When did the UN last inspect Israeli nukes?

"montelatici, et al,

Don't pay any attention to this. The information, as shallow as it is, is even made more questionable by its age.

Easy answer - never.
Israel doesn't allow UN inspections, nor will they sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.
This rogue state, known for many attacks against its neighbours and mass murder of unarmed civilians, is a danger to the whole world.

Sanctions now
Inspect them?

Whatever for?

They don't call for wiping out their neighbors, like the Muslims do.

And, whatever makes you think that sanctions are necessary?

And who is going to apply them?

Certainly not the US.

We like the the Jews of Israel much better than we like the Muslims of the region, and we trust the Jews with nukes, whereas the Muslims are not to be trusted with them.

We have no trouble sanctioning our enemies and those who wish us evil.

Why in the world would we support sanctions against our good friend and ally?

There's no point in it.

"They don't call for wiping out their neighbors, like the Muslims do."

No, with the Samson option they call for wiping out Europe.

"Vanunu Confirms Israel's Global Thermonuclear Blackmail, WHY?

Dr. Hesham Tillawi - One of the Israeli professors said a few months ago that 'we have the nuclear capability of hitting every major European city,' is that true to your knowledge?

Mordechai Vanunu - Yes, it is true. They can bombard any city all over the world, and not only those in Europe but also those in the United States, and by this threat what they are doing is to send a secret message to any leader and to any government that they have the ability to use them aggressively and to blackmail them, to blackmail Europe and the United States, every where, in every state around the world. It was Europe and the United States who helped them get this power, and now that Israel has it, she is coming back and saying to them 'We will not obey any orders that you give us. No international law, no international agreement, no UN resolutions,' and all because of these atomic weapons that they have....

Mordechai Vanunu On Israel's Nuclear Blackmail

Vanunu Confirms Israel s Global Thermonuclear Blackmail WHY Yahoo Answers

First, the information that was claimed by Mordechai Vanunu is more than a quarter of a century old.

Second, many countries have Extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ); which is the legal ability of a government to exercise authority beyond its normal boundaries. The US has it (18 U.S. Code § 3042 - Extraterritorial jurisdiction) just as Israel.

Most Respectfully,
.............................^^^ Member is an example of what illegal drugs can do to a person's mind. ...... :lol: :lol:
Remind us again how Hamas are freedom fighters, Hezbollah are freedom fighters and how Your prophet had sex with a 9 year old girl.


Is this the prophet you're talking about ?

Shows that Toastman is toast. Doesn't realize that changing the name of the book to Old Testament and the name on the pig to Moses and you have an antisemitic cartoon.

Do you really think I am going to fall for your accusations Monti ?

Not only are you an open racist, but you CONSTANTLY ignore disgusting anti semitic posts by other posters, and instead accuse pro Israelis of saying something racist when that is not the case.
Double standard hypocrisy
.............................^^^ Member is an example of what illegal drugs can do to a person's mind. ...... :lol: :lol:
Remind us again how Hamas are freedom fighters, Hezbollah are freedom fighters and how Your prophet had sex with a 9 year old girl.


Is this the prophet you're talking about ?

Shows that Toastman is toast. Doesn't realize that changing the name of the book to Old Testament and the name on the pig to Moses and you have an antisemitic cartoon.

Do you really think I am going to fall for your accusations Monti ?

Not only are you an open racist, but you CONSTANTLY ignore disgusting anti semitic posts by other posters, and instead accuse pro Israelis of saying something racist when that is not the case.
Double standard hypocrisy

You posted the racist cartoon. I just pointed out out that just changing some words it would be antisemitic. What's your point?
.............................^^^ Member is an example of what illegal drugs can do to a person's mind. ...... :lol: :lol:

Same Shit, different character.

word-for-word response too, (like the last, last character before sunnimunchies.

"Member is an example of what illegal drugs can do to a person's mind.."

Beat it ! NEXT character.....
"When did the UN last inspect Israel's Nukes?"

I don't give a fuck, and frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!
Well being as Israel is a RECALCITRANT State regarding this matter(and NEVER ALLOWED the UN to Inspect their Illegally obtained Nuclear facility)you should...........and the world should insist that Nuclear facilities everywhere should be inspected and monitored once every couple of years......the hypocrisy of Israel demanding inspectors into Iran,India,Pakistan, etc...shows total arrogance....yet Israel denies UN inspectors.....Well you may not give a "FUCK" but we do ..... particularly as Israel is so unstable.

Teddy you have become a Rabid Wanker.....your ignorance and pathetic denials deem you a dangerous Fucker Indeed.........Your post DAMNS YOU FUCKINGLY....I'm theliq......I kick Assholes BIGTIME because I can and DO when they talk such errant SHIT.
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"When did the UN last inspect Israel's Nukes?"

I don't give a fuck, and frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!

Of course, nuclear facilities of non-Jews must be inspected, but Jews get a pass. You are so obsessed with Jew love you don't even see the hypocrisy. All nuclear facilities should be inspected. No country should have nuclear weapons.
Have you proof beyond reasonable doubt that they have nuclear weapons, if you don't then you are a RACIST LIAR.

I see you also know hamas the rogue state that attacks its neighbours and mass murders unarmed civilians, yes they are a danger to the whole world and should be eradicated at once.
In Shocking Breach U.S. Declassifies Document Revealing Some of Israel s Nuclear Capabilities The Weekly Standard

You asked for proof :dunno:

Not proof of what I asked is it, as nowhere in that does it say Israel has nuclear weapons.

The fact that you believe Iran would immediately nuke Israel when and if it got the bomb, the fact that you actually want to deny that Israel even has the bomb, and all of these other factors obvious means that you are a troll and a hyper partisan.

You are evil and filled with hate, you don't deserve anyone to even spend any time on you. You are a waste of time and space. You deny reality to suit your agenda.

Done with you.
images (2).jpg
The only terrorist rogue state in the middle east is Israel. .... :cool:

OK, who let our village idiot in?

Oh common, you think Sunni Troll could help himself when there is a thread about Israel and nukes?

He probably had a trollgasm when he saw the thread title :cool:
No Toastie,Sunni is a very fine and intelligent man,not some two-bit Tosser you try to make him look...........cut the shit-talk and dialogue properly..I know you can.steve
The only terrorist rogue state in the middle east is Israel. .... :cool:

OK, who let our village idiot in?

Oh common, you think Sunni Troll could help himself when there is a thread about Israel and nukes?

He probably had a trollgasm when he saw the thread title :cool:
No Toastie,Sunni is a very fine and intelligent man,not some two-bit Tosser you try to make him look...........cut the shit-talk and dialogue properly..I know you can.steve
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
"When did the UN last inspect Israel's Nukes?"

I don't give a fuck, and frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!

Of course, nuclear facilities of non-Jews must be inspected, but Jews get a pass. You are so obsessed with Jew love you don't even see the hypocrisy. All nuclear facilities should be inspected. No country should have nuclear weapons.
You're too stupid and ignorant to even realize why Israel started its nuke program.
The only terrorist rogue state in the middle east is Israel. .... :cool:

OK, who let our village idiot in?

Oh common, you think Sunni Troll could help himself when there is a thread about Israel and nukes?

He probably had a trollgasm when he saw the thread title :cool:
No Toastie,Sunni is a very fine and intelligent man,not some two-bit Tosser you try to make him look...........cut the shit-talk and dialogue properly..I know you can.steve
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Toastie,We STAND or FALL by our posts,on this I STAND and YOU FALL.........you should learn Toastie that Nukes are NO LAUGHING MATTER......be good my friend and listen to your superior ....LOL..........just sayin.......Now that is Funny...steve
"When did the UN last inspect Israel's Nukes?"

I don't give a fuck, and frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!

Of course, nuclear facilities of non-Jews must be inspected, but Jews get a pass. You are so obsessed with Jew love you don't even see the hypocrisy. All nuclear facilities should be inspected. No country should have nuclear weapons.
You're too stupid and ignorant to even realize why Israel started its nuke program.

Why did Israel start a nuclear program? Why would any country start a nuclear program?
"When did the UN last inspect Israel's Nukes?"

I don't give a fuck, and frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!

Of course, nuclear facilities of non-Jews must be inspected, but Jews get a pass. You are so obsessed with Jew love you don't even see the hypocrisy. All nuclear facilities should be inspected. No country should have nuclear weapons.
You're too stupid and ignorant to even realize why Israel started its nuke program.

Why did Israel start a nuclear program? Why would any country start a nuclear program?
Because they were attacked several times by several countries at once who surrounded Israel, with the intention of destroying Israel.
When your very existence is in question, you do whatever you need yo survive.

I also don't like nuclear weapons. I hope one day the entire world will be void of them. But for now, Israel is still surrounded by global jihadists who would launch a nuke at Israel without hesitation.
"When did the UN last inspect Israel's Nukes?"

I don't give a fuck, and frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!

Of course, nuclear facilities of non-Jews must be inspected, but Jews get a pass. You are so obsessed with Jew love you don't even see the hypocrisy. All nuclear facilities should be inspected. No country should have nuclear weapons.
You're too stupid and ignorant to even realize why Israel started its nuke program.

Why did Israel start a nuclear program? Why would any country start a nuclear program?
In the 1960's Monti..steve
"When did the UN last inspect Israel's Nukes?"

I don't give a fuck, and frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!

Of course, nuclear facilities of non-Jews must be inspected, but Jews get a pass. You are so obsessed with Jew love you don't even see the hypocrisy. All nuclear facilities should be inspected. No country should have nuclear weapons.
You're too stupid and ignorant to even realize why Israel started its nuke program.

Why did Israel start a nuclear program? Why would any country start a nuclear program?
Because they were attacked several times by several countries at once who surrounded Israel, with the intention of destroying Israel.
When your very existence is in question, you do whatever you need yo survive.

I also don't like nuclear weapons. I hope one day the entire world will be void of them. But for now, Israel is still surrounded by global jihadists who would launch a nuke at Israel without hesitation.
I agree with your last sentence Toastie but you will concede that Israel would also use them.....I would love to see them all disappear completely...steve
Israel and their supporters are homicidal and suicidal psychopaths.

And you can produce a non partisan link to prove this.

I submit the Koran and hadiths as my evidence that it is in fact the muslims that are homicidal and suicidal psychopaths
All your posts in this thread.

Then you lose as telling the truth about a religious cult is not RACIST or proof of Israel being homicidal and suicidal psychopaths. The Koran and hadiths are proof that muslims fit the bill.
There first has to be call for a UN inspection in Israel, so without that happing first then you can't say Israel does not allow UN Inspections.
You can't forbid something if it does not exist in the first place.
The vote for it in by the UN in 2012 went nowhere and it has not been brought up since then.
The UN has also said that Israel has the most woman's rights violations which is not true. This panel is made up of mostly Muslim Nations so talk about biased and false reports.
There is no need for any UN inspections because they have never claimed to wipe anyone off the map like Hamas and Iran has.
Israel is defending itself and is not the aggressors.
Stop believing the lies being spread about Israel.
There has been a call. It was a nearly unanimous vote by all UN members for Israel to allow inspectors in and to sign the nonproliferation treaty. Of course the U.S., under President Obama, didn't allow it. But oh well. :dunno:

Yes in 2012 and it went nowhere and has not come up again in three years.
That was the point.
You're right it did go nowhere. Blocked by the U.S. And then of course last year the ENTIRE UN voted against Israel's human rights record and who was the lone country that blocked anything from happening? The U.S.

Anyways the point is, if you think Israel has the advantage here you are very mistaken. Israel has the U.S. as a trump card, but they're doing they're best to even lose that.

The UN have made sure that Israel will always lose and without the US veto Israel would be out of the UN and untouchable. Then there would be real trouble in the M.E. when Israel ignored the anti semitic UN and carried on killing hamas terrorists.
"When did the UN last inspect Israel's Nukes?"

I don't give a fuck, and frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!

Of course, nuclear facilities of non-Jews must be inspected, but Jews get a pass. You are so obsessed with Jew love you don't even see the hypocrisy. All nuclear facilities should be inspected. No country should have nuclear weapons.
You're too stupid and ignorant to even realize why Israel started its nuke program.

Why did Israel start a nuclear program? Why would any country start a nuclear program?
In the 1960's Monti..steve

He asked why, not when. And it shows his/hers incredible naivety and total lack of any intelligence to ask that.

I could ask why did Iran start a nuclear programme ?

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