When are we going to stop blaming bush

If Romney wins, how many years are you all going to blame Obama?

OMG it looks like Bob. (He'll always be Bob)

Anyway, gonna blame Bush just as long as the GOP blames FDR, Carter and Clinton. (which is forever).
Well look at the mess Romney will have inherited.:lol:

Not nearly as bad as the gigantic pile of shit Obama had dumped in his lap.

Which Obama has done nothing to remove from his lap.

Things are no better now than Jan. 2008? I know you all intend to suddenly notice recovery that you have all ignored so far the day Romney takes office should he win so you do not have to answer that.

When President Bush took office in 2001, he inherited a $236 billion budget surplus, with a projected 10-year surplus of $5.6 trillion. Unemployment was at 4.0% in January 2001. Unemployment was at 7.85 when Obama took office in January 2009 When Bush took office, the national debt was $5.73 trillion. When Obama took office, the national debt was about $10.5 trillion. National debt has increased $4 trillion under Obama.

(Bush) - he inherited a $236 billion budget surplus, with a projected 10-year surplus of $5.6 trillion.

the above is why everyone can blame Bush and the Republican's that supported the Off-Budget Spending responsible for the Great Recession and Budget Deficit, for as long as it pleases them ...

I blame Bush for the horrific wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The buildup to the economic meltdown was in place before his administration, although he did nothing to slow it down.


Really? You can’t think of any other reason that we went to war in Afghanistan other than Bush?

It really impresses me how we can forget so much in such a short time span. I’ll give you the Iraq war, that was a dumb move but Afghanistan was not. WE were attacked. Not the other way around. The war should have been handled better, still could be handled better but it did need to be fought.

I believe that there were legitimate reasons for going into Afghanistan, but on balance, it was not worth the terrible costs, in terms of the lives and limbs of our military and financially. And I don't believe that nation-building is our responsibility, which was why I was against it from the start. The terrible costs just made it worse.


If Romney wins, how many years are you all going to blame Obama?

if Romney plays that game, we ll be screaming early. If he doesnt hes just classier than OBama which isnt hard to do.

Bullshit, It sucks being on the defensive and republicans are going to have a lot to defend.

from what? all of what OBama has done? Being fiscally conservative? Trying to get jobs back on track? Trying to stop all the gun laws that will fill the senate? Trying to stop the ACA?

I blame Bush for the horrific wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The buildup to the economic meltdown was in place before his administration, although he did nothing to slow it down.


Really? You can’t think of any other reason that we went to war in Afghanistan other than Bush?

It really impresses me how we can forget so much in such a short time span. I’ll give you the Iraq war, that was a dumb move but Afghanistan was not. WE were attacked. Not the other way around. The war should have been handled better, still could be handled better but it did need to be fought.

I believe that there were legitimate reasons for going into Afghanistan, but on balance, it was not worth the terrible costs, in terms of the lives and limbs of our military and financially. And I don't believe that nation-building is our responsibility, which was why I was against it from the start. The terrible costs just made it worse.



Yes Afghanistan was a huge mistake to attempt to occupy, but it was the most profitable option for the MIC so it's what we did.
ok, I'm learning here...let me see if I got it.

Blaming Obama is ok
Blaming Bush is living in the past
Blaming Clinton is ok
If Romney wins, how many years are you all going to blame Obama?

Well look at the mess Romney will have inherited.:lol:

Not nearly as bad as the gigantic pile of shit Obama had dumped in his lap.

which he ran for and promised to stop everything bush, the tax cuts, we got rid of those, Gitmo, he shut that down quickly, the wars, the soliders are home and safe, waterboarind, that technique is dead, and the border, no illegals have gotten in since Obama and co took over. So far Obama is immaculate, than he woke up to reality.

When President Bush took office in 2001, he inherited a $236 billion budget surplus, with a projected 10-year surplus of $5.6 trillion. Unemployment was at 4.0% in January 2001. Unemployment was at 7.85 when Obama took office in January 2009 When Bush took office, the national debt was $5.73 trillion. When Obama took office, the national debt was about $10.5 trillion. National debt has increased $4 trillion under Obama.
(Bush) - he inherited a $236 billion budget surplus, with a projected 10-year surplus of $5.6 trillion.
the above is why everyone can blame Bush and the Republican's that supported the Off-Budget Spending responsible for the Great Recession and Budget Deficit, for as long as it pleases them ...
I see that you and the truth have yet to be introduced.
if Romney plays that game, we ll be screaming early. If he doesnt hes just classier than OBama which isnt hard to do.

Bullshit, It sucks being on the defensive and republicans are going to have a lot to defend.

from what? all of what OBama has done? Being fiscally conservative? Trying to get jobs back on track? Trying to stop all the gun laws that will fill the senate? Trying to stop the ACA?

Nope, none of that stuff tops the republican agenda, try a new war with Iran, further deregulating environmental laws, banning abortion, killing the capital gains and inheritance tax and putting the defense budget back on it's climb into the stratosphere.

Afghanistan war, Bush’s war, costing taxpayers $6 billion a month. $3.4 trillion total for Iraq and Afghanistan war. Most of the $4 trillion Obama has added to the debt.

So when are we going to stop blaming Bush? Not in the near future because the cost of Bush war is mounting a we speak. Not to mention the cost of the tax cut for the wealthy. (Bush tax cuts)

Tax Cuts For Wealthy Americans Cost Treasury $11.6 Million Every Hour


Tax Cuts For Wealthy Americans Cost Treasury $11.6 Million Every Hour: Report

When President Bush took office in 2001, he inherited a $236 billion budget surplus, with a projected 10-year surplus of $5.6 trillion. Unemployment was at 4.0% in January 2001. Unemployment was at 7.85 when Obama took office in January 2009 When Bush took office, the national debt was $5.73 trillion. When Obama took office, the national debt was about $10.5 trillion. National debt has increased $4 trillion under Obama.

He inherited the worse economy in history and has the worse congress in history.

So what the **** are we blaming Obama for?

When will we stop blaming Roosevelt?
As a real tax payer, defined as one who actually pays taxes, I have no problem with confronting terrorism, and terrorist cells on other country's soil, nor did I have a problem with making a stand and invading Iraq when much of the world and UN sat picking their nose with their thumb up their ass. In hind sight we had to make a conscious decision and gamble based on secondary intelligence and we came up short, better safe than sorry. If it had not been for the tax cuts the severity of the financial bubble and 2000 dot com melt down would have been greater than what we continue to experience. The fact that the current president and media continue to blame Bush for the financial and economic stress we face is pathetic considering this was the president that would cut the deficit in half, balance the budget, not raise taxes, not sign bills he did not read first, reinvigorate the American dream.....the list goes on and on, and furthermore, had two years of majority control of both houses of congress and did absolutely nothing but exasperate the economic pain and indenture future generations with unprecedented debt. You voted and received exactly what you deserve, nothing less than mediocrity and pandering coupled with the blame game. Who ever assumes the executive office will be ineffective unless the growth in government spending is halted. Raising taxes will accomplish nothing, do the freaking math. A leader leads, a pathetic inept wanna-be blames others for their incompetence. It's all about the economy, and government spending and I for one don't see how devaluing the dollar any further will serve any other purpose than strip away what remains of the American dream.
Well look at the mess Romney will have inherited.:lol:

Not nearly as bad as the gigantic pile of shit Obama had dumped in his lap.

which he ran for and promised to stop everything bush, the tax cuts, we got rid of those, Gitmo, he shut that down quickly, the wars, the soliders are home and safe, waterboarind, that technique is dead, and the border, no illegals have gotten in since Obama and co took over. So far Obama is immaculate, than he woke up to reality.

Sounds liike you're not happy with a President and would lean more toward a dictator who just does things on his own. Well, I dont agree. 3 branches should work it out

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