When did Zionism have anything to do with religion?

Non of what you stated contains an ounce of truth just false claims and hot air from someone who blabbers like a buffoon. As usual you have nothing.

He has history on his side, not made up junk. See that Golden Dome, that shows who have lived in Jerusalem. See that disgusting wailing wall, that is what is left from the extinct jews.

"Disgusting wailing wall"

What's disgusting about it ?

Don't mind her, toast. She's a rabid anti-Semite.

Ya I'm aware of that. She's Sherri version 2.0, but a lot more anti Semitic. I can picture the venom dripping from her fangs when she posts.
Sherri was great,kept you on your toes Toastie...what happened to her ??steve........anyhow I like Penny,she's feisty and you couldn't handle a woman like that but I could and would..just sayin...........anyhow,you Zionists like your women subservient,barefoot and pregnant.

Sherri suffered from premature detonation, and she's now one of the eternal virgins servicing a suicide bomber 24/7.

I don't think you're stupid, I just think you're very unlucky when it comes to thinking. Ha ha ha.
He has history on his side, not made up junk. See that Golden Dome, that shows who have lived in Jerusalem. See that disgusting wailing wall, that is what is left from the extinct jews.

"Disgusting wailing wall"

What's disgusting about it ?

Don't mind her, toast. She's a rabid anti-Semite.

Ya I'm aware of that. She's Sherri version 2.0, but a lot more anti Semitic. I can picture the venom dripping from her fangs when she posts.
Sherri was great,kept you on your toes Toastie...what happened to her ??steve........anyhow I like Penny,she's feisty and you couldn't handle a woman like that but I could and would..just sayin...........anyhow,you Zionists like your women subservient,barefoot and pregnant.

Of course you like Sherri and Penelope, you are just as demented as they are. Penelope was just saying how Mossad was responsible for the Paris attacks because a passport was left behind.
Hold on Toastie,I never said I anything about Mossad........well you may think I'm demented but I think I'm pretty normal....LOL..anyhow I like to tease you a bit
He has history on his side, not made up junk. See that Golden Dome, that shows who have lived in Jerusalem. See that disgusting wailing wall, that is what is left from the extinct jews.

"Disgusting wailing wall"

What's disgusting about it ?

Shows you just how much those jews cared about the so called temple, which before Herod was probably just a hut.:rolleyes:

Do Muslims pointing their butts to the Dome of Crock five times a day show how much they care about it? Ask your Palestinian Moooslem boyfriend and get back to us. Read...aim...fire!

See if you read a bit more Roudy,you would know like me,that these worshippers would be facing Mecca,alas these pic's have driven you to more (disrespectful) TOILET HUMOUR,which really in this instant AIN'T THAT FUNNY.....steve ..But (excuse the Pun)...great couple of pic's all the same
Duh! I already know that. But still not much of a holy site if they're pointing their asses to it and farting at it. Ha ha ha.
Be Nice now Roudy..steve
He has history on his side, not made up junk. See that Golden Dome, that shows who have lived in Jerusalem. See that disgusting wailing wall, that is what is left from the extinct jews.

"Disgusting wailing wall"

What's disgusting about it ?

Don't mind her, toast. She's a rabid anti-Semite.

Ya I'm aware of that. She's Sherri version 2.0, but a lot more anti Semitic. I can picture the venom dripping from her fangs when she posts.
Sherri was great,kept you on your toes Toastie...what happened to her ??steve........anyhow I like Penny,she's feisty and you couldn't handle a woman like that but I could and would..just sayin...........anyhow,you Zionists like your women subservient,barefoot and pregnant.

Sherri suffered from premature detonation, and she's now one of the eternal virgins servicing a suicide bomber 24/7.

I don't think you're stupid, I just think you're very unlucky when it comes to thinking. Ha ha ha.
You never cease to amaze me Roudy........Now that WAS bloody funny..LOL steve
Damn! Now I can see why Steve has the hots for Penny. Did they hook up on MuslimMingle.com?

High school sweethearts. They met on the bus:
View attachment 41599
That's a BUS!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry Guys, my dick is longer than that BUS...LOL
...anyhow I like Penny,she's feisty and you couldn't handle a woman like that but I could and would..just sayin....

OK, Princess ... have at her:

Promises,Promises..........trouble is it's a Bloke..........I ain't a poo pusher...steve
Damn! Now I can see why Steve has the hots for Penny. Did they hook up on MuslimMingle.com?

High school sweethearts. They met on the bus:
View attachment 41599
That's a BUS!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry Guys, my dick is longer than that BUS...LOL...now I know you are fibbing..steve

Acting like a dick won't make yours any bigger. What happened? Did you wish for a big dick and become one instead?
Damn! Now I can see why Steve has the hots for Penny. Did they hook up on MuslimMingle.com?

High school sweethearts. They met on the bus:
View attachment 41599
That's a BUS!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry Guys, my dick is longer than that BUS...LOL...now I know you are fibbing..steve

Acting like a dick won't make yours any bigger. What happened? Did you wish for a big dick and become one instead?
Very Funny Roudy........you know I admire your Wit these days......Liq the Dick.....has a nice ring about it......thedick LOL
There were no Jews in the OT, how about that.

The English word "Jew" did not exist before the Talmud was written.

There were Monotheists in Palestine who practices circumcision, but Herodotus did not know that they were Jews.

Circumcision was also adopted by some Semitic peoples living in or around Egypt. Herodotus reported that circumcision is only practiced by the Egyptians, Colchians, Ethiopians, Phoenicians, the 'Syrians of Palestine', and "the Syrians who dwell about the rivers Thermodon and Parthenius, as well as their neighbours the Macronians and Macrones". He also reports, however, that "the Phoenicians, when they come to have commerce with the Greeks, cease to follow the Egyptians in this custom, and allow their children to remain uncircumcised."[18]

( Herodotus. The History of Herodotus. ISBN 1-4165-1697-2.)

History of male circumcision - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Herodotus lived in the 5th century BCE, and he did not know anything about Jews.
He knew that there were Syrians in Palestine who practised circumcision, but he did not call them Jews.


There were no Jews in the 5th century BCE, the "Jewish history" was invented by crazy Monotheists who lived outside of Palestine after Romans expelled them from this Roman province.

Greek name for the land of the Aegean sea people, You do understand that Thermodon and Parthenius are in Turkey.

Understand what you quote.

Maybe you should read the quote more carefully yourself, allow me,

"Circumcision was also adopted by some Semitic peoples living in or around Egypt. Herodotus reported that circumcision is only practiced by the Egyptians, Colchians, Ethiopians, Phoenicians, the 'Syrians of Palestine', and "the Syrians who dwell about the rivers Thermodon and Parthenius, as well as their neighbours the Macronians and Macrones".

The Wikipedia article is basically saying that according to Herodotus there were Syrian/Syriac cultural enclaves on the Black sea coast of Anatolia, get it now?

Herodotus? Pfffffft!

The reliability of Herodotus is criticized when writing about Egypt. Alan B. Lloyd argues that as a historical document, the writings of Herodotus are seriously defective, and that he was working from "inadequate sources". Nielsen writes that: "Though we cannot entirely rule out the possibility of Herodotus having been in Egypt, it must be said that his narrative bears little witness to it." German historian Detlev Fehling questions whether Herodotus ever traveled up the Nile River, and considers almost everything he says about Egypt and Ethiopia doubtful.
About the claim of Herodotus that the Pharaoh Sesostris campaigned in Europe, and that he left a colony in Colchia, Fehling states that "there is not the slightest bit of history behind the whole story"

Rude-Eeee? Pfffffft!

Although The Histories were sometimes criticized in antiquity, modern historians and philosophers take a more positive view of Herodotus's methodology, especially those searching for a paradigm of objective historical writing. A few modern scholars have argued that Herodotus exaggerated the extent of his travels and invented his sources[91] yet his reputation continues largely intact: "The Father of History is also the father of comparative anthropology",[16] "the father of ethnography", and he is "more modern than any other ancient historian in his approach to the ideal of total history".

from Rude-Eeee's citation, Herodotus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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Besides, it's just semantics. Hebrew, Israelite and Jewish all mean the same thing.

No, of course not!

There was a split in the original Monotheism, the biggest part of ancient Monotheists became Christians.

A small part (the ideological followers of Pharisees) were kicked out of Palestine by Romans, and they invented the Talmud (speak Talmudic Judaism).

Jews are not older than Talmudic Judaism, and Judaism is younger, than Christianity.

Can you get my drift?

What to Hebrews - they disappeared even before Jesus was born.

Hebrew was already a dead language at the time of Jesus Christ.

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