and you don't care.

Youā€™re going to vote for Trump knowing he allowed children to be rape?

You're going to keep supporting YOUR heroes KNOWING they rape children?

You are fucked up.

Iā€™m not voting for anyone like that. Are you?

Sure you are. You're voting for biden.
Proudly. Are you voting for trump? :71:

You betcha. Warts and all. He's a buffoon, of that there is no doubt. However, unlike YOUR heroes, he's not a child rapist, or a corrupt politician.

YOUR heroes, are.

If heā€™s not a child rapist, he certainly doesnā€™t seem to think those people need to be reported to the police.

Oh, I am sure he did. Epstein was finally arrested you know. Trump was probably the cause of that arrest.

We know YOUR fellow pervs, were not.
The threat of naming names is the best defense Maxwell has

The only defense she has to stay alive is to release every name she has. That way she no longer has anything worth killing her for.

Maybe so
Trump would kill her to protect himself

ZERO evidence TRUMP had any trips to Epstein's house or ranch or flew on his plane,

Being at a public party is still not a crime. Get ready, the offenders will be almost all dems.

Not quite. Stone said he was at Epstein's house.

From the Washington Post article.

"Trump also appears to have been HELPFUL to Epsteinā€™s accusers."

"Brad Edwards, an attorney for some of the Alleged Victims, said in an interview last year that when he was seeking information from Epsteinā€™s acquaintances in 2009, Trump was ā€œthe only person who picked up the phone and said: ā€˜Letā€™s just talk. Iā€™ll give you as much time as you want. Iā€™ll tell you what you need to know.ā€™ā€‰ā€

You telling me he couldn't have done something well before 2009? This was in 2002:

ā€œIā€™ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,ā€ Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined ā€œJeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.ā€ ā€œHeā€™s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it ā€” Jeffrey enjoys his social life.ā€

Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew and many other rich and powerful people were connected to Epstein, usually the rich and famous hang out with the rich and famous.

Who had went with Epstein is an unknown and political scum are the ones dragging in names, mainly because lowlifes have no life and get great pleasure in otherā€™s misery. I hope very few participated in this debauchery and if they did, they need to be executed, I donā€™t give a fuck what party they were with.

Epstein seemed singularly obsessed with getting access to rich people and some people were closer to him than others.

I donā€™t know who did what, but Trumpā€™s statements make me very concerned that he was aware of his crimes.

BS, if Clinton had said the same you wouldnā€™t give a damn. The only reason that gives you concern is the R or the D at the end of the name. You fool no one

Clinton didnā€™t say the same so your point is worthless.

It just show what a preferred partisan bitch you are. As soon as Trump found out what Epstein was charged with he completely cut ties with Epstein. My hope is no President is connected to Epstein in the list of names. America doesnā€™t need this.
Who says trump cut ties with Epstein "as soon as he found out"?

Sorry my mistake, Trump cut ties with Epstein in 2004 and Epsteinā€™s first run in with the law occurred in 2005. So they cut ties before he was originally caught. I read something that said Trump had nothing to do with Epstein when he was first charged in 2005, evidently it was a year before.
The threat of naming names is the best defense Maxwell has

The only defense she has to stay alive is to release every name she has. That way she no longer has anything worth killing her for.

Maybe so
Trump would kill her to protect himself

ZERO evidence TRUMP had any trips to Epstein's house or ranch or flew on his plane,

Being at a public party is still not a crime. Get ready, the offenders will be almost all dems.

Not quite. Stone said he was at Epstein's house.

From the Washington Post article.

"Trump also appears to have been HELPFUL to Epsteinā€™s accusers."

"Brad Edwards, an attorney for some of the Alleged Victims, said in an interview last year that when he was seeking information from Epsteinā€™s acquaintances in 2009, Trump was ā€œthe only person who picked up the phone and said: ā€˜Letā€™s just talk. Iā€™ll give you as much time as you want. Iā€™ll tell you what you need to know.ā€™ā€‰ā€

You telling me he couldn't have done something well before 2009? This was in 2002:

ā€œIā€™ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,ā€ Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined ā€œJeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.ā€ ā€œHeā€™s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it ā€” Jeffrey enjoys his social life.ā€

Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew and many other rich and powerful people were connected to Epstein, usually the rich and famous hang out with the rich and famous.

Who had went with Epstein is an unknown and political scum are the ones dragging in names, mainly because lowlifes have no life and get great pleasure in otherā€™s misery. I hope very few participated in this debauchery and if they did, they need to be executed, I donā€™t give a fuck what party they were with.

Epstein seemed singularly obsessed with getting access to rich people and some people were closer to him than others.

I donā€™t know who did what, but Trumpā€™s statements make me very concerned that he was aware of his crimes.

BS, if Clinton had said the same you wouldnā€™t give a damn. The only reason that gives you concern is the R or the D at the end of the name. You fool no one

Clinton didnā€™t say the same so your point is worthless.

It just show what a preferred partisan bitch you are. As soon as Trump found out what Epstein was charged with he completely cut ties with Epstein. My hope is no President is connected to Epstein in the list of names. America doesnā€™t need this.
Who says trump cut ties with Epstein "as soon as he found out"?

Sorry my mistake, Trump cut ties with Epstein in 2004 and Epsteinā€™s first run in with the law occurred in 2005. So they cut ties before he was originally caught. I read something that said Trump had nothing to do with Epstein when he was first charged in 2005, evidently it was a year before.

Look at the timing, Trump cuts ties, and THEN Epstein is arrested. We know none of bodies or colfaxes fellow pervs had anything to do with it.

That leaves Trump as the one guy with the guts to turn the prick in.
The threat of naming names is the best defense Maxwell has

The only defense she has to stay alive is to release every name she has. That way she no longer has anything worth killing her for.

Maybe so
Trump would kill her to protect himself

ZERO evidence TRUMP had any trips to Epstein's house or ranch or flew on his plane,

Being at a public party is still not a crime. Get ready, the offenders will be almost all dems.

Not quite. Stone said he was at Epstein's house.

From the Washington Post article.

"Trump also appears to have been HELPFUL to Epsteinā€™s accusers."

"Brad Edwards, an attorney for some of the Alleged Victims, said in an interview last year that when he was seeking information from Epsteinā€™s acquaintances in 2009, Trump was ā€œthe only person who picked up the phone and said: ā€˜Letā€™s just talk. Iā€™ll give you as much time as you want. Iā€™ll tell you what you need to know.ā€™ā€‰ā€

You telling me he couldn't have done something well before 2009? This was in 2002:

ā€œIā€™ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,ā€ Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined ā€œJeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.ā€ ā€œHeā€™s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it ā€” Jeffrey enjoys his social life.ā€

Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew and many other rich and powerful people were connected to Epstein, usually the rich and famous hang out with the rich and famous.

Who had went with Epstein is an unknown and political scum are the ones dragging in names, mainly because lowlifes have no life and get great pleasure in otherā€™s misery. I hope very few participated in this debauchery and if they did, they need to be executed, I donā€™t give a fuck what party they were with.

Epstein seemed singularly obsessed with getting access to rich people and some people were closer to him than others.

I donā€™t know who did what, but Trumpā€™s statements make me very concerned that he was aware of his crimes.

BS, if Clinton had said the same you wouldnā€™t give a damn. The only reason that gives you concern is the R or the D at the end of the name. You fool no one

Clinton didnā€™t say the same so your point is worthless.

It just show what a preferred partisan bitch you are. As soon as Trump found out what Epstein was charged with he completely cut ties with Epstein. My hope is no President is connected to Epstein in the list of names. America doesnā€™t need this.
And you think he didnā€™t know before hand? He was at his house. Went to parties with him. Traveled with him. Hung out together at his resort.

Trump had no idea?

And Clinton supposedly hung out and went to Epstein's Island. Clinton is on a flight manifest on Epsteinā€™s plane. Do you believe Clinton knew and Clinton had sex with underaged girls? I donā€™t, I will wait for evidence to come in, unlike you a partisan bitch that cares more about a party than a country.
And if Clinton is named, he needs to go down hard. Can trump cultists say the same about bunker boy?

I donā€™t speak for anyone but myself, but it appears Colfax doesnā€™t give a shit about anything other than party. That is quite obvious in these posts. Thatā€™s why I was addressing him.

I donā€™twant anyone to go down hard, I want them executed for ruining innocent childernā€™s lives. This is worse than murder, this is killing them mentally, spiritually, and letting them live with that everyday for the rest of their lives.
The threat of naming names is the best defense Maxwell has

The only defense she has to stay alive is to release every name she has. That way she no longer has anything worth killing her for.

Maybe so
Trump would kill her to protect himself

ZERO evidence TRUMP had any trips to Epstein's house or ranch or flew on his plane,

Being at a public party is still not a crime. Get ready, the offenders will be almost all dems.

Not quite. Stone said he was at Epstein's house.

From the Washington Post article.

"Trump also appears to have been HELPFUL to Epsteinā€™s accusers."

"Brad Edwards, an attorney for some of the Alleged Victims, said in an interview last year that when he was seeking information from Epsteinā€™s acquaintances in 2009, Trump was ā€œthe only person who picked up the phone and said: ā€˜Letā€™s just talk. Iā€™ll give you as much time as you want. Iā€™ll tell you what you need to know.ā€™ā€‰ā€

You telling me he couldn't have done something well before 2009? This was in 2002:

ā€œIā€™ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,ā€ Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined ā€œJeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.ā€ ā€œHeā€™s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it ā€” Jeffrey enjoys his social life.ā€

Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew and many other rich and powerful people were connected to Epstein, usually the rich and famous hang out with the rich and famous.

Who had went with Epstein is an unknown and political scum are the ones dragging in names, mainly because lowlifes have no life and get great pleasure in otherā€™s misery. I hope very few participated in this debauchery and if they did, they need to be executed, I donā€™t give a fuck what party they were with.

Epstein seemed singularly obsessed with getting access to rich people and some people were closer to him than others.

I donā€™t know who did what, but Trumpā€™s statements make me very concerned that he was aware of his crimes.

BS, if Clinton had said the same you wouldnā€™t give a damn. The only reason that gives you concern is the R or the D at the end of the name. You fool no one

Clinton didnā€™t say the same so your point is worthless.

It just show what a preferred partisan bitch you are. As soon as Trump found out what Epstein was charged with he completely cut ties with Epstein. My hope is no President is connected to Epstein in the list of names. America doesnā€™t need this.
Who says trump cut ties with Epstein "as soon as he found out"?

Sorry my mistake, Trump cut ties with Epstein in 2004 and Epsteinā€™s first run in with the law occurred in 2005. So they cut ties before he was originally caught. I read something that said Trump had nothing to do with Epstein when he was first charged in 2005, evidently it was a year before.

Trump and Epstein have been friends a long time.
The threat of naming names is the best defense Maxwell has

The only defense she has to stay alive is to release every name she has. That way she no longer has anything worth killing her for.

Maybe so
Trump would kill her to protect himself

ZERO evidence TRUMP had any trips to Epstein's house or ranch or flew on his plane,

Being at a public party is still not a crime. Get ready, the offenders will be almost all dems.

Not quite. Stone said he was at Epstein's house.

From the Washington Post article.

"Trump also appears to have been HELPFUL to Epsteinā€™s accusers."

"Brad Edwards, an attorney for some of the Alleged Victims, said in an interview last year that when he was seeking information from Epsteinā€™s acquaintances in 2009, Trump was ā€œthe only person who picked up the phone and said: ā€˜Letā€™s just talk. Iā€™ll give you as much time as you want. Iā€™ll tell you what you need to know.ā€™ā€‰ā€

You telling me he couldn't have done something well before 2009? This was in 2002:

ā€œIā€™ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,ā€ Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined ā€œJeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.ā€ ā€œHeā€™s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it ā€” Jeffrey enjoys his social life.ā€

Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew and many other rich and powerful people were connected to Epstein, usually the rich and famous hang out with the rich and famous.

Who had went with Epstein is an unknown and political scum are the ones dragging in names, mainly because lowlifes have no life and get great pleasure in otherā€™s misery. I hope very few participated in this debauchery and if they did, they need to be executed, I donā€™t give a fuck what party they were with.

Epstein seemed singularly obsessed with getting access to rich people and some people were closer to him than others.

I donā€™t know who did what, but Trumpā€™s statements make me very concerned that he was aware of his crimes.

BS, if Clinton had said the same you wouldnā€™t give a damn. The only reason that gives you concern is the R or the D at the end of the name. You fool no one

Clinton didnā€™t say the same so your point is worthless.

It just show what a preferred partisan bitch you are. As soon as Trump found out what Epstein was charged with he completely cut ties with Epstein. My hope is no President is connected to Epstein in the list of names. America doesnā€™t need this.
And you think he didnā€™t know before hand? He was at his house. Went to parties with him. Traveled with him. Hung out together at his resort.

Trump had no idea?

And Clinton supposedly hung out and went to Epstein's Island. Clinton is on a flight manifest on Epsteinā€™s plane. Do you believe Clinton knew and Clinton had sex with underaged girls? I donā€™t, I will wait for evidence to come in, unlike you a partisan bitch that cares more about a party than a country.
I have no idea if Clinton did or not.
There is no flight manifest showing Clinton went to his island. Half the flights in reference are to attend conferences for management of HIV/AIDS.

And you have no idea whether Trump did or not, but you want to accuse Trump and excuse Clinton. Your bigotry, hate, ignorance and party over country is quite visible.
The threat of naming names is the best defense Maxwell has

The only defense she has to stay alive is to release every name she has. That way she no longer has anything worth killing her for.

Maybe so
Trump would kill her to protect himself

ZERO evidence TRUMP had any trips to Epstein's house or ranch or flew on his plane,

Being at a public party is still not a crime. Get ready, the offenders will be almost all dems.

Not quite. Stone said he was at Epstein's house.

From the Washington Post article.

"Trump also appears to have been HELPFUL to Epsteinā€™s accusers."

"Brad Edwards, an attorney for some of the Alleged Victims, said in an interview last year that when he was seeking information from Epsteinā€™s acquaintances in 2009, Trump was ā€œthe only person who picked up the phone and said: ā€˜Letā€™s just talk. Iā€™ll give you as much time as you want. Iā€™ll tell you what you need to know.ā€™ā€‰ā€

You telling me he couldn't have done something well before 2009? This was in 2002:

ā€œIā€™ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,ā€ Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined ā€œJeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.ā€ ā€œHeā€™s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it ā€” Jeffrey enjoys his social life.ā€

Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew and many other rich and powerful people were connected to Epstein, usually the rich and famous hang out with the rich and famous.

Who had went with Epstein is an unknown and political scum are the ones dragging in names, mainly because lowlifes have no life and get great pleasure in otherā€™s misery. I hope very few participated in this debauchery and if they did, they need to be executed, I donā€™t give a fuck what party they were with.

Epstein seemed singularly obsessed with getting access to rich people and some people were closer to him than others.

I donā€™t know who did what, but Trumpā€™s statements make me very concerned that he was aware of his crimes.

BS, if Clinton had said the same you wouldnā€™t give a damn. The only reason that gives you concern is the R or the D at the end of the name. You fool no one

Clinton didnā€™t say the same so your point is worthless.

It just show what a preferred partisan bitch you are. As soon as Trump found out what Epstein was charged with he completely cut ties with Epstein. My hope is no President is connected to Epstein in the list of names. America doesnā€™t need this.
Who says trump cut ties with Epstein "as soon as he found out"?

Sorry my mistake, Trump cut ties with Epstein in 2004 and Epsteinā€™s first run in with the law occurred in 2005. So they cut ties before he was originally caught. I read something that said Trump had nothing to do with Epstein when he was first charged in 2005, evidently it was a year before.

Trump and Epstein have been friends a long time.

No they haven't. YOUR perv friends and Epstein were friends to the end, Trump cut ties with the perv long ago.

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