When do you think Northam will resign as VA's Governor?

How long will it be before Northam resigns?

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  • by end of June

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He should resign when black rappers stop being racial towards whites
Black rappers and white and black comedians tell racist jokes and everyone laughs. No, he should not resign because of something he did years ago.
Iconic Shakespearean actor Laurence Olivier appeared in the 1965 film adaptation of "Othello" in full blackface. Burt Lancaster in the 1954 film "Apache." The blue eyed, pale skinned New Yorker was painted brown in order to play an Apache warrior. 25 Times White Actors Played People Of Color And No One Really Gave A S**t
Think blackface and yellowface are a thing of the past? Get ready to cringe.
25 Times White Actors Played People Of Color And No One Really Gave A S**t | HuffPost
Someone is playing the Senate hearings card. No its not fair in the Senate and it is not fair in the House.
I dont give a shit about it. Dude is a nut regardless.
But knowing snowflakes, he will probably have to.
I am interested in what the expectations actually are here.
He should resign for being stupid. Why would anyone wear blackface dressed up as Michael Jackson?!

Why not? It was a dance contest. He dressed up and made up as Michael Jackson, 35 years ago. Why not?
If that awful black guy on Broadway can play Alexander Hamilton, who is NOT complimented by being played by a black, be played by a black nevertheless, why can't we whites pretend to be blacks in costume? Huh? Is there something so incredibly wrong about being black that no one can do that at all, but it's okay for blacks to pretend to be white in Shakespeare plays, that Hamilton musical, and so on?

Sick, sick, sick. It's not a problem. I'm no fan of Dem governors, but it so doesn't matter how he dressed up in a costume 35 years ago.
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He should resign when black rappers stop being racial towards whites
Black rappers and white and black comedians tell racist jokes and everyone laughs. No, he should not resign because of something he did years ago.
Iconic Shakespearean actor Laurence Olivier appeared in the 1965 film adaptation of "Othello" in full blackface. Burt Lancaster in the 1954 film "Apache." The blue eyed, pale skinned New Yorker was painted brown in order to play an Apache warrior. 25 Times White Actors Played People Of Color And No One Really Gave A S**t
Think blackface and yellowface are a thing of the past? Get ready to cringe.
25 Times White Actors Played People Of Color And No One Really Gave A S**t | HuffPost

Yeah......until Laurence Fishburne played Othello, blacks had NEVER payed Othello. But it really is a black part; the only one in Shakespeare. Trying to pretend it's okay to put blacks in characters they were never intended for is just wrong -- Kenneth Branaugh is always doing that, and it always turns out just a total mess, as in his staging of "As You Like It," His "Much Ado About Nothing" worked better despite a single black in it --- because the black played the half-brother of a ruling duke, and that sort of made sense: maybe he had had a black concubine, from a Mediterranean country. A concubine was, in fact, implied. The two half-brothers were quarreling, of course, and close to war.
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (R) will resign tomorrow.

Well, he's a fool if he does. SOMEONE has to lead the parade back to sanity: no, I'm not resigning for anything you've searched for on the Internet to destroy me. This is crazy. This is disenfranchising the voters.
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (R) will resign tomorrow.

Well, he's a fool if he does. SOMEONE has to lead the parade back to sanity: no, I'm not resigning for anything you've searched for on the Internet to destroy me. This is crazy. This is disenfranchising the voters.
He can call for infanticide but black face 35 years ago?
Lynch him!
He can call for infanticide but black face 35 years ago?
Lynch him!

True.....he does seem a little......careless about what he says.

AAArrrrrgh, Virginia probably deserves him. Last time they had Hillary Clinton's running mate! Virginia just can't pick 'em.
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I am interested in what the expectations actually are here.
I think he's going to try and ride it out the SOTU speech is Tuesday that will take over the news cycle and knock him out of the headlines and he will be forgotten as long as he doesn't say anything else stupid. Also as I understand it Governors of Virginia only serve one term and he will be out in 2020 anyway so he might figure why step down given that.
He should resign when black rappers stop being racial towards whites
Black rappers and white and black comedians tell racist jokes and everyone laughs. No, he should not resign because of something he did years ago.
Iconic Shakespearean actor Laurence Olivier appeared in the 1965 film adaptation of "Othello" in full blackface. Burt Lancaster in the 1954 film "Apache." The blue eyed, pale skinned New Yorker was painted brown in order to play an Apache warrior. 25 Times White Actors Played People Of Color And No One Really Gave A S**t
Think blackface and yellowface are a thing of the past? Get ready to cringe.
25 Times White Actors Played People Of Color And No One Really Gave A S**t | HuffPost
Leave it to huffington propaganda post to rationalize racism when the racist charge works against one of their democrats.
Hypocrittington post.
I think the pic proves youthful bad judgement, not ideological racism.
I think the pic proves youthful bad judgement, not ideological racism.

It proves to me that the whole point of improved human communication (the Internet) is to research ways to destroy people with power they have but you want.
Wednesday this week after watching MTP yesterday. They're calling for his head on a platter.

That guy has no friends whatsoever.
Gov. Northam should have come forward with these pictures BEFORE the election. Then the libs would be rolling all over themselves excusing his behavior.

The only reason why they are excited about this has nothing to do with what Ralph did as a college boy 35 years ago. It has to do with the fact that the lieutenant governor in Virginia is a hardcore Marxist and they would love to have him in office.
Like most Dems, he is addicted to power and ..is shameless. A very strong combination.
And, since no crime was committed, under Virginia's state constitution, they cannot impeach him.
So, like an oozing abscess, he'll stick around unless he is given a covert monetary offer to resign that he cannot refuse.

He'll resign when his party decides him sticking around will cost them the governorship.

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