When did the UN last inspect Israeli nukes?

Have you proof beyond reasonable doubt that they have nuclear weapons, if you don't then you are a RACIST LIAR.

I see you also know hamas the rogue state that attacks its neighbours and mass murders unarmed civilians, yes they are a danger to the whole world and should be eradicated at once.
In Shocking Breach U.S. Declassifies Document Revealing Some of Israel s Nuclear Capabilities The Weekly Standard

You asked for proof :dunno:

Not proof of what I asked is it, as nowhere in that does it say Israel has nuclear weapons.

The fact that you believe Iran would immediately nuke Israel when and if it got the bomb, the fact that you actually want to deny that Israel even has the bomb, and all of these other factors obvious means that you are a troll and a hyper partisan.

You are evil and filled with hate, you don't deserve anyone to even spend any time on you. You are a waste of time and space. You deny reality to suit your agenda.

Done with you.

So what does you insistence that Israel has the bomb and will use at the earliest chance, and then deny that Iran is populated by psychopathic killers that will unleash Armageddon on the M.E. without a care show you to be. A brainwashed islamomoron that believes everything is the fault of Israel.

Standing up against true evil and hate is not a bad thing, ignoring true evil and hate is. And you ignore the true evil and hate that is islam, you don't deserve a place in decent society and should be dropped in Syria to go and help your hero's rape little girls and cut the throiats of little boys.
iran shouldn't have signed the nuke agreement OLDSCHOOL but since they signed it looks like they should go full bore and just build their nukes , show them off in Tehrans town square , show them off in irans press , send pics to Israel !!
Under the treaty several countries have pursued nuclear energy. I'm not sure why you keep bringing this up and talking about nuclear weapons.

Because nuclear energy is the first step on the road to nuclear weapons. As is the case in iran where they enrich Uranium to just under weapons grade and claim it is for their nuclear reactor built by Russia and fuelled by Russian rods. The rods will last the life of the reactor so why do they need to enrich more uranium unless it is for weapons technology
You are a nuclear expert? With luck the negotiations happening right now will let inspectors go see what's going on.

But all of that is besides the point of this thread.
everybody believes that ISRAEL has the bomb 'Mr.Beale' and most everyone approves of Israel having the bomb !!

It is the Samson option and it does not need to be based on facts. If Israel allows the world to believe it has nuclear weapons then the arab muslims will back off. If they admit they have them then the muslim nations will demand them as well to even up the equation. If it is shown that they don't have nuclear weapons then the arab league will instigate an all out war to wipe out the Jews once and for all.

What would any intelligent country do under these circumstances ?
Israel and their supporters are homicidal and suicidal psychopaths.

And you can produce a non partisan link to prove this.

I submit the Koran and hadiths as my evidence that it is in fact the muslims that are homicidal and suicidal psychopaths
Easy answer - never.
Israel doesn't allow UN inspections, nor will they sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.
This rogue state, known for many attacks against its neighbours and mass murder of unarmed civilians, is a danger to the whole world.

Sanctions now
Then again...Israel isn't claiming that Arab countries have no right to exist either.

Not proof of what I asked is it, as nowhere in that does it say Israel has nuclear weapons.
Well then they should have no problem with inspectors coming in to check on their now confirmed nuclear capabilities. Right?

When the rest of the world accept this then so will Israel, but not that long ago Iraq refused to allow weapons inspectors in after they had signed to allow them.
Not sure what point you're trying to make here.

How many other nations refuse to sign the treaty and allow inspectors in ?
they'd ignore the 'un' simply based on the principle that they are a Sovereign Nation Oldschool !! Same way I would ignore the 'un' !!
everybody believes that ISRAEL has the bomb 'Mr.Beale' and most everyone approves of Israel having the bomb !!

It is the Samson option and it does not need to be based on facts. If Israel allows the world to believe it has nuclear weapons then the arab muslims will back off. If they admit they have them then the muslim nations will demand them as well to even up the equation. If it is shown that they don't have nuclear weapons then the arab league will instigate an all out war to wipe out the Jews once and for all.

What would any intelligent country do under these circumstances ?
Israel has nukes.....but won't use them unless provoked. If Iran gets a nuke I figure we'll be seeing mushroom clouds over Tehran in no time.
iran shouldn't have signed the nuke agreement OLDSCHOOL but since they signed it looks like they should go full bore and just build their nukes , show them off in Tehrans town square , show them off in irans press , send pics to Israel !!
Under the treaty several countries have pursued nuclear energy. I'm not sure why you keep bringing this up and talking about nuclear weapons.

Because nuclear energy is the first step on the road to nuclear weapons. As is the case in iran where they enrich Uranium to just under weapons grade and claim it is for their nuclear reactor built by Russia and fuelled by Russian rods. The rods will last the life of the reactor so why do they need to enrich more uranium unless it is for weapons technology
You are a nuclear expert? With luck the negotiations happening right now will let inspectors go see what's going on.

But all of that is besides the point of this thread.

Don't need to be in this case as the real nuclear experts have said just this. Even Russia questioned their need to enrich uranium when they had signed a lifetime contract with Russia. Now go figure why they needed to enrich uranium, and then why they built bigger and better centrifuges to enrich more ore to a higher standard ?
don't know Phoneall , but the principle of Sovereignty means more to some than it does to others . 'un' is a junk organization run by junk tinpot dicators . He11 , the 'un' can't even support themselves and they'd have no offices if not for the USA giviving them office space in NYC plus USA funding provided by USA taxpayers !!
they'd ignore the 'un' simply based on the principle that they are a Sovereign Nation Oldschool !! Same way I would ignore the 'un' !!

And because the UN is fatally flawed in allowing itself to degenerate into an anti semitic Jew hating organisation. Watch what happens when the UN makes its move supported by the islamonazi nations and the US withdraws its protection of the UN delegates.
don't know Phoneall , but the principle of Sovereignty means more to some than it does to others . 'un' is a junk organization run by junk tinpot dicators . He11 , the 'un' can't even support themselves and they'd have no offices if not for the USA giviving them office space in NYC plus USA funding provided by USA taxpayers !!

Both those could be withdrawn at a moments notice, along with the protection against arrest given to the UN delegates. That would create a stink the Alpha Centaureans would be able to smell
iran shouldn't have signed the nuke agreement OLDSCHOOL but since they signed it looks like they should go full bore and just build their nukes , show them off in Tehrans town square , show them off in irans press , send pics to Israel !!
Under the treaty several countries have pursued nuclear energy. I'm not sure why you keep bringing this up and talking about nuclear weapons.

Because nuclear energy is the first step on the road to nuclear weapons. As is the case in iran where they enrich Uranium to just under weapons grade and claim it is for their nuclear reactor built by Russia and fuelled by Russian rods. The rods will last the life of the reactor so why do they need to enrich more uranium unless it is for weapons technology
You are a nuclear expert? With luck the negotiations happening right now will let inspectors go see what's going on.

But all of that is besides the point of this thread.

Don't need to be in this case as the real nuclear experts have said just this. Even Russia questioned their need to enrich uranium when they had signed a lifetime contract with Russia. Now go figure why they needed to enrich uranium, and then why they built bigger and better centrifuges to enrich more ore to a higher standard ?
Soes some weak kneed penis -breath needing a legacy would end sanctions.

Rooseveldt's Manhattan Project! The one that resulted in so many horrific deaths in Japan!

Concealed from all the world!

Hidden, I tell you.


There first has to be call for a UN inspection in Israel, so without that happing first then you can't say Israel does not allow UN Inspections.
You can't forbid something if it does not exist in the first place.
The vote for it in by the UN in 2012 went nowhere and it has not been brought up since then.
The UN has also said that Israel has the most woman's rights violations which is not true. This panel is made up of mostly Muslim Nations so talk about biased and false reports.
There is no need for any UN inspections because they have never claimed to wipe anyone off the map like Hamas and Iran has.
Israel is defending itself and is not the aggressors.
Stop believing the lies being spread about Israel.
There has been a call. It was a nearly unanimous vote by all UN members for Israel to allow inspectors in and to sign the nonproliferation treaty. Of course the U.S., under President Obama, didn't allow it. But oh well. :dunno:

Yes in 2012 and it went nowhere and has not come up again in three years.
That was the point.
You can sign the treaty and still develop nuclear power. I believe Japan has the 2nd most reactors in the world and they signed the treaty right after it was written.

Israel has a healthy and much deserved distrust of international agencies (see: UN Gen Ass, UNRWA and UNHRC ... formerly UNCHR).
But you knew that, didn't you.
There first has to be call for a UN inspection in Israel, so without that happing first then you can't say Israel does not allow UN Inspections.
You can't forbid something if it does not exist in the first place.
The vote for it in by the UN in 2012 went nowhere and it has not been brought up since then.
The UN has also said that Israel has the most woman's rights violations which is not true. This panel is made up of mostly Muslim Nations so talk about biased and false reports.
There is no need for any UN inspections because they have never claimed to wipe anyone off the map like Hamas and Iran has.
Israel is defending itself and is not the aggressors.
Stop believing the lies being spread about Israel.
There has been a call. It was a nearly unanimous vote by all UN members for Israel to allow inspectors in and to sign the nonproliferation treaty. Of course the U.S., under President Obama, didn't allow it. But oh well. :dunno:

Yes in 2012 and it went nowhere and has not come up again in three years.
That was the point.
You're right it did go nowhere. Blocked by the U.S. And then of course last year the ENTIRE UN voted against Israel's human rights record and who was the lone country that blocked anything from happening? The U.S.

Anyways the point is, if you think Israel has the advantage here you are very mistaken. Israel has the U.S. as a trump card, but they're doing they're best to even lose that.

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