When did the UN last inspect Israeli nukes?

I don't think that its any of the 'un' business if Israel has nukes or doesn't have nukes . Israeli's were smart enough to have not signed any nuke agreements as far as I am aware !!
Then why is it their business if Iran has nukes? Hmm?

When did Israel threaten to fire nuclear weapons at anyone, how many times have irans leaders threatened to lay waste to Israel once they get nuclear weapons.

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Iran threatened to use nuclear weapons against someone? When?

In a speech delivered on November 27 2014, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stated that "whether a nuclear agreement is achieved or not, Israel will be more insecure each day." (PoliticsUSA, January 23, 2015) At this point, Iran faces “no insurmountable technical barriers to producing a nuclear weapon,” as stated by Marine Lieutenant General Vincent Stewart, director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency. (Bloomberg, February 2, 2015) General Mustafa Yazdi, the assistant chief of staff of the Iranian armed forces promised on February 24, 2015, that “Iran will flatten Tel Aviv and Haifa if Israel perpetrates an attack on our country.” (Jerusalem Post, February 26, 2015)
I don't think that its any of the 'un' business if Israel has nukes or doesn't have nukes . Israeli's were smart enough to have not signed any nuke agreements as far as I am aware !!
Then why is it their business if Iran has nukes? Hmm?

When did Israel threaten to fire nuclear weapons at anyone, how many times have irans leaders threatened to lay waste to Israel once they get nuclear weapons.

Does this answer your question

The Iranians have NEVER threatened to "lay waste to Israel once they get nuclear weapons." If they have, please directly quote that from the exact leader with a source please.

I don't think that its any of the 'un' business if Israel has nukes or doesn't have nukes . Israeli's were smart enough to have not signed any nuke agreements as far as I am aware !!
Then why is it their business if Iran has nukes? Hmm?

When did Israel threaten to fire nuclear weapons at anyone, how many times have irans leaders threatened to lay waste to Israel once they get nuclear weapons.

Does this answer your question
Iran threatened to use nuclear weapons against someone? When?

In a speech delivered on November 27 2014, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stated that "whether a nuclear agreement is achieved or not, Israel will be more insecure each day." (PoliticsUSA, January 23, 2015) At this point, Iran faces “no insurmountable technical barriers to producing a nuclear weapon,” as stated by Marine Lieutenant General Vincent Stewart, director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency. (Bloomberg, February 2, 2015) General Mustafa Yazdi, the assistant chief of staff of the Iranian armed forces promised on February 24, 2015, that “Iran will flatten Tel Aviv and Haifa if Israel perpetrates an attack on our country.” (Jerusalem Post, February 26, 2015)
So they never once threatened to attack Israel with nukes huh? Well then I ask again, why is it the UN's business to care about Iran's nuclear capabilities, and not Israel's?
Easy answer - never.
Israel doesn't allow UN inspections, nor will they sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.
This rogue state, known for many attacks against its neighbours and mass murder of unarmed civilians, is a danger to the whole world.

Sanctions now

Have you proof beyond reasonable doubt that they have nuclear weapons, if you don't then you are a RACIST LIAR.

I see you also know hamas the rogue state that attacks its neighbours and mass murders unarmed civilians, yes they are a danger to the whole world and should be eradicated at once.
In Shocking Breach U.S. Declassifies Document Revealing Some of Israel s Nuclear Capabilities The Weekly Standard

You asked for proof :dunno:

Not proof of what I asked is it, as nowhere in that does it say Israel has nuclear weapons.
Easy answer - never.
Israel doesn't allow UN inspections, nor will they sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.
This rogue state, known for many attacks against its neighbours and mass murder of unarmed civilians, is a danger to the whole world.

Sanctions now

Have you proof beyond reasonable doubt that they have nuclear weapons, if you don't then you are a RACIST LIAR.

I see you also know hamas the rogue state that attacks its neighbours and mass murders unarmed civilians, yes they are a danger to the whole world and should be eradicated at once.
In Shocking Breach U.S. Declassifies Document Revealing Some of Israel s Nuclear Capabilities The Weekly Standard

You asked for proof :dunno:

Not proof of what I asked is it, as nowhere in that does it say Israel has nuclear weapons.
Well then they should have no problem with inspectors coming in to check on their now confirmed nuclear capabilities. Right?
iran shouldn't have signed the nuke agreement OLDSCHOOL but since they signed it looks like they should go full bore and just build their nukes , show them off in Tehrans town square , show them off in irans press , send pics to Israel !!
iran shouldn't have signed the nuke agreement OLDSCHOOL but since they signed it looks like they should go full bore and just build their nukes , show them off in Tehrans town square , show them off in irans press , send pics to Israel !!
Under the treaty several countries have pursued nuclear energy. I'm not sure why you keep bringing this up and talking about nuclear weapons.
I don't think that its any of the 'un' business if Israel has nukes or doesn't have nukes . Israeli's were smart enough to have not signed any nuke agreements as far as I am aware !!
Then why is it their business if Iran has nukes? Hmm?

When did Israel threaten to fire nuclear weapons at anyone, how many times have irans leaders threatened to lay waste to Israel once they get nuclear weapons.

Does this answer your question

The Iranians have NEVER threatened to "lay waste to Israel once they get nuclear weapons." If they have, please directly quote that from the exact leader with a source please.

IOW, you got nothing, you lied. That's what I thought.

What do you think playing some Iranian propaganda video proves? Looks to me like this video shows the US and Israel launching a first strike against Iran. Looks like the Iranian leadership is trying to convince it's population why it needs the bomb.

Judging from your attitude, I'd say they are right. It looks like this is what you would like the Israeli's to do to them.
Easy answer - never.
Israel doesn't allow UN inspections, nor will they sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.
This rogue state, known for many attacks against its neighbours and mass murder of unarmed civilians, is a danger to the whole world.

Sanctions now

Have you proof beyond reasonable doubt that they have nuclear weapons, if you don't then you are a RACIST LIAR.

I see you also know hamas the rogue state that attacks its neighbours and mass murders unarmed civilians, yes they are a danger to the whole world and should be eradicated at once.
In Shocking Breach U.S. Declassifies Document Revealing Some of Israel s Nuclear Capabilities The Weekly Standard

You asked for proof :dunno:

Not proof of what I asked is it, as nowhere in that does it say Israel has nuclear weapons.

The fact that you believe Iran would immediately nuke Israel when and if it got the bomb, the fact that you actually want to deny that Israel even has the bomb, and all of these other factors obvious means that you are a troll and a hyper partisan.

You are evil and filled with hate, you don't deserve anyone to even spend any time on you. You are a waste of time and space. You deny reality to suit your agenda.

Done with you.
everybody believes that ISRAEL has the bomb 'Mr.Beale' and most everyone approves of Israel having the bomb !!
Because I don't believe the Iranians and I thinked that they signed a nuke deal while Israel had the brains to not sign a paper saying that they wouldn't persue nuke weapons OLDSCHOOL !!
everybody believes that ISRAEL has the bomb 'Mr.Beale' and most everyone approves of Israel having the bomb !!
A couple years ago the UN voted almost unanimously to have nuclear inspectors sent to Israel. The U.S., under Obama, stopped that from happening. That's well over 100 countries that don't seem to "approve" of Israel having the bomb.
Because I don't believe the Iranians and I thinked that they signed a nuke deal while Israel had the brains to not sign a paper saying that they wouldn't persue nuke weapons OLDSCHOOL !!
OMG the treaty has to do with nuclear weapons. Iran has repeated incessantly that they have no interest in nuclear weapons and want to pursue nuclear energy. So the treaty has NOTHING to do with anything. This is a thread about allowing inspectors into countries that have nuclear power.

and hey , I don't care if 'iran' gets nukes . Their nukes will just have to be dealt with one way or the other and it makes for interesting thoughts , talk and speculation or maybe a disaster , who knows Oldschool ?? No matter what , you living in Orygun , you should be ok if you are prepared . Its the big city dwellers that are mrobama supporters that should be more concerned than a lucky guy like you , imo !!
Israel ignored the 'un' , good for them Oldschool . I'd do the same thing !!
Israel and their supporters are homicidal and suicidal psychopaths.
Have you proof beyond reasonable doubt that they have nuclear weapons, if you don't then you are a RACIST LIAR.

I see you also know hamas the rogue state that attacks its neighbours and mass murders unarmed civilians, yes they are a danger to the whole world and should be eradicated at once.
In Shocking Breach U.S. Declassifies Document Revealing Some of Israel s Nuclear Capabilities The Weekly Standard

You asked for proof :dunno:

Not proof of what I asked is it, as nowhere in that does it say Israel has nuclear weapons.
Well then they should have no problem with inspectors coming in to check on their now confirmed nuclear capabilities. Right?

When the rest of the world accept this then so will Israel, but not that long ago Iraq refused to allow weapons inspectors in after they had signed to allow them.
iran shouldn't have signed the nuke agreement OLDSCHOOL but since they signed it looks like they should go full bore and just build their nukes , show them off in Tehrans town square , show them off in irans press , send pics to Israel !!
Under the treaty several countries have pursued nuclear energy. I'm not sure why you keep bringing this up and talking about nuclear weapons.

Because nuclear energy is the first step on the road to nuclear weapons. As is the case in iran where they enrich Uranium to just under weapons grade and claim it is for their nuclear reactor built by Russia and fuelled by Russian rods. The rods will last the life of the reactor so why do they need to enrich more uranium unless it is for weapons technology
I don't think that its any of the 'un' business if Israel has nukes or doesn't have nukes . Israeli's were smart enough to have not signed any nuke agreements as far as I am aware !!
Then why is it their business if Iran has nukes? Hmm?

When did Israel threaten to fire nuclear weapons at anyone, how many times have irans leaders threatened to lay waste to Israel once they get nuclear weapons.

Does this answer your question

The Iranians have NEVER threatened to "lay waste to Israel once they get nuclear weapons." If they have, please directly quote that from the exact leader with a source please.

IOW, you got nothing, you lied. That's what I thought.

What do you think playing some Iranian propaganda video proves? Looks to me like this video shows the US and Israel launching a first strike against Iran. Looks like the Iranian leadership is trying to convince it's population why it needs the bomb.

Judging from your attitude, I'd say they are right. It looks like this is what you would like the Israeli's to do to them.

And you are wrong on all counts. It wont be Israel taking the first strike option, but you can bet your bottom dollar that they will respond when Iran does. Whether it will be with nuclear or conventional it wont matter as within 10 seconds of Iran's first missile the US will have launched 20 of theirs aimed at every Iranian city. Then Iran will be the biggest piece of glass in the world. Closely followed by Pakistan and Syria.
Well then they should have no problem with inspectors coming in to check on their now confirmed nuclear capabilities. Right?

When the rest of the world accept this then so will Israel, but not that long ago Iraq refused to allow weapons inspectors in after they had signed to allow them.
Not sure what point you're trying to make here.

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