When did you start hating Russia?

Ummm no.

Mueller and the GOP lead US Senate confirmed that Russia did hack the Democrats in 2016.

It wasn’t what costed Hillary the election; she ran a horrible campaign.
lol remember this?
Remember how it said they could hack anything, and leave malware that made it look like it came from somewhere else? The russian federation, specifically?
When Reagan told me too.

Why do conservatives hate Reagan so much?

It's the mark of a good and healthy person to hate evil. We reject the PC nonsense that all hating is wrong.
I really wonder when the conservatives started loving Russia so much. It came on about the same same time Trump did. Curious. LOL
When and why did you start hating Russia? Please be specific as to date and event.

I hated the Soviet Union for being a huge prison/reeducation camp, but I don't hate Russia. Everything Russia has done seems to have a rational
You mean government.

If not, what government do you trust?

the American internationalist fascist uniparty loves the Chinese totalitarianism, surveillance state, social credit score approach.
purpose, whether we like it or not.
as soon as Dems became the party of irrational forever war.
You comprehending what I wrote...now THAT would be impossible.

Lets not derail the thread okay guys.

Russia doesn’t act rationally. They are a kleptocracy that regularly interferes in other nations business--often using violence. In the case of the 2016 election, they hacked the DNC. This is proven fact. Not voting machines, not ballot devices....
we regularly interfere in other countries business all the time,, and now we are interfering in their business,,

so why is it OK we do it but not them??
Russia was an ally of the U.S. during WW2 and FDR referred to Stalin as "Uncle Joe". When the media turned on Russia after WW2 so did the public and the hatred persists today. Hatred for Russia is no big deal but I wonder about the expressed hatred for Israel these days.
You comprehending what I wrote...now THAT would be impossible.

Lets not derail the thread okay guys.

Russia doesn’t act rationally. They are a kleptocracy that regularly interferes in other nations business--often using violence. In the case of the 2016 election, they hacked the DNC. This is proven fact. Not voting machines, not ballot devices....

Even with that...

Democratic National Committee cyber attacks - Wikipedia

These intelligence organizations additionally concluded Russia hacked the Republican National Committee (R.N.C.) as well as the D.N.C., but chose not to leak information obtained from the R.N.C.[8]
we regularly interfere in other countries business all the time,, and now we are interfering in their business,,

so why is it OK we do it but not them??
We’re not a kleptocracy and in almost every case, we haven’t used unprovoked violence unless authorized by the international community.

Iraq being the major exception...
Russia was an ally of the U.S. during WW2 and FDR referred to Stalin as "Uncle Joe". When the media turned on Russia after WW2 so did the public and the hatred persists today. Hatred for Russia is no big deal but I wonder about the expressed hatred for Israel these days.
they were not an ally,, they were fighting the same people we were and both agreed to not shoot at each other,,
thats not an ally,,
Hey dems, remember this quote? "the 80's called, they want their foreign policy back"
They didnt mind russia then. But when the govt told the boot lickers to hate them, they did. Without one thought in their brain.

The left worshiped Russia and the Soviet Union for decades, nearly a century, in fact, until Hillary Clinton decided in 2016 that she could make a shitload of money starting a war with them.

The DemoKKKrats seem to think we've all forgotten how much they loved the USSR and Russia until very recently.
When and why did you start hating Russia? Please be specific as to date and event.

I hated the Soviet Union for being a huge prison/reeducation camp, but I don't hate Russia. Everything Russia has done seems to have a rational purpose, whether we like it or not.
The liberals started hating Russia when Putin banned LGBTQA++++++ parades in Moscow, refused to allow homosexuals to adopt children, proclaimed that there were only two genders, and refused to fly a rainbow flag over the Kremlin. American liberals also hate the fact that Russian women like getting married young, in their 20s, and having children. They often opt to be housewives, completely dedicated to raising children and serving the needs of the family and home. Cooking, laundry, vacuuming, changing diapers..all of that stuff that liberals, morbidly obese feminists with short hair, hate to do.
lol remember this?
Remember how it said they could hack anything, and leave malware that made it look like it came from somewhere else? The russian federation, specifically?
LOL of course the boot licking fascist, care4all, would find facts funny. After all, her and her fellow pedo supporters choose truth over facts. :rofl:

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