When did Obama First Meet Bill Ayers?

Lol, you are an idiot.
And all you have are insults.

I have the time line that shows Obama knew Ayers since 1988 and the fact that no one other than you has suggested that Obama ghost wrote Ayers books, a previously successful author way before all this.

Thus you are not only a lying fraud, but an idiot to keep insisting your bullshit is real.

Why is it the libtards have so many liars among them, like Ward Churchill, Barak Obama, David Axelrod and Hitlary Clinton?
Well, unlike YOU, I am totally and completely unique!

And I have a much better timeline that Dreams was published 6 years before the imitation Fugitive Days!
Yes, Michelle and Dorm knew each other and we know that from the other two sources.

Libtards just have a way with ignoring inconvenient Truths, donchah?


What sources? Quote? Pics? Unnamed?

You have a funny take on "the truth."

And you are in denial, as it is obvious they all knew each other and it has been published and a fact of the public domain for years....till it became a political football and now it is best for Obama to deny knowing Bill before 2995, lol.

And I know any lurker reading this is far more likely to see the significance of what I am pointing out even if an ideological fraud like you refuses to admit it.

Are you writing this stuff for lurkers?
Libtards like to bleet the mantra that Obama did not meet Bill Ayers until 1995, then try to make other claims based on that, but do we really know what date they first met?

A couple of facts contrary to the 1995 date:

1) Michelle Obama worked at the law firm Sidley Austin after she graduated in 1988 where she met her future husband, Barak.

Michelle Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Following law school, she was an associate at the Chicago office of the law firm Sidley Austin, where she first met her future husband. "

Guess who else worked at Sidley Austin?

Bernardine Dohrn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"From 1984 to 1988, Dohrn was employed by the prestigious Chicago law firm Sidley Austin [29] where she was hired by Howard Trienens, the head of the firm at that time, who knew Thomas G. Ayers, the father of Dohrn's husband. "We often hire friends," Trienens told a reporter for the Chicago Tribune.....In 1991, she was hired by Northwestern University School of Law, as an adjunct professor of law with the title "Clinical Associate Professor of Law"."

So we are to believe that Dorm just sat at home watching Oprah and eating bon-bons?

No, she continued her affiliation while she tried to become a lawyer and undoubtedly knew Barrack and Michelle.

Dorm is Bill Ayers wife.

2) Barak knew Thomas Ayers (Bill Ayers father) while both served on the "Leadership Council of the Chicago Education Fund from 1988.

The Obama Nation - Jerome R. Corsi - Google Books

3) Frank Synauth's book the Making of a President says this on page 117 Chapter ten that Barak got help on Dreams of my Father from Bill Ayers. Apparently this was OK to admit prior to the election.

The Making of a President - Frank Senauth - Google Books

And what evidence do we have to the contrary? A couple of liars and one of them also a terrorist who still hates the US?

Guilt by association. And you, I suppose, consider yourself an American. You're not, you're simply a troll, and a very poor quality of troll at that.
They first met in Kenya in 1961
It was Ayers who doctored the birth certificate
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What sources? Quote? Pics? Unnamed?

You have a funny take on "the truth."

And you are in denial, as it is obvious they all knew each other and it has been published and a fact of the public domain for years....till it became a political football and now it is best for Obama to deny knowing Bill before 2995, lol.

And I know any lurker reading this is far more likely to see the significance of what I am pointing out even if an ideological fraud like you refuses to admit it.

Are you writing this stuff for lurkers?

Lol, well I am not writing for the sake of libtards like you, that is certain.
They first met in Kenya in 1961
It was Ayers who doctored the birth cerrificate

Lol, you and your fellow butt munching libtards have no facts no reason not even circumstantial evidence.

All you can do is ridicule and engage in sarcasm, and any reasonable person will immediately recognize that as having nothing to really say on the subject.

So keep it up, loser, lolol.

I hope this thread lasts for ten years.
Bill Ayers taught Obama how to shoot....true story

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Obama taught Bill Ayers how to make bombs....true story
Obama taught Bill Ayers how to make bombs....true story

Again, you feeble attempts at sarcastic humor do not contradict the known FACTs here:

1. Barak knew Ayers father, Thomas, at least in 1988, and Michelle met Ayers future wife where they both worked also in 1988. It is extremely unlikely that Barak could not have met Bill Ayers prior to 1995.

2. The public record as disclosed by journalists prior to Ayers becoming a political deficit for Obama has references to the two having been friends prior to 1995, and that Bill helped Obama with finishing the book Dreams.

3. No that Ayers friendship with Obama is an issue, the libtards deny any friendship prior to 1995, right along with the Soros talking point agenda.

Lie all you want, the Truth will still come out, bitch.

As a young boy in Kenya, Barack was taught to throw a baseball by Bill Ayers

Obama taught Bill Ayers how to make bombs....true story

Again, you feeble attempts at sarcastic humor do not contradict the known FACTs here:

1. Barak knew Ayers father, Thomas, at least in 1988,
Thomas hired Obama to write his son's first book, The Good Preschool Teacher: Six Teachers Reflect on Their Lives (1989), but Obama dealt only with the father and never met the son.
I don't care if Billy wrote the book or not. It's complete bullshit to claim the first meeting was in 1995.

How did Hillary phrase it? A 'WILLING SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF' :lol:
Obama taught Bill Ayers how to make bombs....true story

Again, you feeble attempts at sarcastic humor do not contradict the known FACTs here:

1. Barak knew Ayers father, Thomas, at least in 1988,
Thomas hired Obama to write his son's first book, The Good Preschool Teacher: Six Teachers Reflect on Their Lives (1989), but Obama dealt only with the father and never met the son.

Ho hum, more libtard sarcasm in the face of facts.

1. Barak knew Ayers father, Thomas, at least in 1988, and Michelle met Ayers future wife where they both worked also in 1988. It is extremely unlikely that Barak could not have met Bill Ayers prior to 1995.

2. The public record as disclosed by journalists prior to Ayers becoming a political deficit for Obama has references to the two having been friends prior to 1995, and that Bill helped Obama with finishing the book Dreams.

3. No that Ayers friendship with Obama is an issue, the libtards deny any friendship prior to 1995, right along with the Soros talking point agenda.

Lie all you want, the Truth will still come out, libtards.
Bottom line is that Michelle Robinson and Barack Obama both worked at the same law firm as Bernie.In the 80's. This is documented shit.

Why do you liberals/progressives deny truth?

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