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When arguing against SNAP for single mothers, why do repubs ignore the children themselves?

SNAP out of it libs your old talking point lies from 1970 don't fool voters anymore. You people rolled out virtually all the GOP war on (fill in the blank) lies last November and you got your asses bitch slapped in an historic loss. If you want to win an election here's an idea, stop lying and being snotty elitist puke liberals.

This isn't even an argument.

This sounds like a drunken rant.
By and large republicans don't give a fuck about anything not actively involved in earning a profit for some plutocrat.

Do you think those receiving handouts to feed the kids they should be feeding give a fuck that the money had to be taken from someone else that earned it before it could be handed to them as long as they get it?

Does it matter? You're deflecting again.

As a conservative, do you think SNAP benefits should be cut despite any children that could be adversely affected? If yes, how do you defend that?

Sure it matters that they don't care where it comes from as long as they get it. It's not deflecting when the premise of what I responded to claims that, as a Conservative, I don't give a fuck about certain things. If the people on the receiving end don't give a fuck that taxpayers are forced to do for them what they should be doing for themselves as long as they get it, why should it matter to me. Their handout involves taking money away from me that can go to MY kids.

I defend it by claiming that if you bleeding hearts that think money you've earned should go to someone else that didn't earn it, write a check. Not a damn thing is stopping you from voluntarily sending more to the government or finding someone who can't afford it and giving them your money.
They say "well she shouldn't have had kids in the first place therefore she shouldn't get any ."

Of course as always republicans reason the way mentally retarded people do so you must remind them the kids themselves benefit from this welfare. It also doesn't help that low wage jobs largely outnumber higher wage jobs so this is a difficult situation for this family as you could imagine.

So repubs, shouldn't those kids born to a broke caregiver deserve food stamps assistance? After all, 83% of food stamp funding goes to households with at least one dependent living there.
"They" who, sOn?
This shit with you is getting old.

Any links or quotes where someone said this shit?

What someone needs to explain to Billy000 is that if the woman's choice to have kids is hers, then the responsibility of feeding them is also hers and the person that she spread her legs for that helped create them.

So if a parent can't or won't care for his or her children, just, tough luck for those kids? They should've picked better parents?

"Sorry kids, but look at the bright side: you won't be part of the obesity epidemic!"

Tell them to find Coloradomtnman and see how much you're voluntarily willing to give them.
of all the social welfare programs------I consider SNAP to be
the most justifiable------we should all be happy that our country
provides food for ALL

Why should I be happy that the portion of taxes taken from me that can go to my kids goes to someone else?

Because you are a moral being? Well, not you personally, obviously; by "you are" I meant "one is".

So you get to determine morals for someone else? Strange that, as a Conservative, when I've tried to express my moral beliefs on other issues I'm told to butt out.
Oh let me guess the famous "lobsters argument" right? They can buy lobsters? That's what you don't like? Christ dude, try to think realistically will you? The average person on SNAP gets about $133 per month and makes no more than $744 per MONTH. If they did buy lobsters, they would only be screwing themselves by going hungry.
Who said anything about lobster?
Look, you're playing stupid to further a political point....
You know darned well what is basic nutritious foods which are far less expensive than convenience and junk food.
But to your side it is not politically correct to demand these people's food choices are limited to foods that can be easily made into nutritious meals.
Are you fucking kidding me? Nutritious food is much cheaper? What planet do you live on? Nothing about that is true.
You just don't know jack shit about how to cook.

Therein lies the problem, MOST people do not know how to cook nutritious meals.

SNAP should be phased out in favour of a program of commodities distribution and home gardening instructions and supplies.

And if that single parent works and doesn't have time to garden? Or lives in a condo or apartment complex? Or has no yard? Or just can't garden (like me - I have a black thumb)? What then?
If, if, if.
Most people have some spare time, most people can find a small plot or use planters.

I am sure you can go on and on and on with excuses for people who have children they cannot support.

But you can't go on with your argument.

I am not excusing the dipshit, lazy, or irresponsible parents who make up a small percentage of those who receive SNAP benefits. But I also believe their children shouldn't suffer.

Next time you're at the grocery store, look at other people's carts. You'll see that it isn't just some SNAP beneficiaries who eat terribly.
By and large republicans don't give a fuck about anything not actively involved in earning a profit for some plutocrat.

By and large, bleeding heart Liberals don't mind telling the rest of us to butt out of a woman's choice of what she does with her body, having kids being one of those choice, then expecting the rest of us to support the results of that choice when the woman can't do it.


This isn't about abortion or forced charity. The state has a compelling interest in the welfare of children. I think society has a moral interest as well. Don't you?

I didn't mention abortion. I mentioned choice and choosing to having kids is as much of a choice a woman can make with her body as having an abortion.

What I think is that people like you can't determine my morals.
of all the social welfare programs------I consider SNAP to be
the most justifiable------we should all be happy that our country
provides food for ALL

Why should I be happy that the portion of taxes taken from me that can go to my kids goes to someone else?

Because you are a moral being? Well, not you personally, obviously; by "you are" I meant "one is".

So you get to determine morals for someone else? Strange that, as a Conservative, when I've tried to express my moral beliefs on other issues I'm told to butt out.


Are you claiming that you wouldn't feel happiness if a small portion of the taxes you pay went to feed needy children?
By and large republicans don't give a fuck about anything not actively involved in earning a profit for some plutocrat.

By and large, bleeding heart Liberals don't mind telling the rest of us to butt out of a woman's choice of what she does with her body, having kids being one of those choice, then expecting the rest of us to support the results of that choice when the woman can't do it.


This isn't about abortion or forced charity. The state has a compelling interest in the welfare of children. I think society has a moral interest as well. Don't you?

I didn't mention abortion. I mentioned choice and choosing to having kids is as much of a choice a woman can make with her body as having an abortion.

What I think is that people like you can't determine my morals.

You may be right. A moral person, I think, couldn't determine your morals.
Do you know my work schedule or my sleep schedule? Since you don't, making statements about my activities also proves you're retarded. Perhaps that's why I support your kids.

Dude, I know all I need to know, or would want to know about you,. from your posts. You are an asshole.
If you have kids, to bad for them. If you were the "provider" that you claim to be, you wouldn't HATE the fact that there are kids out there who wouldn't eat unless they had some others looking out for them. Looking out for them with taxpayers dollars.

And you know what else. If or should I say when, you need help in feeding your kids, I won't give a rats ass at all that my money is helping your kids. You know why? Cause your kids had absolutely nothing to do with having an asshole for a parent that, for what ever reason, needs help feeding their kids.

That's what makes you the asshole. You want, even demand, that the kids be punished for the behavior of the parent(s).

I know all I need to know about you by your posts. The parents that have kids they can't support are the ones you demand taxpayers fund when the government isn't needed at all. All that needs to happen is people like you pooling your money personally and doing what you say needs to be done.

I am the provider I claim to be. That's why I say it's the parents job to feed their own kids. By doing that for mine and expecting others to do the same, I expect nothing more of them than I practice myself.

The only asshole is someone like you that would take money away from the person that earned it, money which can go to my kids, then demand it go to someone else that didn't earn it to feed his/her kids because the kids had nothing to do with it. The sad part is that you would take from mine then claim that things shouldn't be taken from the kids.
By and large republicans don't give a fuck about anything not actively involved in earning a profit for some plutocrat.

By and large, bleeding heart Liberals don't mind telling the rest of us to butt out of a woman's choice of what she does with her body, having kids being one of those choice, then expecting the rest of us to support the results of that choice when the woman can't do it.


This isn't about abortion or forced charity. The state has a compelling interest in the welfare of children. I think society has a moral interest as well. Don't you?

I didn't mention abortion. I mentioned choice and choosing to having kids is as much of a choice a woman can make with her body as having an abortion.

What I think is that people like you can't determine my morals.

You may be right. A moral person, I think, couldn't determine your morals.

Your problem is that think it's OK for you to determine where I should stand on this issue. I'd be wiling to bet that if I told a woman it's not moral to kill the unintended result of her choice to have sex, you'd tell me to butt out.
Childhood obesity is hyperendemic in this Country and dimocrap scum are bitching about cutting the SNAP program?


All dimocraps know how to do is lie.
of all the social welfare programs------I consider SNAP to be
the most justifiable------we should all be happy that our country
provides food for ALL

Why should I be happy that the portion of taxes taken from me that can go to my kids goes to someone else?

Because you are a moral being? Well, not you personally, obviously; by "you are" I meant "one is".

So you get to determine morals for someone else? Strange that, as a Conservative, when I've tried to express my moral beliefs on other issues I'm told to butt out.


Are you claiming that you wouldn't feel happiness if a small portion of the taxes you pay went to feed needy children?

I'd feel happiness if you bleeding hearts would voluntarily do with your own money what you demand the rest of us be forced to do on this matter. The government need not be involved. If people like you would actually go out and do with your own money what you find for the rest of us to do with ours, the problem would be solved. It won't happen because it would mean you would actually have to do it rather than talk about it being done.
SNAP out of it libs your old talking point lies from 1970 don't fool voters anymore. You people rolled out virtually all the GOP war on (fill in the blank) lies last November and you got your asses bitch slapped in an historic loss. If you want to win an election here's an idea, stop lying and being snotty elitist puke liberals.

This isn't even an argument.

This sounds like a drunken rant.

Apparently you are a low info voter and ignorant of the left's 2014 election strategies.
of all the social welfare programs------I consider SNAP to be
the most justifiable------we should all be happy that our country
provides food for ALL

Why should I be happy that the portion of taxes taken from me that can go to my kids goes to someone else?

Because you are a moral being? Well, not you personally, obviously; by "you are" I meant "one is".

So you get to determine morals for someone else? Strange that, as a Conservative, when I've tried to express my moral beliefs on other issues I'm told to butt out.


Are you claiming that you wouldn't feel happiness if a small portion of the taxes you pay went to feed needy children?
I feel happiness when I personally give to those that need. I don't need a middleman to take the credit.
Because despite my paying nearly 40% of my income to federal, state and local taxes, those in need do not appreciate my efforts on their behalf. Instead, they say I am greedy and not willing to pay my fair share.

If you gave someone down on their luck ten dollars, what feelings would you have if that person said "ten bucks? You cheap greedy asshole!"
They say "well she shouldn't have had kids in the first place therefore she shouldn't get any ."

Of course as always republicans reason the way mentally retarded people do so you must remind them the kids themselves benefit from this welfare. It also doesn't help that low wage jobs largely outnumber higher wage jobs so this is a difficult situation for this family as you could imagine.

So repubs, shouldn't those kids born to a broke caregiver deserve food stamps assistance? After all, 83% of food stamp funding goes to households with at least one dependent living there.

First, there is truth to that statement, "She, he or THAT FAMILY shouldn't have them before they can afford them."

Second, you are lying about Republicans stating they are against food stamps for the single mothers. Nice dishonest red herring. They are against food stamp fraud. We should all be against it. Those programs should be available for people who need and use them!
I won't say a thing about what a woman does with her body as long as she doesn't ask me to help fund a choice she makes with related to it when she can't afford it. That's how personal responsibility works.

How old are you really? 18?

I rented a house to a young mom and dad of two children. Two young boys. The dad HAD a good job at the time I rented to them.
Dad got fired from his good job. Dad was laying around on his ass and he and the girlfriend started fighting. He slapped her around. She called the cops. Went to court. He got thrown out of the house via restraining order.

Now this woman is left with two kids, no car, rent to pay and the desire to continue to rent my house. She found a nursing assistant job for 12 bucks an hour. I reduced the rent.

I took gifts and food at Christmas. You know why? It wasn't those two boys fault their dad is an asshole. And they still needed to eat. And have a little Christmas.

I made sure this woman knew where to apply for SNAP and HEAP. You don't like it? Fuck off.

That you reduced the rent is how it's supposed to be done. That involved you making a decision that involve YOUR money. Since it's yours, that's your business.

That you took food and gifts at Christmas with your own money is how it's supposed to be done. I don't need to know why as what you do with YOUR money is your business. However, when you start demanding my money be taken because someone's dad is an asshole, it crosses the line. You would take more from me that I can give to mine in order to give to someone for which I had no cause in the situation. Explain to me why it's OK to take from MY children then claim it's wrong that I want what I've earned to go to the ones I choose not the ones you choose for me.

If you think the money that can go to my children should be taken to go to someone else's, personally come get it. If you aren't man enough, fuck off.
of all the social welfare programs------I consider SNAP to be
the most justifiable------we should all be happy that our country
provides food for ALL

Why should I be happy that the portion of taxes taken from me that can go to my kids goes to someone else?

Because you are a moral being? Well, not you personally, obviously; by "you are" I meant "one is".

So you get to determine morals for someone else? Strange that, as a Conservative, when I've tried to express my moral beliefs on other issues I'm told to butt out.


Are you claiming that you wouldn't feel happiness if a small portion of the taxes you pay went to feed needy children?
I feel happiness when I personally give to those that need. I don't need a middleman to take the credit.
Because despite my paying nearly 40% of my income to federal, state and local taxes, those in need do not appreciate my efforts on their behalf. Instead, they say I am greedy and not willing to pay my fair share.

If you gave someone down on their luck ten dollars, what feelings would you have if that person said "ten bucks? You cheap greedy asshole!"

True altruism requires no gratitude.

I assume you served in The Corps. I did, too. Not everyone appreciates our service. That doesn't mean I only served those who show me gratitude for it. I appreciate it when people thank me, even if I saw no action and think others are more deserving of that gratitude, but my service was to defend everyone, not just most Amricans.
Why should I be happy that the portion of taxes taken from me that can go to my kids goes to someone else?

Because you are a moral being? Well, not you personally, obviously; by "you are" I meant "one is".

So you get to determine morals for someone else? Strange that, as a Conservative, when I've tried to express my moral beliefs on other issues I'm told to butt out.


Are you claiming that you wouldn't feel happiness if a small portion of the taxes you pay went to feed needy children?
I feel happiness when I personally give to those that need. I don't need a middleman to take the credit.
Because despite my paying nearly 40% of my income to federal, state and local taxes, those in need do not appreciate my efforts on their behalf. Instead, they say I am greedy and not willing to pay my fair share.

If you gave someone down on their luck ten dollars, what feelings would you have if that person said "ten bucks? You cheap greedy asshole!"

True altruism requires no gratitude.

I assume you served in The Corps. I did, too. Not everyone appreciates our service. That doesn't mean I only served those who show me gratitude for it. I appreciate it when people thank me, even if I saw no action and think others are more deserving of that gratitude, but my service was to defend everyone, not just most Amricans.
I did not say I expect gratitude. I don't.

However, I DONT expect criticism for what I give.

So I ask again....what if you gave 10 dollars to a man down on his luck and he said to you "only 10 dollars? What a greedy selfish asshole you are".....
of all the social welfare programs------I consider SNAP to be
the most justifiable------we should all be happy that our country
provides food for ALL

Why should I be happy that the portion of taxes taken from me that can go to my kids goes to someone else?

Because you are a moral being? Well, not you personally, obviously; by "you are" I meant "one is".

So you get to determine morals for someone else? Strange that, as a Conservative, when I've tried to express my moral beliefs on other issues I'm told to butt out.


Are you claiming that you wouldn't feel happiness if a small portion of the taxes you pay went to feed needy children?

I'd feel happiness if you bleeding hearts would voluntarily do with your own money what you demand the rest of us be forced to do on this matter. The government need not be involved. If people like you would actually go out and do with your own money what you find for the rest of us to do with ours, the problem would be solved. It won't happen because it would mean you would actually have to do it rather than talk about it being done.

If we all stopped paying that small portion in taxes that goes to SNAP, WIC, and other social safety services and donated it to just charities that help needy children, it would not stop people from having kids who shouldn't and taking advantage of these charities.

The state has a compelling interest in the welfare of children. Otherwise we would have no Child Protective Services.
Fact is, Democrats intentionally set up the conditions that caused a family or Single-mother to have to apply for SNAP in the first place.

Example: California, New York, New Jersey, all are states where the cost of living is extremely high but wages are suppressed because of a massive influx of illegals. It's no small wonder when Democrats are bringing in millions of new unskilled labor while the people that live in the state can't find a decent paying job. Add to that the fact that taxes and the cost of living in those states are jacked up extremely high. It's no small wonder that if someone who lives in California who makes $60,000 a year qualifies for food stamps whereas if they lived in a fly-over state they could make ends meet without having to apply for food stamps.


What does this have to do with the OP?
It has everything to do with it.

Isn't nice that the Liar In Chief gets to say with a straight face that the economy is doing great yet 43 million people need food stamps and more are going to need it if he has his way.

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