When did the UN last inspect Israeli nukes?

that's why Israels doomsday nuke loaded subs are a good deal for them Oldschool !!
Easy answer - never.
Israel doesn't allow UN inspections, nor will they sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.
This rogue state, known for many attacks against its neighbours and mass murder of unarmed civilians, is a danger to the whole world.

Sanctions now

Despite years of provocation by her "peace-loving" neighbors, Extremist Muslim, Israel has not only never used a nuke, she has never even tested one.
You're right it did go nowhere. Blocked by the U.S. And then of course last year the ENTIRE UN voted against Israel's human rights record and who was the lone country that blocked anything from happening? The U.S..

What was blocked by the US? The UN Gen Ass overwhelmingly passed a NON-BINDING resolution demanding Israel sign the non-proliferation treaty. Israel has done what is her right under international law ... she ignored it.
Yanno, for someone who claims only to have America's interests at heart you sure do spend lots of your time hating on Israel.
Easy answer - never.
Israel doesn't allow UN inspections, nor will they sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.
This rogue state, known for many attacks against its neighbours and mass murder of unarmed civilians, is a danger to the whole world.

Sanctions now
Remind me? Does the UN inspect Pakistani weapons? How about British or Indian? Maybe french or Russian?
There first has to be call for a UN inspection in Israel, so without that happing first then you can't say Israel does not allow UN Inspections.
You can't forbid something if it does not exist in the first place.
The vote for it in by the UN in 2012 went nowhere and it has not been brought up since then.
The UN has also said that Israel has the most woman's rights violations which is not true. This panel is made up of mostly Muslim Nations so talk about biased and false reports.
There is no need for any UN inspections because they have never claimed to wipe anyone off the map like Hamas and Iran has.
Israel is defending itself and is not the aggressors.
Stop believing the lies being spread about Israel.
There has been a call. It was a nearly unanimous vote by all UN members for Israel to allow inspectors in and to sign the nonproliferation treaty. Of course the U.S., under President Obama, didn't allow it. But oh well. :dunno:

Yes in 2012 and it went nowhere and has not come up again in three years.
That was the point.
You're right it did go nowhere. Blocked by the U.S. And then of course last year the ENTIRE UN voted against Israel's human rights record and who was the lone country that blocked anything from happening? The U.S.

Anyways the point is, if you think Israel has the advantage here you are very mistaken. Israel has the U.S. as a trump card, but they're doing they're best to even lose that.

Even Hillary Clinton is for Israel as well as the majority of Dems and Repubs.
Obama won't go against that.
Israel is not the aggressor and they have the right to exist.
Israel can deafened herself and she is not going anywhere.
The Question: When was the last time the UN inspected Israel's Nuclear facilitie?

The Answer: They did last time Israel funded world scale terrorism and threatened to destroy other countries.

You're right it did go nowhere. Blocked by the U.S. And then of course last year the ENTIRE UN voted against Israel's human rights record and who was the lone country that blocked anything from happening? The U.S..

What was blocked by the US? The UN Gen Ass overwhelmingly passed a NON-BINDING resolution demanding Israel sign the non-proliferation treaty. Israel has done what is her right under international law ... she ignored it.
Yanno, for someone who claims only to have America's interests at heart you sure do spend lots of your time hating on Israel.
When I see a stupid argument, I have to respond. 'Tis a curse.
You're right it did go nowhere. Blocked by the U.S. And then of course last year the ENTIRE UN voted against Israel's human rights record and who was the lone country that blocked anything from happening? The U.S..

What was blocked by the US? The UN Gen Ass overwhelmingly passed a NON-BINDING resolution demanding Israel sign the non-proliferation treaty. Israel has done what is her right under international law ... she ignored it.
Yanno, for someone who claims only to have America's interests at heart you sure do spend lots of your time hating on Israel.

When I see a stupid argument, I have to respond. 'Tis a curse.

So you admit that the US did not block that NON-BINDING UN Gen Ass resolution and rather than respond honestly with facts you chose to lie.
And you wonder why I doubt you when you claim not to be just another dime-a-dozen mindless hater?
You're right it did go nowhere. Blocked by the U.S. And then of course last year the ENTIRE UN voted against Israel's human rights record and who was the lone country that blocked anything from happening? The U.S..

What was blocked by the US? The UN Gen Ass overwhelmingly passed a NON-BINDING resolution demanding Israel sign the non-proliferation treaty. Israel has done what is her right under international law ... she ignored it.
Yanno, for someone who claims only to have America's interests at heart you sure do spend lots of your time hating on Israel.

When I see a stupid argument, I have to respond. 'Tis a curse.

So you admit that the US did not block that NON-BINDING UN Gen Ass resolution and rather than respond honestly with facts you chose to lie.
And you wonder why I doubt you when you claim not to be just another dime-a-dozen mindless hater?
How many countries are members of the UN? And the U.S. was the ONLY one to vote in Israel's favor. That should tell you and the Israeli's something.

Btw before the Bibi congress speech and the republicans treasonous letter I think I'd posted maybe like 5 times about Israel. Israel is aggressively trying to interfere in our affairs. Any negative comment I make about Israel is only intended to remind people here that they are AMERICANS first.

You want to ask me what I think about Hamas and Iran? I'll show you I have no kind words for them.
un should be defunded by the USA , let them support themselves Oldschool !! 'un' has no authority over the USA or Israel .
There first has to be call for a UN inspection in Israel, so without that happing first then you can't say Israel does not allow UN Inspections.
You can't forbid something if it does not exist in the first place.
The vote for it in by the UN in 2012 went nowhere and it has not been brought up since then.
The UN has also said that Israel has the most woman's rights violations which is not true. This panel is made up of mostly Muslim Nations so talk about biased and false reports.
There is no need for any UN inspections because they have never claimed to wipe anyone off the map like Hamas and Iran has.
Israel is defending itself and is not the aggressors.
Stop believing the lies being spread about Israel.
When you talk like that, your as guilty, whitewashing any action because you bought the power with money influence.
You're right it did go nowhere. Blocked by the U.S. And then of course last year the ENTIRE UN voted against Israel's human rights record and who was the lone country that blocked anything from happening? The U.S..

What was blocked by the US? The UN Gen Ass overwhelmingly passed a NON-BINDING resolution demanding Israel sign the non-proliferation treaty. Israel has done what is her right under international law ... she ignored it.
Yanno, for someone who claims only to have America's interests at heart you sure do spend lots of your time hating on Israel.

When I see a stupid argument, I have to respond. 'Tis a curse.

So you admit that the US did not block that NON-BINDING UN Gen Ass resolution and rather than respond honestly with facts you chose to lie.
And you wonder why I doubt you when you claim not to be just another dime-a-dozen mindless hater?
How many countries are members of the UN? And the U.S. was the ONLY one to vote in Israel's favor. That should tell you and the Israeli's something.

Btw before the Bibi congress speech and the republicans treasonous letter I think I'd posted maybe like 5 times about Israel. Israel is aggressively trying to interfere in our affairs. Any negative comment I make about Israel is only intended to remind people here that they are AMERICANS first.

You want to ask me what I think about Hamas and Iran? I'll show you I have no kind words for them.

There was 6 countries that voted (abstained) against the UN Resolution.
There first has to be call for a UN inspection in Israel, so without that happing first then you can't say Israel does not allow UN Inspections.
You can't forbid something if it does not exist in the first place.
The vote for it in by the UN in 2012 went nowhere and it has not been brought up since then.
The UN has also said that Israel has the most woman's rights violations which is not true. This panel is made up of mostly Muslim Nations so talk about biased and false reports.
There is no need for any UN inspections because they have never claimed to wipe anyone off the map like Hamas and Iran has.
Israel is defending itself and is not the aggressors.
Stop believing the lies being spread about Israel.
When you talk like that, your as guilty, whitewashing any action because you bought the power with money influence.

Stating facts is not whitewashing.
Easy answer - never.
Israel doesn't allow UN inspections, nor will they sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.
This rogue state, known for many attacks against its neighbours and mass murder of unarmed civilians, is a danger to the whole world.

Sanctions now

Israel attacks her neighbours because the Islamic terrorist scum that reside there attack/threaten Israel.

The only threat to world peace in the ME are Muslim states and the terrorists that live there, and you know that's right.

Rogue state :lol: !!
TheOldSchool, SAYIT, et al,

First --- It is incorrect to say that the US blocked this Resolution (A/RES/69/78 The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East). The Resolution was adopted. Clearly the United States, Canada, Palau and Micronesia joined Israel in opposing the measure, and another 18 countries abstained in the vote.
The General Assembly overwhelmingly approved an Arab-backed resolution (161-5 vote) "calls upon all countries of the region that have not yet done so, pending the establishment of the Nuclear-Free Zone, to agree to place all their nuclear activities under International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards.

The General Assembly is the main deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of the United Nations. The General Assembly (non-binding) Resolution 69/78 cannot compel Israel to become a member of the Treaty on the NonProliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). It would violate the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and invalidate its consent.

You're right it did go nowhere. Blocked by the U.S. And then of course last year the ENTIRE UN voted against Israel's human rights record and who was the lone country that blocked anything from happening? The U.S..
What was blocked by the US? The UN Gen Ass overwhelmingly passed a NON-BINDING resolution demanding Israel sign the non-proliferation treaty. Israel has done what is her right under international law ... she ignored it.
Yanno, for someone who claims only to have America's interests at heart you sure do spend lots of your time hating on Israel.
When I see a stupid argument, I have to respond. 'Tis a curse.

This is not the first attempt by Arab States to develop Military Intelligence, through the use of the NPT, on Israel's strategic nuclear deterrent. And it probably will not be the last.

Israel has been in three major conflicts with several members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the League of Arab States (LAS). Of the 21 Members of the LAS, over one-third of the members have engaged Israel in hostile military action (at one time or another) in one of the three major conflicts over the last 60 years (Primary Aggressors: Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia // supported by: Algeria, Morocco, Pakistan, Sudan, Tunisia, Yemen). Strategically, if the Israelis compromised their principle strategic deterrent (if they actually have one), the LAS Forces may become much more bold in their anti-Israel operations and pose a serious threat to regional peace. As long as the LAS Forces have limited knowledge concerning the potential for an Israeli Strategic Nuclear Deterrent and principle Regional Arab targets, the less likely it is that a repeat of the 1973 Yom Kipper Sneak Attack might occur.

This position is NOT inconsistent with the NPT --- in that Article X stipulates that "Each Party shall in exercising its national sovereignty have the right to withdraw from the Treaty if it decides that extraordinary events, related to the subject matter of this Treaty, have jeopardized the supreme interests of its country." The purpose of the NPT is to prevent both proliferation of weapons technology and events which bring the likelihood of a nuclear exchange to the forefront. Since the release of such information to UN activities would undoubtedly be without safeguards and almost immediately compromised, it is more dangerous to regional peace to passively comply with the NPT criteria than to maintain a tight control on the scope, nature and magnitude of the Israeli Strategic Nuclear Deterrent and its targeting capability.

Most Respectfully,
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You're right it did go nowhere. Blocked by the U.S. And then of course last year the ENTIRE UN voted against Israel's human rights record and who was the lone country that blocked anything from happening? The U.S..

What was blocked by the US? The UN Gen Ass overwhelmingly passed a NON-BINDING resolution demanding Israel sign the non-proliferation treaty. Israel has done what is her right under international law ... she ignored it.
Yanno, for someone who claims only to have America's interests at heart you sure do spend lots of your time hating on Israel.

When I see a stupid argument, I have to respond. 'Tis a curse.

So you admit that the US did not block that NON-BINDING UN Gen Ass resolution and rather than respond honestly with facts you chose to lie.
And you wonder why I doubt you when you claim not to be just another dime-a-dozen mindless hater?
How many countries are members of the UN? And the U.S. was the ONLY one to vote in Israel's favor. That should tell you and the Israeli's something.

Btw before the Bibi congress speech and the republicans treasonous letter I think I'd posted maybe like 5 times about Israel. Israel is aggressively trying to interfere in our affairs. Any negative comment I make about Israel is only intended to remind people here that they are AMERICANS first.

You want to ask me what I think about Hamas and Iran? I'll show you I have no kind words for them.

There was 6 countries that voted (abstained) against the UN Resolution.
Don't get smart and pretend that's voting against. I can just as easily say they voted to not support Israel by abstaining.
I don't think that its any of the 'un' business if Israel has nukes or doesn't have nukes . Israeli's were smart enough to have not signed any nuke agreements as far as I am aware !!

"I don't think that its any of the 'un' business if Israel has nukes or doesn't have nukes..."

all the world should know who's packin' or not ?

it is....the world's bidness.
so you may be a one worlder ehh 'member' ?? I'm not , I believe in the Sovereignty of Individual Independent States like the USA , Israel and others . 'un' is a collection of nasty tyrants imo !!

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