When did Obama First Meet Bill Ayers?

SHIT is right, documented BULLSHIT!
Barack turned down a job at the law firm and Michelle started working there after "Bernie" left.

Why do you regressives lie so much?

You lie even more, as both Michell and that bitch worked at Sidley and Austin in 1988.
But not at the same time that year, Michelle did not start until the end of the year after she graduated, and Bernie was gone earlier in the year. A year has 12 months!

So you say, but you never try to prove these things.

And even if you are right, which I doubt, Michelle and Dorhm did know each other from that time as many others have told other journalists prior to the 2008 Presidential election.

Aint history a bitch, you maggots?
Barry and Billy worked together at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge for several years in the 90s as I recall.
You recall wrong, as usual.

The bipartisan board of directors, which did not include Ayers, elected Obama chairman, and he served in that capacity from 1995 to 1999, awarding grants for projects and raising matching funds. Ayers headed up a separate arm of the group, working with grant recipients. According to another board member, Ayers "was not significantly involved with the challenge after Obama was appointed." One possible reason had little to do with Obama himself, but instead was related to cautions about conflicts of interest; the group was funding some of Ayers’ own alternative school projects.

lol, it is already established and even admitted by other libtards that Obama and Bill Ayres knew each other from 1995 at the latest, so your objection here is nothing more obfuscation and being a little bitch.
You lie even more, as both Michell and that bitch worked at Sidley and Austin in 1988.
But not at the same time that year, Michelle did not start until the end of the year after she graduated, and Bernie was gone earlier in the year. A year has 12 months!

So you say, but you never try to prove these things.

And even if you are right, which I doubt, Michelle and Dorhm did know each other from that time as many others have told other journalists prior to the 2008 Presidential election.

Aint history a bitch, you maggots?

You have not offered any facts to prove your points.
Barry and Billy worked together at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge for several years in the 90s as I recall.
You recall wrong, as usual.

The bipartisan board of directors, which did not include Ayers, elected Obama chairman, and he served in that capacity from 1995 to 1999, awarding grants for projects and raising matching funds. Ayers headed up a separate arm of the group, working with grant recipients. According to another board member, Ayers "was not significantly involved with the challenge after Obama was appointed." One possible reason had little to do with Obama himself, but instead was related to cautions about conflicts of interest; the group was funding some of Ayers’ own alternative school projects.

lol, it is already established and even admitted by other libtards that Obama and Bill Ayres knew each other from 1995 at the latest, so your objection here is nothing more obfuscation and being a little bitch.

Link with proof????
Does anyone outside of Glenn Beck really care when Obama met Bill Ayers?
Barry and Billy worked together at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge for several years in the 90s as I recall.
You recall wrong, as usual.

The bipartisan board of directors, which did not include Ayers, elected Obama chairman, and he served in that capacity from 1995 to 1999, awarding grants for projects and raising matching funds. Ayers headed up a separate arm of the group, working with grant recipients. According to another board member, Ayers "was not significantly involved with the challenge after Obama was appointed." One possible reason had little to do with Obama himself, but instead was related to cautions about conflicts of interest; the group was funding some of Ayers’ own alternative school projects.

lol, it is already established and even admitted by other libtards that Obama and Bill Ayres knew each other from 1995 at the latest, so your objection here is nothing more obfuscation and being a little bitch.

Hey, give him credit for at least admitting Billy and Barry worked at the same place.

You recall wrong, as usual.

The bipartisan board of directors, which did not include Ayers, elected Obama chairman, and he served in that capacity from 1995 to 1999, awarding grants for projects and raising matching funds. Ayers headed up a separate arm of the group, working with grant recipients. According to another board member, Ayers "was not significantly involved with the challenge after Obama was appointed." One possible reason had little to do with Obama himself, but instead was related to cautions about conflicts of interest; the group was funding some of Ayers’ own alternative school projects.

lol, it is already established and even admitted by other libtards that Obama and Bill Ayres knew each other from 1995 at the latest, so your objection here is nothing more obfuscation and being a little bitch.

Link with proof????

Done did; they are in this thread go find them, you piece of shit.
This Obama guy, such a marxist (socialist), liberal (progressive), muslim(kenyan). Have fun guys but look who he puts in positions of power. Any terrorist or even liberals?
But then Corsi needs to get rich also so keep buying his books.
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This Obama guy, such a marxist (socialist), liberal (progressive), muslim(kenyan). Have fun guys but look who he puts in positions of power. Any terrorist or even liberals?
But then Corsi needs to get rich also so keep buying his books.

lol, I think very few writers actually get rich. Most collect a few royalties but most have to have a full time job.
This thread sucks.

If you want facts, you have to bring your own. If you bring the facts, the OP calls you a fag.

If you don't bring facts the OP mocks you. If you ask him to, he insults you further and says "they're in this thread - look them up!"

(Five stars)
This thread sucks.

If you want facts, you have to bring your own. If you bring the facts, the OP calls you a fag.

If you don't bring facts the OP mocks you. If you ask him to, he insults you further and says "they're in this thread - look them up!"

(Five stars)

No one has to do your reading for you, bitch.

Don't like the thread then stay out.

BTW Fuck you.
Libtards like to bleet the mantra that Obama did not meet Bill Ayers until 1995, then try to make other claims based on that, but do we really know what date they first met?

A couple of facts contrary to the 1995 date:

1) Michelle Obama worked at the law firm Sidley Austin after she graduated in 1988 where she met her future husband, Barak.

Michelle Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Following law school, she was an associate at the Chicago office of the law firm Sidley Austin, where she first met her future husband. "

Guess who else worked at Sidley Austin?

Bernardine Dohrn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"From 1984 to 1988, Dohrn was employed by the prestigious Chicago law firm Sidley Austin [29] where she was hired by Howard Trienens, the head of the firm at that time, who knew Thomas G. Ayers, the father of Dohrn's husband. "We often hire friends," Trienens told a reporter for the Chicago Tribune.....In 1991, she was hired by Northwestern University School of Law, as an adjunct professor of law with the title "Clinical Associate Professor of Law"."

So we are to believe that Dorm just sat at home watching Oprah and eating bon-bons?

No, she continued her affiliation while she tried to become a lawyer and undoubtedly knew Barrack and Michelle.

Dorm is Bill Ayers wife.

2) Barak knew Thomas Ayers (Bill Ayers father) while both served on the "Leadership Council of the Chicago Education Fund from 1988.

The Obama Nation - Jerome R. Corsi - Google Books

3) Frank Synauth's book the Making of a President says this on page 117 Chapter ten that Barak got help on Dreams of my Father from Bill Ayers. Apparently this was OK to admit prior to the election.

The Making of a President - Frank Senauth - Google Books

And what evidence do we have to the contrary? A couple of liars and one of them also a terrorist who still hates the US?

Well, did they meet or are you merely speculating that they met?

Jerome Corsi???? You're kidding, right? The proven liar?

Corsi?s Dull Hatchet

Despite its place near the top of The New York Times’ nonfiction bestseller list, where it has been riding high for the past six weeks, Jerome Corsi’s "The Obama Nation" is not a reliable source of facts about Obama. Corsi cites opinion columns and unsourced, anonymous blogs as if they were evidence of factual claims. Where he does cite legitimate news sources, he frequently distorts the facts. In some cases, Corsi simply ignores readily accessible information when it conflicts with his arguments. Among the errors we found:

Corsi claims that Obama "could claim to be a citizen of Kenya as well as of the United States." But the Kenyan Constitution specifically prohibits dual citizenship.

Corsi falsely states that Obama, who has admitted to drug use as a teenager, "has yet to answer" questions about whether he stopped using drugs. In fact, Obama has answered that question twice, including once in the autobiography that Corsi reviews in his book.

Corsi relies on claims from one of Obama’s "closest" childhood friends to "prove" that Obama once was a practicing Muslim, without revealing that the witness later said he couldn’t be certain about his claims and confessed to knowing Obama for only a few months.

Corsi claims that despite Obama’s "rhetorically uplifting" speeches, the candidate has never detailed any specific plans. In fact, Obama’s Web site is full of detailed policy proposals.

You're actually using factcheck to claim Corsi is a liar? Do you know anything about the obama Ayers factcheck connection? :lol::eusa_whistle:
You're actually using factcheck to claim Corsi is a liar? Do you know anything about the obama Ayers factcheck connection? :lol::eusa_whistle:

Why don't you let us all in on it?

I never said that they hadn't met - only that they weren't BFFs.

Corsi IS a liar; he is the consummate liar.

He actually does not believe the horse-crap that he honks out - he's too smart for that.

Jerome Corsi laughs all the way to the bank ... Jerome Corsi is laughing at you.
This thread sucks.

If you want facts, you have to bring your own. If you bring the facts, the OP calls you a fag.

If you don't bring facts the OP mocks you. If you ask him to, he insults you further and says "they're in this thread - look them up!"

(Five stars)

No one has to do your reading for you, bitch.

Don't like the thread then stay out.

BTW Fuck you.

This thread has an unintended comedic value that transcends truth in politics; It sets a standard for political discourse ... at the foot of the heap.

You're actually using factcheck to claim Corsi is a liar? Do you know anything about the obama Ayers factcheck connection? :lol::eusa_whistle:

Why don't you let us all in on it?

I never said that they hadn't met - only that they weren't BFFs.

Corsi IS a liar; he is the consummate liar.

He actually does not believe the horse-crap that he honks out - he's too smart for that.

Jerome Corsi laughs all the way to the bank ... Jerome Corsi is laughing at you.

Anyone whose has any political knowledge should already know the connection between the three.
You're actually using factcheck to claim Corsi is a liar? Do you know anything about the obama Ayers factcheck connection? :lol::eusa_whistle:

Why don't you let us all in on it?

I never said that they hadn't met - only that they weren't BFFs.

Corsi IS a liar; he is the consummate liar.

He actually does not believe the horse-crap that he honks out - he's too smart for that.

Jerome Corsi laughs all the way to the bank ... Jerome Corsi is laughing at you.

Anyone whose has any political knowledge should already know the connection between the three.

This is why I think this thread is a real hootenanny! It offers up no "proof" and insists that either:

1) the proof was posted at some earlier "fairy-tail" point in the thread

Or -

2) the proof is "somewhere" on the internet.

Classic avoidance.

Obama knew Ayers as early as 1988????


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