When Cheney Exposed The Romney Brand: "Ronald Reagan Proved Deficits Don't Matter!"


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Famously, the Ivy League became so enraptured with "The Reagan Trajectory," that even their lawyers(?) were unable to keep their eyes and hands off of the money.

"Where Does the Deficit Spending, GO?" No one ever asks. There are engineers, and rocket scientists, and munitions-makers, and other high-tech gobbling up kinds of industries.

"Jobs Not Jails," in Southern California, got their money--in contrast--from the charitable donations organized by the Catholic Church. Like the Catholics, even Keynes understood that real deficit stimulus required boots on the ground to be put to work in shovel-ready projects.

Instead, The GOP tends to be supportive of government funding, only for the already prosperous.

"Reagan Proved deficits don't matter" - Dick Cheney | jacksonville.com

Unless anyone is inclined to believe that Haliburton Cheney was a poor, heart-pacemaker, kind of stupid man: Anyone will still have to actually concede that he knew about the money, too!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Nations understanding now on reservations: Of Seating "In an Undisclosed Location!")
Famously, the Ivy League became so enraptured with "The Reagan Trajectory," that even their lawyers(?) were unable to keep their eyes and hands off of the money.

"Where Does the Deficit Spending, GO?" No one ever asks. There are engineers, and rocket scientists, and munitions-makers, and other high-tech gobbling up kinds of industries.

"Jobs Not Jails," in Southern California, got their money--in contrast--from the charitable donations organized by the Catholic Church. Like the Catholics, even Keynes understood that real deficit stimulus required boots on the ground to be put to work in shovel-ready projects.

Instead, The GOP tends to be supportive of government funding, only for the already prosperous.

"Reagan Proved deficits don't matter" - Dick Cheney | jacksonville.com

Unless anyone is inclined to believe that Haliburton Cheney was a poor, heart-pacemaker, kind of stupid man: Anyone will still have to actually concede that he knew about the money, too!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Nations understanding now on reservations: Of Seating "In an Undisclosed Location!")

He made millions being Sec. of Defense and VP. A brilliant, rotten to core, human being.
To Republicans, deficits only matter when the president is a Democrat. Then they suddenly all become deficit hawks. When a Republican is president, they borrow and spend like there is no tomorrow.
Typical asshole Liberal lie.

Cheney was talking specifically about if deficits would affect the prospects of an incumbent being re-elected, not about whether or not deficits are harmful to the economy or America.

But you must protect your food stamps and other welfare, so you are here to tell any lie imaginable.
Typical asshole Liberal lie.

Cheney was talking specifically about if deficits would affect the prospects of an incumbent being re-elected, not about whether or not deficits are harmful to the economy or America.

But you must protect your food stamps and other welfare, so you are here to tell any lie imaginable.

No, he was talking about them relative to other priorities like the war. Just as you could talk about them relative to other priorities like the recession.

For Cheney the deficit question is an especially pertinent one, since during heated internal debates over proposed tax cuts in 2002, he reportedly told a skeptical Paul O'Neill, who was then Treasury Secretary, that "Reagan proved deficits don't matter."

So do they? "They do," Cheney answers with his trademark terseness. "The [deficit] conversation, as I recall, was in a political context. But deficits, if you're going to look at deficits - and you should - you've got to evaluate them relative to other priorities. Another priority, for example, would be defending the nation in wartime. And you need to look at deficits relative to the total size of the economy, which oftentimes we don't do."

Fortune interview with Dick Cheney - Nov. 25, 2007
Typical asshole Liberal lie.

Cheney was talking specifically about if deficits would affect the prospects of an incumbent being re-elected, not about whether or not deficits are harmful to the economy or America.

But you must protect your food stamps and other welfare, so you are here to tell any lie imaginable.

No, he was talking about them relative to other priorities like the war. Just as you could talk about them relative to other priorities like the recession.


'Was Dick Cheney right about deficits? In 2002, a month before he gave George W. Bush's first treasury secretary, Paul O'Neill, the news that he was fired, then-Vice President Dick Cheney is supposed to have told O'Neill, "You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don't matter. We won the midterms." Cheney was not making an economic case that deficits don't matter. He was making a political case, with his reference to the midterm elections of 2002.'

Dick Cheney Was Right About the Deficit | NewAmerica.net

And you know what? Cheney was right.
Famously, the Ivy League became so enraptured with "The Reagan Trajectory," that even their lawyers(?) were unable to keep their eyes and hands off of the money.

"Where Does the Deficit Spending, GO?" No one ever asks. There are engineers, and rocket scientists, and munitions-makers, and other high-tech gobbling up kinds of industries.

"Jobs Not Jails," in Southern California, got their money--in contrast--from the charitable donations organized by the Catholic Church. Like the Catholics, even Keynes understood that real deficit stimulus required boots on the ground to be put to work in shovel-ready projects.

Instead, The GOP tends to be supportive of government funding, only for the already prosperous.

"Reagan Proved deficits don't matter" - Dick Cheney | jacksonville.com

Unless anyone is inclined to believe that Haliburton Cheney was a poor, heart-pacemaker, kind of stupid man: Anyone will still have to actually concede that he knew about the money, too!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Nations understanding now on reservations: Of Seating "In an Undisclosed Location!")

Do you have a video or audio of Cheney saying that?
Or did some assclown make it up?
To Republicans, deficits only matter when the president is a Democrat. Then they suddenly all become deficit hawks. When a Republican is president, they borrow and spend like there is no tomorrow.

Got that right. When W was spending like a lunatic bankrolling his corporate cronies, they didn't say a thing. Now that Obama is president, the GOP idiots suddenly feel the deficit is a big issue :cuckoo:
When Bush-Cheney had clearly failed as an Administration--both from the disclosed and the undisclosed locations--then Paulson had the answer: Deficits For The Rich Bankers!

That was the Reagan Trajectory then. That was the Reagan Trajectory all over again.

Outcome post Reagan-Bush I: Bill Clinton, bringing down the soaring unemployment rate.

Outcome post Bush II-Terms I and II: Barack Obama, bringing down the soaring unemployment rate!

Outcome From The George Will, and Fantasize-Along-With-Fox-TV-News types, (aka, ABC, CBS, CNBC, CNN, NBC, Paul, Paul, et. al.(?)): Clearly, outcome is that history in fact never repeats itself at all, in any context whatsoever!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Better to Light Even One Candle Under Pony: Unless maybe not a good idea under a Shetland breed, especally! Many at Berkeley Economics, even: Understand about shorts(?)! Many White Eyes At Berkeley, have funny ideas about things, at any rate!)
When Bush-Cheney had clearly failed as an Administration--both from the disclosed and the undisclosed locations--then Paulson had the answer: Deficits For The Rich Bankers!

That was the Reagan Trajectory then. That was the Reagan Trajectory all over again.

Outcome post Reagan-Bush I: Bill Clinton, bringing down the soaring unemployment rate.

Outcome post Bush II-Terms I and II: Barack Obama, bringing down the soaring unemployment rate!

Outcome From The George Will, and Fantasize-Along-With-Fox-TV-News types, (aka, ABC, CBS, CNBC, CNN, NBC, Paul, Paul, et. al.(?)): Clearly, outcome is that history in fact never repeats itself at all, in any context whatsoever!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Better to Light Even One Candle Under Pony: Unless maybe not a good idea under a Shetland breed, especally! Many at Berkeley Economics, even: Understand about shorts(?)! Many White Eyes At Berkeley, have funny ideas about things, at any rate!)

Outcome post Bush II-Terms I and II: Barack Obama, bringing down the soaring unemployment rate!

Exactly! Which is why the unemployment rate is higher today than the day Obama stepped into the White House.
Why we have fewer jobs today than the day Obama stepped into the White House.
Because he's doing such a great job. :cuckoo:
Prior to the Obama-Biden Stimulus, which by law had to happen after Obama-Biden took office, and after the U. S. House had to create the program, and after the Senate concurring: Then the anticipated crisis was being met, under the law. The Romney-Ryan brand was alreadying hollering "No!" and "Hell, No!" to any preventive measures. In the alternative, there was Rep. Pelosi, and Senator Reid. One of these named, is even a Mormon.

Prior to the Obama-Biden Stimulus, there also had to be TARP: Since Bush-Cheney, Romney-Ryan Brand had failed. One of these people is accused of actually being a member of a "cult!"

Showing that Manson Family Values--of a cult--don't work very well at the national level, the cry of "Freedom!" of the Bush-Cheney, Romney-Ryan Brand: Even became a look-alike, another "Helter Skelter!" kind of approach.

The prosperous got paid for making insufficient amounts of war materials. U. S. Nationals were set to be butchered. Even then Senator Biden was becoming famous for highlighting all the flaws of "The Reagan Trajectory," even unable to support the troops in the field. That was Ron. That was Nancy. That was George, and that was Dick. Now it is Mitt, and whatever the running mate's name is going to be(?)! Lower and Middle Incomes did not get paid enough to float the notes, (pay the mortgages)," and so even the rich houses all came tumbling on down.

Trickle down: Has never happened before, and has clearly not happened in recent economic memory!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Seating in the "undisclosed locations," however: Remains everywhere in some people's concept, of high fashion!)

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