When Did You First Get Pissed Off About Where Our Country's Leaders Were Leading Us?

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for me, it was LBJ's shit-for-brains acceleration of the Vietnam war...

'n also his dumb-ass "War On Poverty"...

You took the words right off my keyboard.

Then when the My Lai massacre story broke, that was it for me.


Makes me sick to this day.

I wonder how many people our age remember this? But the Vietnamese will never forget. Sort of how Americans will never forget 9/11.
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Every conflict in the bloody 20th century started during a democrat administration. The mainstream media has always been supportive of the democrat party and they made excuses for the lies Wilson told and the criminal negligence of the FDR administration as well as the incredible mishandling of Korea by timid Harry Truman and the fake Gulf of Tonkin incident staged by LBJ and his corrupt handling of Vietnam.

Iraq, Afghanistan...

"Ooooops...." (courtesy of Rick Perry, 2012 Republican presidential debate)
Every conflict in the bloody 20th century started during a democrat administration. The mainstream media has always been supportive of the democrat party and they made excuses for the lies Wilson told and the criminal negligence of the FDR administration as well as the incredible mishandling of Korea by timid Harry Truman and the fake Gulf of Tonkin incident staged by LBJ and his corrupt handling of Vietnam.

Iraq, Afghanistan...

We were attacked.

not so for the rest
well, in that case, given your age, I suppose you can be forgiven for not being able to recognize what a complete and utter clueless fuck-up GWB was...

What's your excuse for not recognizing the good he did for this country?

What good?

donated millions, if not billions to africa to fight aides and malaria
Lead the country through 9/11
tried to maintain clintons idiotic idea that everyone can get a house.
Every conflict in the bloody 20th century started during a democrat administration. The mainstream media has always been supportive of the democrat party and they made excuses for the lies Wilson told and the criminal negligence of the FDR administration as well as the incredible mishandling of Korea by timid Harry Truman and the fake Gulf of Tonkin incident staged by LBJ and his corrupt handling of Vietnam.

Iraq, Afghanistan...

"Ooooops...." (courtesy of Rick Perry, 2012 Republican presidential debate)

Iraq and Afghanistan happened in the 21st century. Bill Clinton told Americans that Iraq was developing WMD's while he was using American bombers to obliterate a tiny defenseless European country. In case you didn't know it, what's his name is still president and democrats seem paralyzed in Iraq and Afghanistan after they spent so much time undermining the mission. The sobering point is that Harry Truman lost 50,000 American Troops in (an illegal use of the Military) in Korea and managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in three years. FDR lost 6,000 Marines in a month on an island that we could have bypassed. The low information left seems confused about the century and the incredible casualties under democrat administration thanks to the union based education which doesn't even teach history anymore.
Every conflict in the bloody 20th century started during a democrat administration. The mainstream media has always been supportive of the democrat party and they made excuses for the lies Wilson told and the criminal negligence of the FDR administration as well as the incredible mishandling of Korea by timid Harry Truman and the fake Gulf of Tonkin incident staged by LBJ and his corrupt handling of Vietnam.

Iraq, Afghanistan...

We were attacked.

not so for the rest

Neither Iraq or Afghanistan attacked us.


About half way through my tour in Vietnam. Pissed off some, but much more politically aware.
Navy leaders were demoted when they recommended that the Fleet be based on the West Coast while war with Japan seemed imminent. COS Marshall had the (Magic) decoded message in his hands for hours before the attack at 8-AM on 12/7/41 but he failed to pick up the phone. His lame warning by Western Union telegram came too late. Meanwhile MacArthur failed to follow orders and his entire air-support was destroyed on the ground parked wing to wing. His entire Army was forced to surrender by April but he escaped. The first four months of WW2 was a lesson in criminal negligence but the media was placed under the administration's control so there was no criticism. Harry Truman did not ask for congressional authorization to send Troops to Korea. It was a presidential order and the conflict was his responsibility. Sadly he was too timid to confront his own general until it was too late and American Troops walked into the biggest ambush in history. Again there was little or no criticism in the media but thanks to Veterans Truman couldn't muster enough support to withstand a primary fight in his own party and withdrew from politics.
Reagan's amnesty.

Bush 2 going into Iraq.


Watergate would have probably done it had I been a tad older and paying attention...

watergate was nothing but one party trying to spy on the other party, Nixon's problem was that he lied about it and the media called him on the lie.

Obama and Clinton lied about Benghazi, healthcare, the IRS, the NSA---but the media will not call them on those lies because today's media is an arm of the dem party.

Until ALL of the media, not just FUX NEWS, becomes like the Goebbels propaganda machine, you will continue to whine and cry. Boo hoo! Whine and cry about Benghazi, and totally ignore the 6,000 American troops the cons killed with lies that Shrub told about yellow cake in Iraq. You're so low, you have to look up to a snail.
What's your excuse for not recognizing the good he did for this country?

What good?

donated millions, if not billions to africa to fight aides and malaria
Lead the country through 9/11
tried to maintain clintons idiotic idea that everyone can get a house.

What's your excuse for not recognizing the good he did for this country?

sorry... I simply don't have time to waste on folks who're obviously simplistic politically-driven dumb bulbs...

Eat excrement and expire expeditiously, please.

You were unaware of the sorry state of affairs that existed with regard to peace, prosperity, Human Rights, the subjugation of women and LGBT's, freedom and liberty around the world.

The UN was being rocked by news of it's officials being exposed as benefiting from the oil for food program,

Saddam was threatening to make SOME kind of move, take some kind of action which would destabilize the region,

internally committing outrageous genocidal acts against the Northern Iraq Kurds.

Getting in on the terrorist 'bandwagon'

encouraging Palestinian suicide bombers with $25,000 payments to the families of the bombers.

Shooting at Coalition military planes enforcing the No-Fly Zone.

Becoming enough of a threat (think, "loose cannon") in the region that if we did nothing to assure their safety the Israeli's might have had to intervene in it's own defense by launching a pre-emptive attack on Iraq and THAT could have EASILY escalated to ignite the ENTIRE Middle East. Or more!

We were feeling the effects of an oil shortage or a slowdown in refining and both Saddam and OBL were likely to act to put an even greater squeeze on the world's oil flows. One for profit and the other for Allah.

Saddam was positioning himself to become a real problem in the area and we would probably be forced to resolve the situation AFTER it had reached cataclysmic proportions. We'd have to be reactionary when that meant giving any potential mad man with WMDs a deciding advantage.

And we had few reasons to feel optimistic about any possible significant improvements.

Things were shitty worldwide for US and all of those directly affected by the various evil doers around the world.

Things didn't look to get much better any time soon.

In fact, we would be sure to be dragged in to try to remedy any and all of the world's messes. All at great cost in lives and fortune AND loss of respect globally.

W saved your grandchildren from having to put their asses on the line (at home or abroad) in greater numbers than they might have otherwise to fix the world's messes and in acceptance of the shitty hand we were left with.

All of that was going on AND MORE!

you were busy with your thumb up your ...nose or else you just couldn't give a shit about politics then.

So, which is it?

Are you just stupid or a Johnny Come Lately political dilettante?

We never had a truly calamitous oil shortage that resulted from Saddam or radical Islamists acts.

We never had a second 9/11 attack, which everyone surely expected in the days following 9/11.

We had no WMD attacks anywhere in the world.

W freed more than 12,000,000 Iraqis and brought them a taste of self determinism. A democracy they will always seek to exercise now. After having tasted it once they will never again settle for less. Liberty and democracy is introduced to different nations in different ways. Our founding fathers did it their way and we revere them for it. Well, George W. Bush may possibly be considered the father of liberty in Iraq some day.

W kept the Israelis from possibly starting a full-on Middle East regional war when he invaded Iraq. A war you WOULD have suffered from. Someone you know WOULD have died in that war if it had happened. Oil WOULD have shot up in price to more than $5 or $6 a gallon. World economies would have gone bonkers.

And if you say, "so what?" because you think oil is only good for gasoline. just look around you and realize virtually EVERYTHING you see is made totally, primarily or in part due to oil and lots of it!

It would have rocked ALL our worlds.

W prevented that.

And I haven't even Googled the subject!

You owe GWB a debt of gratitude you can't even imagine.

We ALL do!
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Reagan's amnesty.

Bush 2 going into Iraq.


Watergate would have probably done it had I been a tad older and paying attention...

watergate was nothing but one party trying to spy on the other party, Nixon's problem was that he lied about it and the media called him on the lie.

Obama and Clinton lied about Benghazi, healthcare, the IRS, the NSA---but the media will not call them on those lies because today's media is an arm of the dem party.

Until ALL of the media, not just FUX NEWS, becomes like the Goebbels propaganda machine, you will continue to whine and cry. Boo hoo! Whine and cry about Benghazi, and totally ignore the 6,000 American troops the cons killed with lies that Shrub told about yellow cake in Iraq. You're so low, you have to look up to a snail.

They weren't lies, dumbfuck. You do know they found tons of yellowcake in Iraq, don't you?
for me, it was LBJ's shit-for-brains acceleration of the Vietnam war...

'n also his dumb-ass "War On Poverty"...

You took the words right off my keyboard.

Then when the My Lai massacre story broke, that was it for me.

My Lai: Remembering an American Atrocity in Vietnam, March 1968 | LIFE.com

Makes me sick to this day.

I wonder how many people our age remember this? But the Vietnamese will never forget. Sort of how Americans will never forget 9/11.

They've already forgotten it. The Mai Lai massacre was trivial compared to the slaughter that ensued after the communists took over.
well, in that case, given your age, I suppose you can be forgiven for not being able to recognize what a complete and utter clueless fuck-up GWB was...

What's your excuse for not recognizing the good he did for this country?

Dude, you got to get off those drugs. There are only four past presidents in U.S. history that rank lower than Jr.. He destroyed all U.S. credibility and dignity, even with our allies, with that stupid Iraq war. He more than doubled the national debt, from $5.5 trillion to $12 trillion, and totally destroyed not only the U.S. economy, but also the global economy. And he did it with a republican congress. Giving any credit to a clown like Shrub, is like saying Hitler was good for Germany.

I realized this country was headed the wrong way when JFK was assassinated by a right wing conspiracy. He was killed because he was going to end the Vietnam War, and the industrial military complex was making too much money to let that happen. And worst of all they got away with it, with the help of the Warren commission. The right wing extremists have been fucking this country ever since....and blaming the liberals. The last three republican presidents added over $11 trillion to the national debt. Shrub Jr. left office with a $1.2 trillion annual deficit, and the cons blamed Obama before he even got in the White House. You have to be a complete moron to buy that. And because we have so many stupid cons, we get the dysfunctional congress that we have today. There's no cure for right wing stupidity.

You have so much misinformation and disinformation in your rant that one has to wonder whether you are just grossly misinformed, or a bad liar. Any conspiracy in the JFK assassination would have LBJ imprinted on it, and he was far from right wing. Nor, did JFK have any intention of ending the Vietnam War.

When George Bush entered office, the national public debt was $5.3 Trillion. When he left office, the national public debt was $10.8 Trillion. His last deficit included the $800 Billion bailout, which was almost totally paid back to the government. Consequently, George Bush left a $10 Trillion national public debt, and a deficit of $400 Billion.

Although you sheeple continue to look for some form of convoluted math to explain away the abject failures of your messiah, the facts speak for themselves. By the end of his second term Barrack Obama will have doubled the national public debt from $10 Trillion to $20 Trillion, outpacing all previous presidents. Meanwhile, all his hope and change, and all his stimulus spending has left us with an economy that is just dragging along.

But, you hang onto your hope, while the rest of us pray for change.
Reagan's amnesty.

Bush 2 going into Iraq.


Watergate would have probably done it had I been a tad older and paying attention...

watergate was nothing but one party trying to spy on the other party, Nixon's problem was that he lied about it and the media called him on the lie.

Obama and Clinton lied about Benghazi, healthcare, the IRS, the NSA---but the media will not call them on those lies because today's media is an arm of the dem party.

Until ALL of the media, not just FUX NEWS, becomes like the Goebbels propaganda machine, you will continue to whine and cry. Boo hoo! Whine and cry about Benghazi, and totally ignore the 6,000 American troops the cons killed with lies that Shrub told about yellow cake in Iraq. You're so low, you have to look up to a snail.

Here's something you should know.

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What's your excuse for not recognizing the good he did for this country?

Dude, you got to get off those drugs. There are only four past presidents in U.S. history that rank lower than Jr.. He destroyed all U.S. credibility and dignity, even with our allies, with that stupid Iraq war. He more than doubled the national debt, from $5.5 trillion to $12 trillion, and totally destroyed not only the U.S. economy, but also the global economy. And he did it with a republican congress. Giving any credit to a clown like Shrub, is like saying Hitler was good for Germany.

I realized this country was headed the wrong way when JFK was assassinated by a right wing conspiracy. He was killed because he was going to end the Vietnam War, and the industrial military complex was making too much money to let that happen. And worst of all they got away with it, with the help of the Warren commission. The right wing extremists have been fucking this country ever since....and blaming the liberals. The last three republican presidents added over $11 trillion to the national debt. Shrub Jr. left office with a $1.2 trillion annual deficit, and the cons blamed Obama before he even got in the White House. You have to be a complete moron to buy that. And because we have so many stupid cons, we get the dysfunctional congress that we have today. There's no cure for right wing stupidity.

You have so much misinformation and disinformation in your rant that one has to wonder whether you are just grossly misinformed, or a bad liar. Any conspiracy in the JFK assassination would have LBJ imprinted on it, and he was far from right wing. Nor, did JFK have any intention of ending the Vietnam War.

The official Vietnam policy of the United States of America the day President Kennedy died was to withdraw 1,000 troops by the end of 1963, and full withdrawal by the end of 1965.
Reagan's amnesty.

Bush 2 going into Iraq.


Watergate would have probably done it had I been a tad older and paying attention...

watergate was nothing but one party trying to spy on the other party, Nixon's problem was that he lied about it and the media called him on the lie.

Obama and Clinton lied about Benghazi, healthcare, the IRS, the NSA---but the media will not call them on those lies because today's media is an arm of the dem party.

Until ALL of the media, not just FUX NEWS, becomes like the Goebbels propaganda machine, you will continue to whine and cry. Boo hoo! Whine and cry about Benghazi, and totally ignore the 6,000 American troops the cons killed with lies that Shrub told about yellow cake in Iraq. You're so low, you have to look up to a snail.

Uh, yeah... NEWS FLASH!

ALL of the media, is like Fox News, just like the Goebbels propaganda machine, the just work for the left...

Fucking halfwit partisan hack...

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