When a rat is cornered.....

I worked at a place once where they had a cleaner working there who couldn't read or write. He could however, communicate on paper to some extent,

by drawing pictures.

That sounds racist to me.

That's because YOU'RE racist.

I know you are but what am I?

This is how it's going to go now until the election. The Trumptards going off the various deep ends. The poster above is apparently going to get more and more childish.

Hey, you're the on making fun of illiterate people. Big meanie.

Sunni Man is illiterate?
Christ, how many meltdowns do you have on any given day?

Speaking of "pictures" and meltdowns....

We can count during these next 80 days or so before Nov. 8th, to constantly hear the litany of reasons why Trump still has a chance.
Yes well, the Republican "base" had 16? choices at the beginning of the GOP nomination contest and in their infinite wisdom they chose the only one that couldn't beat the Queen of Corruption...

Which provides further empirical evidence to support the theory that the only thing in the Universe with a lower collective IQ than the Democrat Party "base" is the Republican Party "base".

Which provides further empirical evidence to support the theory that the only thing in the Universe with a lower collective IQ than the Democrat Party "base" is the Republican Party "base".

Actually, I FULLY agree.......LOL
As a public service to my dear right wing friends on here, let me offer the last 2 stages of Kubler-Ross stages of grief.....

DEPRESSION (this will occur during the night of November 8th as the polls report in about Trump's devastating loss)....and, then

ACCEPTANCE.....probably occurring on November 9th or 10th.(with a tinge of recurring depression on January 21st, 2017)
As a public service to my dear right wing friends on here, let me offer the last 2 stages of Kubler-Ross stages of grief.....

DEPRESSION (this will occur during the night of November 8th as the polls report in about Trump's devastating loss)....and, then

ACCEPTANCE.....probably occurring on November 9th or 10th.(with a tinge of recurring depression on January 21st, 2017)

And that is all you and the other Liberals have. Not even a feeble attempt at defending Hillary's stand on the issues.

As I've stated MANY times, I would never want to "defend" Hillary...I don't like her. I am not voting FOR Hillary, I am voting AGAINST the orange, charlatan clown.........Bottom line: I'll take a "lying" over "lunacy"
And that is all you and the other Liberals have. Not even a feeble attempt at defending Hillary's stand on the issues.

As I've stated MANY times, I would never want to "defend" Hillary...I don't like her. I am not voting FOR Hillary, I am voting AGAINST the orange, charlatan clown.........Bottom line: I'll take a "lying" over "lunacy"

No. You support Hillary totally. You stand behind everything she proposes. You are simply unable to defend her positions on the issues and are afraid to appear as being unpatriotic and in-American by admitting to support George Soros's puppet.

I worked at a place once where they had a cleaner working there who couldn't read or write. He could however, communicate on paper to some extent,

by drawing pictures.

That sounds racist to me.

That's because YOU'RE racist.

Not likely. You are the dirtbag that posted about an illiterate cleaner. Come clean, was he/she black or white?

He wasn't what you assumed he was. The racist assumes he's black. You assumed he was black.

Wrong again. Unless he was an Indian, you lose.
No. You support Hillary totally. You stand behind everything she proposes. You are simply unable to defend her positions on the issues and are afraid to appear as being unpatriotic and in-American by admitting to support George Soros's puppet.

Fine....I really don't give a crap what YOU believe(for example, Hillary wants to repeal the Hyde amendment???.Where the fuck did you hear that??? From Hannity?)

Look, you stick by your loser clown.....I don't care.....LOL
I worked at a place once where they had a cleaner working there who couldn't read or write. He could however, communicate on paper to some extent,

by drawing pictures.

That sounds racist to me.

That's because YOU'RE racist.

Not likely. You are the dirtbag that posted about an illiterate cleaner. Come clean, was he/she black or white?

He wasn't what you assumed he was. The racist assumes he's black. You assumed he was black.

Wrong again. Unless he was an Indian, you lose.

He had to be Middle Eastern or Hispanic or Puerto Rican. You can rule Blacks out totally because they won't work much less clean anything.
if the insults bothered me then i probably would not look at this website, but i do read through a lot of the threads and notice that most of the insults come from the left. these are people, if they even are people and not shillary bots, who are truly incapable of truth, incapable of compassion, incapable of maintaining a thoughtful discussion, yet they are so quick to accuse others of being racist or sexist or haters or whatever. accusing trump supporters of being rats backed into a corner, yet it's pretty clear that sort of behavior is already coming from the hillary supporters! someone wise said recently, and i wish i could remember exactly what post in what thread so i could link to it, but the quote is ''you can always tell what the democrats are up to by what they accuse others of doing'' or something along those lines, and i can appreciate that.
No. You support Hillary totally. You stand behind everything she proposes. You are simply unable to defend her positions on the issues and are afraid to appear as being unpatriotic and in-American by admitting to support George Soros's puppet.

Fine....I really don't give a crap what YOU believe(for example, Hillary wants to repeal the Hyde amendment???.Where the fuck did you hear that??? From Hannity?)

Look, you stick by your loser clown.....I don't care.....LOL

From her own mouth. That is why she is so heavily supported by Planned Parenthood. Repealing the Hyde Act will automatically create a windfall of revenue for them by having taxpayer fund their evil enterprise. You really need to bone up on your own candidate's platform.

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