When Did You First Get Pissed Off About Where Our Country's Leaders Were Leading Us?

What the hell is an "extremist"?

I'll tell you what an extremist is, an extremist is someone who is not bipartisan.

The term bipartisan, however, means that the American people are about to grab their ankles.

For the life of me, I don't understand how the Tea Party can be labeled extremist for wanting balanced budgets in contrast to a government prints trillions of dollars a day in deficit spending.
A teabag balanced budget is a con job, otherwise they would have been whining about it when Raygun was tripling the national debt, and when Shrub Daddy doubled it again in only four years, and when Shrub Jr. added more to the debt in eight years than all presidents before him added together. That's 20 years of deficit spending by their own party.

For the record:

The tea party opposes deficit spending no matter which party does it
The tea party did not exist when Reagan and Bush 41 were in power
Obama has added 7 trillion to the debt so far and will have added 10 trillion by the time he leave DC.
Obama will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents combined
There are more people in poverty and on food stamps today than when BO took office
Obama has created the longest period of high unemployment in our history.

Bottom line, there have been crappy presidents in the past, but the kenyan clusterfuk is the worst ever.

You know, some of what you mentioned I can agree with and much of what you post is entirely relevant BUT as soon as you start spouting the bold part your entire post becomes worthless.

Linking yourself with the birther movement really leads no credence to any arguments that you post and certainly does not bolster your reputation. Almost all of communication is about perception of your message red and I hate to see someone that is completely capable of presenting a valid and coherent message be written off because of one stance but to be quite frank that is exactly what happens when you fall to the level of calling Obama a ‘Kenyan clusterfuck.’ Does clusterfuck just not convey the message in a strong enough manner for you? It would seem to me to be FAR stronger without the Kenyan in front of it.

Just had to address that red.
For me, Bush Jr. second term. Before that I did not pay enough attention. To be fair, I am 31 now so I was pretty young at the time and still believing much of the information that I garnered from my family. After investigating things for myself I found much of what I thought was completely incorrect. Namely that the republicans actually stood for what they claim.

Between Bush Jr. and now Bush Jr. #2 (Obama) I really don’t see us going in a positive direction at all.
August 2, 1937- passage of the Marihuana Tax Act which effectively made growing or possessing Cannabis Sativa illegal in the United States for the first time in history. It was legalized 5 years later to save the world from the Nazis, but that period was short-lived.

The Marihuana Tax Act was not repealed until the US Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional in 1969 in the case of Leary v. United States. After the Marihuana Tax Act was shot down, Congress and President Nixon passed the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 which denies Cannabis production at all levels. The war on drugs has been escalated by every President since, including such tactics as using US Army soldiers in drug raids on American towns, selling weapons to drug cartels and various other methods of supporting terrorism, and building more prisons than schools in the Land of the Free.

The issue of Cannabis prohibition is the main reason in our history for society's dependence on corporate monopolies, endless war for limited resources, deforestation and rampant pollution and the consequential Greenhouse Effect, and the ever-increasing militarization of our domestic law enforcement agencies. Had "Marihuana" remained legal after World War II, most of the problems facing America and the world today would not exist. We spend $20b/yr on trying to eradicate marijuana when we could just as easily be encouraging Americans to grow more like we did to win World War II and every other war before that.
I am pissed off that we're wasting our time and resources on the middle east and not America. We americans should demand that we spend it on education, infrastructure, science and towards our goddamn advancement.

You fuckers are plain nuts that want to cut more of what is ours.
A teabag balanced budget is a con job, otherwise they would have been whining about it when Raygun was tripling the national debt, and when Shrub Daddy doubled it again in only four years, and when Shrub Jr. added more to the debt in eight years than all presidents before him added together. That's 20 years of deficit spending by their own party.

For the record:

The tea party opposes deficit spending no matter which party does it
The tea party did not exist when Reagan and Bush 41 were in power
Obama has added 7 trillion to the debt so far and will have added 10 trillion by the time he leave DC.
Obama will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents combined
There are more people in poverty and on food stamps today than when BO took office
Obama has created the longest period of high unemployment in our history.

Bottom line, there have been crappy presidents in the past, but the kenyan clusterfuk is the worst ever.

You know, some of what you mentioned I can agree with and much of what you post is entirely relevant BUT as soon as you start spouting the bold part your entire post becomes worthless.

Linking yourself with the birther movement really leads no credence to any arguments that you post and certainly does not bolster your reputation. Almost all of communication is about perception of your message red and I hate to see someone that is completely capable of presenting a valid and coherent message be written off because of one stance but to be quite frank that is exactly what happens when you fall to the level of calling Obama a ‘Kenyan clusterfuck.’ Does clusterfuck just not convey the message in a strong enough manner for you? It would seem to me to be FAR stronger without the Kenyan in front of it.

Just had to address that red.

Sorry to offend you, but I will never be convinced that Obama is who and what he claims to be. Call me a birther, or whatever other names you can come up with. I do not believe him or trust him. Never have, never will.

Kenya claims him as a native son, Michelle calls Kenya his homeland, he has a Conn SS number but never lived in Conn, his biography in one of his early articles says he was born in Kenya and raised in Hawaii. His student ID card from columbia identifies him as a foreign student, his college records have never been released.

Just too many things that remain questionable and the media refused to vet the black guy. If they had checked him out like they checked Palin, Cain, Romney, Santorum, Newt, or any other republican, he would never have been elected.

so "kenyan clusterfuck" seems appropriate and I will use it whenever I choose.
I am pissed off that we're wasting our time and resources on the middle east and not America. We americans should demand that we spend it on education, infrastructure, science and towards our goddamn advancement.

You fuckers are plain nuts that want to cut more of what is ours.

are you also pissed that our tax structure has driven jobs out of this country? are you also pissed that union demands have caused many cities and states to go broke?

are you also pissed that almost half of our citizens are on the govt dole?
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For the record:

The tea party opposes deficit spending no matter which party does it
The tea party did not exist when Reagan and Bush 41 were in power
Obama has added 7 trillion to the debt so far and will have added 10 trillion by the time he leave DC.
Obama will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents combined
There are more people in poverty and on food stamps today than when BO took office
Obama has created the longest period of high unemployment in our history.

Bottom line, there have been crappy presidents in the past, but the kenyan clusterfuk is the worst ever.

You know, some of what you mentioned I can agree with and much of what you post is entirely relevant BUT as soon as you start spouting the bold part your entire post becomes worthless.

Linking yourself with the birther movement really leads no credence to any arguments that you post and certainly does not bolster your reputation. Almost all of communication is about perception of your message red and I hate to see someone that is completely capable of presenting a valid and coherent message be written off because of one stance but to be quite frank that is exactly what happens when you fall to the level of calling Obama a ‘Kenyan clusterfuck.’ Does clusterfuck just not convey the message in a strong enough manner for you? It would seem to me to be FAR stronger without the Kenyan in front of it.

Just had to address that red.

Sorry to offend you, but I will never be convinced that Obama is who and what he claims to be. Call me a birther, or whatever other names you can come up with. I do not believe him or trust him. Never have, never will.

Kenya claims him as a native son, Michelle calls Kenya his homeland, he has a Conn SS number but never lived in Conn, his biography in one of his early articles says he was born in Kenya and raised in Hawaii. His student ID card from columbia identifies him as a foreign student, his college records have never been released.

Just too many things that remain questionable and the media refused to vet the black guy. If they had checked him out like they checked Palin, Cain, Romney, Santorum, Newt, or any other republican, he would never have been elected.

so "kenyan clusterfuck" seems appropriate and I will use it whenever I choose.

Redfish...mouth breather...
You know, some of what you mentioned I can agree with and much of what you post is entirely relevant BUT as soon as you start spouting the bold part your entire post becomes worthless.

Linking yourself with the birther movement really leads no credence to any arguments that you post and certainly does not bolster your reputation. Almost all of communication is about perception of your message red and I hate to see someone that is completely capable of presenting a valid and coherent message be written off because of one stance but to be quite frank that is exactly what happens when you fall to the level of calling Obama a ‘Kenyan clusterfuck.’ Does clusterfuck just not convey the message in a strong enough manner for you? It would seem to me to be FAR stronger without the Kenyan in front of it.

Just had to address that red.

Sorry to offend you, but I will never be convinced that Obama is who and what he claims to be. Call me a birther, or whatever other names you can come up with. I do not believe him or trust him. Never have, never will.

Kenya claims him as a native son, Michelle calls Kenya his homeland, he has a Conn SS number but never lived in Conn, his biography in one of his early articles says he was born in Kenya and raised in Hawaii. His student ID card from columbia identifies him as a foreign student, his college records have never been released.

Just too many things that remain questionable and the media refused to vet the black guy. If they had checked him out like they checked Palin, Cain, Romney, Santorum, Newt, or any other republican, he would never have been elected.

so "kenyan clusterfuck" seems appropriate and I will use it whenever I choose.

Redfish...mouth breather...

As with all fish, Redfish take in water through their mouth and pass it over their gills extracting the oxygen needed for life.

bfgrn....obama worshiper and true diciple of the kenyan messiah.
Sorry to offend you, but I will never be convinced that Obama is who and what he claims to be. Call me a birther, or whatever other names you can come up with. I do not believe him or trust him. Never have, never will.

Kenya claims him as a native son, Michelle calls Kenya his homeland, he has a Conn SS number but never lived in Conn, his biography in one of his early articles says he was born in Kenya and raised in Hawaii. His student ID card from columbia identifies him as a foreign student, his college records have never been released.

Just too many things that remain questionable and the media refused to vet the black guy. If they had checked him out like they checked Palin, Cain, Romney, Santorum, Newt, or any other republican, he would never have been elected.

so "kenyan clusterfuck" seems appropriate and I will use it whenever I choose.

Redfish...mouth breather...

As with all fish, Redfish take in water through their mouth and pass it over their gills extracting the oxygen needed for life.

bfgrn....obama worshiper and true diciple of the kenyan messiah.

I am a Kennedy liberal who is not at all enthused with Obama.

watergate was nothing but one party trying to spy on the other party, Nixon's problem was that he lied about it and the media called him on the lie.

Obama and Clinton lied about Benghazi, healthcare, the IRS, the NSA---but the media will not call them on those lies because today's media is an arm of the dem party.

Until ALL of the media, not just FUX NEWS, becomes like the Goebbels propaganda machine, you will continue to whine and cry. Boo hoo! Whine and cry about Benghazi, and totally ignore the 6,000 American troops the cons killed with lies that Shrub told about yellow cake in Iraq. You're so low, you have to look up to a snail.

They weren't lies, dumbfuck. You do know they found tons of yellowcake in Iraq, don't you?

Just keep telling that lie, and then they'll change the history books.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9leNE7nXUEU]George W. Bush 16 Words Lie: Iraq and Uranium Yellowcake from Niger - YouTube[/ame]

Is a fib really a fib if the teller is unaware that he is uttering an untruth? That question appears to be the basis of the White House defense, having now admitted a falsehood in President Bush's claim, in his State of the Union address, that Iraq had tried to buy uranium in Africa.

Bush and Iraq: Follow the Yellow Cake Road - TIME
Until ALL of the media, not just FUX NEWS, becomes like the Goebbels propaganda machine, you will continue to whine and cry. Boo hoo! Whine and cry about Benghazi, and totally ignore the 6,000 American troops the cons killed with lies that Shrub told about yellow cake in Iraq. You're so low, you have to look up to a snail.

They weren't lies, dumbfuck. You do know they found tons of yellowcake in Iraq, don't you?

Just keep telling that lie, and then they'll change the history books.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9leNE7nXUEU]George W. Bush 16 Words Lie: Iraq and Uranium Yellowcake from Niger - YouTube[/ame]

Is a fib really a fib if the teller is unaware that he is uttering an untruth? That question appears to be the basis of the White House defense, having now admitted a falsehood in President Bush's claim, in his State of the Union address, that Iraq had tried to buy uranium in Africa.

Bush and Iraq: Follow the Yellow Cake Road - TIME

Were Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Gore, Kerry, the UN, the UK, the EU all lying when they said the same things based on exactly the same intel?
Redfish...mouth breather...

As with all fish, Redfish take in water through their mouth and pass it over their gills extracting the oxygen needed for life.

bfgrn....obama worshiper and true diciple of the kenyan messiah.

I am a Kennedy liberal who is not at all enthused with Obama.


Really? then why do you support his marxist collectivist policies in every thread?
As with all fish, Redfish take in water through their mouth and pass it over their gills extracting the oxygen needed for life.

bfgrn....obama worshiper and true diciple of the kenyan messiah.

I am a Kennedy liberal who is not at all enthused with Obama.


Really? then why do you support his marxist collectivist policies in every thread?

He is not a Marxist or a collectivist. But even though I am not a big fan of Obama, the GOP is NOT an option anymore. It is a party of radical authoritarians.
For the record:

The tea party opposes deficit spending no matter which party does it
The tea party did not exist when Reagan and Bush 41 were in power
Obama has added 7 trillion to the debt so far and will have added 10 trillion by the time he leave DC.
Obama will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents combined
There are more people in poverty and on food stamps today than when BO took office
Obama has created the longest period of high unemployment in our history.

Bottom line, there have been crappy presidents in the past, but the kenyan clusterfuk is the worst ever.

You know, some of what you mentioned I can agree with and much of what you post is entirely relevant BUT as soon as you start spouting the bold part your entire post becomes worthless.

Linking yourself with the birther movement really leads no credence to any arguments that you post and certainly does not bolster your reputation. Almost all of communication is about perception of your message red and I hate to see someone that is completely capable of presenting a valid and coherent message be written off because of one stance but to be quite frank that is exactly what happens when you fall to the level of calling Obama a ‘Kenyan clusterfuck.’ Does clusterfuck just not convey the message in a strong enough manner for you? It would seem to me to be FAR stronger without the Kenyan in front of it.

Just had to address that red.

Sorry to offend you, but I will never be convinced that Obama is who and what he claims to be. Call me a birther, or whatever other names you can come up with. I do not believe him or trust him. Never have, never will.

Kenya claims him as a native son, Michelle calls Kenya his homeland, he has a Conn SS number but never lived in Conn, his biography in one of his early articles says he was born in Kenya and raised in Hawaii. His student ID card from columbia identifies him as a foreign student, his college records have never been released.

Just too many things that remain questionable and the media refused to vet the black guy. If they had checked him out like they checked Palin, Cain, Romney, Santorum, Newt, or any other republican, he would never have been elected.

so "kenyan clusterfuck" seems appropriate and I will use it whenever I choose.

You don’t offend me red, that is essentially impossible over a message board. You missed the point entirely of what I was stating though. Any good points are completely eclipsed by the point that you insist on throwing out there.

You obviously want to do so and that is well within your rights but I don’t think you understand that anything you state is essentially ignored not because of its merits but because of the riders that you isist on placing with it.

If I prefaced every argument with the statement that the Holocaust was a Zionist plot and never actually happened it would not matter how logical, well thought out or how correct my following arguments were: they would be completely disregarded.

That is EXACTLY how most of the readers are going to see your posts. If you don’t mind that, more power to you. I have a feeling that you don’t see it in that light though. Perception in that is key – it does not matter if Obama is a die in the wool Kenyan, your arguments are essentially moot since no one is going to get past that single statement.
Oh, I realize how badly Bush messed up. Admittedly I was in high school during most of his presidency. But given the time to evaluate him, he wasn't all he was cracked up to be.

I'm nearly 40 years older than you...

how 'bout you call me in, say, twenty years when you truly know what you're talking about...

How about not being a condescending asshole?

And look who thanks that post. Irony alert.

I think Bill just went 5-for-5 at the top there. I agree: LBJ with Vietnam.
After clinton.

I know you're nearly the same age as me, Gracie...

so... what...? you were more 'r less completely fuckin' asleep before GWB arrived and then you finally started paying attention... ?!
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