When did Israel ever let the IAEA into Israel , never!!


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Iran refuses IAEA inspectors second entry to Parchin base

"We will not allow them [the International Atomic Energy Agency] to visit the Parchin base again, but they think raising the issue benefits the propaganda," says Iranian official • Confidential IAEA report shows Iran abiding by terms of 2013 agreement.

Reuters and Israel Hayom Staff http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=24949

Unbelievable, only a dumb country would let another in to inspect their military sites anytime. If I were Iran I would just continue the nuclear power project and tell the US and Israel where to go.
Iran refuses IAEA inspectors second entry to Parchin base

"We will not allow them [the International Atomic Energy Agency] to visit the Parchin base again, but they think raising the issue benefits the propaganda," says Iranian official • Confidential IAEA report shows Iran abiding by terms of 2013 agreement.

Reuters and Israel Hayom Staff http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=24949

Unbelievable, only a dumb country would let another in to inspect their military sites anytime. If I were Iran I would just continue the nuclear power project and tell the US and Israel where to go.
Only a dumb POTUS would allow an insane government and known supporter of terrorism that vows to destroy Israel and the us, obtain nuclear weapons.
Equally idiotic is your blind support for the narcissist in the White House.
Iran refuses IAEA inspectors second entry to Parchin base

"We will not allow them [the International Atomic Energy Agency] to visit the Parchin base again, but they think raising the issue benefits the propaganda," says Iranian official • Confidential IAEA report shows Iran abiding by terms of 2013 agreement.

Reuters and Israel Hayom Staff http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=24949

Unbelievable, only a dumb country would let another in to inspect their military sites anytime. If I were Iran I would just continue the nuclear power project and tell the US and Israel where to go.
Only a dumb POTUS would allow an insane government and known supporter of terrorism that vows to destroy Israel and the us, obtain nuclear weapons.
Equally idiotic is your blind support for the narcissist in the White House.

Well if I were Iran I'd be so scared of the Israelite regime I'd want them. Supporter of terrorism, no more than Israel, Britain or the neocons in the US.
Israel has proven that they are levelheaded enough that inspections aren't warranted, just like they aren't necessary in England or the US. Iran is a terrorist nation who has made it quite clear that their objective is to annihilate a nation of mankind from the earth. They warrant attention.
Israel has over 300 warheads, and yet, Egypt remains safe. Syria remains safe. Saudi Arabia remains safe. Israel is not the threat. Iran is. Ask Arabia who they consider a bigger threat. Ask Yemen. You hatred of Israel outranks your ability to think rationally.
Iran refuses IAEA inspectors second entry to Parchin base

"We will not allow them [the International Atomic Energy Agency] to visit the Parchin base again, but they think raising the issue benefits the propaganda," says Iranian official • Confidential IAEA report shows Iran abiding by terms of 2013 agreement.

Reuters and Israel Hayom Staff http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=24949

Unbelievable, only a dumb country would let another in to inspect their military sites anytime. If I were Iran I would just continue the nuclear power project and tell the US and Israel where to go.
What would you inspect Israel's nuke program for? Mold? Or rust? (Because of non-use)
Iran refuses IAEA inspectors second entry to Parchin base

"We will not allow them [the International Atomic Energy Agency] to visit the Parchin base again, but they think raising the issue benefits the propaganda," says Iranian official • Confidential IAEA report shows Iran abiding by terms of 2013 agreement.

Reuters and Israel Hayom Staff http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=24949

Unbelievable, only a dumb country would let another in to inspect their military sites anytime. If I were Iran I would just continue the nuclear power project and tell the US and Israel where to go.
What would you inspect Israel's nuke program for? Mold? Or rust? (Because of non-use)

Why inspect Irans, oh that's right they don't have one.
Iran refuses IAEA inspectors second entry to Parchin base

"We will not allow them [the International Atomic Energy Agency] to visit the Parchin base again, but they think raising the issue benefits the propaganda," says Iranian official • Confidential IAEA report shows Iran abiding by terms of 2013 agreement.

Reuters and Israel Hayom Staff http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=24949

Unbelievable, only a dumb country would let another in to inspect their military sites anytime. If I were Iran I would just continue the nuclear power project and tell the US and Israel where to go.
What would you inspect Israel's nuke program for? Mold? Or rust? (Because of non-use)

Why inspect Irans, oh that's right they don't have one.
How do you know and when did you know it?
Point so very well made Hossfly. Right on.
Iran refuses IAEA inspectors second entry to Parchin base

"We will not allow them [the International Atomic Energy Agency] to visit the Parchin base again, but they think raising the issue benefits the propaganda," says Iranian official • Confidential IAEA report shows Iran abiding by terms of 2013 agreement.

Reuters and Israel Hayom Staff http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=24949

Unbelievable, only a dumb country would let another in to inspect their military sites anytime. If I were Iran I would just continue the nuclear power project and tell the US and Israel where to go.
What would you inspect Israel's nuke program for? Mold? Or rust? (Because of non-use)

Why inspect Irans, oh that's right they don't have one.
How do you know and when did you know it?

Well they have been inspected and watched like a hawk, and yet that is not good enough, it never will be. Its not about nuclear weapons or they would of attacked Iran first instead of Iraq. Its about destroying Iran , just like Libya, Iraq, Syria presently and now Iran, dismantle Iran and Lebanon should be a cakewalk.
Point so very well made Hossfly. Right on.
Iran refuses IAEA inspectors second entry to Parchin base

"We will not allow them [the International Atomic Energy Agency] to visit the Parchin base again, but they think raising the issue benefits the propaganda," says Iranian official • Confidential IAEA report shows Iran abiding by terms of 2013 agreement.

Reuters and Israel Hayom Staff http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=24949

Unbelievable, only a dumb country would let another in to inspect their military sites anytime. If I were Iran I would just continue the nuclear power project and tell the US and Israel where to go.
What would you inspect Israel's nuke program for? Mold? Or rust? (Because of non-use)

Why inspect Irans, oh that's right they don't have one.
How do you know and when did you know it?

Well they have been inspected and watched like a hawk, and yet that is not good enough, it never will be. Its not about nuclear weapons or they would of attacked Iran first instead of Iraq. Its about destroying Iran , just like Libya, Iraq, Syria presently and now Iran, dismantle Iran and Lebanon should be a cakewalk.
Watched like a hawk? Go find the IAEA reports from the recent past and read how the Iranians wouldn't let the inspectors into buildings and if they did, wouldn't let inspectors see certain areas and finally ordering the inspectors out of the country. How come things like this you manage to overlook or know nothing about? Then call people liars who mention it.
Israel never signed the NPT, and so is not obligated to show that they have not, or are not developing nuclear weapons.

Iran has.
Iran refuses IAEA inspectors second entry to Parchin base

"We will not allow them [the International Atomic Energy Agency] to visit the Parchin base again, but they think raising the issue benefits the propaganda," says Iranian official • Confidential IAEA report shows Iran abiding by terms of 2013 agreement.

Reuters and Israel Hayom Staff http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=24949

Unbelievable, only a dumb country would let another in to inspect their military sites anytime. If I were Iran I would just continue the nuclear power project and tell the US and Israel where to go.
What would you inspect Israel's nuke program for? Mold? Or rust? (Because of non-use)

Why inspect Irans, oh that's right they don't have one.
Why???? Because they want to annihilate Israel. The regime is insane and can't be trusted with a nuclear bomb.
Any nation that has religious nutbags, no matter what religion, in charge can't be trusted.
Iran refuses IAEA inspectors second entry to Parchin base

"We will not allow them [the International Atomic Energy Agency] to visit the Parchin base again, but they think raising the issue benefits the propaganda," says Iranian official • Confidential IAEA report shows Iran abiding by terms of 2013 agreement.

Reuters and Israel Hayom Staff http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=24949

Unbelievable, only a dumb country would let another in to inspect their military sites anytime. If I were Iran I would just continue the nuclear power project and tell the US and Israel where to go.
What would you inspect Israel's nuke program for? Mold? Or rust? (Because of non-use)

Why inspect Irans, oh that's right they don't have one.
Why???? Because they want to annihilate Israel. The regime is insane and can't be trusted with a nuclear bomb.
Any nation that has religious nutbags, no matter what religion, in charge can't be trusted.

Actually that was a false rumor, really they said the Israel Regime needs to be ousted. I quite agree, don't you.
I really doubt Iran would do a preemptive strike.

I think from what I've read Israel is more concerned about lifting the sanctions, they want to keep iran poor.
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Iran refuses IAEA inspectors second entry to Parchin base

"We will not allow them [the International Atomic Energy Agency] to visit the Parchin base again, but they think raising the issue benefits the propaganda," says Iranian official • Confidential IAEA report shows Iran abiding by terms of 2013 agreement.

Reuters and Israel Hayom Staff http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=24949

Unbelievable, only a dumb country would let another in to inspect their military sites anytime. If I were Iran I would just continue the nuclear power project and tell the US and Israel where to go.
What would you inspect Israel's nuke program for? Mold? Or rust? (Because of non-use)

Why inspect Irans, oh that's right they don't have one.
Why???? Because they want to annihilate Israel. The regime is insane and can't be trusted with a nuclear bomb.
Any nation that has religious nutbags, no matter what religion, in charge can't be trusted.

Actually that was a false rumor, really they said the Israel Regime needs to be ousted. I quite agree, don't you.
I really doubt Iran would do a preemptive strike.

I think from what I've read Israel is more concerned about lifting the sanctions, they want to keep iran poor.
No false rumor to it. The Iranian government has repeatedly called for the annihilation of Israel.

And NO I think Netanyahu is just what Israel needs right now. I know that wishy washy Liberals who would love to see the Jewish State destroyed feels differently but Tough Shit.

There is no long term desire to keep Iran poor. With their oil reserves and educated people, they will, in the future, be a great trading partner.
That will not happen, however, until they give up their quest for nuclear bombs and the end of the Jewish Homeland.
They can join the civilized world, or not, but if they choose to remain uncivilized, they will remain poor.
Only a dumb POTUS would allow an insane government and known supporter of terrorism that vows to destroy Israel and the us, obtain nuclear weapons.
Equally idiotic is your blind support for the narcissist in the White House.
You think you have the right to tell someone what they can (and cannot) do on their own property? Because if you do, why don't you come over to my house and pull that shit off with me? Why don't you try to tell me what's what under my roof and see what happens next? I guarantee you will see just how wrong that is.

As for Iran, 1) you haven't even proven their program has been weaponized and 2) they never said that about Israel.
Iran refuses IAEA inspectors second entry to Parchin base

"We will not allow them [the International Atomic Energy Agency] to visit the Parchin base again, but they think raising the issue benefits the propaganda," says Iranian official • Confidential IAEA report shows Iran abiding by terms of 2013 agreement.

Reuters and Israel Hayom Staff http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=24949

Unbelievable, only a dumb country would let another in to inspect their military sites anytime. If I were Iran I would just continue the nuclear power project and tell the US and Israel where to go.
Only a dumb POTUS would allow an insane government and known supporter of terrorism that vows to destroy Israel and the us, obtain nuclear weapons.
Equally idiotic is your blind support for the narcissist in the White House.

Well if I were Iran I'd be so scared of the Israelite regime I'd want them. Supporter of terrorism, no more than Israel, Britain or the neocons in the US.

So whens the last time you heard Israel threaten to wipe a country off the face of the earth?
Only a dumb POTUS would allow an insane government and known supporter of terrorism that vows to destroy Israel and the us, obtain nuclear weapons.
Equally idiotic is your blind support for the narcissist in the White House.
You think you have the right to tell someone what they can (and cannot) do on their own property? Because if you do, why don't you come over to my house and pull that shit off with me? Why don't you try to tell me what's what under my roof and see what happens next? I guarantee you will see just how wrong that is.

As for Iran, 1) you haven't even proven their program has been weaponized and 2) they never said that about Israel.

Start building WMDs in your basement and see what happens.
Only a dumb POTUS would allow an insane government and known supporter of terrorism that vows to destroy Israel and the us, obtain nuclear weapons.
Equally idiotic is your blind support for the narcissist in the White House.
You think you have the right to tell someone what they can (and cannot) do on their own property? Because if you do, why don't you come over to my house and pull that shit off with me? Why don't you try to tell me what's what under my roof and see what happens next? I guarantee you will see just how wrong that is.

As for Iran, 1) you haven't even proven their program has been weaponized and 2) they never said that about Israel.
Go ahead build a 10 story house on your lot. Build a car dealership or a WalMart. People tell you what you can do with your property every day, fool.
I sleep soundly with the knowledge Israel has nuclear arsenal. I will be a certifiable insomniac should Iran ever acquire nuclear weapons!

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