When are we going to stop blaming bush


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Afghanistan war, Bush’s war, costing taxpayers $6 billion a month. $3.4 trillion total for Iraq and Afghanistan war. Most of the $4 trillion Obama has added to the debt.

So when are we going to stop blaming Bush? Not in the near future because the cost of Bush war is mounting a we speak. Not to mention the cost of the tax cut for the wealthy. (Bush tax cuts)

Tax Cuts For Wealthy Americans Cost Treasury $11.6 Million Every Hour


Tax Cuts For Wealthy Americans Cost Treasury $11.6 Million Every Hour: Report

When President Bush took office in 2001, he inherited a $236 billion budget surplus, with a projected 10-year surplus of $5.6 trillion. Unemployment was at 4.0% in January 2001. Unemployment was at 7.85 when Obama took office in January 2009 When Bush took office, the national debt was $5.73 trillion. When Obama took office, the national debt was about $10.5 trillion. National debt has increased $4 trillion under Obama.

He inherited the worse economy in history and has the worse congress in history.

So what the **** are we blaming Obama for?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkAtUq0OJ68]George Bush: we want everybody in America to own their own home. That's what we want. - YouTube[/ame]

I blame Bush for the horrific wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The buildup to the economic meltdown was in place before his administration, although he did nothing to slow it down.


Really? You can’t think of any other reason that we went to war in Afghanistan other than Bush?

It really impresses me how we can forget so much in such a short time span. I’ll give you the Iraq war, that was a dumb move but Afghanistan was not. WE were attacked. Not the other way around. The war should have been handled better, still could be handled better but it did need to be fought.

Afghanistan war, Bush’s war, costing taxpayers $6 billion a month. $3.4 trillion total for Iraq and Afghanistan war. Most of the $4 trillion Obama has added to the debt.

So when are we going to stop blaming Bush? Not in the near future because the cost of Bush war is mounting a we speak. Not to mention the cost of the tax cut for the wealthy. (Bush tax cuts)

Tax Cuts For Wealthy Americans Cost Treasury $11.6 Million Every Hour


Tax Cuts For Wealthy Americans Cost Treasury $11.6 Million Every Hour: Report

When President Bush took office in 2001, he inherited a $236 billion budget surplus, with a projected 10-year surplus of $5.6 trillion. Unemployment was at 4.0% in January 2001. Unemployment was at 7.85 when Obama took office in January 2009 When Bush took office, the national debt was $5.73 trillion. When Obama took office, the national debt was about $10.5 trillion. National debt has increased $4 trillion under Obama.

He inherited the worse economy in history and has the worse congress in history.

So what the **** are we blaming Obama for?

See this is why little ole ladys SHOULDN'T own computers...
The fannie mae disaster began with Bill 'I did not have sex with her either' Clinton...
Afghanistan is from September 11...You do remember that day right? I know at your age
somethings just slip away from your memory, but surely you remember that. I bet even you were holding your cane like a rifle to gun down some Taliban idiots.
Then we get to Berry...I mean Barach or whoever he is this week, because without that birth certificate no body really knows...Under 'him' we learned what a trillion was, something you and I don't have.

So calm down, there is some Metamucil around the next hour and soon things will begin moving along for you....Speaking of moving, hopefully that's what they guy in the Whitehouse will be doing also...
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I blame Bush for the horrific wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The buildup to the economic meltdown was in place before his administration, although he did nothing to slow it down.


Really? You can’t think of any other reason that we went to war in Afghanistan other than Bush?
It really impresses me how we can forget so much in such a short time span.
You're talking to a mindless partisan bigot :dunno:
The blame Bush strategy has already stopped working but democrats will continue beating that dead horse.
The mentally ill on the left will forever blame Bush for all things real and imagined.... it's what they do.

Afghanistan war, Bush’s war, costing taxpayers $6 billion a month. $3.4 trillion total for Iraq and Afghanistan war. Most of the $4 trillion Obama has added to the debt.

So when are we going to stop blaming Bush? Not in the near future because the cost of Bush war is mounting a we speak. Not to mention the cost of the tax cut for the wealthy. (Bush tax cuts)

Tax Cuts For Wealthy Americans Cost Treasury $11.6 Million Every Hour


Tax Cuts For Wealthy Americans Cost Treasury $11.6 Million Every Hour: Report

When President Bush took office in 2001, he inherited a $236 billion budget surplus, with a projected 10-year surplus of $5.6 trillion. Unemployment was at 4.0% in January 2001. Unemployment was at 7.85 when Obama took office in January 2009 When Bush took office, the national debt was $5.73 trillion. When Obama took office, the national debt was about $10.5 trillion. National debt has increased $4 trillion under Obama.

He inherited the worse economy in history and has the worse congress in history.

So what the **** are we blaming Obama for?

What part of it isnt your money do you fail to comprehend..?

What part of all Americans should be treated equally do you disagree with>>>?

The national debt has increased greater then your number. you are only off by a trillion or so. Its OK democrats do horribly at math...........
if Romney plays that game, we ll be screaming early. If he doesnt hes just classier than OBama which isnt hard to do.

Bullshit, It sucks being on the defensive and republicans are going to have a lot to defend.
On what grounds will you oppose Romney blaming The Obama?

I won't really but it will be fun to throw the same unreasonable attitude you have all had for four years back in your faces.

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