When a President Says He is "Not A Dictator..."

Obama is not a dictator, he is a religious fanatic in an alternate universe.

Economic thinkers since at least the time of, well Copernicus, have understood that national well-being derived from private individuals going out into the private world to produce goods and trade goods, an activity that for centuries has created wealth for many nations. No longer. Mr. Obama and his circle divide the economy into separate parts. In the Obamaian universe, the units of the private economy—companies large or small—are satellites orbiting the great fixed planet of public spending. All material and economic life in the Obamaian model radiates outward from a central source of public spending. This is why spending in the Obama presidency abruptly jumped as high as 25% of GDP from a 40-year average of 20% of GDP.

In "Star Trek," as I recall, its genius creator Gene Roddenberry routinely made clear that people living in an alternative universe always needed a "life force" unique to their planet. Something that kept the people on the planet going, like a magical green ooze.

In the Obamaian universe, the life force is a fairly weird contraption known as the Keynesian Multiplier. As explained by its adherents, for every $1 of public spending, the whole economy will rise by $1.50 or even $2.

As life forces go, the Keynesian Multiplier would be really remarkable. Alas, Copernican economists such as Robert Barro have been asking repeatedly the past four years for the evidence that all this spending in Mr. Obama's public universe has been expanding the economy at this rate. Indeed, the Congressional Budget Office just said that in 2013, which will be the fifth year of Obama budgets that spend about $3.5 trillion annually, the economy is only going to grow 1.4%.

For that, Mr. Obama has an answer: more spending, which would be made possible by ratcheting up the volume of revenue flowing into the spending machine via whatever cats-and-dogs tax increase he can get through Congress.

Maybe the Keynesian Multiplier, like green ooze, just doesn't work.

Henninger: The Obamaian Universe - WSJ.com
My comment was about Obama's wish to be a dictator, not a claim that he is one (despite his best efforts to abuse his executive power and to undermine The Constitution).

And not a single credible example. Figures.
If I were Obama, I'd wish to be a dictator sometimes too. I'm guessing every president has had their moments of wishing they could get their job done without having to deal with Congress.

Anticipating that very scenario is probably what prompted our founding fathers to establish a Congress.
When a President says he is "not a dictator"...he indicates that he wishes he were one.

Just sayin'.

Q: Couldn't you just have them down here and refuse to let GOP leaders leave the room?

"I'm not a dictator, I'm the president. [If McConnell or Boehner want to catch a plane], "I can't have Secret Service block the doorway. I know this has been some of the conventional wisdom. Somehow, even though most people agree that I'm being reasonable, the fact that they don't take it, that I should somehow do a Jedi mind meld [with them]...."

Obama: sequester is 'a series of dumb, arbitrary cuts' ? live updates | World news | guardian.co.uk

That's a fun way to look at things.....so if a person says they are not gay...they wish they were? :eusa_eh:

Whys do you always have to make it about you Bodey? :cuckoo:

If I were Obama, I'd wish to be a dictator sometimes too. I'm guessing every president has had their moments of wishing they could get their job done without having to deal with Congress.

Anticipating that very scenario is probably what prompted our founding fathers to establish a Congress.

Everyone probably learned from Oliver Cromwell.
When someone feels the need to make a public declaration of what he's not, it's a safe bet that he is...

My comment was about Obama's wish to be a dictator, not a claim that he is one (despite his best efforts to abuse his executive power and to undermine The Constitution).

I think lying to get us into two wars costing $1,000,000,000,000 is an abuse of executive power, don't you? And no one wants to talk about how Bush wouldn't allow photos taken of coffins coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan, either.

Yeah, Obama's a real tyrant. It amazes me how fucking myopic the thinking is of your standard, no-frills, road-tested rightie.
Obama's correct. He's not a Dictator. He's the Emperor Messiah Lightbringining Unicorn Rider!
Obama is not a dictator, he is a religious fanatic in an alternate universe.

Economic thinkers since at least the time of, well Copernicus, have understood that national well-being derived from private individuals going out into the private world to produce goods and trade goods, an activity that for centuries has created wealth for many nations. No longer. Mr. Obama and his circle divide the economy into separate parts. In the Obamaian universe, the units of the private economy—companies large or small—are satellites orbiting the great fixed planet of public spending. All material and economic life in the Obamaian model radiates outward from a central source of public spending. This is why spending in the Obama presidency abruptly jumped as high as 25% of GDP from a 40-year average of 20% of GDP.

In "Star Trek," as I recall, its genius creator Gene Roddenberry routinely made clear that people living in an alternative universe always needed a "life force" unique to their planet. Something that kept the people on the planet going, like a magical green ooze.

In the Obamaian universe, the life force is a fairly weird contraption known as the Keynesian Multiplier. As explained by its adherents, for every $1 of public spending, the whole economy will rise by $1.50 or even $2.

As life forces go, the Keynesian Multiplier would be really remarkable. Alas, Copernican economists such as Robert Barro have been asking repeatedly the past four years for the evidence that all this spending in Mr. Obama's public universe has been expanding the economy at this rate. Indeed, the Congressional Budget Office just said that in 2013, which will be the fifth year of Obama budgets that spend about $3.5 trillion annually, the economy is only going to grow 1.4%.

For that, Mr. Obama has an answer: more spending, which would be made possible by ratcheting up the volume of revenue flowing into the spending machine via whatever cats-and-dogs tax increase he can get through Congress.

Maybe the Keynesian Multiplier, like green ooze, just doesn't work.

Henninger: The Obamaian Universe - WSJ.com

One would think you'd be quite familiar with the alternative universe theory given that you are my bearded evil twin from the anti-matter universe.

Just sayin'.
I have a great uncle who helped liberate the concentration camps at the end of WW II. HE could tell you what a REAL dictator is capable of doing.

spying on citizens of his own country? engaging in technology that could kill them without a fair trial? pushing legislation that violates constitutional rights?

It is hardly the first time Obama has felt it necessary to remind the American people, or has lamented the fact, that he is not a more authoritarian type of ruler. A few examples:

King: “My cabinet has been working very hard on trying to get it done, but ultimately, I think somebody said the other day, I am president, I am not king,” Obama told Univision in October 2010, when asked why he had yet to achieve comprehensive immigration reform. “I can’t do these things just by myself.” He reiterated that sentiment in a February 2013 interview with Telemundo. “I’m not a king,” he said.

President of China: “Mr. Obama has told people that it would be so much easier to be the president of China,” the New York Times reported in March 2011.

Emperor of the United States: “This is something I’ve struggled with throughout my presidency,” Obama said during a Google hangout event in February. “The problem is that I’m the president of the United States, I’m not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed.”

Obama: ?I Am Not a Dictator? - By Andrew Stiles - The Corner - National Review Online
That's not the indication at all. It's that there is this stupid media narrative that the President can get anything done through sheer force of personality. It's a running media narrative across presidencies and it's completely moronic.

Somebody in the media thought Bush could get things done simply by force of his personality? What fucking planet do you live on?

Anyone that starts a sentence with "I am not a dictator" has serious problems, you just want to defend Obama because you are a racist who feels bad about your racism and he is black.
After telling themselves for years that Obama is a dictator, despite having their "evidence" smashed to smithereens, when Obama says, "I am not a dictator", then is it really all that surprising the loons go into self-induced apoplexy and make a big deal out of it?
That's not the indication at all. It's that there is this stupid media narrative that the President can get anything done through sheer force of personality. It's a running media narrative across presidencies and it's completely moronic.

Somebody in the media thought Bush could get things done simply by force of his personality? What fucking planet do you live on?

Anyone that starts a sentence with "I am not a dictator" has serious problems, you just want to defend Obama because you are a racist who feels bad about your racism and he is black.

The media believes that about every president in the modern era. It's part of the absurd mythology that's grown up around the office.

As for the rest, it's really not worthy of the response. You're just a blind partisan who would piss and moan if Obama cured cancer.

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