When Did You First Get Pissed Off About Where Our Country's Leaders Were Leading Us?

Oh my the far left is strong with this one.

Dwight D. Eisenhower January 20, 1953 January 20, 1961 Republican

Then again what would one expect from a far left Obama drone.

The United States of America was founded on Liberal principals...

I continue to hear over and over the argument from the right that today's Liberals have changed; they no longer share the Liberal ideals of our founding fathers...WRONG...

And...I continue to hear over and over the argument from the right that the Republican Party HASN'T changed..WRONG...AGAIN...

Today's GOP was hijacked by the far right AND the far left.

The neoconservatives came from the far LEFT...yet they feel right at home with the far right theocrats...

There's an old saying..."Robins and Blue Jays don't nest together"

HERE is what the Republican Party USED to stand for...


So yes the far left pulls from a far left college. Go figure that.

So have Democrats always been for the government to control every aspect of a person life?

The neo-cons are foreign policy failed lefties that migrated into the GOP and allied with the reactionary social cons.
Yeah, I know all that, but to me Watergate marks a moment that signaled the decline of respect and trust the American people had for the President...

Vietnam did that before Watergate. However what Nixon did (which they have always done) pales in comparison to Obama.

Au contraire. We can keep Obama within bounds. Nixon was another matter.

That you don't like a democratic constitutional republic of which you are not in charge has only one answer: win elections.

And the far left propaganda continues with out question or hesitation.
for me, it was LBJ's shit-for-brains acceleration of the Vietnam war...

'n also his dumb-ass "War On Poverty"...

You realize the "war on poverty" pretty much ended with the Vietnam war.

Though, one could argue the mandatory draft was the best solution to some of the poverty.

Perhaps that's what need to do, stop fighting wars with drones, and just send unemployed people to the middle east.

Hell, if we could get the retired baby boomer to suit up and grab an m-16, then we'd really be in business.
The United States of America was founded on Liberal principals...

I continue to hear over and over the argument from the right that today's Liberals have changed; they no longer share the Liberal ideals of our founding fathers...WRONG...

And...I continue to hear over and over the argument from the right that the Republican Party HASN'T changed..WRONG...AGAIN...

Today's GOP was hijacked by the far right AND the far left.

The neoconservatives came from the far LEFT...yet they feel right at home with the far right theocrats...

There's an old saying..."Robins and Blue Jays don't nest together"

HERE is what the Republican Party USED to stand for...


So yes the far left pulls from a far left college. Go figure that.

So have Democrats always been for the government to control every aspect of a person life?

The neo-cons are foreign policy failed lefties that migrated into the GOP and allied with the reactionary social cons.

And the far left talking points continue to show that the far left is more interested in pushing their ideals on everyone else. Keep thumping that far left bible.
for me, it was LBJ's shit-for-brains acceleration of the Vietnam war...

'n also his dumb-ass "War On Poverty"...

You realize the "war on poverty" pretty much ended with the Vietnam war.

Though, one could argue the mandatory draft was the best solution to some of the poverty.

Perhaps that's what need to do, stop fighting wars with drones, and just send unemployed people to the middle east.

Hell, if we could get the retired baby boomer to suit up and grab an m-16, then we'd really be in business.

And the far left Taliban continues their propaganda by beating people over the head with their far left propaganda bibles.
well, in that case, given your age, I suppose you can be forgiven for not being able to recognize what a complete and utter clueless fuck-up GWB was...

What's your excuse for not recognizing the good he did for this country?

Dude, you got to get off those drugs. There are only four past presidents in U.S. history that rank lower than Jr.. He destroyed all U.S. credibility and dignity, even with our allies, with that stupid Iraq war. He more than doubled the national debt, from $5.5 trillion to $12 trillion, and totally destroyed not only the U.S. economy, but also the global economy. And he did it with a republican congress. Giving any credit to a clown like Shrub, is like saying Hitler was good for Germany.

I realized this country was headed the wrong way when JFK was assassinated by a right wing conspiracy. He was killed because he was going to end the Vietnam War, and the industrial military complex was making too much money to let that happen. And worst of all they got away with it, with the help of the Warren commission. The right wing extremists have been fucking this country ever since....and blaming the liberals. The last three republican presidents added over $11 trillion to the national debt. Shrub Jr. left office with a $1.2 trillion annual deficit, and the cons blamed Obama before he even got in the White House. You have to be a complete moron to buy that. And because we have so many stupid cons, we get the dysfunctional congress that we have today. There's no cure for right wing stupidity.

I'll just isolate one of your ignorant comments because, based on your entire post, I can tell one is barely all you are able to handle at a time.

and the cons blamed Obama before he even got in the White House. You have to be a complete moron to buy that.

If you had been paying attention to the electoral process before the 2008 election (Yeah, I know. Like, 'How could you have possibly done THAT with all the drinking you had to do,' mister high school drop out?) you might have gotten the idea of how and why the presidential candidates are vetted.

And if you were STILL sober you might have begun recognizing that Obama wasn't being thoroughly vetted the way all of the other candidates were.

How do I know this?

I was awake, sober, paying attention, interested, engaged in the process, because I love my country and wanted to make sure that at that crucial point in our history we were going to elect the best available person for the job.

And because I was all of those things I could tell that Obama was not being forthcoming about his past. There were (and still are) too many unanswered questions and too much of his revealed past that was under-publicized by a fawning press and a cultish personality influenced nation of ignorami, like yourself, who were all too excited about his skin color to bother even wanting to investigate him any further.

And even though you were ignorant and unconcerned and a drone you could have taken a look at the threads that were being posted by patriotic Americans just SCREAMING the warning signs about him.

So, yes. the Conservatives were alarmed that someone like Obama could actually slip past the usual and customary gatekeepers to gain access to our nation's highest office.

There he has deftly alternated between doing his duty, so as to allay criticism and avoid tipping his hand, to being incompetent, to acting against the best interests of this nation while stepping on the Constitution, breaking the law and buggering blindly and stupidly loyal fum ducks like yourself, along with millions of innocent, guiltless Americans along the way.

and the cons blamed Obama before he even got in the White House. You have to be a complete moron to buy that.

Of course Conservatives were all over him before he took office. We were afraid of what he'd do if he got in!

And we were absolutely right!

You are the moron.

And I'm feeling charitable when I say that.

No, you need to go out and panhandle some change and leave the difficult job of thinking to those who are better equipped for the job than yourself.

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When we started letting the Christian Right into the GOP.

Reagan saw that to win over a certain percentage of people who should be voting Democrat based on their best interests, the GOP had to appeal to their religious convictions - abortion became the new single-issue voter appeal. Then later stem cells, and now Gay marriage.

Obama was right about the people who cling to their bibles and guns. It doesn't matter how bad you screw them over, take away their factory jobs, ruin their towns, as long as you're not letting their 16yo daughter get an abortion or letting their gay son get married -- they will follow you to the gates of hell.

And that's exactly where the faux "Christianity" with its homophobia and anti-science is leading us, straight to hell.
for me, it was LBJ's shit-for-brains acceleration of the Vietnam war...

'n also his dumb-ass "War On Poverty"...

You realize the "war on poverty" pretty much ended with the Vietnam war.

Though, one could argue the mandatory draft was the best solution to some of the poverty.

Perhaps that's what need to do, stop fighting wars with drones, and just send unemployed people to the middle east.

Hell, if we could get the retired baby boomer to suit up and grab an m-16, then we'd really be in business.

And the far left Taliban continues their propaganda by beating people over the head with their far left propaganda bibles.

That makes no sense.

The far-right has more in common with the Taliban.

Every one knows that.
Yeah, I know all that, but to me Watergate marks a moment that signaled the decline of respect and trust the American people had for the President...

Vietnam did that before Watergate. However what Nixon did (which they have always done) pales in comparison to Obama.

Au contraire. We can keep Obama within bounds. Nixon was another matter.

That you don't like a democratic constitutional republic of which you are not in charge has only one answer: win elections.

This crimes and misdemeanors committed by Nixon were certainly bad enough to warrant his resignation, at least!

But Obama's sins against this country, against our Constitution, against our freedoms, against our laws, against the American people and against our way of life are shocking and outrageous and worthy of impeachment and imprisonment right now.

You have nothing under control except the sheeple who voted for this despotic usurper.
Unlike the republican right, I got pissed off "AFTER" our leaders started taking us there.
The United States of America was founded on Liberal principals...

I continue to hear over and over the argument from the right that today's Liberals have changed; they no longer share the Liberal ideals of our founding fathers...WRONG...

And...I continue to hear over and over the argument from the right that the Republican Party HASN'T changed..WRONG...AGAIN...

Today's GOP was hijacked by the far right AND the far left.

The neoconservatives came from the far LEFT...yet they feel right at home with the far right theocrats...

There's an old saying..."Robins and Blue Jays don't nest together"

HERE is what the Republican Party USED to stand for...


So yes the far left pulls from a far left college. Go figure that.

So have Democrats always been for the government to control every aspect of a person life?

The neo-cons are foreign policy failed lefties that migrated into the GOP and allied with the reactionary social cons.


Something from you that has a seed of validity.
I used to be a liberal. Then my son sat me down and told me how dangerous liberalism really was.
Now to make this as simple as can without involving simple minds of the left. Its when obama first made sounds of running for the White house. I knew from day one he was a America hater. Only after john kerry is he the worst traitor of the country. Enough said, anyone with half a brain knows the rest of the story.
LBJ didn't accelerate the Vietnam conflict. He created it and set the rules so that the US could win every battle and still lose the war. Just when it seemed that we had finally defeated every stinking commie after Tet and broke the back of the VC LBJ lost his nerve and threw in the towel. The left wing media made sure the low information public would blame Nixon.
for me, it was LBJ's shit-for-brains acceleration of the Vietnam war...

'n also his dumb-ass "War On Poverty"...


When clinton downsized the military. and by downsize, I mean he illegally had our enlistment contracts broken.
taking my age out of it and looking into history

It would start with Wilson getting us into WW1 so he could have his "New world order"
Every conflict in the bloody 20th century started during a democrat administration. The mainstream media has always been supportive of the democrat party and they made excuses for the lies Wilson told and the criminal negligence of the FDR administration as well as the incredible mishandling of Korea by timid Harry Truman and the fake Gulf of Tonkin incident staged by LBJ and his corrupt handling of Vietnam.
Every conflict in the bloody 20th century started during a democrat administration. The mainstream media has always been supportive of the democrat party and they made excuses for the lies Wilson told and the criminal negligence of the FDR administration as well as the incredible mishandling of Korea by timid Harry Truman and the fake Gulf of Tonkin incident staged by LBJ and his corrupt handling of Vietnam.

Iraq, Afghanistan...
Every conflict in the bloody 20th century started during a democrat administration. The mainstream media has always been supportive of the democrat party and they made excuses for the lies Wilson told and the criminal negligence of the FDR administration as well as the incredible mishandling of Korea by timid Harry Truman and the fake Gulf of Tonkin incident staged by LBJ and his corrupt handling of Vietnam.

Iraq, Afghanistan...

21st century minor conflicts compared to the lies and negligence that resulted in about half a million American deaths during the bloody 20th century. You can consider the media's support of Bill Clinton's little war against out former allies in Europe even after the first attempt on the World Trade Center and while the jihad was attending flight school in the US. At least we don't have all those pesky little Yugo cars rattling around these days.

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