When did we stop educating people?

The next year, the Rockefeller Education Board—which funded the creation of numerous public schools—issued a statement which read in part:

In our dreams…people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present educational conventions [intellectual and character education] fade from our minds, and unhampered by tradition we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or men of science. We have not to raise up from among them authors, educators, poets or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians, nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we have ample supply. The task we set before ourselves is very simple…we will organize children…and teach them to do in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way.

During the golden age of progressives

From your article: The Educational System Was Designed to Keep Us Uneducated and Docile

That's what the right wing wants. Injecting the occult into the classroom. Magical creation taught as an alternative to science. No wonder right wingers fall so far behind in education.

2+2=5 did not spring from the Right Einstein. ;)

Feel good education, right wing now is it? I think not.
We shouldnt be educating people. People should be educating themselves.

Could you expand a bit please. I find value in education, especially free public education. What part of your politics allows you to think that education is not something worthy of a society?
We stopped educating people once the principals of education changed. At one point in time, teachers and professors genuinely sought to open your mind and cultivate your ability to question everything.

When education became enamored solely with the profitability of whatever occupation you're considering, critical thinking plunged into a gulch of indifference and covetousness. Schools are akin to drone factories, cynically pumping out faceless servants to bow down to the whims of their employers. Once their usefulness is used up, they are obsolete in the eyes of the employer and subsequently discarded like spoiled milk.

It's enough to make you retch.

The principles of education used to be reading, writing and math. Probably some Latin and science too. The teachers and professors were very strict and never questioned. I don't know how you became so confused.

Your last paragraph is clearly the disappointed rant of someone who couldn't cut college and decided to blame the system and demonize every employer. Do you see a lot of college courses geared at teaching you how to work on an assembly line? I think not.

You make many statements which you failed to back up with proof. That makes you a simple whiner in your mom's basement. Got a job?

You should have left well enough alone. Now your on my radar.
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The next year, the Rockefeller Education Board—which funded the creation of numerous public schools—issued a statement which read in part:

In our dreams…people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present educational conventions [intellectual and character education] fade from our minds, and unhampered by tradition we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or men of science. We have not to raise up from among them authors, educators, poets or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians, nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we have ample supply. The task we set before ourselves is very simple…we will organize children…and teach them to do in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way.

During the golden age of progressives

From your article: The Educational System Was Designed to Keep Us Uneducated and Docile

That's what the right wing wants. Injecting the occult into the classroom. Magical creation taught as an alternative to science. No wonder right wingers fall so far behind in education.

2+2=5 did not spring from the Right Einstein. ;)

Feel good education, right wing now is it? I think not.

We dont keep score.
when your house needs repair it takes money to get the products needed and hire the properly educated people to fix it.

Education is the same way.

"throwing money at the problem" are five words that have helped destroy our public school system.

Everytime anyone suggested a fix to our education problems it was stopped by people screaming this phrase.

Now our house has no heat or electricity and the water is running down the gutter.

Many still peer through its broken windows screaming "we cant just throw money at the problem".

Thank the people who have ended every attempt to fix our schools by constantly screaming this simple montra.
You can sell your house or knock it down and start from scratch when it doesn't do the job anymore.

All you can do with gubmint schools is throw more of other peoples' money at them.
There you go.

The people who use the phrase "throwing money at the problem" believe our education system is unfixable.

If in Americas history we were guided by these types of people we would have NEVER had the best schools let alone the top economy.

Some think the USA is now a failed country.
when your house needs repair it takes money to get the products needed and hire the properly educated people to fix it.

Education is the same way.

"throwing money at the problem" are five words that have helped destroy our public school system.

Everytime anyone suggested a fix to our education problems it was stopped by people screaming this phrase.

Now our house has no heat or electricity and the water is running down the gutter.

Many still peer through its broken windows screaming "we cant just throw money at the problem".

Thank the people who have ended every attempt to fix our schools by constantly screaming this simple montra.

Yet all the schools do here is ask for money to build new schools and teardown the old ones. Using buildings as scapegoats.
when your house needs repair it takes money to get the products needed and hire the properly educated people to fix it.

Education is the same way.

"throwing money at the problem" are five words that have helped destroy our public school system.

Everytime anyone suggested a fix to our education problems it was stopped by people screaming this phrase.

Now our house has no heat or electricity and the water is running down the gutter.

Many still peer through its broken windows screaming "we cant just throw money at the problem".

Thank the people who have ended every attempt to fix our schools by constantly screaming this simple montra.

Yet all the schools do here is ask for money to build new schools and teardown the old ones. Using buildings as scapegoats.
How old is "old"?
"By preventing a free market in education, a handful of social engineers - backed by the industries that profit from compulsory schooling: teacher colleges, textbook publishers, materials suppliers, et al. - has ensured that most of our children will not have an education, even though they may be thoroughly schooled."

– John Taylor Gatto

You should read the Underground History of American Education. You'd be surprised at who helped create are national education system. There's someone for ever political hack on this board to be upset about; Don't like religous fanatics? They had a hand in our education system. Dislike capatalists? Oh yeah, they're in our school system as well. Liberals feeling left out? Nope you had a hand in creating our school system too! Eugenics is very represented as well (thanks to that wonderful proponent of eugenics Margaret Sanger, mother of Planned Parenthood).

Actually you guys keep this a partisian fight, that's helped us out so much.
when your house needs repair it takes money to get the products needed and hire the properly educated people to fix it.

Education is the same way.

"throwing money at the problem" are five words that have helped destroy our public school system.

Everytime anyone suggested a fix to our education problems it was stopped by people screaming this phrase.

Now our house has no heat or electricity and the water is running down the gutter.

Many still peer through its broken windows screaming "we cant just throw money at the problem".

Thank the people who have ended every attempt to fix our schools by constantly screaming this simple montra.

Yet all the schools do here is ask for money to build new schools and teardown the old ones. Using buildings as scapegoats.
How old is "old"?

Does it matter, if they are properly maintained and equiped?
Yes it does matter how old the building is.

Some were built to old standards which are no longer safe or serve the communitys needs.

When you pay teachers the same pay a 711 clerk gets you cant expect first class teaching.
Yes it does matter how old the building is.

Some were built to old standards which are no longer safe or serve the communitys needs.

When you pay teachers the same pay a 711 clerk gets you cant expect first class teaching.

My kids attended a private school. The teachers were/are not well paid. In fact, some were teaching BEFORE they had state "licenses". The school has some Harvard, Notre Dame and other major school grads now. Just throw more money at them huh?
There's more to fixing schools than spending more money.

I agree with some of you about that 100%.
Yes it does matter how old the building is.

Some were built to old standards which are no longer safe or serve the communitys needs.

When you pay teachers the same pay a 711 clerk gets you cant expect first class teaching.

My kids attended a private school. The teachers were/are not well paid. In fact, some were teaching BEFORE they had state "licenses". The school has some Harvard, Notre Dame and other major school grads now. Just throw more money at them huh?

Back your claims with verifiable facts
If you want something done about schools, rather than just bitch about the problems then do something. Call a local school and tell them you want to volunteer in the classroom once a month. Just about ever school needs help; things as simple as helping to move furniture, helping with parking at sporting events, help with field trips, setting up computers, fund raising, etc.. etc. Someone has to do this stuff and too often it's the teacher. In many small public schools there is very little staff other teachers. Often the staff consists of a principal, asst. principal, secretary, clerk, janitor, and teachers.

Attend school board meetings. Attend a PTA meeting. Get involved.
The root of problems in education are voters and parents not teachers or students.
Yes it does matter how old the building is.

Some were built to old standards which are no longer safe or serve the communitys needs.

When you pay teachers the same pay a 711 clerk gets you cant expect first class teaching.

My kids attended a private school. The teachers were/are not well paid. In fact, some were teaching BEFORE they had state "licenses". The school has some Harvard, Notre Dame and other major school grads now. Just throw more money at them huh?

Back your claims with verifiable facts

All teachers get the same pay as a "711 clerk?"

Is that a fact? How can we verify?

SOME older buildings may be unsafe, but not all.

You're illogical suppositions support your lie.
Yes it does matter how old the building is.

Some were built to old standards which are no longer safe or serve the communitys needs.

When you pay teachers the same pay a 711 clerk gets you cant expect first class teaching.

My kids attended a private school. The teachers were/are not well paid. In fact, some were teaching BEFORE they had state "licenses". The school has some Harvard, Notre Dame and other major school grads now. Just throw more money at them huh?

Back your claims with verifiable facts

In 1990, Hillsdale Academy opened its doors to 45 students in grades K-8. Today, it serves students in grades K-12, and its program has gained national acclaim. Under the auspices of Hillsdale College, the Academy bases its curriculum on a solid grounding in fundamental academic skills, an exploration of the arts and sciences and an understanding of the foundational tenets of our Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman heritage.

Hillsdale Academy - Hillsdale Academy

Each year, Hillsdale Academy evaluates the academic
performance of its Lower School students through the
Iowa Tests of Basic Skills. Students in the Upper School
are assessed with data from the Michigan Merit Exam and ACT
composite test scores. Currently, Hillsdale Academy ranks
sixth out of 800 public and private high schools on these two
indicators. While the national average ACT score is 21, Academy
students average 26.


After graduating summa cum laude and
Phi Beta Kappa from Harvard University
in May 2008, Nicholas Hayes, ’04, spent
the summer working as a counselor at the
Great Books Summer Program at Stanford
University in Palo Alto, California.


I think the phrase is bullshit walks. Let me see your backside moving away Truthmatters.

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