When did that great insult word "snowflake" for liberals come into common use?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
I never heard it till maybe 6 months ago and now it's used all the time. Almost as good as "tree-hugger".
I never heard it till maybe 6 months ago and now it's used all the time. Almost as good as "tree-hugger".

As soon as Steven Bannon decided to popularize it on his hate-site, then the conservative borg followed suit and adopted it as if it were the only word they ever learned.

‘Poor little snowflake’ – the defining insult of 2016

The Guardian has it wrong again as per usual. It isn't "generic disdain for young people". It is a term that applies to brainwashed liberals.
When will you people stop lying?
There was a time when childless couples could "adopt" unwanted fertilized eggs leftover from fertility treatments. Those eggs would be implanted in the adoptive mother and born into the family like a natural child. Those children were called snowflakes. Early in his presidency, obama changed the rules. Such treatments are now prohibited. The unused eggs must be thrown away. Now the only snowflakes are in safe spaces.
There was a time when childless couples could "adopt" unwanted fertilized eggs leftover from fertility treatments. Those eggs would be implanted in the adoptive mother and born into the family like a natural child. Those children were called snowflakes. Early in his presidency, obama changed the rules. Such treatments are now prohibited. The unused eggs must be thrown away. Now the only snowflakes are in safe spaces.

You can bet they don't throw them away, they cart them off to a lab to do unethical test on them. you know cross some genes here and there, or see if they can grow it with out the mothers womb ( which they can already)....... Trust me they don't throw those things away.
I never heard it till maybe 6 months ago and now it's used all the time. Almost as good as "tree-hugger".

My guess is when that dude was crying over Miley Cyrus in the video. Such delicate souls.

Tree-hugger's no good. Lot of conservatives love their trees.

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