When did the UN last inspect Israeli nukes?



Easy answer - never.
Israel doesn't allow UN inspections, nor will they sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.
This rogue state, known for many attacks against its neighbours and mass murder of unarmed civilians, is a danger to the whole world.

Sanctions now
There first has to be call for a UN inspection in Israel, so without that happing first then you can't say Israel does not allow UN Inspections.
You can't forbid something if it does not exist in the first place.
The vote for it in by the UN in 2012 went nowhere and it has not been brought up since then.
The UN has also said that Israel has the most woman's rights violations which is not true. This panel is made up of mostly Muslim Nations so talk about biased and false reports.
There is no need for any UN inspections because they have never claimed to wipe anyone off the map like Hamas and Iran has.
Israel is defending itself and is not the aggressors.
Stop believing the lies being spread about Israel.
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Easy answer - never.
Israel doesn't allow UN inspections, nor will they sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.
This rogue state, known for many attacks against its neighbours and mass murder of unarmed civilians, is a danger to the whole world.

Sanctions now

Have you proof beyond reasonable doubt that they have nuclear weapons, if you don't then you are a RACIST LIAR.

I see you also know hamas the rogue state that attacks its neighbours and mass murders unarmed civilians, yes they are a danger to the whole world and should be eradicated at once.
I don't think that its any of the 'un' business if Israel has nukes or doesn't have nukes . Israeli's were smart enough to have not signed any nuke agreements as far as I am aware !!
How Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor was concealed from the U.S. – Ha’aretz

Amir Oren, Ha’aretz – One of the most fascinating historical turning points in the saga of nuclear development in the Middle East links Israel to Iran: the current prospect of the Iranians purchasing Russian S-300 ground-to-air missiles to protect their nuclear facilities from an Israeli or American attack shares a striking similarity to Israel’s purchase of American Hawk missiles to defend its own nuclear reactor in Dimona. Fulfilling that wish was the real aim of a deal that the government of Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion sought to strike in the late 1950s and early 1960s from the Kennedy and Eisenhower administrations.

Beyond the official explanation — the need to defend Israeli air force bases, population centers and reserve recruits from Egyptian aerial bombing – there was another unseen aspect of the deal, relating to Dimona. The Hawk missiles also served to defend the nuclear reactor located there, and during the 1967 Six-Day War were deployed to bring down an Israeli plane piloted by Captain Yoram Harpaz that strayed into the airspace around the reactor after being hit over Jordan during a bombing raid.

Many of the details surrounding Israel’s nuclear story have already been revealed through research and via the declassification of secret information [first by author Stephen Green’s books], including information released by the U.S. government –
How Israel s Dimona nuclear reactor was concealed from the U.S. - Diplomacy and Defense - Israel News Haaretz
There first has to be call for a UN inspection in Israel, so without that happing first then you can't say Israel does not allow UN Inspections.
You can't forbid something if it does not exist in the first place.
The vote for it in by the UN in 2012 went nowhere and it has not been brought up since then.
The UN has also said that Israel has the most woman's rights violations which is not true. This panel is made up of mostly Muslim Nations so talk about biased and false reports.
There is no need for any UN inspections because they have never claimed to wipe anyone off the map like Hamas and Iran has.
Israel is defending itself and is not the aggressors.
Stop believing the lies being spread about Israel.
There has been a call. It was a nearly unanimous vote by all UN members for Israel to allow inspectors in and to sign the nonproliferation treaty. Of course the U.S., under President Obama, didn't allow it. But oh well. :dunno:
Easy answer - never.
Israel doesn't allow UN inspections, nor will they sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.
This rogue state, known for many attacks against its neighbours and mass murder of unarmed civilians, is a danger to the whole world.

Sanctions now

Have you proof beyond reasonable doubt that they have nuclear weapons, if you don't then you are a RACIST LIAR.

I see you also know hamas the rogue state that attacks its neighbours and mass murders unarmed civilians, yes they are a danger to the whole world and should be eradicated at once.
In Shocking Breach U.S. Declassifies Document Revealing Some of Israel s Nuclear Capabilities The Weekly Standard
think that 'iran' signed an agreement OldSchool . They were dummies for signing the agreement in my opinion . As an Iranian I'd think , who the hell are the 'un' or anyone else to tell me that I can't have nukes same as Israel is doing . I see iran nuke push as dangerous for Israel , I want to see Israel do something about it when they decide to . Course , as an Israeli ally I think that the USA should support Israel !!
think that 'iran' signed an agreement OldSchool . They were dummies for signing the agreement in my opinion . As an Iranian I'd think , who the hell are the 'un' or anyone else to tell me that I can't have nukes same as Israel is doing . I see iran nuke push as dangerous for Israel , I want to see Israel do something about it when they decide to . Course , as an Israeli ally I think that the USA should support Israel !!
You can sign the treaty and still develop nuclear power. I believe Japan has the 2nd most reactors in the world and they signed the treaty right after it was written.
signing the treaty gives a country the right to develop Nuclear Energy, and the other signatories have the obligation to help them
The NPT is often seen to be based on a central bargain: “the NPT non-nuclear-weapon states agree never to acquire nuclear weapons and the NPT nuclear-weapon states in exchange agree to share the benefits of peaceful nuclear technology and to pursue nuclear disarmament aimed at the ultimate elimination of their nuclear arsenals”
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I don't think that its any of the 'un' business if Israel has nukes or doesn't have nukes . Israeli's were smart enough to have not signed any nuke agreements as far as I am aware !!

Check the other board your membership is through
How Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor was concealed from the U.S. – Ha’aretz

Amir Oren, Ha’aretz – One of the most fascinating historical turning points in the saga of nuclear development in the Middle East links Israel to Iran: the current prospect of the Iranians purchasing Russian S-300 ground-to-air missiles to protect their nuclear facilities from an Israeli or American attack shares a striking similarity to Israel’s purchase of American Hawk missiles to defend its own nuclear reactor in Dimona. Fulfilling that wish was the real aim of a deal that the government of Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion sought to strike in the late 1950s and early 1960s from the Kennedy and Eisenhower administrations.

Beyond the official explanation — the need to defend Israeli air force bases, population centers and reserve recruits from Egyptian aerial bombing – there was another unseen aspect of the deal, relating to Dimona. The Hawk missiles also served to defend the nuclear reactor located there, and during the 1967 Six-Day War were deployed to bring down an Israeli plane piloted by Captain Yoram Harpaz that strayed into the airspace around the reactor after being hit over Jordan during a bombing raid.

Many of the details surrounding Israel’s nuclear story have already been revealed through research and via the declassification of secret information [first by author Stephen Green’s books], including information released by the U.S. government –
How Israel s Dimona nuclear reactor was concealed from the U.S. - Diplomacy and Defense - Israel News Haaretz

And I have not seen any UN officials or Nuclear authorities entering the gates of the Nuclear reactor less than a mile from where I am. So does that mean my country is in breach of the NPT ?
I don't think that its any of the 'un' business if Israel has nukes or doesn't have nukes . Israeli's were smart enough to have not signed any nuke agreements as far as I am aware !!
Then why is it their business if Iran has nukes? Hmm?

When did Israel threaten to fire nuclear weapons at anyone, how many times have irans leaders threatened to lay waste to Israel once they get nuclear weapons.

Does this answer your question
I don't think that its any of the 'un' business if Israel has nukes or doesn't have nukes . Israeli's were smart enough to have not signed any nuke agreements as far as I am aware !!
Then why is it their business if Iran has nukes? Hmm?

When did Israel threaten to fire nuclear weapons at anyone, how many times have irans leaders threatened to lay waste to Israel once they get nuclear weapons.

Does this answer your question
Iran threatened to use nuclear weapons against someone? When?
Easy answer - never.
Israel doesn't allow UN inspections, nor will they sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.
This rogue state, known for many attacks against its neighbours and mass murder of unarmed civilians, is a danger to the whole world.

Sanctions now

Have you proof beyond reasonable doubt that they have nuclear weapons, if you don't then you are a RACIST LIAR.

I see you also know hamas the rogue state that attacks its neighbours and mass murders unarmed civilians, yes they are a danger to the whole world and should be eradicated at once.
In Shocking Breach U.S. Declassifies Document Revealing Some of Israel s Nuclear Capabilities The Weekly Standard

think that 'iran' signed an agreement OldSchool . They were dummies for signing the agreement in my opinion . As an Iranian I'd think , who the hell are the 'un' or anyone else to tell me that I can't have nukes same as Israel is doing . I see iran nuke push as dangerous for Israel , I want to see Israel do something about it when they decide to . Course , as an Israeli ally I think that the USA should support Israel !!
You can sign the treaty and still develop nuclear power. I believe Japan has the 2nd most reactors in the world and they signed the treaty right after it was written.

And no nuclear weapons either
Easy answer - never.
Israel doesn't allow UN inspections, nor will they sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.
This rogue state, known for many attacks against its neighbours and mass murder of unarmed civilians, is a danger to the whole world.

Sanctions now

Have you proof beyond reasonable doubt that they have nuclear weapons, if you don't then you are a RACIST LIAR.

I see you also know hamas the rogue state that attacks its neighbours and mass murders unarmed civilians, yes they are a danger to the whole world and should be eradicated at once.
In Shocking Breach U.S. Declassifies Document Revealing Some of Israel s Nuclear Capabilities The Weekly Standard

You asked for proof :dunno:
I don't think that its any of the 'un' business if Israel has nukes or doesn't have nukes . Israeli's were smart enough to have not signed any nuke agreements as far as I am aware !!
Then why is it their business if Iran has nukes? Hmm?

When did Israel threaten to fire nuclear weapons at anyone, how many times have irans leaders threatened to lay waste to Israel once they get nuclear weapons.

Does this answer your question

The Iranians have NEVER threatened to "lay waste to Israel once they get nuclear weapons." If they have, please directly quote that from the exact leader with a source please.
think that 'iran' signed an agreement OldSchool . They were dummies for signing the agreement in my opinion . As an Iranian I'd think , who the hell are the 'un' or anyone else to tell me that I can't have nukes same as Israel is doing . I see iran nuke push as dangerous for Israel , I want to see Israel do something about it when they decide to . Course , as an Israeli ally I think that the USA should support Israel !!
You can sign the treaty and still develop nuclear power. I believe Japan has the 2nd most reactors in the world and they signed the treaty right after it was written.

And no nuclear weapons either
Duh. My post said just as much.

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