When do you think Northam will resign as VA's Governor?

How long will it be before Northam resigns?

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The only reason why they are excited about this has nothing to do with what Ralph did as a college boy 35 years ago. It has to do with the fact that the lieutenant governor in Virginia is a hardcore Marxist and they would love to have him in office.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo………….today the news is saying that the black Lt. Gov. (Lt. Gov.'s are ALWAYS black or crippled or women or some combination thereof) is now being accused of sexual crime, 2004, one woman. This is from a rightwing Internet site, all of it.

I think there is a coup d'état going on in Virginia. Destroy the Gov., destroy the Lt. Gov. Then what? What do they do after that, have a special election and elect two Republicans? Darn. I'm on the right, but I don't like this stuff.

You know, this kind of thing seriously robs the voters. Virginia voters are being disenfranchised by a mystery website with really good research skills..... I want all this to stop. It's crazy.
The only reason why they are excited about this has nothing to do with what Ralph did as a college boy 35 years ago. It has to do with the fact that the lieutenant governor in Virginia is a hardcore Marxist and they would love to have him in office.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo………….today the news is saying that the black Lt. Gov. (Lt. Gov.'s are ALWAYS black or crippled or women or some combination thereof) is now being accused of sexual crime, 2004, one woman. This is from a rightwing Internet site, all of it.

I think there is a coup d'état going on in Virginia. Destroy the Gov., destroy the Lt. Gov. Then what? What do they do after that, have a special election and elect two Republicans? Darn. I'm on the right, but I don't like this stuff.

You know, this kind of thing seriously robs the voters. Virginia voters are being disenfranchised by a mystery website with really good research skills..... I want all this to stop. It's crazy.

This is 2019, and you better be prepared for this kind of attack if you are going to be in politics. President Trump has had to deal with this kind of thing ever since he took his historic ride down the escalator.

I don't know if Virginia Republicans targeted Fairfax after Northam got in trouble, but Mr. Fairfax should have thought about this before the 2004 convention. Had Fairfax obeyed the Mike Pence rule, he wouldn't be in this trouble.

I feel as MJ was going White. LOL!
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I dont give a shit about it. Dude is a nut regardless.
But knowing snowflakes, he will probably have to.

he is a murderer...he approves of infanticide! <<<<<<< that is Number One.....monster

and this ....won't help him a bit either....:mad:

I dont give a shit about it. Dude is a nut regardless.
But knowing snowflakes, he will probably have to.

he is a murderer...he approves of infanticide! <<<<<<< that is Number One.....monster

and this ....won't help him a bit either....:mad:


So? The LT.Gov feels the same. Pro-Choice, and same-sex boom boom is all good married.
I don't know if Virginia Republicans targeted Fairfax after Northam got in trouble, but Mr. Fairfax should have thought about this before the 2004 convention. Had Fairfax obeyed the Mike Pence rule, he wouldn't be in this trouble.

One women, 2004 accusation (that's 15 years ago!!). She didn't make the charge stick.

When it's 10 women, you KNOW the worthless rapist really did it all --- but when you have one unproveable and no-evidence he-said/she-said, that's nothing to throw out an elected official on. I'm on the Right, but if they do it to the Left, they'll sure do it to the rightwing pols, as well.

I suspect the Dems are sacrificing one of their own so they can justify sacrificing ALLLLLL the GOP elected officials.
He should resign when black rappers stop being racial towards whites
Black rappers and white and black comedians tell racist jokes and everyone laughs. No, he should not resign because of something he did years ago.
Iconic Shakespearean actor Laurence Olivier appeared in the 1965 film adaptation of "Othello" in full blackface. Burt Lancaster in the 1954 film "Apache." The blue eyed, pale skinned New Yorker was painted brown in order to play an Apache warrior. 25 Times White Actors Played People Of Color And No One Really Gave A S**t
Think blackface and yellowface are a thing of the past? Get ready to cringe.
25 Times White Actors Played People Of Color And No One Really Gave A S**t | HuffPost
Leave it to huffington propaganda post to rationalize racism when the racist charge works against one of their democrats.
Hypocrittington post.
I think the pic proves youthful bad judgement, not ideological racism.
I am a person of color and I agree. As a child whom of you ever played cowboy and Indians?
I don't know if Virginia Republicans targeted Fairfax after Northam got in trouble, but Mr. Fairfax should have thought about this before the 2004 convention. Had Fairfax obeyed the Mike Pence rule, he wouldn't be in this trouble.

One women, 2004 accusation (that's 15 years ago!!). She didn't make the charge stick.

When it's 10 women, you KNOW the worthless rapist really did it all --- but when you have one unproveable and no-evidence he-said/she-said, that's nothing to throw out an elected official on. I'm on the Right, but if they do it to the Left, they'll sure do it to the rightwing pols, as well.

I suspect the Dems are sacrificing one of their own so they can justify sacrificing ALLLLLL the GOP elected officials.
One unsubstantiated charge was enough for democrat hypocrites to cause an uprising over Kavanaugh.
One unsubstantiated charge was enough for democrat hypocrites to cause an uprising over Kavanaugh.

Huh. That's exactly what my husband said. Okay, you're both right.

It's not about making any kind of sense at all. It's about using the @MeToo movement to destroy political enemies, as quickly as possible.
The only reason why they are excited about this has nothing to do with what Ralph did as a college boy 35 years ago. It has to do with the fact that the lieutenant governor in Virginia is a hardcore Marxist and they would love to have him in office.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo………….today the news is saying that the black Lt. Gov. (Lt. Gov.'s are ALWAYS black or crippled or women or some combination thereof) is now being accused of sexual crime, 2004, one woman. This is from a rightwing Internet site, all of it.

I think there is a coup d'état going on in Virginia. Destroy the Gov., destroy the Lt. Gov. Then what? What do they do after that, have a special election and elect two Republicans? Darn. I'm on the right, but I don't like this stuff.

You know, this kind of thing seriously robs the voters. Virginia voters are being disenfranchised by a mystery website with really good research skills..... I want all this to stop. It's crazy.

It's not going to stop until candidates simply lay out everything they've done and say, "yeah, what of it?"
I don't know if Virginia Republicans targeted Fairfax after Northam got in trouble, but Mr. Fairfax should have thought about this before the 2004 convention. Had Fairfax obeyed the Mike Pence rule, he wouldn't be in this trouble.

One women, 2004 accusation (that's 15 years ago!!). She didn't make the charge stick.

When it's 10 women, you KNOW the worthless rapist really did it all --- but when you have one unproveable and no-evidence he-said/she-said, that's nothing to throw out an elected official on. I'm on the Right, but if they do it to the Left, they'll sure do it to the rightwing pols, as well.

I suspect the Dems are sacrificing one of their own so they can justify sacrificing ALLLLLL the GOP elected officials.
One unsubstantiated charge was enough for democrat hypocrites to cause an uprising over Kavanaugh.

True, but totally for tat doesn't solve anything. There are plenty of reasons he should go, but this accusation, as it stands now, is not one of them.
It's not going to stop until candidates simply lay out everything they've done and say, "yeah, what of it?"

That's it, exactly it. There's a terrible double standard going on. Blacks and white leftists want to pretend felons are rehabilitated enough to vote---because there are so many felons in the black community that leftists want their votes. But white guys can't be young and stupid and EVER be rehabilitated, even though appearing in a photo in costume (either disguise) is not illegal. People need to STOP APOLOGIZING for their past: as Disraeli said, no apologies, no explanations. If you ever apologize, then the left has permission to destroy you.

The thing is, apologies never work. They are supposed to get the apologizer forgiveness, but it's treated as admission of a crime, and then they can be destroyed totally. So never, never apologize. Never explain. Never shift onto the back foot. The left is constantly trying to backfoot everyone. I don't know why they are working so hard to backfoot both the Gov. and Lt. Gov. of Virginia, but if they succeed, they'll use it to find compromising photos, evidence, against every GOP figure, to try to take back power.

Never admit they are right to complain in the first place, and then they can't use this route to disgrace everybody and take back power.
but there are two standards

What you are failing to consider is the fact that the problem with Northam is that he was playing Halloween when he wore the official sheets of the Triple K. If the gentleman was an actual Leader of the Klan, he would be appointed as Senate Majority Leader like Robert C. Byrd or perhaps secure a job as a News Contributor with CNN like Dave Duke did.
I am a person of color and I agree. As a child whom of you ever played cowboy and Indians?
I am also a person of color (all colors), and I did play cowboys and immune with GUNS and our toy bows and arrows.

Sure, cowboys and Indians with those great cap guns! Remember cap guns, with the rolls of caps so you could shoot dozens, just like in the movies? And pound caps on rocks, too. Bang! Cowboys had the cap guns and Indians had those toy boys with the rubber suck-on tips.

All the Indians in the movies were whites darkened with makeup, remember? And the worst thing was, they rode horses with SADDLES under the blankets thrown across to pretend they were riding bareback. They couldn't ride worth anything compared with us, sitting perfectly still on the ponys' backs while they galloped under us ---- riding like Indians. That was a compliment.

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