When Cops Become Thieves

Bridges, buildings, walkways etc. have all failed at one time or another.
There are even people that believe the earth is flat, the moon landings were fake.

The sad part is the only people that stand up for police that abuse the law are people that want it to fail.

The police department has those that investigate police. Any shooting is broght before a grand jury.

But here again you are trying to rationalize your hate. I commend you on your ability to make statements based solely on feelings.

You can not have a legitimate investigation when those doing the investigating have a conflict of interest.

Such as when the case was brought before the grand jury in the Tamir Rice case. The prosecutor said that the grand jury failed to indict.

Turns out he never allowed them a vote.
So now you wish to cherry pick a case and pretend it represents everyone. Perhaps you can find another. Yet somehow you tend to overlook how many others?
I love it you claim things that are false yet pretend they are true. You said if bridges began to fail, I pointed out they have. You point to one trial and pretend that thousands of others don't exist or are somehow tainted.

Don't you wish everyone was as perfect as you beLive yourself to be?
Is the FBI and DOJ corrupt??

Or do you not count them as "law enforcement" in order to rationalize what your cult leader says about them??
I I really hate to disappoint you there Spanky but I have no cult leader.
Has anyone stated the either one is not part of law enforcement?
Are all law enforcement made up of humans? If so are there curry put or bad actors in every human endeavor? Tell me there has never been a bad or corrupt Doctor, businessman, lawyer, whatever.
Tell me how Manafort, Gates, Cohen or Stone to name a few were victims of a corrupt FBI and DOJ?? People with the money to afford millions in legal representation...these people were the ones somehow oppressed by corrupt law enforcement??

But these guys (Central Park 5) are not victims of a corrupt legal system?? when these guys didn't have millions to pay for legal representation??? Somehow you are less willing to believe the poorest and least powerful among us face any corruption in the legal system, but the minute someone touches the powerful, suddenly you screaming corruption?? How totalitarian of you....

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Damn you really have a problem. Take your meds then reread what I have written. Where did I say anything about Manfort or others? Where did I say anything about the Central Park five? I realize you have an agenda but you need to talk to someone else that wants to play your little game.

If you want to attack me for something I have stated then good.
Bridges, buildings, walkways etc. have all failed at one time or another.
There are even people that believe the earth is flat, the moon landings were fake.

The sad part is the only people that stand up for police that abuse the law are people that want it to fail.

The police department has those that investigate police. Any shooting is broght before a grand jury.

But here again you are trying to rationalize your hate. I commend you on your ability to make statements based solely on feelings.

You can not have a legitimate investigation when those doing the investigating have a conflict of interest.

Such as when the case was brought before the grand jury in the Tamir Rice case. The prosecutor said that the grand jury failed to indict.

Turns out he never allowed them a vote.
So now you wish to cherry pick a case and pretend it represents everyone. Perhaps you can find another. Yet somehow you tend to overlook how many others?
I love it you claim things that are false yet pretend they are true. You said if bridges began to fail, I pointed out they have. You point to one trial and pretend that thousands of others don't exist or are somehow tainted.

Don't you wish everyone was as perfect as you beLive yourself to be?

Needlessly killing someone goes a bit further than not being perfect.
Lol you just get crazier by the minute. How many shootings are there every year? How many are needless?

Law enforcement is made up of people. People make mistakes, some even do it on purpose. Funny how that works out.
To Vilafy all for the actions of a few is cheap and stupid.
How many bad doctors are there? How many fraudulently bill Medicare? How many make a mistake in the operating room? Does that mean that you want to vilify all doctors?
How many congressmen have cheated, taken bribes, passed bad laws?
I could go on but you still will play your little game.

I never vilified all so your point is moot.
I guess you did not post all the things before this. My bad I thought you were the one that was running around in circles trying to prove your point.
This ain't good. I expect it to grow as good people refuse to take this thankless job. Our police will become ghettoized just like football

That's kind of what I was thinking. So my brother-in-law, he went to Iraq, fought in the war, was it with an IED, carried a wounded soldier back to base after mid-night... and when he returned to the states, he said he wanted to be a police officer.

Then they had all the protests, and the BLM, and F*** the police, and all this crap going on, and these soldiers coming back from Iraq, had more appreciation from the Iraqis they were fighting for, than police had from the citizens they were protecting from the criminals.

All he did was look at what happened in Chicago, where the police pulled back, and murder and crime dramatically increased... and he canceled his entrance into the police academy. Why work really hard, and put your life on the line for people that hate you, only to be put on trial for doing your job?
I see this kid getting murdered within seconds of police arriving, and I get angry...I demand accountability from the officer and the police department in general....folks like you try to defend the cop....because you do not mind wrongdoing by law enforcement when its against a certain demographic....
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But the minute law enforcement convicts people close to your cult leader, now you are outraged and want to call them all corrupt...I don't recall Roger Stone being shot when police came to arrest him, I don't recall Michael Cohen being choked to death when the police came to arrest him.....but the fact Trump doesn't like it, suddenly you are willing to call law enforcement scum....trumpers are pathetic
I always feel sorry for the poorly educated that attempt to try and prove themselves better by trying to call someone a cult member or a Trumpers, trompbot or any thing else they hope to use. Should we can you a racist? Does that mean everyone is better then you?
Yea Trump loves the poorly educated -- meaning you folks...

Which is why you still haven't substantiated this belief that the DOJ and FBI is corrupt because half of Trump's campaign got themselves indicted....

Here is what corruption by law enforcement looks like....

Racist arrests in Tulia, Texas

Like how one guy managed to frame, arrest and ruin the lives of many people.....only for all 38 of those convictions to be tossed out, but not before people spent years of their lives in jail....that is corruption.....

Cohen pleading guilty to a federal conviction and naming his boss (the most powerful man in the world) as a co-conspirator is not corruption....
I see this kid getting murdered within seconds of police arriving, and I get angry...I demand accountability from the officer and the police department in general....folks like you try to defend the cop....because you do not mind wrongdoing by law enforcement when its against a certain demographic....
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But the minute law enforcement convicts people close to your cult leader, now you are outraged and want to call them all corrupt...I don't recall Roger Stone being shot when police came to arrest him, I don't recall Michael Cohen being choked to death when the police came to arrest him.....but the fact Trump doesn't like it, suddenly you are willing to call law enforcement scum....trumpers are pathetic
I always feel sorry for the poorly educated that attempt to try and prove themselves better by trying to call someone a cult member or a Trumpers, trompbot or any thing else they hope to use. Should we can you a racist? Does that mean everyone is better then you?
Yea Trump loves the poorly educated -- meaning you folks...

Which is why you still haven't substantiated this belief that the DOJ and FBI is corrupt because half of Trump's campaign got themselves indicted....

Here is what corruption by law enforcement looks like....

Racist arrests in Tulia, Texas

Like how one guy managed to frame, arrest and ruin the lives of many people.....only for all 38 of those convictions to be tossed out, but not before people spent years of their lives in jail....that is corruption.....

Cohen pleading guilty to a federal conviction and naming his boss (the most powerful man in the world) as a co-conspirator is not corruption....
You really need to seek mental evaluation and help. No matter how you try and spin things I never was talking about Cohen or others. I was not asserting that ANY law enforcement was corrupt, in fact just the opposite.
So now you wish to cherry pick a case and pretend it represents everyone. Perhaps you can find another. Yet somehow you tend to overlook how many others?
I love it you claim things that are false yet pretend they are true. You said if bridges began to fail, I pointed out they have. You point to one trial and pretend that thousands of others don't exist or are somehow tainted.

Don't you wish everyone was as perfect as you beLive yourself to be?
Is the FBI and DOJ corrupt??

Or do you not count them as "law enforcement" in order to rationalize what your cult leader says about them??
I count them as swamp dwellers and it has nothing to do with Trump. Law enforcement scum.
Law enforcement is scum?

Excellent progressive twist and spin.
So when you say "law enforcement scum" -- that was just your trumper tourettes kicking in??

Ok, I'll ignore it...like you folks want us to ignore the other dumb shit your cult leader says..
We don't have a cult and you are a liar like all progscum.
Bridges, buildings, walkways etc. have all failed at one time or another.
There are even people that believe the earth is flat, the moon landings were fake.

The sad part is the only people that stand up for police that abuse the law are people that want it to fail.

The police department has those that investigate police. Any shooting is broght before a grand jury.

But here again you are trying to rationalize your hate. I commend you on your ability to make statements based solely on feelings.

You can not have a legitimate investigation when those doing the investigating have a conflict of interest.

Such as when the case was brought before the grand jury in the Tamir Rice case. The prosecutor said that the grand jury failed to indict.

Turns out he never allowed them a vote.
So now you wish to cherry pick a case and pretend it represents everyone. Perhaps you can find another. Yet somehow you tend to overlook how many others?
I love it you claim things that are false yet pretend they are true. You said if bridges began to fail, I pointed out they have. You point to one trial and pretend that thousands of others don't exist or are somehow tainted.

Don't you wish everyone was as perfect as you beLive yourself to be?
Is the FBI and DOJ corrupt??

Or do you not count them as "law enforcement" in order to rationalize what your cult leader says about them??
I count them as swamp dwellers and it has nothing to do with Trump. Law enforcement scum.
Law enforcement is scum?

Because he wants to dump garbage on them and needs a good excuse.
I see this kid getting murdered within seconds of police arriving, and I get angry...I demand accountability from the officer and the police department in general....folks like you try to defend the cop....because you do not mind wrongdoing by law enforcement when its against a certain demographic....
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But the minute law enforcement convicts people close to your cult leader, now you are outraged and want to call them all corrupt...I don't recall Roger Stone being shot when police came to arrest him, I don't recall Michael Cohen being choked to death when the police came to arrest him.....but the fact Trump doesn't like it, suddenly you are willing to call law enforcement scum....trumpers are pathetic
It was just this morning that Rush Limbaugh said the new democrat mandated buzz words were "cult leader." Does the DNC send out an email? How does it happen?

I see this kid getting murdered within seconds of police arriving, and I get angry...I demand accountability from the officer and the police department in general....folks like you try to defend the cop....because you do not mind wrongdoing by law enforcement when its against a certain demographic....
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But the minute law enforcement convicts people close to your cult leader, now you are outraged and want to call them all corrupt...I don't recall Roger Stone being shot when police came to arrest him, I don't recall Michael Cohen being choked to death when the police came to arrest him.....but the fact Trump doesn't like it, suddenly you are willing to call law enforcement scum....trumpers are pathetic
It was just this morning that Rush Limbaugh said the new democrat mandated buzz words were "cult leader." Does the DNC send out an email? How does it happen?

Both sides do this and it is lame and transparent.
I see this kid getting murdered within seconds of police arriving, and I get angry...I demand accountability from the officer and the police department in general....folks like you try to defend the cop....because you do not mind wrongdoing by law enforcement when its against a certain demographic....
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But the minute law enforcement convicts people close to your cult leader, now you are outraged and want to call them all corrupt...I don't recall Roger Stone being shot when police came to arrest him, I don't recall Michael Cohen being choked to death when the police came to arrest him.....but the fact Trump doesn't like it, suddenly you are willing to call law enforcement scum....trumpers are pathetic
Ohhh the old "is this the face of a killer" defense. It worked for Lizzie Borden! Baby Face Nelson had a go. So did the harmless and yuppie looking Ted Bundy. You were saying?
The police are so demonized that the only reason to become a police officer is to get what you can.

A few bad apples do ruin the whole bushel. When people in authority start realizing they can get away with small infractions and nobody says a word. The Level of misconduct will escalate until they get caught. Ex: Police officers respond to a break in alarm at a shoe store.. When they arrive the front window is smashed and there appears to be a lot of empty shelf space. So while they were there waiting for a store representative they selected some shoes for themselves and were caught on video. When the store investigated the break in. They turned the video over to the Police dept. The reply they got was stunning. Response was that the officers removed the merchandise to have it checked for latent prints, However, the dept. could not determine where the merchandise went after it left the store, and may have been returned to the store in all the confusion post break in. Since there was no video during the time the video was being downloaded for use by the police the items could have been returned and gone unnoticed. true story from a good friend !

Interesting. In my agency if something like that happened IA would be all over it. I ran my agencies IA Unit for three years, the worst job I ever had. First, I would find out which officer responded in that matter, and did not refer the video evidence to us. Then each officer would be interviewed twice, at least a week apart. Interviews would be recorded, and done by two different different members of my unit.

The Peace Officer's Bill of Rights provides these officers the right to have a representative, who could also record the interview, but not to intervene in any manner during the interview..

So you were honest thank you. I'm not even saying it didn't happen exactly like described where the items were returned . Just a story 2nd hand, See how easy it is to start a baseless investigation and throw a shadow over someone's career , character and standing in a community.

The officers would be admonished to not discuss the matter with anyone else, and if they lied about the shoes, or were found to have discussed the issue with anyone, other than their rep. our finding would be sent to HR with a recommendation that they be fired.
You can't continue to villanize the police and expect to get good people. Even good people will eventually think I am being made into a villan anyway no matter what I do.

If so many are so concerned with our police being so bad just remove them and do without. A quick lesson in lawlessness would do wonders.

So you have to simply accept the bad to have a police force? Is this really what you are going to stand on?
Give them a monthly lie detection test.
Begin with :"Have you ever peed in the shower?"
When they say no. YOU BE FIRED !

Polygraphs are inadmissible even in Internal matters for the most part I imagine. Cops see a lot of really bad stuff during their careers. Bi- annual mental health intervention and counseling is a better idea.
You can't continue to villanize the police and expect to get good people. Even good people will eventually think I am being made into a villan anyway no matter what I do.

If so many are so concerned with our police being so bad just remove them and do without. A quick lesson in lawlessness would do wonders.

So you have to simply accept the bad to have a police force? Is this really what you are going to stand on?
Give them a monthly lie detection test.
Begin with :"Have you ever peed in the shower?"
When they say no. YOU BE FIRED !

Polygraphs are inadmissible even in Internal matters for the most part I imagine. Cops see a lot of really bad stuff during their careers. Bi- annual mental health intervention and counseling is a better idea.
It's obvious the majority are mentally ill and otherwise unemployable idiots or they would have REAL work ( not so 50 years back)
You can't continue to villanize the police and expect to get good people. Even good people will eventually think I am being made into a villan anyway no matter what I do.

If so many are so concerned with our police being so bad just remove them and do without. A quick lesson in lawlessness would do wonders.

So you have to simply accept the bad to have a police force? Is this really what you are going to stand on?
Give them a monthly lie detection test.
Begin with :"Have you ever peed in the shower?"
When they say no. YOU BE FIRED !

Polygraphs are inadmissible even in Internal matters for the most part I imagine. Cops see a lot of really bad stuff during their careers. Bi- annual mental health intervention and counseling is a better idea.
It's obvious the majority are mentally ill and otherwise unemployable idiots or they would have REAL work ( not so 50 years back)

The dumbest post of the last decade ^^^. Ignorance, bias and foolishness get an A+; in total a complete and utter failure of the truth.

Unless it was sarcasm.

Though possibly a comment written after the author ran into a bad apple, and failed the attitude test. Something all LE have run into and the bad attitude never works well for the smart ass.
You can't continue to villanize the police and expect to get good people. Even good people will eventually think I am being made into a villan anyway no matter what I do.

If so many are so concerned with our police being so bad just remove them and do without. A quick lesson in lawlessness would do wonders.

So you have to simply accept the bad to have a police force? Is this really what you are going to stand on?
Give them a monthly lie detection test.
Begin with :"Have you ever peed in the shower?"
When they say no. YOU BE FIRED !

Polygraphs are inadmissible even in Internal matters for the most part I imagine. Cops see a lot of really bad stuff during their careers. Bi- annual mental health intervention and counseling is a better idea.

Polographs are fair game in an IA investigation.
The police are so demonized that the only reason to become a police officer is to get what you can.

A few bad apples do ruin the whole bushel. When people in authority start realizing they can get away with small infractions and nobody says a word. The Level of misconduct will escalate until they get caught. Ex: Police officers respond to a break in alarm at a shoe store.. When they arrive the front window is smashed and there appears to be a lot of empty shelf space. So while they were there waiting for a store representative they selected some shoes for themselves and were caught on video. When the store investigated the break in. They turned the video over to the Police dept. The reply they got was stunning. Response was that the officers removed the merchandise to have it checked for latent prints, However, the dept. could not determine where the merchandise went after it left the store, and may have been returned to the store in all the confusion post break in. Since there was no video during the time the video was being downloaded for use by the police the items could have been returned and gone unnoticed. true story from a good friend !

Interesting. In my agency if something like that happened IA would be all over it. I ran my agencies IA Unit for three years, the worst job I ever had. First, I would find out which officer responded in that matter, and did not refer the video evidence to us. Then each officer would be interviewed twice, at least a week apart. Interviews would be recorded, and done by two different different members of my unit.

The Peace Officer's Bill of Rights provides these officers the right to have a representative, who could also record the interview, but not to intervene in any manner during the interview..

The officers would be admonished to not discuss the matter with anyone else, and if they lied about the shoes, or were found to have discussed the issue with anyone, other than their rep. our finding would be sent to HR with a recommendation that they be fired.

What about criminal charges? That's a common problem with bad LEO's. They merely get fired for their criminal behavior.

The police are so demonized that the only reason to become a police officer is to get what you can.

A few bad apples do ruin the whole bushel. When people in authority start realizing they can get away with small infractions and nobody says a word. The Level of misconduct will escalate until they get caught. Ex: Police officers respond to a break in alarm at a shoe store.. When they arrive the front window is smashed and there appears to be a lot of empty shelf space. So while they were there waiting for a store representative they selected some shoes for themselves and were caught on video. When the store investigated the break in. They turned the video over to the Police dept. The reply they got was stunning. Response was that the officers removed the merchandise to have it checked for latent prints, However, the dept. could not determine where the merchandise went after it left the store, and may have been returned to the store in all the confusion post break in. Since there was no video during the time the video was being downloaded for use by the police the items could have been returned and gone unnoticed. true story from a good friend !

Interesting. In my agency if something like that happened IA would be all over it. I ran my agencies IA Unit for three years, the worst job I ever had. First, I would find out which officer responded in that matter, and did not refer the video evidence to us. Then each officer would be interviewed twice, at least a week apart. Interviews would be recorded, and done by two different different members of my unit.

The Peace Officer's Bill of Rights provides these officers the right to have a representative, who could also record the interview, but not to intervene in any manner during the interview..

The officers would be admonished to not discuss the matter with anyone else, and if they lied about the shoes, or were found to have discussed the issue with anyone, other than their rep. our finding would be sent to HR with a recommendation that they be fired.

What about criminal charges? That's a common problem with bad LEO's. They merely get fired for their criminal behavior.


True. In the past they would get a commendation. That is changing.
The police are so demonized that the only reason to become a police officer is to get what you can.

A few bad apples do ruin the whole bushel. When people in authority start realizing they can get away with small infractions and nobody says a word. The Level of misconduct will escalate until they get caught. Ex: Police officers respond to a break in alarm at a shoe store.. When they arrive the front window is smashed and there appears to be a lot of empty shelf space. So while they were there waiting for a store representative they selected some shoes for themselves and were caught on video. When the store investigated the break in. They turned the video over to the Police dept. The reply they got was stunning. Response was that the officers removed the merchandise to have it checked for latent prints, However, the dept. could not determine where the merchandise went after it left the store, and may have been returned to the store in all the confusion post break in. Since there was no video during the time the video was being downloaded for use by the police the items could have been returned and gone unnoticed. true story from a good friend !

Interesting. In my agency if something like that happened IA would be all over it. I ran my agencies IA Unit for three years, the worst job I ever had. First, I would find out which officer responded in that matter, and did not refer the video evidence to us. Then each officer would be interviewed twice, at least a week apart. Interviews would be recorded, and done by two different different members of my unit.

The Peace Officer's Bill of Rights provides these officers the right to have a representative, who could also record the interview, but not to intervene in any manner during the interview..

So you were honest thank you. I'm not even saying it didn't happen exactly like described where the items were returned . Just a story 2nd hand, See how easy it is to start a baseless investigation and throw a shadow over someone's career , character and standing in a community.

The officers would be admonished to not discuss the matter with anyone else, and if they lied about the shoes, or were found to have discussed the issue with anyone, other than their rep. our finding would be sent to HR with a recommendation that they be fired.

The 3rd paragraph in my post quoted which begins: "So you were honest ...", was not part of my post.

It appears to be either a mistake in posting, or an attempt to edit a quote.

The Original Post was this:

Interesting. In my agency if something like that happened IA would be all over it. I ran my agencies IA Unit for three years, the worst job I ever had. First, I would find out which officer responded in that matter, and did not refer the video evidence to us. Then each officer would be interviewed twice, at least a week apart. Interviews would be recorded, and done by two different different members of my unit.

The Peace Officer's Bill of Rights provides these officers the right to have a representative, who could also record the interview, but not to intervene in any manner during the interview..

The officers would be admonished to not discuss the matter with anyone else, and if they lied about the shoes, or were found to have discussed the issue with anyone, other than their rep. our finding would be sent to HR with a recommendation that they be fired..
The police are so demonized that the only reason to become a police officer is to get what you can.

A few bad apples do ruin the whole bushel. When people in authority start realizing they can get away with small infractions and nobody says a word. The Level of misconduct will escalate until they get caught. Ex: Police officers respond to a break in alarm at a shoe store.. When they arrive the front window is smashed and there appears to be a lot of empty shelf space. So while they were there waiting for a store representative they selected some shoes for themselves and were caught on video. When the store investigated the break in. They turned the video over to the Police dept. The reply they got was stunning. Response was that the officers removed the merchandise to have it checked for latent prints, However, the dept. could not determine where the merchandise went after it left the store, and may have been returned to the store in all the confusion post break in. Since there was no video during the time the video was being downloaded for use by the police the items could have been returned and gone unnoticed. true story from a good friend !

Interesting. In my agency if something like that happened IA would be all over it. I ran my agencies IA Unit for three years, the worst job I ever had. First, I would find out which officer responded in that matter, and did not refer the video evidence to us. Then each officer would be interviewed twice, at least a week apart. Interviews would be recorded, and done by two different different members of my unit.

The Peace Officer's Bill of Rights provides these officers the right to have a representative, who could also record the interview, but not to intervene in any manner during the interview..

The officers would be admonished to not discuss the matter with anyone else, and if they lied about the shoes, or were found to have discussed the issue with anyone, other than their rep. our finding would be sent to HR with a recommendation that they be fired.

What about criminal charges? That's a common problem with bad LEO's. They merely get fired for their criminal behavior.


True. In the past they would get a commendation. That is changing.

Are you a self proclaimed expert in IA, HR or the office of the prosecutor? Methinks not.
When you drive off all the good cops all you have left are bullies and thieves. It's not that hard to figure out.

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