When did the UN last inspect Israeli nukes?

You're right it did go nowhere. Blocked by the U.S. And then of course last year the ENTIRE UN voted against Israel's human rights record and who was the lone country that blocked anything from happening? The U.S..

What was blocked by the US? The UN Gen Ass overwhelmingly passed a NON-BINDING resolution demanding Israel sign the non-proliferation treaty. Israel has done what is her right under international law ... she ignored it.
Yanno, for someone who claims only to have America's interests at heart you sure do spend lots of your time hating on Israel.

When I see a stupid argument, I have to respond. 'Tis a curse.

So you admit that the US did not block that NON-BINDING UN Gen Ass resolution and rather than respond honestly with facts you chose to lie.
And you wonder why I doubt you when you claim not to be just another dime-a-dozen mindless hater?
How many countries are members of the UN? And the U.S. was the ONLY one to vote in Israel's favor. That should tell you and the Israeli's something.

Btw before the Bibi congress speech and the republicans treasonous letter I think I'd posted maybe like 5 times about Israel. Israel is aggressively trying to interfere in our affairs. Any negative comment I make about Israel is only intended to remind people here that they are AMERICANS first.

You want to ask me what I think about Hamas and Iran? I'll show you I have no kind words for them.
You're right it did go nowhere. Blocked by the U.S. And then of course last year the ENTIRE UN voted against Israel's human rights record and who was the lone country that blocked anything from happening? The U.S..

What was blocked by the US? The UN Gen Ass overwhelmingly passed a NON-BINDING resolution demanding Israel sign the non-proliferation treaty. Israel has done what is her right under international law ... she ignored it.
Yanno, for someone who claims only to have America's interests at heart you sure do spend lots of your time hating on Israel.

When I see a stupid argument, I have to respond. 'Tis a curse.

So you admit that the US did not block that NON-BINDING UN Gen Ass resolution and rather than respond honestly with facts you chose to lie.
And you wonder why I doubt you when you claim not to be just another dime-a-dozen mindless hater?
How many countries are members of the UN? And the U.S. was the ONLY one to vote in Israel's favor. That should tell you and the Israeli's something...

It does indeed.
It tells me either you are badly misinformed (6 voted against the measure and others abstained) or a lame liar but I'm going to overlook those facts and tell you again that UN Gen Ass resolutions carry no legal standing and the US blocked NOTHING. If the UN actually wanted a resolution with teeth it would have taken the matter to the Security Council. It's odd that despite your claim of having no dog in the fight you continue to lie about material facts with a consistently anti-Israel POV.
Methinks thou dost protest too much.
There first has to be call for a UN inspection in Israel, so without that happing first then you can't say Israel does not allow UN Inspections.
You can't forbid something if it does not exist in the first place.
The vote for it in by the UN in 2012 went nowhere and it has not been brought up since then.
The UN has also said that Israel has the most woman's rights violations which is not true. This panel is made up of mostly Muslim Nations so talk about biased and false reports.
There is no need for any UN inspections because they have never claimed to wipe anyone off the map like Hamas and Iran has.
Israel is defending itself and is not the aggressors.
Stop believing the lies being spread about Israel.
When you talk like that, your as guilty, whitewashing any action because you bought the power with money influence.

What power did Peach buy and can I sell her some too?
What was blocked by the US? The UN Gen Ass overwhelmingly passed a NON-BINDING resolution demanding Israel sign the non-proliferation treaty. Israel has done what is her right under international law ... she ignored it.
Yanno, for someone who claims only to have America's interests at heart you sure do spend lots of your time hating on Israel.

When I see a stupid argument, I have to respond. 'Tis a curse.

So you admit that the US did not block that NON-BINDING UN Gen Ass resolution and rather than respond honestly with facts you chose to lie.
And you wonder why I doubt you when you claim not to be just another dime-a-dozen mindless hater?
How many countries are members of the UN? And the U.S. was the ONLY one to vote in Israel's favor. That should tell you and the Israeli's something.

Btw before the Bibi congress speech and the republicans treasonous letter I think I'd posted maybe like 5 times about Israel. Israel is aggressively trying to interfere in our affairs. Any negative comment I make about Israel is only intended to remind people here that they are AMERICANS first.

You want to ask me what I think about Hamas and Iran? I'll show you I have no kind words for them.

There was 6 countries that voted (abstained) against the UN Resolution.
Don't get smart and pretend that's voting against. I can just as easily say they voted to not support Israel by abstaining.

And you would still be badly misinformed or just lying. 6 members voted against the measure (others abstained) and it passed. The US could not and did not block it as you falsely claimed.
Easy answer - never.
Israel doesn't allow UN inspections, nor will they sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.
This rogue state, known for many attacks against its neighbours and mass murder of unarmed civilians, is a danger to the whole world.

Sanctions now
Inspect them?

Whatever for?

They don't call for wiping out their neighbors, like the Muslims do.

And, whatever makes you think that sanctions are necessary?

And who is going to apply them?

Certainly not the US.

We like the the Jews of Israel much better than we like the Muslims of the region, and we trust the Jews with nukes, whereas the Muslims are not to be trusted with them.

We have no trouble sanctioning our enemies and those who wish us evil.

Why in the world would we support sanctions against our good friend and ally?

There's no point in it.
so you may be a one worlder ehh 'member' ?? I'm not , I believe in the Sovereignty of Individual Independent States like the USA , Israel and others . 'un' is a collection of nasty tyrants imo !!

"imo!!" - it's disgusting & sick we even 'created' weapons like this in the first place, but since it's ...irreversible, and do have them in our world...everybody should register their weapons.

..it's WMD. "I don't think that its any of the 'un' business if Israel has nukes or doesn't have nukes..."
You can't be serious ?

"'un' is a collection of nasty tyrants imo !!"

same page on that one.
well then, why conform to their decrees and rules . All the 'un' looks to do is feather its nest . As I said , Sovereignty of nations is the most important thing . As far as the weapons , aww , big deal , none of the 'un' business who has what in my and Israels opinion !! And yes , sure I am serious Member !!
iran shouldn't have signed the nuke agreement OLDSCHOOL but since they signed it looks like they should go full bore and just build their nukes , show them off in Tehrans town square , show them off in irans press , send pics to Israel !!
Under the treaty several countries have pursued nuclear energy. I'm not sure why you keep bringing this up and talking about nuclear weapons.

Because nuclear energy is the first step on the road to nuclear weapons. As is the case in iran where they enrich Uranium to just under weapons grade and claim it is for their nuclear reactor built by Russia and fuelled by Russian rods. The rods will last the life of the reactor so why do they need to enrich more uranium unless it is for weapons technology

Talk to fill airwaves and newspapers. are they going to 'eventually,someday' have the bomb ?

.....of course
let them get the bomb for all I care , mrobama should keep tight sanctions to help keep them from the bomb . Make the Iranian crawl as revolution gets going because Iranians are starving . Israel may handle the bomb , USA may help but if not the younger generation of mrobama supporters gets to handle irans nukes 'Member' .
The only terrorist rogue state in the middle east is Israel. .... :cool:

OK, who let our village idiot in?

......she had me going there. i didn't have a clue.

sunniman = sunni mandy.

i know ..you of all people KNOW i "ain't" imagining things and ...after the barrage of posts this week from sunni...victor/victoria ( which helped me nab her) -- dejavu' -- "I''ve HEARD this before."

.............................^^^ Member is an example of what illegal drugs can do to a person's mind. ...... :lol: :lol:
.............................^^^ Member is an example of what illegal drugs can do to a person's mind. ...... :lol: :lol:
Remind us again how Hamas are freedom fighters, Hezbollah are freedom fighters and how Your prophet had sex with a 9 year old girl.
.............................^^^ Member is an example of what illegal drugs can do to a person's mind. ...... :lol: :lol:
Remind us again how Hamas are freedom fighters, Hezbollah are freedom fighters and how Your prophet had sex with a 9 year old girl.


Is this the prophet you're talking about ?
Easy answer - never.
Israel doesn't allow UN inspections, nor will they sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.
This rogue state, known for many attacks against its neighbours and mass murder of unarmed civilians, is a danger to the whole world.

Sanctions now
Inspect them?

Whatever for?

They don't call for wiping out their neighbors, like the Muslims do.

And, whatever makes you think that sanctions are necessary?

And who is going to apply them?

Certainly not the US.

We like the the Jews of Israel much better than we like the Muslims of the region, and we trust the Jews with nukes, whereas the Muslims are not to be trusted with them.

We have no trouble sanctioning our enemies and those who wish us evil.

Why in the world would we support sanctions against our good friend and ally?

There's no point in it.

"They don't call for wiping out their neighbors, like the Muslims do."

No, with the Samson option they call for wiping out Europe.

"Vanunu Confirms Israel's Global Thermonuclear Blackmail, WHY?

Dr. Hesham Tillawi - One of the Israeli professors said a few months ago that 'we have the nuclear capability of hitting every major European city,' is that true to your knowledge?

Mordechai Vanunu - Yes, it is true. They can bombard any city all over the world, and not only those in Europe but also those in the United States, and by this threat what they are doing is to send a secret message to any leader and to any government that they have the ability to use them aggressively and to blackmail them, to blackmail Europe and the United States, every where, in every state around the world. It was Europe and the United States who helped them get this power, and now that Israel has it, she is coming back and saying to them 'We will not obey any orders that you give us. No international law, no international agreement, no UN resolutions,' and all because of these atomic weapons that they have....

Mordechai Vanunu On Israel's Nuclear Blackmail

Vanunu Confirms Israel s Global Thermonuclear Blackmail WHY Yahoo Answers
.............................^^^ Member is an example of what illegal drugs can do to a person's mind. ...... :lol: :lol:
Remind us again how Hamas are freedom fighters, Hezbollah are freedom fighters and how Your prophet had sex with a 9 year old girl.


Is this the prophet you're talking about ?

Shows that Toastman is toast. Doesn't realize that changing the name of the book to Old Testament and the name on the pig to Moses and you have an antisemitic cartoon.
Toasty is basically a simpleton.........he can't debate........just posts childish cartoons. ...... :cuckoo:
Easy answer - never.
Israel doesn't allow UN inspections, nor will they sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.
This rogue state, known for many attacks against its neighbours and mass murder of unarmed civilians, is a danger to the whole world.

Sanctions now
Inspect them?

Whatever for?

They don't call for wiping out their neighbors, like the Muslims do.

And, whatever makes you think that sanctions are necessary?

And who is going to apply them?

Certainly not the US.

We like the the Jews of Israel much better than we like the Muslims of the region, and we trust the Jews with nukes, whereas the Muslims are not to be trusted with them.

We have no trouble sanctioning our enemies and those who wish us evil.

Why in the world would we support sanctions against our good friend and ally?

There's no point in it.

"They don't call for wiping out their neighbors, like the Muslims do."

No, with the Samson option they call for wiping out Europe.

"Vanunu Confirms Israel's Global Thermonuclear Blackmail, WHY?

Dr. Hesham Tillawi - One of the Israeli professors said a few months ago that 'we have the nuclear capability of hitting every major European city,' is that true to your knowledge?

Mordechai Vanunu - Yes, it is true. They can bombard any city all over the world, and not only those in Europe but also those in the United States, and by this threat what they are doing is to send a secret message to any leader and to any government that they have the ability to use them aggressively and to blackmail them, to blackmail Europe and the United States, every where, in every state around the world. It was Europe and the United States who helped them get this power, and now that Israel has it, she is coming back and saying to them 'We will not obey any orders that you give us. No international law, no international agreement, no UN resolutions,' and all because of these atomic weapons that they have....

Mordechai Vanunu On Israel's Nuclear Blackmail

Vanunu Confirms Israel s Global Thermonuclear Blackmail WHY Yahoo Answers

Where in your link are they CALLING for wiping out anyone ??
Toasty is basically a simpleton.........he can't debate........just posts childish cartoons. ...... :cuckoo:

Coming from the official message board troll, who posts tons of cartoons himself, that;s rich :lol: :lol:

What is with with accusing other posters of LITERALLY exactly what you are guilty of ?

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