When did Jeb Bush meet Orlando Bosch?


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Just wondering.

Jeb Bush lobbied daddy Bush to give this terrorist who bombed a plane full of people, killing them, asylum in the US..and daddy did just that.

A letter to Scott Walker about Jeb Bush's Support for Terrorists - One Wisconsin Now

Dear Scott Walker:

I am writing to you to ask that you publicly dissassociate yourself and your campaign from former Gov. Jeb Bush's open record of supporting terrorists.

Please see some of the research below. While in law school, at the Columbus School of Law as part of Catholic University, I had the opportunity to meet one of the victims of such terrorism, who was then teaching at American University, the former Foreign Mininster of Chile, Orlando Letelier. The following year, in 1976, a car bomb assassinated him and a U.S. policy analyst Ronnie Moffit, right in our nation's capital. As you will see from the attached, based primarily on U.S. intelligence sources, which can be researched generally but in most detail at the National Security Archives, housed at George Washington Univerity, Orlando Bosch boasted of his role in this assassination, shortly before blowing up a civilian airliner coming from South America to Cuba. That was the first terrorist bombing of a civilan airliner in the Western Hemisphere, and it killed all 73 people on board.
Flight 455[edit]

“ You have to fight violence with violence. At times you cannot avoid hurting innocent people. ”

—Orlando Bosch, 1979 statement while jailed in Venezuela [10]

Bosch entered Venezuela in mid-September 1976 under the protection of Venezuelan president Carlos Andrés Pérez, according to the National Security Archive.[11] A CIA document described a $1,000-a-plate fundraiser in Caracas, Venezuela, held between 22 September and 5 October 1976, to support Bosch's activities. The informant quoted Bosch as making an offer to Venezuelan officials to forgo acts of violence in the United States when President Carlos Andrés Pérez visited the United Nations in November, in return for "a substantial cash contribution to [Bosch's] organization." Bosch was also overheard stating: "Now that our organization has come out of the Letelier job looking good, we are going to try something else." Several days later, Posada was reported to have stated that "we are going to hit a Cuban airplane" and "Orlando has the details." (Both the Bosch and Posada statements were cited in an 18 October 1976 report to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger posted by the National Security Archive on 17 May 2005.)

On 6 October 1976 Cubana Flight 455 was destroyed after takeoff by the detonation of a bomb that had been placed in the aircraft toilets. All seventy-three people on board were killed, including many young members of a Cuban fencing team and five people from North Korea.[citation needed] The bombing would have been plotted at the same meeting, attended by Luis Posada Carriles and DINA agent Michael Townley, where the assassination of the former Chilean minister Orlando Letelier in Washington, D.C. in 1976, was decided upon.[citation needed]

Bosch was arrested in Caracas on 8 October 1976, and held for nearly four years while awaiting trial for his role concerning the Cubana Flight 455 bombing. He was acquitted along with three co-defendants (one of them Luis Posada Carriles) of these charges in September 1980, with the court finding that the flight had been brought down by a bomb but that there was insufficient evidence to prove the defendants were responsible.[7] Bosch was convicted of possessing false identification papers, and sentenced to 4 and a half months, set against time already served.[7] Defending himself, he would later say, infamously, "All of Castro's planes are warplanes."

When asked if he was responsible for the Cubana Flight 455 bombing in an interview for the 2006 documentary 638 Ways to Kill Castro, Bosch responded, "I'm supposed to say no", and then described the justification for such attacks as being because there existed a state of war between Castro and his opponents.[12] In his 2010 memoirs, Bosch denied having authored the bombing, stating that Castro had "accused me, without evidence, of being the intellectual author of the sabotage of Flight 455 and many other acts with which I had nothing to do."[13]

Later career[edit]

Miami area law enforcement officials linked Bosch to several dynamite bombings, including a blast in the offices of Mackey Airlines in 1977, after the airline announced plans to resume flights to Cuba.[7]
Orlando Bosch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nice guy.
Found not guilty.

Moving along.

A very interesting guy..indeed.


In June 1976, Mr. Bosch forged a new coalition of anti-Castro groups in the Dominican Republic. The group, which is believed to have committed more than 50 terrorist acts, discussed blowing up an airliner, according to the C.I.A.

Ann Louise Bardach, in her 2003 book, “Cuba Confidential,” described Mr. Bosch as “the godfather of the paramilitary groups.” In The Atlantic Monthly in 1993, she wrote that he had developed “a cultlike following” and was called “ ‘mad’ or ‘crazy,’ sometimes affectionately.”

Mr. Bosch spent 11 years in Venezuelan jails as the legal process churned on. Miami’s mayor visited him in prison, and the city’s commissioners declared an official Orlando Bosch Day.

When Mr. Bosch arrived in Miami in February 1988, however, the welcome was not warm. He was arrested for violating his parole. In June, the Justice Department ordered him deported. But legal maneuverings and political support, including that of Jeb Bush, then a Florida businessman and later the state’s governor, kept him in detention as an undesirable alien until the first President Bush, Jeb Bush’s father, overruled the deportation order in 1990.

In return, Mr. Bosch renounced the use of force, an agreement he later called “a farce.”

“They purchased the chain,” Mr. Bosch said, “but they don’t have the monkey.”
Just how fucked up are people that would hate on a man that stood against Castro?

Seriously, yall are funny

I guess that killing all those people on a civilian airliner, all of whom were innocent and some of whom weren't even Cuban, isn't exactly "standing up to Castro".

He was a terrorist, plain and simple.

And he killed 77 people.

As opposed to Bill Ayers, who just blew up an ugly statue.
Found not guilty.

Moving along.

So was Bill Ayers.

moving along.

Funny part is Ayers never killed anyone.

Bosch killed a plane full of innocent people. More than 70 of them.

To play Devil's advocate here, not for lack of trying...

Ayers was an incompetent terrorist.

Now he's in academia. Proving that those who can do, and those who can't teach.

I do think there has to be a point where we just get over Vietnam.
Just how fucked up are people that would hate on a man that stood against Castro?

Seriously, yall are funny

How seriously fucked up are people that support a terrorist that killed innocents.

Seriously..that's not funny.


You have undying support for obama.

He murdered an American minor, and I recall all yall being meh about it.

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